𝐯𝐢. 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐬
April was sitting in Sam's room, checking his heart as he sleeps, when Jason spoke up, "Can I ask you something?" He pauses, "Um, just about his recovery, specifically the, like, bathroom part?" He asked awkwardly.
April looked up at him, and took the stethoscope out of her ears.
The pair walk around the bed, stopping at the front of the hospital bed.
"Will I need to be in there with him?" Jason asks the red head. "Because my mom was there for his other surgeries, and.."
"Right," April nods understandingly.
Charlotte stands at the nurses station—unknown by the pair.
"I'll do it. I'll totally do whatever he needs. I just want to be prepared, you know, cause..he'll be embarrassed and I'll.." Jason sighs, "Well, neither of us is gonna like it."
"Yeah, there, um, there are a couple of possible outcomes. And it all just sort of depends on what Dr. Karev finds during surgery. So I'll just— I'll have him come and— and talk you through them, okay?" She asks sweetly.
How could people treat her so rudely? Charlotte thought. She's so kind.
"Is that guy cool? He seems a little.. douchey," Jason shrugs.
April chuckles and looks down, "He's good, very good." She looks back up at the man. "He can be a little douchey.. but he's a good guy, and a very good surgeon."
Jason looks to his father, "Thanks."
April smiles and nods as Jason goes back to sit beside his father.
April glances up, now noticing Charlotte. April smiles at Charlotte and Charlotte smiles back, closing the chart of her patient and places it back in the rack.
Charlotte waves, walking off to meet Alex in the room he was currently stationed in.
"I need your pig," Cristina jogs into the room.
"Okay, I think that was the weirdest thing said to me today," Charlotte points to Cristina.
"I have to remember how to do an open appendectomy," Cristina defends herself.
"No," Alex shuts down her request. "Does a pig even have an appendix?"
Cristina appears on the other side of Alex, "Um, let's find out."
"Who wants an aneurysm?" Meredith asks appearing in the doorway.
"I'm about to have one. I have to do an appy," Cristina complains.
"On a pig?" Meredith asks, furrowing her brows. "Does a pig even have one?"
"On a person," Cristina corrects her. "I haven't even thought about one in.. three years?"
"Oh, well, come on. Who wants to trade? I'll do anything," Meredith pleads.
"Anything?" Charlotte asks, chuckling.
"Unh-unh. Clipping those things is like defusing a bomb. One wrong move, and it explodes," Alex says, the same time as Charlotte.
"Well, I'm worried about Derek exploding," Meredith looks at the three.
"Can I have your pig?" Jackson asks, pointing to the pig laying on the table.
"No!" Charlotte says so Alex doesn't loose focus.
"How about just the head, huh?" Jackson smiles at the brunette.
She rolls her eyes in return.
"Want to clip an aneurysm?" Meredith asks him.
Jackson scoffs, "Good luck, MacGyver."
"Oh, there you are," April walks in, being the last one to arrive. "Alex—"
"Does a pig have an appendix?" All but Jackson ask.
"I don't know," April throws her hands up in defense.
"I thought you were teaching my skills lab," Cristina narrows her eyes at April.
"I am," April points to the door. "I just left them to practice whipstitches. Alex—"
"Stop," Alex says calmly. "Turn out the lights. Close the door."
April mocks him, but closes the door anyways, followed by Cristina reaching up to shut the overhead light off—since she was closest.
"Check this out," Alex tells the group. He flicks the blacklight on. "Injected fluorescent dye—it makes an viable part of the bowel glow."
"Nice," Jackson watches in awe as the blacklight turns the pigs bowels bright yellow.
"Yeah, in high school, I had a Metallica poster just like this," Alex reminisces.
"You might win the bet," Meredith nods.
"Yeah, with a color-coded colon," Cristina says, jealous.
"No kidding."
"I have a bomb to defuse," Meredith says, ending the moment between the six residents.
"This is crazy," Cristina shakes her head. "I gotta find a book or a skills l— oh, skills lab."
