Chapter Four
"What's going on?" Harvest asked as she exited her room after hearing her two older siblings arguing.
"Nothing Harvey, just go back in your room." Tyler said as the redhead rolled her eyes.
"Just telling Tyler how I covered for him after he dodged me at lunch today." Kinsey said as Harvest sighed.
"I told you, you could have just came to the library." Harvest offered as Kinsey sighed and went to argue but then noticed something inside Bodes room.
"Bode." she said making the three walk into his room quickly. His body was limb, staring wide eyed at the wall.
"Hey guys!" they heard Bode yell, turning around Harvest screamed when she saw her brother pushing his body out of the toy chest in his room.
"I've gotta come see this, follow me." the youngest Locke said as he disappeared into the chest again. Kinsey and Harvest shared a look, not knowing what exactly to think before they went down. Tyler followed after as the three siblings looked around at the neon light arcade that was at least the size of all of Mathison.
"Holy shit." Harvest said as she looked around in shock.
"Welcome to my head." Bode smiled and her gestured around.
"Am I dreaming or at least super high?" Tyler questioned as he didn't blink once while looking around at everything.
"This is seriously amazing." Kinsey said, actually showing a bit of enthusiasm. The sounds of another Bode jumping around in pure joy was heard a few feet away.
"Who's that?" Kinsey asked as Harvest squinted.
"Who's it look like? It's clearly another Bode." Harvest said as Kinsey didn't pay her any mind.
"My glee. Feeling can become real here too." Bode smiled as Harvest looked around more.
"How do you know that?" Tyler asked him with a confused look as Bode gave him a 'are you serious' one back.
"It's my head, I just do." Bode said as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?" Harvest asked as she watched Bode wind up a jack in the box before it popped open revealing a bright light.
"There we go, Ryan's belt complete" their Fathers voice said as they were suddenly back in Bodes room in Seattle when their father was still alive.
"What is this?" Tyler asked in shock at seeing the man infront of him.
"We're inside one of my memories." Bode said as Harvest wiped the single tear they fell from her eyes.
"Dad!" Kinsey said as she reached for the man, watching as her her hand floated straight through his arm.
"He can't hear you, I already tried." Bode said sadly while noticed the sad look on Harvest face, reaching his hand up to take hers.
"You to tired for a story tonight, buddy?" Randle asked as he looked down at memory Bode.
"What do you say we give Peter Pan a break and I tell you and Randle Locke original?"
"I don't know."
"Yeah, maybe you aren't ready for the one with the sea monster."
"Sea monster?"
"Yeah a very old fisherman, sailing the ocean with his trusted sea mates. Well, one day they find themselves in the middle of this huge storm. And they got so turned around that they ended up on some island that wasn't on any map. As they explored around looking for food and shelter they come across a chest buried in the sand. When they open the chest they discovered it was full of gold."
"I thought you said there was a sea monster?"
"I'm getting there. They decided to take it home with them, but while they were trying to drag the chest back to their ship they were suddenly attacked by a vicious sea monster. And the sea monster chewed up their whole ship so they couldn't escape, it was his job to protect the treasure and-" Randle began to go on until the four siblings where suddenly pulled out of the memory and back in the arcade.
"What happened? Where did he go?" Harvest asked while looking around for any sign of her dad.
"I think I fell asleep before Dad finished, I never heard how it ends." Bode said to them with a small frown.
"It's probably for the best, that story got dark." Tyler said with a sigh.
"What are you talking about? It had a happy ending." Kinsey argued as Harvests eyebrow shot up.
"You two have completely different ideas as to what happy is so i'm not to sure how valid either of you are." she spoke with a point of her finger before they all climbed out of the chest again, being back in Key House.
"Love how casual we think this is." Harvest said sarcastically as they watched Bode walk to his limb duplicate and pull the key out of his neck. He was suddenly one again, reaching down to grab the key off the ground.
"How is any of this possible?" Kinsey asked with a scoff.
"I told you, it's the keys." Bode explained as Harvest nodded along, still having the one that brought her to the ocean around her neck.
"How are you even finding them?" Tyler asked in shock.
"I hear them whisper." Bode explained as the three before him gave a odd look.
"Whisper? What are the saying?" Tyler asked as Bode gave a odd look.
"Not really words, at least non the I understand." the smaller one explained before Harvest spoke up.
"Mine didn't whisper to me, I just saw it." the redhead explained as she held the chain around her neck up, dangling the key infront of everyone.
"Dad must have known about the keys, there was one in the bracelet he gave me." Kinsey spoke up quietly while they all turned to her.
"Wonder if there are anymore." Tyler spoke as Harvest nodded.
"I'm sure, I mean there has to be." she added in.
"Okay, Tyler's turn." Bode announced while going toward the blonde boy with the key.
"No, no way. No one is poking around in my head." he argued while backing away.
"Kinsey?" Bode asked while waving the key in her face.
"Same." she shook her head quickly and pushed his hand away.
"Harvey? Wanna look in your head?" Bode said with a grin as Harvest looked to Kinsey and Tyler before back to Bode.
"Another time." she said even though he gave her a slightly odd look.
