ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

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"I'm so sorry about Erin." Scot looked to Kinsey quickly as she hugged him.

"She was just trying to help us." Kinsey looked up at him. The sound of the door closing made them look over, seeing Nina walking from the front porch.

"Hey, Scot." she smiled, seeing Logan with her other daughter. "Hey, Logan. Good to see yalls faces around here."

"Hi, Mrs Locke. It's good to have my face seen around here again." Scot gave her a smile.

"I feel like I practically live here but it's good to see you too." Logan smiled at her.

"So, what's everybody up to?" the woman asked, looking around the group.

They all shared a look before Kinsey cut in. "Helping Scot unload some equipment. We're filming stuff for our sequel today."

"Very lobstery." Logan agreed, making lobster hands with his own.

"Ah! I wish I could stay around and watch you guys work you'd magic. Have fun." she smiled at them, giving a wave.

"Be carful, mom." Harvest called for her as she walked toward the car as Duncan went after her to talk.

Scot looked at Harvest. "Are you sure you're ready for this? You don't have to help if you don't want to."

"I'm done being sad about something I can't control." the redhead said, stuffing her hands into her jacket pocket. "I want it done with so we can all move on, and be safe again."

Scot have her a nod.

"All right, let's get this done. For Erin, for your dad, and for us." Duncan spoke as he joined them again, Nini driving out of the long, snowy drive way.

"Everybody clear on the plan?" Tyler asked as they all stood infront of the well house.

"Crystal." Harvey nodded.

"We sure he's brining Eden?" Scot spoke up, standing in the back.

"He'll definitely bringing her." Logan agreed.

"She's like his little minion." Kinsey added.

"He's gross." Harvest spoke up, looking into the well. "Using people like that then treating them like shit. Anyone that acts that way deserves what's coming for them."

It was worrying to watch her go from in shock and crying all night long to stone cold and angry. It was clear she'd still been heartbroken and in pain, but deep down she knew this wasn't her fault no matter how much she tried to blame herself. She knew he was bad, she knew what he was doing is bad. It wasn't a time to cry, it was a time to finish it and protract the ones around you.

"Bode?" Tyler questioned the youngest.

"I'm totally ready." he said confidently.

"So, what exactly happened when we trap Gabe in the well house?" Scot spoke up in questioning.

"Laugh at him." Harvest said.

"He's not trapped. He's destroyed." Tyler corrected Scot.

"Crossing the threshold doesn't trap an echo. It vanishes them entirely." Duncan explained the depths of the well house.

"That's why Dodge tricked me into giving her the Anywhere Key." Bode spoke. "So she could escape out the storage closet."

"Look, I get the plan, but I can do more." Duncan spoke up again, making them look back at him.

"Dunc, it's you he's after." Kinsey turned to him knowingly. "We need you to be the bait."

"I'm ready if i'm needed for anything else." the older man said honestly.

"Thanks." Tyler nodded.

"What if Eden tries to kill me again?" Logan rose an eyebrow in questioning.

"She won't." Harvest promised. "You'll be with me and Bode will keep her distracted long enough."

"I hope this works." Tyler looked back at the well house.

"It'll work." Kinsey nodded confidently. "Now we have the element of surprise."

"Your truck got fixed." Harvest smiled as she opened the door, seeing Gabe pull up with Eden.

"Hey, yeah. Got it this morning." he grinned, accepting her hug and the kiss she pressed to his cheek. It was so much easier pretending everything was okay when you were angry rather then sad. "Oh my god. I can't believe Duncan's better. It's suck good news."

"I thought he was a lost cause." Harvest said honestly. "I couldn't believe it either but he's great now."

"Well, where is he?" Gabe looked up at Key House.

"I think upstairs. Talking with his fiancΓ© in Japan." she nodded her head. She took his hand, making eye contact with a glaring Eden, leading them inside.

"I ran into Eden in the commons. She told me how much she really wanted to work on the movie." Gabe spoke as they opened the front door, walking in from the cold.

"Aw, really?" Harvest looked to Eden with a smile, but it was clear her eyes said differently.

"Yeah." Eden said back, holding the same tone and look she had.

"She said that she regretted quitting and not being a part of the first film." Gabe nodded his head, speaking for her like a parent would a child, like a owner would for its puppet. "Right, Eden?"

"Sure." she laughed.

"Scots upstairs setting up the first shot. He sent you the script, didn't he?" Harvest met eyes with Gabe once again.

