Chapter Two
"Bode are you sure it just wasn't the neighbor?" Harvest sighed as the whole family headed to the well house after the youngest Locke came into the house yelling about someone being in there.
"No! It was a girl! A real girl!" he explained up to his sister as they neared the place.
"The doors locked, do you have a key?" Nina asked as she looked back at Duncan who shook his head.
"Well I haven't seen it it years. There's no reason to go in there, the wells contaminated with sea water." Duncan said with a shake of his head as Harvest rubbed her hands together to keep the warmth.
"There's no one in here." Tyler sighed as he looked through that narrow bars.
"I-I heard a voice, I swear!" Bode explained in distress.
"Maybe you heard a echo." Kinsey suggested as Bode nodded quickly.
"Yeah that's what she said! She said she was my echo!" he explained loudly again, becoming comical now.
"Hey listen now bud, that not a safe place to play. The roof is old and it might collapse at any minute." Nina said to her youngest as she kneeled down to look at him.
"It's full of bats and tetness, if you go near it again i'll beat your ass." Tyler said to him with a eyebrow raise as Harvest slapped his shoulder.
"I know what I heard, i'm not lying! There's a girl in there!" Bode explained as Harvest sighed and nodded.
"We aren't saying you're lying, it's just been a long day. We were up early and it's getting later by the minute, sometimes when you're tired your ears and eyes play tricks on you." Harvest said to you youngest brother, giving him a forced her comforting smile.
"Sister is right, lets call it a night. Cmon." Nina huddled him along as the rest of the Lockes followed softly after.
"God please no." Harvest groaned as she heard her loud alarm going off the next morning. With a loud groan she pulled herself out of bed and bundled up before heading downstairs.
"Do we have to go? I mean can't we just miss this week? We just moved in!" Harvest explained with a pleading look as she walked down the stairs to see her three siblings and Mom in the kitchen.
"Already tried it." Kinsey said to her as the redhead sighed and sat down, giving her Mom a small smile as she slide a plate of eggs into her eyesight.
"I know a new school is hard, especially in high school but you'll do fine honey. Just smile and wave at everyone you see." Nina said to her second to youngest child, getting a look of disbelief in response.
"Sure, i'll smile and wave to everyone I see. Oh but if you get a call from the school make sure to ignore it, just be about how I got stabbed with pencils for being the creepy new girl." Harvest said sarcastically back to her Mom, getting a giggle from Bode.
"Listen guys. Going to a new school, starting in the middle of the year, sure it's might suck but also it might not." Nina tired again getting a eyebrow raise from her three teenagers.
"Steller pep talk Mom." Kinsey said to her without any emotion.
"Better start making room in the trophy case before they give you a oscar for that one." Harvest added in, just as sarcastic as Kinsey's comment was.
"Yeah wait let me write that down." Tyler jumped in, going along with his two sisters.
"Am I forgetting anything? Permission slips? Ty, you have that hockey thing-" Nina began but was cut off quickly.
"Already turned it in, I forged your signature. Same for Harveys library assistant pass. And I sent the email from your account to the assistant med so we can get caught up on whatever we missed so far." Kinsey said to the redhead woman who blinked in disbelief.
"Great, okay next time I got it. Just ask me,okay?" she asked, not getting a answer before Duncan rolled in.
"Good morning guys, gotta head back to work in Boston. No fear, Uncle Dunc will be back tomorrow." Duncan spoke lively as he entered the kitchen and began pouring himself a cup of coffee.
"See you." Harvest said as she pulled the well fitting jean jacket closer to her as she left the house, Kinsey and Tyler following closely behind her. Harvest tugged on the slight black turtle neck she wore underneath, becoming bothered on how it was suffocating her slightly. Lighting a cigarette she inhaled quickly before heading off to school.
"And I thought our house was Norman Bates enough." Harvest commented as the three rolled up to the boarding school.
"Here we go." Tyler said as he looked at his two sisters who gave a barely there smile before walking into the doors, ignoring the stares they were receiving.
"See you at lunch?" Kinsey asked as she looked to the two as the stood just before the office.
"I've got hockey try outs." Tyler said with a shrug and he headed the other way, Harvest rolled her eyes in pure annoyance.
"I'll be in the library if you wanna dine there with me, don't forget to smile and wave." Harvest teased her sister with a wink before heading off to her first class.
By the time lunch came around Harvest went to the exact spot she said she'd be. The library was oddly big, Harvest finding comfort in the silence. She didn't mind checking out everyone books, ignoring the whispers she received as she handed the book back to one girl.
"Yeah, thanks you too. Bitch." Harvest mumbled under her breath as the girl who didn't say a word besides give her judgy stares.
"Well, don't you look lively this morning." A familiar voice said making Harvest snap her head up and see the boy from yesterday. Logan.
"Peachy actually." Harvest corrected him with a forced smile which he saw straight through, smiling anyway at her.
"Library assistant? Didn't take you for the type." he said while passing her the book he was getting cheeked out.
"Romeo and Juliet? Didn't take you for the type." she mocked him while scanning the book. Logan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at her in shock.
"Bad day?" he questioned as she shrugged and passed it back to him.
"If bad day means I get talked about as if I can't hear them and stared at everywhere I go then yeah... very bad day." she said while leaning on the counter.
"Screw them, I won't stare at you." he said before making it very obvious that he was looking anywhere but her. Harvest couldn't help but laugh making him join in and turn to look at her once more.
"I met your sister early, in english. Very pretty." he said as Harvest nodded her head.
