TWENTY FOUR | Broken Promises
Mariah woke up the next morning with a groan. She slowly opened her tired eyes to find a shirtless Archie sound asleep. A light smile made its way onto her face as she looked at him. She rubbed her eyes and made her way out of his bed, careful to not wake him. She obviously failed.
"Hey, where are you going?" Archie mumbled groggily. "Uh, home." Mariah laughed. Archie sat up in bed and grabbed Mariah's hands. "No, don't leave," he complained. "I have to. I'm sure my mom is worried sick seeing as I didn't tell her that I wasn't going to come home last night. She'll probably murder me once I get there," she said.
He chuckled and nodded before getting out of his bed. He stood in front of her and leaned in but she pulled her head backward. "No kissing. We have morning breath," she said. The redhead shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "I don't care," he mumbled. She moved away from him and gave him a look. "Yeah well I do. And I have to go," she said.
Mariah moved about his room and bent down to pick up her purse and her shoes. She stood up straight and blew Archie a kiss before making her way downstairs. She dug through her purse until she found her keys. When she looked up, Jughead Jones stared at her, a knowing smirk adorning his lips.
"Don't look at me like that, Jughead. Nothing happened last night," she dismissed. "I didn't say anything," Jughead said, his smirk turning into a cheeky smile. "Yeah, but you were thinking something," Mariah said. Jughead chuckled at the girl that stood in front of him. "You want some breakfast?" He questioned and she shook her head. "Mariah Coleman turning down food? That's a first," he said.
"I have to get home before my mom files a missing persons report. She tends to overreact sometimes," Mariah said. Jughead nodded understandingly, "Well, see you later, bestie." Mariah narrowed her eyes at the boy who laughed uncontrollably. "Don't make fun of me," she growled. He only shrugged and gave the girl a salute as she turned on her heel and exited the house.
Once inside her car, she threw her shoes onto the passenger seat and started up the car. She hoped that her mother wouldn't be too pissed off at her once she got home.
"I want your car keys!" Amara Coleman exclaimed loudly as her daughter sat in the chair in front of her. "My car keys?" Mariah questioned in disbelief. Amara narrowed her eyes. "Did I stutter? Yes your car keys. Give them to me," she said.
"Mom, come on. You already took my phone and my laptop," Mariah said, eyes pleading. "You're lucky it was just your phone and laptop! No, you're lucky I'm not grounding you, which I should be doing. You just don't come home from a small get together, which turned out to be a damn party. And you spend the night at Veronica's house without calling me to inform me that you're okay!" Amara replied. The woman held out her hand impatiently and Mariah sat with wide eyes.
"It's either you give me your car keys, or you're grounded. And that means you won't have the car anyways, because you won't leave this house! That also means no homecoming for you," Amara said and Mariah scoffed. "I don't even want to go to homecoming," she said defiantly. Ms. Coleman scoffed, "Yeah, I'm not buying what you're selling. Keys, now!"
Mariah sighed in defeat and began digging through her purse. She pulled out her car keys and placed them into her mother's opened palm. Amara closed her hand around the keys and smiled. "Now, go to your room please," Amara requested with a tired sigh. Mariah stood from the chair and began walking toward the staircase.
She stopped in front of it and turned to her mother. "I'm really sorry for scaring you, mom," she said. She then made her way up the stairs and to her room. She flopped backward onto her bed with a sigh. "Well, this day sucks."
Mariah tiredly trudged through the school hallways. She had to walk to school because she had no car and no ride. Her mom had to go to work early and Cheryl was pissed at her.
As she made her way through the crowd of students, she almost got rammed into by multiple people. She hissed out scathing insults at each of them. When Mariah finally reached her locker, she slowly opened it and started to open her bag. She took books from her bag and began transferring them into her locker.
"Hey," Jughead said as he leaned against the locker next to hers. Mariah grunted in response and started pulling out the things that she would need for classes. "Okay, what's wrong with you?" He questioned with raised eyebrows.
"Nothing," she muttered. Jughead scoffed, "Obviously something's up. You didn't say 'hey bestie' or something along those lines." Mariah released a long breath, "Did you need something, bestie?" The boy rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to know if you've spoken to Archie," Jughead said.
"Nope. I don't have my phone and I haven't seen him yet. Why?" She answered. "Nothing. You should probably talk to him. Why don't you have your phone?" He said. "Because my mom took it. I didn't come home the night of the party and forgot to tell her that I was staying the night. Remember?" She answered.
"You told your mom that you stayed at Archie's?" Jughead asked in disbelief and slight amusement. "What do you take me for? An idiot? No, I told her that I spent the night at Veronica's," she replied. "Okay. So you're grounded?" He asked and she shrugged. "Sort of. I don't know, my mom's complicated," Mariah said.
"That sucks. Well I'll see you later, Shorty," he said and began to walk away. "I'm not that short," Mariah called after him. "Whatever you say," Jughead said. Mariah closed her locker and turned on her heel, almost slamming into Archie as she does so. "Geez Archie, watch out," she said playfully.
"Sorry," he mumbled. The two started to walk down the corridors. "My mom's in town," Archie admitted. The shock was evident on Mariah's face at his words. "Well this is sudden. Why is she here?" She said. "Because of the divorce," he said and she nodded her head. "Also because I called my dad when I was drunk at the party," he added and Mariah smacked his shoulder.