"Yeah. I can't believe he finished it. I thought he had writers block." he pulled his backpack off while he spoke.

"Well, most of the time when you get writers block it all piles onto you soon after." she said honestly with a shrug of her shoulders.

"So your mom doesn't mind we're taking up the house for the day?" Gabe looked up the stairs in questioning.

"Well, she's at work." the redhead shrugged.

"What about Erin? Where is she?" he glance around.

You killed her, you sick fuck.

"She's gone." Harvest shook her head.

"Gone where?" Eden asked.

"No one actually knows. She just kinda left. When we got home from Winterfest, she was gone." the Locke girl said back with a frown. "I'm sure she just wanted to start over somewhere new."

"Whac-a-Bode. 2.0 Whac-a-Tyler! Lightning round!" Bode spoke as Tyler carried him in on his back, hitting their older brother on the head and face.

"I don't remember agreeing to these rules or even playing." Tyler spoke as he shook Bode off his back. Looking to Gabe. "Hey, thanks again, man, for helping find the Memory Key. Duncan wouldn't be whole with it. And Logan would have never figured out he was related to Lucas."

Gabes face dropped. "Logan's related to Lucas? I thought it was just a common name, remember?"

"Yeah but we did the family tree thing and it turns out they were cousins. Logan's sister married Lucas' dad." Harvest spoke up. She could tell by his face it was throwing him off, just like they planned it to. But there was something, something else in his eye that wasn't anger, shock. Complete shock.

"That...great." Gabe nodded with a forced smile.

"Eden volunteered to help out." Harvest nodded her head as she motioned toward the blonde. "I was thinking maybe craft services?"

"Craft what?" she looked her way.

"Making snacks for the crew." Harvest gave a head tilt and a smile.

She forced a laugh. "I love snacks."

"Me too." Bode gave a thumbs up. "They're yummy."

"Tyler, you can show her the kitchen and I'll bring Gabe to the set for today." Harvest looked toward her brother, pulling Gabe by his hand up the stairs.

"So, Duncan's gonna help out too?" he asked curiously as they went up together, not walking in sync.

"Once's he's done with his call." She nodded in agreement.

"Ah! Nephropida himself." Scot smiled at Gabe after rolling the carpet up in the hallway.

"Hey, what's up, man?" Gabe gave him a half smile. "Is Logan not here?"

"He has a little bit of a cold so he had to stay home." Kinsey spoke as she came out of her room. "He should be at the backup shoot tomorrow though."

"Okay, cool. Right, so let's get to it. Did you get a chance to read the script?" Scot asked Gabe as he grabbed his own personal script, Harvest escaping to get the camera and the lighting.

"Yeah, I did. It's great. If feels like, you know, if Carpenter made Beauty and the Beast." Gabe spoke as he followed Kinsey and Scot down the hallway.

"Oh, i'm blushing." Scot placed a hand to his heart, getting behind the camera while Harvest flipped on the lights after getting them set up before the camera. "Okay, so our first scene is Amanda's dream sequence, where in our heroine envisions Nephropida as a human man."

Gabe gave an odd look. "Where's Dough?

"He had to take care of Logan. His dads are both working and they didn't feel too good about leaving him alone." Harvey made the excuse quickly with a minor nod of her head.

"What about Zadie?" Gabe went on, searching the halls for her.

"Called in sick. Bad fish chowder last night." Kinsey was the one to make the excuse this time.

Gabe glanced at the trio before a grin went across his lips. "Should have gone with Phil's."

Harvest forced a laugh.

"Okay, so find your markers, right there. And let's just walk through it." Scot insisted, him and Harvest getting behind the camera and watching the pair through the lenses. "Okay, remember, this is the first time you guys are really seeing each other, at least in the dream. All right, and action rehearsal."

Gabe stared down the hall, Kinsey nudged him. "Gabe?"

"Hum? Yeah. Yeah. Sorry." he apologized quickly with a nod of his head.

Kinsey stared at him. "It's you."

Tyler slowly approached as Gabe blinked. "You recognize me?"

Harvest made eye contact with her brother as he gave a confirmation nod.

"Somehow I just knew there was more to you then that shell." Kinsey spoke from her memorized lines.

"All this time I never really knew if you saw me." Gabe went on, staring into her eyes.

"I see you now." she nodded her head.

"And cut." Scot called.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Tyler cleared his throat from behind.

