𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱
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࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ ✩◿𝓒𝓢◸ 🂱 ࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ
one, two, three they're gonna run back to me.
"What the fuck?" Harvest gapped as Nina told the trio, after Tyler was granted his magic memories back, that Dodges limb body was under Bodes bed.
"Harvey." Nina whispered, but she was barley able to scold her language.
"She's under his bed right now?" Kinsey whispered back in just as much shock.
"Is she dead?" Tyler whispered.
"What the fuck?" the redhead whispered yet again.
"There was no pulse, no movement." their Mom explained, crossing her arms uncomfortably. "She seemed dead, but the body hadn't decayed at all."
"Well, she-he-they, was overdosing on magic so who knows." Harvard shrugged knowingly.
"We can't assume she's dead. We've fallen for that one before." Tyler shook his head knowing as he looked over the three woman with him. "Should Logan be here for this?"
"And being back even worse memories even though he's finally staring to heal? Absolutely not." she shook her head with crossed arms. "Only if it gets bad again. That's only if."
"And he said he brought her body back from the past, like, she travelled with him?" Kinsey was trying to make sense of the key Bode claimed to have.
"That's what he said." Nina gave a knowing look, hinting at a possible lie.
"You don't believe him?" Tyler wasn't totally convinced of the lie.
Nina shook her head. "He's not acting like himself lately. He's hiding something."
"True, we never yell at each other seriously." Harvest agreed as she thought back to yesterday morning.
"I know. Somethings off with him. I thought was it was hormones or something." Kinsey admitted honestly.
"I thought it was about Josh, but it's more then that." Nina agreed with her daughter.
Tyler nodded with an exhale. "I wanna see it, the body."
"Not right now." she shook her head. "Bodes in his room."
Tyler exhaled in an overwhelming state. "This is insane. There's a Time Travel key?"
"Wish someone would have told me so I could go back and kick Dodge in the nuts one good time." Harvest rolled her eyes as her blood boiled at the thought.
"In here." Nina encouraged her three oldest to follow her past the staircase and to a grandfather clock. "This key is connected to this clock somehow."
She pushed it into the slot and gave a small twist, pulling the inside out to show a hourglass and roman numeral. "Bode found it the day of Duncan's wedding."
"What happens when the sand runs out?" Kinsey stared at the hourglass.
"Somehow it doesn't feel like a good thing." Tyler said what they'd all been thinking.
"Add that one to the list." Harvest rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans.
"I'm calling Duncan." Kinsey reached into her back pocket. "If he used this key as a kid, he might be able to tell us what's going on."
"He's on his honeymoon in Palau." Nina looked over.
"He's got his cell phone." she shrugged in response, pulling it to her ear. "I'm getting his voicemail. I'll leave a message."
"Try not to freak him out too much, or he'll be on the first flight back." Tyler spoke in annoyance, but not technically for her.
"But make sure that he knows it's urgent." Nina added.
"Speak clearly, but not too loud so Bode won't here." Harvest snapped her fingers knowingly.
"Hey, Duncan." Kinsey turned away when the beep came. "Everything's okay but can you give me a call back as soon as you can? We found the Timeshift Key. We need to know how it works and what the hourglass means."
"Okay, let's say Dodge did time travel with Bode." Tyler went on when she hung up the phone. "It still doesn't explain why he's been acting so off."
"Like an asshole. Not off." Harvest corrected him. "He's been acting like an asshole."
"Or what happened to her body." Kinsey added in.
"Maybe using the key changed Bode in some way?" Nina suggested as she held it in her hand.
"Duncan say anything else when he found the key?" Tyler looked for a hopeful explanation.
"No. Just that he shouldn't play around with it." she reassured him.
"What are you guys doing?" Bode questioned from the top of the stairs, making them all look back.
"Hey, bud." Kinsey walked a little closer. "Good news! Tyler's bask."
"I can see that." Bode stared.
"I mean we used the Memory Key on him." she elaborated more.
"Yeah, um, Mom, Kins, and Harvey have been bringing me up to speed." Tyler agreed as he showed the little mark from the key on his neck. "You guys have been up to a lot around here."
"Yeah, some of us more then others." Kinsey walked closer as Bode came down the stairs. "How couple you keep the Timeshift Key from me?"