"I gotta get some instruments," Jackson says as Cristina runs out. "I'm just gonna use the head, all right?"
"Will you take to Jason Kenton? He has some questions—" April starts, but is soon cut off by Alex.
"I'm busy."
"Turning a pig into a lava lamp?" April asks sarcastically. "My patient—"
"Not my job. You talk to him."
"I'll do it April. Since Alex is too busy," Charlotte says, in a mocking tone.
"Oh, shut up, you act like I don't have things to do."
"Oh yeah, sure."
The three surgeons stand in the scrub room, scrubbing their hands free of any dirt and diseases.
"Did you know Sam's wife took care of him after his last two surgeries?" April asks, pointing her question towards Alex. "She died of a stroke last year, so Jason dropped out of college one semester before graduating. He was happy to do it cause it's just the two of them—"
"What the hell, Kepner?" Alex snaps, making Charlottes head turn. "Why are you telling me this?"
"Talking to patients is your job, Alex, because they're more than just.. an easy A or some bet you can win. It's your job," April explains.
"No, it's not. Not anymore," Alex says harshly.
"Alex—" Charlotte tries to get him to back down.
"My job is to open him up and fix him, and if I can't do it, no one's gonna do it for me. It's on me. So I can spend time talking to him or I can use that time figuring out what I'm gonna do when I open him up. Which one do you want me to do?"
April sighs, "You're really nervous."
Alex nods slightly, trying to ignore April.
"That's why you didn't want to work on a kid today. Look, you'll be fine. You're ready. I mean, you feel ready, right?"
Alex nods and the three are on their way into the O.R.
Once April, Alex and Charlotte's surgery was over, Charlotte's surgery was on. She carefully got through the surgery, and by the time she was done she was ready for bed.
She drove home and immediately fell into her beloved bed.
She calls her sister, a routine her and her sister have made. For Charlotte to call her sister every other night a week.
"Hello?" Ana asked.
"Ana, you have no idea how good it feels to hear your voice," Charlotte sighs.
"Aww, have you missed me Lotty?" Ana said, being sarcastic—just like her sister.
"I've raised you well," Charlotte laughs. "And how many times have I told you I hate that nickname!"
"A lot?"
"Where are you, anyways?" Charlotte asks, smiling.
"I just got takeout for me and my roommate," Ana replies.
"What did I tell you about walking outside, in the dark, by yourself?"
"Sorry mom," Ana groans. "Don't mean to worry you."
"I mean, it's my job to be worried. I'm your next of kin. I'm your legal guardian— or used to be, since you're eighteen now," Charlotte rants.
"No, your job is to take care of people."
"Yeah, yeah, what's new?"
"Oh, you know," The younger Brown pauses. "I have midterms next week, so roommate and I are doing late night runs and study sessions."
"Are you still not going to tell me the roommates name?"
"Nope," Ana answered simply.
"Okay. Fine."
"You have to understand, that her and I are starting something up, and if it doesn't work, I don't want you to go sister crazy on her."
"Okay, okay," Charlotte breathes in. "I've taken it upon myself to make a new friend."
"Oh, yeah?" Ana laughs. "What kind of friend?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just that, you have lots of friends. The friends that you just want to be there to pin something on, the ones you actually like, and your hookup friends," Ana opens the dorm room door. "So which kind is it?"
"One I actually like," Charlotte swallows. "People think she's annoying, but, I like her. Not like that, but, you know."
"Good, you need an actual friend you haven't slept with."
"Okay, I haven't slept with Meredith. So I have at least one. And plus, I'm not gonna sleep with her. She's straight as hell, and she's a virgin," Charlotte nods.
"That's a first."
"Yeah, well, maybe I'm changing," Charlotte says, making both sisters laugh.
"Yeah, right."
"Okay, I have to go. Meredith and Derek are fighting again, and I have to try to get as much sleep as I can for now."
"Alright. Call me on Wednesday?"
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