Chapter Five
"You guys don't have to sit with us, go ahead. Sit with your friends." Nina said to her kids as they arrived at Tyler's hockey game.
"Don't gotta tell me twice." Harvest commented while walking over toward Logan who was seated up near the top.
"Hey there." he grinned when he noticed her jogging up the bleachers toward him.
"Care to share?" she teased while he held his popcorn out to her as she took a hand full.
"Your brothers playing right?" He asked as Harvest sucked in a breath.
"More like watching from the bench, gonna hear all about it all night too." Harvest rolled her eyes as Logan chuckled before clearing his throat making her look at him odd.
"What?" she asked with frowned eyebrows as he quickly shook his head.
"Nothing, nothing. I ugh, I heard you and Gabe were gonna hang out tonight." Logan said as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Yeah?" Harvest said, her word coming out more as a question.
"Are you two like a um, like a thing?" Logan asked as Harvest chuckled.
"What? No, no way. We're just friends, hanging out." Harvest shrugged as he nodded quickly.
"Cool, cool yeah I mean I just wasn't sure if this hang out was code for something." he shrugged while she gave yet another confused look.
"What do- Logan! No! That's so not it." Harvest explained as she pushed his shoulder causing him to laugh and throw his hands up.
"Okay, okay sorry" he apologized quickly with a laugh.
"If hockey games are always that boring I will never be going again." Harvest laughed as her and Logan walked out side by side.
"Yeah they usually- oh god." He began but cut himself off, Harvest looked in the directed he was facing to see a older looking guy trying to talk to Kinsey.
"Who is that?" Harvest laughed as Logan grabbed her hand.
"Not a good guy, we better get over there." he said while the two headed over before stopping when Tyler swung a punch at the guy.
"Ty!" Harvest yelled as she went to run over, being held back quickly by Logan. Kinsey tried to grab Tyler off, getting a shove as she fell. Logan let go of Harvest as the two went to her side.
"You okay?" Logan asked while helping her up.
"What's going on? What did they guy want?" Harvest asked, only getting ignored as Kinsey continued to watch Tyler and the guy fight. The principal got him off quickly, separating the two quickly and dragging Tyler off to find Nina.
After a long talk at the office the Locke family finally got to go home. Harvest was messing with the books in the library when she heard the knocking at the door. After a few seconds she realized no one would answer it, with a sigh she headed to the door quickly. After swinging it open she saw Gabe with a bag of Phil's in his left hand and a box of movies in the other.
"Hey." he smiled as she blinked in realization.
"We're suppose to be hanging out! Geez, i'm so sorry. Come in." she said while running a hand through her hair as he got in quickly.
"I could come back another time if you-" he began but was cut off quickly.
"No, no stay. Seriously, after the day I had I think I deserve a break." she laughed while he grinned back before footsteps were heard walking into the living room.
"Oh, who's this?" Nina smiled as she saw the boy standing before her daughter.
"Mom this is Gabe, a friend from school. We were just gonna watch some movies for a little bit, is that okay?" she asked as Nina smiled.
"Hi Gabe, i'm Nina." she said while reaching out and shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs.Locke." he said respectful making her grin wider back.
"Um, yeah sure I don't mind. Just keep your door open, and i'm right down the hall." she smiled as Harvest gave a look before dragging Gabe upstairs.
"What's the deal with you and Phils?" Harvest laughed as she realized it was something he often mentioned or had with him.
"Are you crazy? You'd understand once you try it." he said while she looked through the movies quickly as he looked around her room.
"Is that your Dad?" he asked while looking at the small wall of photos.
"Yeah, it's been a few years though. He grew his beard out some before he died." Harvest said while putting she movie info the tv and hopping onto the bed, she noticed he was still looking around with wondering eyes. Gabe turned and noticed her staring, grinning slightly he walked over toward her.
"Do you know your name means a gift from god?" he asked while sitting down next to her on the beige sheets.
"Does it?" she asked with a small look as he nodded.
"Yeah, said nothing about final girl though." he said, teasing about there meeting conversation.
"I'd literally put millions of dollars down on me being the final girl." Harvest said with a laugh, flipping the lamp off and hitting play.
"Oh yeah, no doubt." he said sarcastically while they focused their attention on the tv.
"Harvest, were are you?" the familiar male voice rang through the house as Harvest hid under her bed, hand over her mouth to silence her cries.
"Come out, come out where ever you are." he taunted loudly while Harvest let out a yell as she felt her leg being tugged from under the bed.
"No! No get off of me!" she yelled while trying to get Sam away from her, the gun in his hand.
"I just want to know what you know! Tell me!" he was yelling at her, not inflicting any serious pain just trying to get her hands away from him. Harvest continued to cry out as she struggled under his hold. Sam lifted his gun quickly and slammed it into her collar bone making her cry out before he sudden fell off of her. Nina stood with a hammer in hand, Kinsey and Bode not far behind her.
Harvest woke up with a yell as she sat up quickly. The tears shed cried in her sleep stained her face as she thrashed around quickly. Looking around she found the tv off, and Gabe gone. The alarm clock read two in the morning, making her sigh and wipe her face while rocking herself back and forth.
"Harvest, hey. Are you okay?" Gabes voice rung through the room as he entered again.
"You're still here? Where were you?" she asked, not meaning her words to one out so sudden.
"Bathroom, I can leave if you wanna be alone." he said as she quickly shook her head and waved him back into the bed with her. Gabe crawled in next to her, putting the comforter over the two while looking at the side of her face. Harvest was looking up at the ceiling, her chest heaving up and down like she was attempting to catch her breath.
"Does that happen often? Nightmares?" he asked her softly.
"Every night." she answered him honestly making the boy nod despite the fact that the only light was from the moon outside the window.
"What happens?" he asked as she turned her head to look him in the eye, her face stained with tears becoming noticeable to him now.
"Sam." she answered back in a quiet and weak voice.
"Who's Sam?" Gabe asked her, hesitating before reaching over and wiping the stray tears from her under eyes.
"The guy that killed me Dad, I keep dreaming about it. When I was little I use to have them really bad, just about monsters and all that. But now it's just the worst memories replaying in my head over and over." she said sadly as he nodded while staring back at her.
"If I could take it away from you I would." he said as she sniffled and scooted closer to him. Gabe got the hint quickly, lifted his arm to put around her shoulder as her head rested between his neck and chest now.
"Hey kiddo, what are you writing?" Nina asked the next day as she walked into Harvest's room.
"Just an idea, what if I write a book?" Harvest asked as Nina chuckled slightly.
"About what?" she questioned as Harvest shrugged.
"I don't really know yet, just kinda throwing ideas together as they hit me." Harvest shrugged as the redhead woman smiled.
"Well I think that's a great idea, nobel price coming your way." she joked as Harvest laughed and grinned while her Mom leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"I didn't hear your friend Gabe leave last night, must have fallen asleep." Nina said as Harvest tried to control her facial expression.
"Oh, yeah- yeah he left after our movie last night. Stayed a little later then planned, surprised you didn't hear him leave." Harvest lied straight through her teeth, hoping to God her Mom believed her.
"Okay, well i'm gonna head off to cheek on Kinsey." Nina said as she gave Harvest one last grin before leaving the room. Harvest let out the breath she didn't even realize she was holding before she pulled her journal away from her chest and started on the second chapter
Chapter Two, The Head Key.
do i love them? yes. should i? definitely not. do i anyway? definitely.
also harvest writing about the keys in key house is my new favorite thing.
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