"Yeah, I think so too but I don't think she sees it." she said with a shrug as he gave a softer grin.
"Must run in the family." he spoke causing her eyes to snap up at him for a moment as she blinked.
"Well hey if your day was as bad as you say, heard half my pb&j to make it better." he said while passing the sandwich over to her, Harvest took it with a small laugh.
"Thanks." she said as they shared a nod before he walked off with his book and half the other sandwich.
Later on that night Harvest had brought her skateboard and laptop to the bathtub with her. Setting the skateboard on either side of the tube and put the computer on top and streamed the latest shows she hasn't caught up on. The bubbles covered her completely, putting in work to get it as well as it was. But her eyes suddenly shifted to the faucet.
The faucet had a small bump coming out from under neither. It seemed to blend in a well as the rest of it but was not nearly as even. Pausing her show she moved the skateboard and computer aside and yank on the bump. She gasped as a older looking key came out from the bottom of it. Pulling it closer to her she examined it better and laughed slightly.
"Stupid uncle Duncan." she mumbled as it it were nothing before in the corner of her eye she saw a small key hole just above the small rank of wash cloths. Harvest gave a odd look, never seeing it there before she she slowly looked down at the key.
"Whatever." she mumbled while quickly using the key to unlock the small locke. With a scoff as it did nothing she roll her eyes and pulled the key out, going to grab her lap top again before she felt a tug under the water quickly.
Harvest couldn't see anything for a moment, everything completely dark. The water she was in went from a small bathtub to a big body of water, frightening her more and more by the minute. The water began to slowly make out as she immediately saw same fish swimming around. With a turn under the water she realized she was far from her bathtub now, she was in the middle of the ocean and fully clothed once again.
She began to panic and flail around. That was, until she realized something. She was breathing perfectly fine, opening her mouth slightly to test and see if it worked. It did, to her surprise. After reality sunk if she smiled widened and kicked her legs, swimming past the fish. She was moving fast, faster then she had before in any of her previous swims.
Harvest laughed loudly as she swam around, watching as the laugh made a sound wave in the water almost. Still in shock she began to swim for the surface, not bothering to take a breath as she arrived.
"Holy shit." was all she could say with a laugh as she swam to the shore, realizing it wasn't to far from where her home was. Draining her clothes as well as she could she set off on her journey back, stuffing the key in her pocket. She was still so amazed, the smile never leaving her lips. Seeing bright lights pulling closer to her she turned around with a confused face as a dark car pulled up next to her, when the window rolled down she saw a boy.
He was properly beautiful in her opinion. His hair was slightly slicked back and dark, going well with his eyes. His skin was pale with a faint tent of red along his cheeks, dressed in the usual male attire. He smiled when they met eyes, almost making her smile back.
"Hey." he greeted as she frowned her eyebrows and leaned down to look into the window a bit more.
"Do I know you?" she asked as he shook his head.
"Not that I know of, I'm Gabe." he said while offering her his hand through the window, watching as she eyed it before deciding against it.
"Fair enough, we go to school together. I was just heading back home from Phils, need a lift?" he questioned as she stayed silent for a moment, knowing this could end badly. But then again she was nearly freezing from the coldness from the water plus the snow.
"Don't tell me you actually want to walk home in the snow while soaking wet?" he asked as she stiffed a laugh before crawling into the car quickly, shutting the door behind her fast.
"Here." he said to her, passing her his jacket from his arms and quickly turning on the heat in the car.
"Thanks, i'm Harvest." she said now, figuring they would have to at least be on a first name basic.
"Well it's a pleasure." he teased while shaking her hand and putting the car in drive before driving off.
"You're staying at key house, right?" he questioned making her turn and give him a odd look.
"Yeah, how'd you know that?" she asked confused as he chuckled slightly, keeping his eyes on the road before him.
"Everyone knows that." he informed her causing Harvest to shrug.
"That's fair." she mumbled while adjusting in the seat and looking forward once more.
"How are you like Matheson?" he questioned as she hummed making him let out a small laugh.
"That bad, huh?" he asked as she ran a hand through her wet hair.
"It's pretty bad so far, very horror story like." she shrugged as he turned to look at her for a second then back to the road again.
"Well what's wrong with a horror story?" he asked as she sent him a eyebrow raise.
"Would you wanna be stuck in the middle of a horror story?" she asked him in disbelief as he sucked in a breath for a moment.
"That depends, who'd be my group?" he asked as she hummed and thought for moment.
"Well you'd definitely be the stupid blonde girl that gets killed the first two minutes, Beyonce would be the leader that suggest we all split up, Brad Pit as the obnoxious jock that tries to save himself, then of course i'd be the final girl." Harvest said after a few seconds making Gabe grin as he looked at her in the corner of his eye.
"Then definitely, can't say no to Beyonce." he told her making Harvest laugh while he turned into the larger house.
"Thanks for the ride." she said while offering him his jacket back as he shook his head.
"Keep it, i've got plenty." he said as she gave a odd look but sent another smile.
"See you." she waved and shut the door, walking inside and seeing Kinsey and Tyler pacing around the room.
"Wow, what's going on?" she asked in shock as they turned to her quickly.
"Some crazy shit just went down, Harvey." Tyler explained as she gave a odd look, her two blonde siblings sharing a look before going into the story about how Bode using a key to unlock a mirror that nearly killed their Mom.
okay yes, I know Gabe isn't really Gabe. But, i'm kinda in love with gabexharvest *sigh*
also here's a aesthetic for Harvest :)
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