Chapter Ten
"Harvey!" Bode yelled out from downstairs causing Harvest to run down stairs quickly, finding him and Kinsey standing infront of a broken window.
"What happened?" she asked while walking over and looking down at the shards of glass.
"Why would well lady break a window? She can come and go through any door in the house." Kinsey asked with frowned eyebrows, Harvest squinted and looked closer.
"There's blood." she said while looking at the dots of red all over the glass.
"Maybe it's not well lady." Bode suggested as they neared the staircase.
"Then who is it?" Kinsey questioned as they looked up the steps, Harvest went to go up but was stopped as Bode grabbed her sleeve.
"It's dangerous." Bode said as Harvest shhed him, hearing a voice.
"Hey there Mrs.Locke, i'd really appreciate it if you didn't scream." the voice of someone unfamiliar was heard, Harvest felt her heart jump at his voice. Her own fear taking over her as her breathing increased, gripping her two siblings hands.
"I want you to go hide." Kinsey said as she grabbed Bodes arms.
"What are you gonna do?" Bode asked her with a confused look.
"We'll figure it out, we can't leave Mom." Harvest said to him as Bode sighed and reached for his neck.
"I've got a better idea, just don't freak out when you see my body okay?" Body asked as he lead them toward the study.
"What happens to your body?" Kinsey asked him with a insane look.
"I don't know it just kinda looks weird." Bode said with a shrug as he pulled the key off his neck.
"Weird how?" Harvest asked him, not filling trusting this idea yet.
"I don't know like a sock without a foot in it, or like i'm dead. Just guard my body, okay? And keep the door open." Bode demanded as he put the key into the door and yanked it open. He was right, he did look dead. Harvest blinked in shock as she looked down at her little brothers limb body.
"Bode? Holy crap." Kinsey said as she looked out of the door, knowing the key had worked.
Within minutes of the sisters panicking, Bode came back to his body quickly. He gasped as he entered his body once again, "It's Sam Lesser."
"What?" Kinsey asked as Harvest ran cold, her face becoming paler then usual.
"He's got Mom, and a gun, and he says he wants the head key!" Bode explained in a panic, shutting the door and putting the key back into his pocket.
"How did he- how did he get out?" Harvest asked while running a hand through her hair.
"How does he know about the head key?" Kinsey questioned, more confused than scared. Harvest on the other hand was terrified, the memories of him dragging her from under the bed and hitting her in the collar bone with his gun running through her head.
"I don't know, but he's here." Bode said, answering both his sisters questioned at once. Kinsey hurried over to her stuffed whale.
"What are you doing?" Bode asked confused, watching his oldest sister put the key inside the stuffed whale quickly.
"Improvising, lets go." Kinsey said as she grabbed Harvest hand and housed Bode up on her hip. Running around the corner they came face to face with Sam who had a gun to Nina.
"Hey Kinsey, Hey Bode, Hey Harvest." Sam said with a blank expression, holding the gun tightly to their Mom and looking toward the three.
"Let her go." Kinsey demanded, putting Bode down as Harvest shoved him behind her.
"Yeah totally, I can do that. We can all be friends, just give me the head key." he said as Harvest grinded her teeth together.
"What the hell is the head key?" the redhead asked, paying dumb as Kinsey and Bode gave confused looked to go along with her.
"Do you know how angry it makes me to be disrespected? I know you know what I'm talking about so tell me where the god damn key is or i'm gonna make it two for two dead parents!" Sam demanded, shoving the gun harder into the back of Ninas head.
"Okay! Just stop!" Bode yelled at him, coming behind Harvest as Sam nodded and let Nina go. The redhead woman ran to her kids, standing infront of them quickly.
"What a bright boy." Sam commented as Bode began to pull the key off his neck.
"Bode don't." Kinsey said but was shrugged off.
"It's okay, I have this key." Bode said as he held the one on his neck up.
"What is that? Where did that come from?" Nina asked as Harvest put a hand on her arm.
"Another time." she said to her Mom, a way of reassuring her they'll talk about it soon.
"And it is in my possession! Therefor you can't take-" Bode began, being cut off by Sam reaching forward and taking the key from Bodes hands.
"This isn't how she said it was supposed to look." Sam said as he looked back at the four Lockes.
"What do you mean she? Did well lady send you?" Bode asked, his voice getting higher as Sams eyebrows rose.
"Well lady?" Sam asked in disbelief as Nina jumped in quickly.
"What's he talking about? You three know?" Nina asked them in confusion and shock.
"Yeah, it's hard to explain." Kinsey said, offering her a look before looking back to the boy infront of them.
"You got what want! The head key! Try it!" Bode yelled at him as Harvard began to catch on to what he was meaning, smart boy indeed.
"I don't think so." Sam said, also catching on. Yanking Bode forward being to pat him down quickly, shoving him back and raising his gun toward Harvest.
