𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞
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࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ ✩◿𝓒𝓢◸ 🂱 ࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ
you like like yourself, but you're somebody else.
"What the hell are you doing?" Harvest woke with a gasp as she saw her youngest brother rummaging through her things. Logan shot up at the sound of her voice from next to her, rubbing his eyes.
Bode eyed the pair with a raised eyebrow. "That was fast."
The redhead frowned her eyebrows. "What are you looking for?"
"I was..." he trailed off, side eyeing her dresser and taking a eyebrow razor from it. "Needed to do something about this unibrow."
"Okay." she gave Logan an awkward look, not totally sure how to explain to your little brother why her best friend was next to her, without a shirt. "This isn't....we just fell asleep in here."
"Right." Bode pursed his lips. "Saw that one coming."
That was the first thing she noticed differently about him as he walked out of her room.
Logan turned and shut off the playlist music they'd fallen asleep to, for his sake. He looked over to take in her state, seeing she hadn't looked as dead as she usually did. "So, how do you feel, zombie girl?"
Harvest noticed that she slept. She actually slept the entire night. Her eyes shifted toward the clock on her nightstand. Ten whole hours. A smile spread across her face when she noticed how much better she felt mentally. "I feel...hungry."
"Me too." he grunted and hopped over her. "But, I better go. Your Mom loves me, but maybe not this much."
"Maybe not." she grinned and crossed her legs. "Thanks for staying with me."
Logan gave her an awkward laugh and mocked her voice as he quoted her. "Thanks for staying with me."
He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Since your morning breath is so bad."
"Get out of here." she laughed in disbelief and smacked him on the leg. After Logan left, she put pants on and brushed her teeth and hair before heading down stairs to see Bode eating the plate of bacon and pancakes.
"Tyler coming down?" Nina looked over.
"I heard him stomping around like a-" Harvey began before Bode tossed a pancake at her, smacking it right on her plate. "-water buffalo."
"He's pissed at me for lying about the police report." Kinsey shook her head as Bode did the same to her.
Harvest took a double take at her pancake. "Mom!"
"What?" she spun around in panic.
"There's cinnamon." she showed her the pancake. "Did you forget my allergy?"
"What?" Nina headed over with a gapping look. "No. It has to be something else."
She took a better look and a small sniff. "How did I miss that? Let me make you another one."
"It's okay, I was craving toast anyways." she shook her head, throwing the pancake back at Bode.
"What police report?" he asked with a mouthful, looking at Kinsey.
"The one I told him I filed." she said back oddly. "About the intruders."
He nodded. "Oh, right."
"I know it's frustrating but you guys figured out how to talk to me back when I couldn't understand magic." Nina pointed out with a small shrug as she laid more bacon on the table. "I'm sure you'll find a way with Tyler too."
"Maybe we should shave our heads and talk like hicks?" Harvey suggested with a snort as she popped the bread into the toaster. "That's his new lingo."
"I guess things have really changed around here." Bode looked around the kitchen.
"Well, yeah!" Nina laughed as she rubbed his head. "Thanks for you."
Harvest squinted as she looked out the kitchen window, seeing Logan's truck pulling up into the drive way as a smile spread across her face. She shook her head. He couldn't stay away.
"Kinsey, you gonna be home tonight?" Nina asked her daughter with a questionable look.
"Should be, yeah." she nodded.
"Great. Well, I have dinner plans, but I shouldn't be too long." she explained as Harvest put her plate up, deciding to take her toast on the go. She jumped when Bode knocked Nina's cup out of her hand, causing it to shatter on the ground.
"Bode! What the hell?" Kinsey scolded him as the toaster popped.
"What did you just do that?" the oldest Locke asked her son in disbelief.
"There was a bug!" he explained. "I was just trying to protect you."
"From a bug?" Harvest had to laugh at her brothers dramatics. "Ah! So scary! Mom, take cover."
"Shut up!" Bode turned around to yell at her.
"Hey." Nina gapped at his tone.
"It's called a joke, to avoid your shitty little ass from getting in trouble." she glared at her younger brother.
"Harvey!" Nina scolded her for her language and what she said. Her redhead daughter took the toast and headed for the door.
"Question." Logan hummed as he leaned on one leg that was propped up, the other hanging off the dock as the pair sat outside of one of the restaurants near the water.
"Answer." Harvest hummed.
"Do you think that sharks would try to eat us if we went scuba diving with your key?" he rose an eyebrow. "Sand dollar wall is getting pretty lonely. I think we need to do one in your room too."