"Okay, nice, Gabe. So let's try a little bit more relief when we see Amanda's acceptance here." Scot encouraged as he came from behind the camera.

"All right." Gabe nodded his head.

"Great." Scot nod as he messed with one of the lights. "Just a minute. Apologizes. Our light crew didn't get it high enough."

"Don't shade me, Scot." Harvest said to him, still behind the camera.

"Oh bollocks. Ive left my light meter in Kinseys room." Scot spoke up.

"I can go get it." Tyler nodded his head.

"Great. It's in my camera bag. Outside pocket." Scot nodded his head at him as Tyler opened Kinsey's door.

"Hey!" Harvest called when she saw Gabe watching Tyler. "I think that Amanda should maybe grab his hand, you know? Like, she's so excited to see him in human form and just wants to be able to hold his hand."

"I like that, yeah." Scot nodded his head. Before anyone could move, a bird tweeting was heard. Harvests heart dropped, looking over at Gabe immediately. Kinsey let out a yell, shoving him immediately

"You bitch!" Gabes voice came out demonic.

Harvest ran forward, jumping up on Gabes back to try and get him off of Kinsey. Scot helped, shoving him harshly while Tyler ran forward, yanking on Gabe to pull him backwards.

"Get him in!" Logan yelled from inside the room, standing near the well.

"No!" Gabe yelled, fighting against them. He yanked a large lock from his pocket, the chain out reaching and hitting the trio over the face. He turned quickly, prying Harvests hands off him near the staircase and tossing her over. The Locke girl yelled loudly, grabbing the railing tightly so she wouldn't fall.

Logan ran from the room, wrapping his arms around Gabe tightly and trying to yank him toward the room. Gabe fought against him, letting out a pained yell when Logan bit his shoulder harshly. The demon threw the lock back, hitting Logan in the nose with it as he stumbled backwards. He pulled the door shut quickly. "Guess we're doing this the hard way."

"Kinsey!" Harvest yelled, feeling her hands start to slip from the railing.

Gabe hit Tyler harshly, making him fly across the room and slide into the stairs. Kinsey tried to help Harvest up, the chains Gabe used wrapped around her and Logan.

"Where's your uncle!" Gabe yelled.

"I'm right here, asshole." Duncan emerged from the room.

"Ah. The man of the hour." Gabe gave a smile.

"No, Duncan, no!" Kinsey yelled. Harvest let out a cry at the pain in her arms, her hands slipping from the railing. If she fell, she'd take a long fall down to the hard ground

"Let 'em go, Dodge." Duncan threatened.

"Hang on, Harvest!" Logan yelled, only being able to see her hands, they kept slipping and she had to keep grasping.

"Fine by me." Gabe spoke as he stared at Duncan. "All I need is you."

Scot scooted across the floor, grasping the key and trying to put it into the lock. Gabe grabbed his hand tightly, making Scot cry out in pain. Gabe twisted it, taking the key. "Thanks, Scot. I was wondering how I might get that back."

"Scot!" Kinsey cried out when Gabe kicked him harshly in the stomach, making him slide across the floor. Tyler was up again, running at Gabe but got hit across the face so hard that he fell to the ground.

Tyler tried to grab hold of Harvest to pull her up, Gabe grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking him backwards away from the staircase.

"Guys!" Bode yelled as he ran in, looking at the scene before him. "Uh-oh."

Duncan pulled the key from his pocket before Eden grabbed hold of him. "Hi, uncle Duncan."

She slammed him against the wall, making him fall over and drop the key.

"I can't hold on!" Harvest cried out, her hands snow white from how tight she'd been gripping it.

"You don't have to hurt her!" Logan yelled at Gabe, getting his attention. "You don't. You know you don't."

Gabe lowered his eyes, a small nod. "You know, maybe you're right."

He walked to the railed, reaching over and grabbing Harvest's wrists. Her hands let go, he held her in the air. She looked up with panicked and teary eyes. "Gabe, please."

"Are you gonna help me?" he asked her, holding her still over the ledge. "You know you can."

Harvest grabbed his hand tightly. "Pull me up, please."

"Tell me you're on my side." he said through tight teeth.

Her blue eyes met his darker ones. "I'm not on your side."

He smiled. "Then why the hell would I need you?"

Then, he let her go, letting the Locke girl fall.

"Harvest!" they all yelled at as she hit the ground hard, not even having time to have to breath knocked out of her before she passed out, bleeding from the back of her head.


kylie speaks

pop pop pop you in the

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