"What do you have?" he asked her as Harvest shrugged.
"Nothing." she said as he scoffed, grabbing her arm and pulling the key from her neck.
"Oh yeah? Then what is this?" he asked, looking down at the water key as rolling his eyes seeing as it wasn't the head key.
"What about you?" Sam asked, waving his gun toward Kinsey now. The blonde stepped toward, handing him the music key. Sam pated her body, seeing as this was the only one she had on her.
"You can tell i'm losing my patients, right? Where is the head key." He asked again, his voice more of a demand then a question.
"Tyler has it." Kinsey shrugged her shoulders, Harvest shut her eyes in disappointment.
"Well then I guess we're gonna have the wait for Tyler. Who's hungry?" Sam asked, a grin spreading on his face.
In no time Sam got the four tied up to chairs at the kitchen table, smacking loudly on Ninas spaghetti she made a few nights ago.
"Why are you wearing Tyler's clothes?" Kinsey asked with a glare his way, being ignored.
"Someone has to explain to me, what's going on?" Nina asked, Harvest growing annoying with all of it at this point. Thrashing in the chair she groaned as the ropes kept her still.
"No they don't." Sam shook his head at the woman, giving Harvest a glare at her trashes. The microwave beeped loudly, letting Sam know the other thing he warmed up was done.
"Turkey tetrazzini time for all of you." Sam grinned while going to take it out.
"I just wanna try and help you Sam, that's all. Help you get what you need." Nina tried again with Sam as he scooped plates for the remaining Lockes at the table.
"Only spoons, no sharp forks." Sam said as he grabbed the spoons, setting the plate infront of Kinsey first.
"I'm a vegetarian." she glared up at him as Harvest snorted slightly.
"Is something funny, little Locke?" he asked her with a glare, the nickname that was given to her when they were friends making her swallow thickly.
"No." Harvest simply said, the two staring at each other as he took slow strides towards her.
"Wanna know something else funny?" he asked, before Harvard had time to answer she could only hear her Mom yell out as Sam hit Harvest in the forehead with the butt of the gun. And after that she simple saw darkness.
Time passed slowly in darkness, Harvest was shaken awake what seemed to be thirty minutes later. As She opened her eyes she could see Tyler looking down on her and shaking her body with worried eyes.
"Ty?" Harvest asked confused, a pounding headace as her hand quickly came up to hold it.
"There you are, you okay?" he asked her, noticing the massive bruise above her eyebrow.
"My head, it's pounding." she said, her Mom wrapping her in a hug quickly. The memories hit Harvest quickly, making her pull back fast.
"Where's Bode and Kinsey?" she asked in a panic, the two missing from the scene.
"Sams got them, Mom stay here and call you police. Harvey, come on." Tyler said as he grabbed her hand as the two ran toward the winter study.
"Where's Sally, the whale?" Tyler asked quickly as they ran together.
"Winter study, right over there." Harvest said as they ran in, pointing at their sisters stuffed whale. Tyler hurried over, digging into the cotton and searching quickly for the head key. Looking back at his redhead sister he felt guilty for how she held her pounding headace, knowing she was probably experiencing horrible pain right now.
"What did the cops say?" Harvest asked as their Mom ran into the room.
"Five to ten minutes. Maybe we should go out there, what are you doing?" Nina asked as she turned to Tyler now and seeing him looking through the whale. Tyler then pulled the key out of Sally's mouth, turning to his Mom and sister with a heavy breath. The sound of a gunshot startled the three, "Oh my god."
"Mom wait!" Tyler said as he grabbed Nina who was trying to run.
"Get out of my way! He shot them!" Nina explained loudly as she thrashed in her sons arms. Harvest turned around as she heard the door open, Sams voice echoing through the air as he called out Tyler's name.
The three hide quickly, waiting for Sam to walk in. Nina held a pair of scissors in her hands, stabbing Sam in the shoulder as he walked though. The teen yelp in pain as he turned around quickly, grabbing Nina by the neck.
"Get away!" Harvest yelled as she ran forward, body slamming him into the ground. Sam grabbed the gun and aimed it at her considering he was faster on his feet, pulling Harvest up she pushed her toward Nina as the two redheads held their hands up in surrender.
"You made me do this! I can't let her down, I can't!" Sam explained loudly as Tyler ran forward and used the head key making the boy drop his gun as Harvest hurried to grab it. Sams duplicate was now across the room with wide eyes.
"What the hell is that?" Nina asked from behind her daughter who held the gun up at Sam.
"Holy shit!" Sam explained as he walked toward his body, being cut off by Tyler grabbing his shirt.
"Sam, Bode and Kinsey?" Tyler asked, hoping to get a positive answer from him.
"They ran off into the woods." Sam explained with wide eyes, still shocked at the power the key held.