"Um, im sorry." he shook his head.
"Have you seen this hourglass?" Kinsey nodded to the inside of the clock.
"It started running after I used the Timeshift Key." Bode explained as he took another look.
"So, do you know what happens when it runs out?" Harvest leaned against the stairs with a questionable look.
"No idea." he looked back.
"What happened to your Switch?" Nina took notice of the broken device in his hand.
Bode sighed. "I got so mad at myself for lying to you guys that I threw my Switch across the room, and it broke."
Harvest felt like she knew that tone, that overly sweet tone that was hiding behind a deep lie.
"What you did was wrong, but you don't have to punish yourself." Nina pointed out as Tyler side eyed his sisters.
"Can we fix it?" he questioned hopefully.
Kinsey nodded. "Sure."
"Great. I'll go get the Mending Key." he nodded. "It's in the chest down in the basement, right?"
"Yeah." Kinsey stared hesitantly.
"So, can I get the key to the chest so I can get it?" Bode gave her an odd look.
"I'll help you fix your Switch." Kinsey promised. "But first, I need to finish catching Tyler up on everything."
"It'll only takes a minute." he argued.
"Hey, you're the one who broke the rules." she rose her eyebrows back. "You can wait five minutes, okay?"
"Let's make you some food while you wait." Nina headed for the kitchen. "You know, you haven't had anything to eat all day."
He gave an annoyed look. "Fine, but then we're gonna get the Mending Key, right?"
"Definitely." Kinsey nodded. Harvest watched him walk away with an odd look on her face.
"What are they doing up there?" Bode asked as him, Harvest, and Nina were in the kitchen.
"Kinseys probably showing him the new keys." Nina said in return as she began to slice a tomato.
"Aren't the keys down in the basement, inside the chest?" Bode asked, annoyance in his tone.
"This is a big change for Tyler." Nina went on in a tone that Harvest wanted to tell her was very obvious. "I'm sure she's just trying to help him process it all, like what happened to Jackie."
"His fault, by the way." he mumbled.
Harvest looked up from the other side of the table. "What'd you just say?"
"Nothing." he stared her in the eye. "Can't you open the chest and give me the Mendeing Key?"
"Can't you just wait five minutes?" Harvest asked him in annoyance. "You act like you have better things to do."
"She'll be down any minute." Nina cut in. "Now, what do you want on your tacos?"
A knock came to the front door as Harvest looked over. Bode rose his eyebrows. "Logan?"
"I thought he was working to tonight." she said honestly, walking out of the kitchen and to the door. He'd been right, when she opened the door, that bright smile and blue eyes beamed back at her. "Logan."
"Hey there." he kissed her on the cheek as he walked in. "So, I got fired."
"How'd you get fired?" she gapped at his words.
"Apparently you're not allowed to stand up for yourself when customers are rude as hell." he shrugged
his shoulders dramatically. "But, I think the manager was just jealous of the rock hard abs!"
The redhead rose her eyebrows. "You showed your managed your abs?"
"What kind of man do you think I am?" he gapped at her, turning to the side and tightening his shirt. "You can obviously see them through my shirt."
"Obviously." she waved him off with a cheeky grin, going to make an inappropriate joke before being cut off.
"Bode stop!" Nina yelled from the kitchen.
Harvest wnd Logan shared a look as they ran in to see Bode with a knife to Nina's face. "I'm not your dumbass little B-"
Tyler used the chains to wrap securely around his body, Harvest hurried to collect the knife from the floor as Logan checked on Nina, gapping in shock of the whole thing.
"He's Dodge!" Kinsey yelled.
Harvest knew she'd known that tone.
"What?" Logan and Nina yelled in sync.
"Dodge stole his body! Bodes out there as a ghost." Tyler explained as he kept a tight grip on the chains.
Harvest clutched the knife as she grasped the back of his collar.
"Wait!" Kinsey yelled to stop her overly angry, after it built up for months, sister. "It's still Bodes body. If you hurt him, it'll still affect Bode."
Harvest gripped his face harder before shoving him hard away with a grunt.
"What did you do fo him?" Nina demanded a answer as she grasped Dodge.