"Another sand dollar wall? That took all summer." she laughed in disbelief. "But, I don't think so. Sharks never bothered me."
"What about dolphins?" he rose an eyebrow, getting a look of disbelief. "What? Dolphins are terrifying! I don't think I could battle them."
"I'd pay big bucks to see you battle a dolphin." she confirmed, pushing her hair back and pulling the key from her neck. "Maybe i'll get lucky."
"Maybe i'll try to drown your ass." he said back in disbelief with her words. "Using my biggest fear for your greater benefit. I'm shocked. I'm in shock at how horrible you are."
"I know. So painfully wicked." she leaned forward to put the key into his neck with a little twist before doing the same with her, securing it around her neck again. She held her hand out for him to take. "Ready?"
Logan took it with an inhale. "Ready?"
The pair pushed off the dock and were met with the water, swimming under and letting their eyes adjust. They'd done it before, use to navigating the ocean as different fish swam all around them. They held hands the whole way so they wouldn't get lost at sea or separate from a current. It didn't take long for Logan to find a sand dollar, a lot easier since he didn't have to swim up to get a breath.
He turned back and smiled, holding it up. The redhead grinned back from deep in the water, almost dark if it weren't from the sunlight shining from way above from they'd sunken too. She kicked forward some and latched onto his neck, pulling him into a cheesy underwater kiss. She use to fear the water. She use to panic at the sight of it, never stepping near it. Now, she craved it. Now, she'd stay under forever if it meant she'd finally feel safe with a guy that genuinely liked her, that genuinely cared for her, and that she'd always genuinely loved the most.
Everyone cheered in the basement as the credits for the recent Splattering played. "That scream was so good."
"Killed it with those directing skills, once again!" Dough shook Logan's shoulders with a smile.
"Special effect makeup?" Abby smiled to the redhead. "Looks too real."
"Have a good eye." she shrugged and side hugged her.
"Bravo!" Bode clapped from behind the projector.
"Jesus, Bode, have you been there the whole time?" Kinsey looked back , no one had seen him.
"I didn't want to interrupt." he explained. "It was so great."
"Thanks." Kinsey smiled.
"Right?" Zadie agreed as Harvest yanked on Logan's neck to rub his head in joy of his directing skill. "I mean, Abby, I could feel the emotion and vulnerability that you brought to Nephropidae. I could feel your pain, girl."
"Yeah, because it was real pain. That lobster suit didn't fit me at all." Abby explained honestly.
"Guys, honestly, I think Scot leaving made us all step up our game, and we nailed it!" Dough announced as he shook Logan again. "Especially you Mr.Fancy Director!"
"Oh, yeah, Logan." Bode clutched the seats. "It was just so good. I totally didn't notice the shaking of the camera."
"Bode." Harvest looked back with frowned eyebrows. "That's part of the movie. To show the running affect, make the viewers feel like they're the character."
"Who's Scot?" Carly, Tyler's friend who had crashed the party out of no where, asked from the chair.
"Exactly. Just a creative ball and chain who was holding us all back." Dough explained with a shrug.
"Dough!" Zadie scolded him.
"I'm kidding!" he defended the matter.
"He's our OG director." Logan explained. "Libra sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio rising. Embodiment of nice guys finish last. Fantastic skin. And a British accent. You'd love him."
"Don't tell him what time you were born." Harvest looked back to give her a warning look.
"Well, you guys are mad geniuses." Carly grinned at the group. "Like when that army of demonic crustaceans attacked the town, like, how'd you even come up with that?"
"Uh, are you familiar with the phrase 'art imitates life?'" Dough asked her with a cheeky grin.
Carly gave a questionable look. "Yeah."
"Let's just say we've been through some shit." he pointed out.
"A lot of shit!" Logan agreed with an exhale.
"Destroyed septic tank shit." the redhead gave a point of her finger.
"All right. Well, we better moter if we want a shot at the docks for the tourism film while it's still crowded." Zadie pointed out as she stood up, clutching her bag.
"You can tell me what time you were born, she doesn't have to know." Logan whispered to Carly.
"Logan!" Harvest hollered at him, not knowing what he was saying but knowing it had to be along the lines.
"I was asking what she ate for breakfast!" he defended himself.
"I'll help you clean up down here." Bode spoke up.
"Yeah, sure, little Locke." Dough agreed.
"5:47pm, Bozeman Montana, April 6th." Carly whispered to Logan as his face lit up, cheering as he took Harvest's wrist and jogged up the stairs before dramatically skipping the rest of the way.
kylie speaks
an update before the one
week mark? who is this
author and what has she
done with wheelerblossom?
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