"Yeah? What about the gun shots?" Harvest asked him as she held onto the gun with two hands to prevent her shaking.
"Some creature attacked me." Sam informed her quickly.
"Bode and Kinsey are okay?" Nina asked him after much quicker.
"If the thing didn't get them, is that me? And that's my front door." Sam explained as he looked to his body and then to the door.
"What the hell is happening?" Nina asked again, clearly confused to the situation.
"It's the head key."
"And this is real?"
"You've seen it before Mom, not this but magic."
"You just can't remember."
"Why can't I remember?"
"Tyler, I screwed everything up. Oh my god, oh shit. I didn't wanna kill Mr.Locke, I didn't. I just wanted to find the keys for her." Sam cried as he held onto Tyler, Harvest lowered the gun as she finally saw the boy she knew months ago again.
"Dodge? That thing I said about my Dad, it had nothing to do with it?" Tyler asked as he pulled Sam back to look as his face.
"What did you say to me?" Sam asked him now, not being able to remember.
"Doesn't matter." Tyler said softly with a small shake to his head.
"I thought you were my friend, but you lied to me. You and your Dad, you lied to me." Sam said with sad eyes as he looked up at Tyler who sighed.
"Yeah, my Dad pushed me to hang out with you to try and help you. But I actually liked you, and we were friends. Until you showed up at my house with a gun!" Tyler yelled as he pushed him back some.
"She told me I was special, that she carried about me." Sam said as Harvest took a step forward.
"She doesn't, Sam. You have to believe me on that one, she doesn't." Harvest shook her head at him.
"You think if she really cared about you she'd be making you do this?" Tyler asked him as Sam looked up at Tyler with small sniffles.
"You don't understand." Sam shook his head as he looked between the two.
"No, I think I do." Tyler said to him with a eyebrows raise and a small nod.
"What's on the other side of that door?" Nina asked as she looked toward Sams door that was now in the middle of the winter study.
"Inside Sams head." Harvest explainer, not knowing how to put it lightly.
"What do you mean his head?" Nina asked in a panic as she began to approach it.
"Mom! Mom! Stop, stop!" Tyler said as he ran to her, Harvest doing the same. Sam quickly grabbed the key, putting it into his neck so he was one person again. The loud doors of the front door were heard again, making Harvest jump as she turned to see a dark attractive woman storming toward them. Tyler went for her quickly but was pushed to the side, knocking Nina out.
"Harvest." Dodge greeted as Harvest frowned her eyebrows, not being able to point out the familiar feeling.
"How- your Dodge?" she asked while holding the gun up as Dodge gave a grin.
"Smart one you are." Dodge laughed as she slapped Harvest across the face and took the gun from her hands. Harvest caught the different look she was giving her, some what a look of regret or sorrow in her eyes. Shrugging it off Harvest held the side of her face, knowing she'd probably look like she got hit by a truck after this night.
"Thank you Sam, you found it."
"Sam, she can't take it from you."
"Shut up!"
"Not unless you give it to her willingly."
"All of this could have been avoided if your idiot father could have just told Sam what I needed to know." Dodge glared as she turned back to Sam, seeing as he held the key close to him.
"What are you doing?" Dodge asked him worried while glancing at the key then back to him.
"Do you really think i'm special?" Sam asked with a sad look.
"Of course I think you're special, Sam." She said back to him, her voice and words not matching up.
"Promise me you aren't lying." Sam said to her as Tyler tried to wake Nina, Harvest watching Dodge and Sam.
"You think I would lie to you?" Dodge asked him as Tyler began to repeat the boys name in hopes of getting in his head.
"Just tell me you aren't lying, tell me." Sam begged Dodge as she pushed a knife into his chest and took the key from his hands. Harvest gasped as she did so, seeing the look of pain over Sams face.
"Maybe I can't take keys from the Lockes, but anyone else is fair game." Dodge said with a smirk as Nina grabbed at Harvest.
"Let's go, lets go!" Nina yelled as she pulled the two out of the house, the sirens being heard in the background.
"He's inside!" Nina yelled as the officers approached.
"Kinsey! Bode!" Nina yelled as the two ran toward them, the family hugging and crying all together. The sound of a car pulling up was heard, two Dads and a son jumping out of the car.
"Harvey! Harvest!" the familiar voice of Logan called out as Harvest pulled away from her brother as saw him in a panic looking around. Harvest let out a sob she didn't realize she was holding in, running and crashing into his arms in a hug. He hugged her back comfortingly, letting her cry and hold onto him as much as she needed while his Dads cheeked on the other Lockes.
"It's be okay, I got you. I've got you." Logan said to her, holding the girl he knew deep down her wanted from the beginning.
i cried so hard the episode and now this chapter. but logan and harvest have soulmate energy and she just hasn't figure it out yet.
more cute gabe and harvest and harvest and logan moments coming soon.
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