"So, no tacos, then?" Dodge asked in return as Harvest guarded Logan behind her. Nina put her hands on his throat. "Go ahead, chock me to death. Then your poor boys gone forever."
"He's right." Kinsey hurried over to shove her Mom off. "We can't hurt him."
"Relax. Your twerp is fine!" Dodge rolled his eyes. "But right now, you need to listen to me. This is serious."
"Yeah, not happening." Tyler scoffed.
"Murders pretty serious too, you moron!" Logan yelled at Dodge from behind Harvest.
"You're going back through the ghost door." Nina latched onto the chains and held up the key.
"You need me!" he yelled. "Gideon is coming!"
"Who's Gideon?" Harvest glared.
"The guy who broke into your house and is trying to steal all the keys!" Dodge shouted back.
"Sounds familiar." Harvest scoffed.
"You'll say anything to save your ass right now!" Kinsey added in as she tried to shove him back while Tyler drug him down the hall.
"You don't get it! He's a way more powerful demon then me!" Dodge shouted to try and reason. "He's like a god where I come from, and now he's got some kind of some Revolutionary War captain!"
"Revolutionary War?" Tyler paused. "The buckle."
"What buckle?" Logan looked over.
"I'm telling the truth!" Dodge tried to fight out of the chains. "He's trying to merge our two worlds, ours and yours. And he needs all the keys to do it! I've been trying to get the Alpha Key so I can stop him!"
"Stop one of your own from total domination?" Tyler asked in disbelief. "Right. That sounds like something you'd do."
"He wands to destroy this world!" Dodge shouted. "But I actually like Meatworld!"
"Meatworld?" Kinsey asked in disbelief.
"You're a meatworld!" Harvest yelled back without thinking.
"Yeah!" Logan agreed.
"Okay, enough!" Tyler yelled. "We'll deal with the Gideon guy after we get our brother back."
"You're making a huge mistake!" Dodge yelled as Nina opened the ghost door. As she did so, deep and moving vines blocked the doorway entirely. The couple gapped and stumbled back onto each other as Nina quickly shoved it closed.
"What the hell?" Kinsey gapped as they all took a moment of shock.
"What's happening?" Nina questioned as the sound of growing vines echoed around the house. Logan held into Harvest in fear.
"It's Gideon." Dodge confirmed. "He's here."
Kinsey and Nina ran to the door as the other four stayed in the study, sharing panicking looks. Harvest kept her arms infront of Logan as Kinsey hurried back. "He's out there with his two cronies."
"We've got the keys. It's three against five." Tyler held the keys out as he looked at the group.
"You want me to help?" Logan gapped. "I have no Locke blood!"
"Six. I'm on your side." Dodge spoke in annoyance.
"Yeah. Sure." Kinsey mocked.
"I am!" Dodge scoffed.
"Heard that before." the redhead stared, it hurt to say.
"I am! I just told you, I don't want Gideon to end up with the keys." he argued with the group. "He asked me where they're hidden, and I lied to him."
"That's bullshit." Tyler shook his head.
"Look, he has the power to destroy your world, and I want him gone." Dodge spoke, getting more and more annoyed by the second. "We have to work together."
Harvest reached forward and smacked him across the face. Dodge gave her a look. "Ow."
"You deserve it." she said in return, crossing her arms. "That's the only way this will work."
She couldn't help herself, she reached forward and did it again.
With the plan in process, Harvest and Logan hid in the small bathroom as the three so called war hero's invaded Key House. They listened closely, their ears right next to the wall. Tyler was controlling one, making Gideon angry as he stormed down the hall.
"Now!" Logan encouraging as they both pushed against the door, slamming it open so hard it smacked Gideon in the face and gave Nina time to use the chains against him.
"Yeah!" Harvest cheered.
Gideon latched onto the chains and yanked. Logan put his arm infront of Harvest, backing them both up as Nina panicked. "Tyler! I need some help in here!"
He broke free of the chain. Logan look to Harvey. "Go. Go. Go."
They both ran down the hallway, circling the staircase to get to Nina after she lost consciousness. They both gasped and backed up when Gideon reached down and grasped the key.
"Gideon, drop it." Tyler came around the corner next, getting the music box tossed from his hands and destroyed against the wall.
"Mom." Harvest fell to the ground next to her and shook her slightly. "Mom."