"What's the point of having magic keys if we can't even use them?" Bode asked dramatically as Tyler kneeled down to be on his height.
"Until we know how much damage they can do, i'm gonna hold onto all three of them." Tyler said while reaching for Harvests necklace as she backed away with a annoyed look.
"Why do you get all three?" Kinsey asked while walking forward.
"Obviously i'm the oldest so.." he trailed off, getting a eye roll from his red head sister.
"And the least responsible." Kinsey pointed out as Harvest nodded.
"Agreed." she added with a point of his finger.
"Hello i'm the one that's finding them all." Bode said as Tyler glared down at him.
"You already lost one." Tyler said as Bode gave a angry look.
"That wasn't my fault." the smallest boy argued, getting a odd look from his three siblings.
"Alright, I didn't tell this before but there's this scary wheel lady that's trying to get the keys so I need to protect them." Bode said as Harvest exhaled and ran a hand through her hair.
"And so we should give them to you?" Kinsey asked him with a look of disbelief.
"Exactly." Bode nodded as Harvest laughed slightly.
"Alright here's what we're gonna do. Tyler's gonna take the mirror key, Harvey will get her water key, and I'll take the brainy key." Kinsey explained as Bode gave a annoyed look.
"Head key." he corrected.
"Sure, we'll go with that." Kinsey said back with a eye roll.
"She is real." Bode said, getting the vibe they didn't believe him.
"We believe you." Harvest nodded as Bode gave her a small nod.
"If she comes back you tell us right away, okay?" Tyler asked the youngest Locke as he sighed and nodded.
"What if it's to late?" Bode questioned as the chill ran down Harvest spine making her look of her shoulder, shocked to see no one there.
"Kinsey, pst." Harvest said that night as she slightly shook her sister awake.
"Harvest? What is it?" the blonde asked as she sat up and turned on the lamp.
"I wanna go inside my head." the redhead said as Kinsey shook her head.
"I don't care what you say, I know your secret hiding place." Harvest said while holding the head key up in her hand making Kinsey sigh.
"Fine, but you're not going alone." her slightly older sister said while getting out of the bed.
"Ready?" Harvest asked as she held the key behind her neck.
"Ready as i'll ever be." Kinsey sighed as Harvest quickly twisted the key, seeing herself limb a few feet away.
"Woah, creepy." Harvest said while looking around for the entrance way.
"You coming?" Kinsey asked while holding the closet open, revealing a large library.
"Woah." Harvest smiled as they entered, looking around at every book.
"Why's it just books?" Kinsey said as Harvest looked at the side of the shelf seeing the were in alphabetical order of her memories.
"Their my memories, let's open one." Harvest said as she reached for the first book and pulled it open.
"Is that Gabe?" Kinsey asked as they were suddenly standing outside of Scots house, watching as Harvest spoke happily to the brunette boy.
"I wish I looked better they day." Harvest said as they left the memory, pushing it back on the shelf.
"This is seriously amazing." Kinsey said while they ran their fingers over every book.
"It's insane, how is any of this real?" Harvest asked as she suddenly jump, bumping into Kinsey as the loud thunder storm was heard.
"What's that?" Kinsey asked as they followed the noise, coming across a large book shelf with storms and dark colors around it.
"My nightmares." Harvest sighed as she neared them.
"Are they getting worse? You know Mom wants you to tell her if they are." Kinsey said as they looked at the books.
"Why? So she can put me in therapy? I'll pass." Harvest said while grabbing her hand and dragging her away and through the many books again.
"Look, these are ones of us." Harvest said while grabbing the book and opening it.
"Kinsey! Come get me!" a much younger Harvest yelled as she run through the sand on the beach, her long red hair flowing behind her.
"Wait up, Harvey!" Kinsey yelled with a laugh, the two falling into the sand with a laugh.
" simpler times." Kinsey said with a small laugh as Harvest smiled over her shoulder, hearing the obnoxious beeping suddenly.
"What is that?" Harvest asked as she covered her ears.
"My alarm, we need to go back before anyone realizes we aren't there." Kinsey said as Harvest quickly put the key into her neck, the two back in the room again. Kinsey quickly went to her alarm clock to turn it off as Harvest picked up the key on the ground to hand it back to her.
"Thanks... for coming with me." Harvest said with a small smile before leaving the room. As she pulled on the first outfit she saw she heard soft pebbles on her balcony. Peaking out she saw Gabe standing down there with a grin.
"What are you doing?" she asked with a laugh as he smiled up at her.
"Kinda afraid of use the door, no offense." he said as she laughed and shook her head.
"Non taken, i'll be down in a sec." she said as she raced down the stairs, ignoring everyone that attempted to talk to her.
"Hi." she said out of breath as she met Gabe out front.
"Hi back." he said while holding the car door open for her.
"How'd you sleep after last night? How's Kinsey?" he asked while driving to school.
"Ugh we're okay, yeah I think we're okay. Thanks for asking." she smiled as he grinned her way with a nod.
"Hey I was wondering, would you maybe wanna hang out? Outside of film groups were I'm dressed as a lobster." he said as she grinned and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah that sounds good."
*harvest being a meme for a whole chapter straight*
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