𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭
Charlotte leans against the wall beside the O.R. board as she flips through the small, white index cards. April fills surgeons names into the blank rectangles on the board as she awaits the next question.
"Ooh," Charlotte grins mischievously. "Sixty-five-year-old woman enters the E.R. in shock. Presents with a pulsatile, expanding abdominal mass," Charlotte walks in front of the whiteboard, from the right side to the left. "Go."
"Ruptured triple-A," April walks towards the board and writes a name in an empty spot. "I would take the patient straight to the O.R. and access the peritoneal cavity through a vertical midline incision."
"Hm," Charlotte nods with approval.
"You guys studying for the oral boards in the middle of the day?" Meredith asks as she approaches both women, dressed in her scrub cap and gown.
"Just another benefit of having a study buddy," April brags. "You should get one."
"I have one," Meredith shot back. "It's just that my stupid study buddy's too busy trying to save her stupid marriage to actually help me study."
"You know what's better than a study buddy? A study lackey. Check it," Alex appears beside Charlotte. He tilts his head up and whistles at an intern—a pregnant intern. "Brown-haired girl, you're up."
She hurries towards Alex, pulling the cards, that were hidden in her lab coat pocket, out. "Uh, trauma incident or a surgical situation?"
"You made your interns come up with study questions?" April furrowed her brows with disapproval.
"Surprise me," Alex rolled his eyes at the redhead as the intern wet her bottom lip.
"A twelve-year-old boy fell off his bike, complains of progressive abdominal pain and is short of breath. Breath sounds cloudy.." The interns voice fades out as she and Alex leave the group of residents.
Charlotte's phone rings as she was about to ask another question. April immediately looks over at the brunette, holding back a smile. She knows no one else with the same obnoxious ringtone.
"What is it?" April asked cautiously.
Charlotte glances down at her phone, "Uh, I'm not entirely sure," She chuckles and looks up at Meredith—who immediately gets it.
"Really?" Meredith smiled.
Charlotte just nods and the two take off down the hallway, until they reach the lobby.
"O.. kay," April watches Charlotte speed walks—almost runs—down the hall to an unknown destination.
Holy shit.
Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes.
Her baby sister. Anastasia freaking Brown was in the waiting room, waiting for her big sister. She actually drove the hour or two drive it was from her town to Charlottes.
They'd been joking about it for days, but she didn't think she'd actually drive. She didn't think Ana had patients for all the assholes on the road.
"Surprise!" Ana threw her arms up.
"Oh my gosh, Ana!" Meredith goes in for a hug.
"Meredith!" Ana hugged Meredith, almost knocking her to the ground.
"Woah, mini Charlotte," Meredith hugged her back immediately. "How's my favorite brunette?"
"Amazing," Ana throws her head back. "We'll talk about it all later!"
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just call my sister your favorite brunette," Charlotte rolled her eyes, and lifts her arms into the air, inviting her sister in. "No hug for me?"
"Oh, I must not have seen you there," Ana joked, throwing herself into her sister just as forcefully as she had to Meredith. "You're looking kind of rough."
"Mhm," Charlotte purses her lips.
"So," Ana's lips tug upwards as she and Charlotte let go of each other. "Where is she?"
"Who, April?" Meredith looped her arm through Ana's, the two walking forward.
"So that's her name," Ana tilts her head back towards her sister—who was walking behind them—and raises her eyebrows in a joking manor. "Lotty talks about her like she's in love with her, but she just wouldn't tell me her name!"
"Well, it's April Kepner, and I'll even point her out to you," Meredith winks.
"And then I'll choke you," Charlotte whispers from behind.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," Meredith looks back at Charlotte before leading both Brown siblings to the cafeteria.
Ana buts in, "Okay, let's not do that here."
"Your wish is my command," Charlotte said, but she's distracted by the redhead whom was currently standing in line for pizza.
"Is that her?" Ana whispered towards Meredith.
"Yep," The dirty blonde haired resident nodded.
"She's so pretty!" Ana gives a wide smile.
"She and your sister have at least twenty movie nights a week," Meredith shakes her head.
"Why haven't you let me talk to her on the phone before?" Ana shoots an accusing look at Charlotte.
"And this is where I leave," Charlotte pointed to in the direction they'd entered in.
Ana frowned as she watched her sister exit the cafeteria.
"What kind of trouble did you cause today?" Charlotte put her arm around Ana's shoulders as she walked her sister out of the hospital.
Ana knew what she was getting at. She wanted to know if she'd talked or interacted with April— or even looked her way.
"Relax," Ana playfully pushed her sister. "I didn't tell her that you pick your boogers."
Charlotte snorts, "Oh, gee. Thanks."
"But seriously, I didn't tell her anything. Because I didn't even talk to her," Ana presses her lips together and shrugs.
"That's weird for you," Charlotte looked at Ana skeptically.
"You wanna talk weird?" Ana drew her brows in and juts her chin out at her sister, nodding. "You. All day."
"What?" Charlotte paused, slightly taken aback by her sister's honesty. The only thing she disliked about Ana. "I'm always like this."
"The last time I saw you, you were literally talking shit—"
"—on every single person here," Ana sighs.
"We haven't seen each other in person in like, two years," Charlotte looked at her sister sadly.
But Charlotte knows she's serious because Ana didn't even roll her eyes at her when Charlotte scolded her for swearing.
"Lotty," Ana gave her big sister a soft smile. "Are you okay?"
Charlotte pushes her little sister playfully, "Yes, don't make this depressing. I'm okay. I just.. I think.. I might.. have a crush."
Ana stands straight, her soft smile immediately turning into a beaming and giddy one.
"It's stupid," Charlotte shook her head. "Like I told you, she's straight."
Ana just looks at her sister. She hadn't liked anyone since Brooklyn, nor had she dated since her.
"Nothing," Ana shook her head, trying not to jump up and down with excitement.
"She's a virgin."
"Okay?" Ana shook her head like that wasn't important at all.
"Her virginity is important to her," Charlotte said with a serious face. "And did I mention she's straight?"
"Uh, only once," Ana said humorously.
"Fuck off," Charlotte snapped with a joking tone.
"That is the Charlotte I know!" Ana nods in approval.
Charlotte puts her arm around her sister, and the two walk out.
guys were literally almost
at the end of act one. i am
so scared.
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