"Ty." Logan threw him a rag for his cut hand. "Wrap that or you'll leave a trail."
"Just stay with Mom." Tyler encouraged the two as he hurried into the kitchen.
Harvest looked up, then to Logan. "Just keep trying to wake her."
"Woah." he caught her hand with a crazy look. "Are you on drugs? Where do you think you're going?"
"Save Tyler." she said back casually before hurrying away.
"Got it." Logan spoke sarcastically, going back to trying to wake Nina.
Harvest hurried into the kitchen to see Gideon and Bolton before Tyler. She hid behind the wall, thinking of a plan or some sort of way to be useful and not just act out of anger.
"You know, that's not gonna help you much." Gideon spoke of the knife in Tyler's hands. Harvests eyebrows shot up as she pulled her pack of cigarettes out, lighting one up. Bolton hit Tyler, knocking the knife from his hand.
"I don't care what you do to me. I'm not telling you where the keys are." Tyler spoke out of pain.
"What a stubborn lot you are." Gideon seemed almost impressed. "What if I made you watch while I burn your family alive? Would that change your mind?"
A screech echoed from outside. Gideon gapped. "What the hell was that? Go check on him."
As Bolton ran around the corner, Harvest grasped onto his neck, yanking him hard as she jabbed her cigarette into his eye. He gave a yell of pain before she kicked him in the back, sending him down the stairs. Nina and Logan came running, her Mom yanking the basement door shut.
"Sweet." Logan laughed as he high fived a panting Harvest.
"Are you okay?" Nina hurried to Tyler's aid. "Oh, your arm!"
"I'll be fine." he panted. "Where's Gideon?He was just here."
"I don't know. I didn't see him." she said in return, Tyler looked at Harvest and Logan as they both shook their heads in agreement.
"We have to find Kinsey." he forced each of their thoughts, causing the four to group together and head through Key House.
In the process of spreading out, Nina's loud sob had them all running for her room.
"Mom, what happened?" Tyler got there first."
"Gideon shot him!" she cried out, running down stairs.
"Shot Bode?" Logan yelled as the pair ran after the both of them.
"Stop!" Nina yelled as she ran out, a gun to Bode.
"We'll give you the keys!" Tyler yelled right behind her.
Gideon looked back.
"There's a chest down in our basement. They're all there." Harvest promised as she panicked to protect her little brother.
"You can open it with this." Tyler held the key to the chest out. "Just...just let him go."
"I'll let him go." Gideon approached. "Only after I open the chest and I see the keys for myself."
Tyler hesitated. "Okay."
"All right. Get up." Gideon yanked Dodge up. "We're all going back inside."
Logan latched onto Harvest's hand as they all followed them back inside. Gideon had the box and opened it in no time, staring back at the many keys they had inside. "Bolton. Gather the keys."
Bolton walked forward, letting Dodge go as he kneeled down and placed them in his hands. Kinsey came limping down the stairs as Nina sighed in relief. "Thank God you're okay."
"Kinsey, we had to give him the keys to protect Bode." Tyler explained. She stared at the hourglass in the clock. "What's wrong?"
"Duncan called back." she looked back at them. "You were right. It's not good."
They all hurried around the corner as Dodge approached the back of Gideon with the alpha key.
"Gideon!" Tyler yelled out as he turned back, just as Bode disappeared. Harvest gasped out of shock. "No!"
"Bode!" Kinsey hollered out.
Harvest paused in shock as her hands touched her own face, holding them there with wide, watery eyes.
"At last." Gideon leaned down and grasped the Alpha key. "What a shame."
He smiled, holding each key in his hand as the entire house began to shake as antiques fell from the walls. A large blue portal broke through the floor, Logan pulled Harvest back.
"The end of this world is upon us." Gideon rose his hands. A large flash hit as they all winces.
"Can you run?" Nina looked to Kinsey.
"I can try." she whispered.
"We have to go. Now! Now!" Nina yelled. Harvest grabbed Logan as she ran close behind Tyler, taking off outside as the blue glow shined after them.
kylie speaks
people sleep on how good
jackson's acting was in this
episode! the stuff that bode
was saying and all the expressions and his tone
was exactly like gabes it was
almost scary
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