"Idiot! Why would you do that?" She quietly exclaimed. "I was drunk." Archie shrugged and Mariah rolled her eyes. "Hey, I gotta go. But I'll see you at the dance right?," Archie said as the two reached the end of the hallway. "Is that a question?" Mariah asked with raised eyebrows. Archie sighed before smiling. "Would you like to go to homecoming with me?" He asked. Mariah nodded, "I suppose." Archie kissed her cheek before walking off.
At lunch, Mariah carefully walked through the snow, her lunch tray in her hands. Her friends were, once again, sitting outside. She spotted them and walked over to the table but Cheryl stepped in front of her. "Hello Mariah," the redhead greeted. "Cheryl," Mariah said curiously.
"What? No hello?" She questioned. "I thought you were mad at me," Mariah said. "Oh I am. I just wanted to inform you that me and Polly are campaigning for homecoming queens together and I would appreciate your vote," Cheryl said. Mariah nodded slowly. "Well, that's all," Cheryl said as she moved to walk passed her.
"Cheryl, wait. That's seriously all you're gonna say?" Mariah asked. Cheryl sighed, "You've been hiding things from me and keeping secrets. You haven't even told me why you moved back here. We're supposed to be best friends."
"Look, I'm sorry. I want to tell you, but it's just hard. I'll explain everything, okay? You just have to give me time," Mariah said. Cheryl sighed and tilted her head in thought. "I suppose I could do that. But you better tell me everything. And hopefully soon," Cheryl said and Mariah nodded. "I will and soon. I promise," the blonde said.
The redhead smiled and looped her arm with Mariah's. "All right, so what are we gonna wear to the dance?"
"You really think that your dad and FP Jones had something to do with Jason's murder?"
"I don't know, Mar. I do know that something just isn't right."
"But murder? That's a stretch don't you think?"
"Maybe, but I need to know. Do you want to help me find out?"
"By breaking into FP's trailer."
"Are you out of your mind, Veronica?"
"It's the only way I can think of. I know it's last minute but I could really use the help."
"Ronnie, this is insane!"
"Mariah, please. Just please help me out."
"Why don't you ask Betty? She's the Nancy Drew of the group."
"Betty doesn't think FP is guilty. She doesn't want to get involved."
"Well, she's smart to not want to get involved."
"Is that a no to helping me?"
"Sorry, but I don't wanna go to jail."
"You suck."
"What do you think you'll even find, Veronica?"
"I don't know. Something. Anything."
"This is dangerous. Don't do this."
"I have to know if my father had a part in this."
"Veronica, please. Promise me you won't go through with this."
"Please Veronica. This could turn out really badly."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise."
"Thank you, V. We'll find out what's happening. Just no breaking and entering."
"Okay. I'll see you at the dance."
"Bye Veronica."
The call ended and Mariah sighed. The blonde had to resort to using her home phone in order to communicate with her friends, seeing as she didn't have her cell phone. After a few minutes, she started getting ready for the homecoming dance.
A few hours later, she looked herself over in the mirror and admired her appearance. She wore a teal blue floor length dress that fanned out slightly and flowed when she walked. Her blonde hair was straightened and in a high ponytail. Her black strappy heels were a little uncomfortable but bearable. She could still dance in them, but barely.
The doorbell rang and Mariah quickly grabbed her things before heading downstairs. She opened the door and Cheryl stood in the doorway, a small smirk on her lips. She wore a stunning red, floor length dress. Her red curls were up in a high ponytail as well and her red lipstick tied her entire outfit together.
"Well you look way better than me," Mariah admitted and Cheryl scoffed. "Oh shut up you swine. You look incredible, like always. Now come on, let's go," Cheryl replied. Mariah nodded and the two exited the house, Mariah locking the door behind her.
"No Polly? I thought she was coming to the dance with you," Mariah said as they entered Cheryl's car. "She sugar-crashed and cancelled last minute," Cheryl replied as she began to back out of the driveway. "I see," Mariah mumbled. "So why aren't you driving to the dance with Archie?" Cheryl asked.
Mariah shrugged, "He said that he had something to take care of. Last minute preparations for something, I guess. He's meeting me there." Cheryl nodded and the car grew silent. "I know," the redhead quietly said after a while. Mariah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Know what?"
"About New York," Cheryl stated. Mariah was silent for a while. "Did Archie tell you?" She asked and Cheryl was silent. "I can't believe him," Mariah muttered. "Don't be mad at Archie. I sort of tricked him into telling me. I mean he assumed that you told me after the party and I sort of I made it seem like I already knew and he was relieved and started talking about it. I'm sorry," Cheryl said quickly.
Mariah sighed, "I was gonna tell you." Cheryl nodded, eyes not leaving the road. "I understand why you didn't. I'm really sorry that you had to go through that. I wish you had told me though, so I could've been there for you. So that I could've helped you," Cheryl said. The remainder of the car ride was silent.
As the car pulled up to the school, a sense of dread began to wash over Mariah and she regretted coming. She reluctantly got out of Cheryl's car and the two girls walked into the school. As they entered the gym, music filled their ears and Mariah's eyes swept around the room as she looked for her friends.
Cheryl walked over to the punch table and Mariah walked further into the dance. "Mariah! You look great!" Josie McCoy said as she approached the girl. Mariah smiled politely, "So do you Josie." Josie smiled appreciatively and the two girls began to converse. Mariah and Josie were well passed the stage of acquaintances. The girls were at the stages of the beginning of a great friendship, thanks to Cheryl, and it was nice for the blonde to have someone new to talk to.
"I have to go find Valerie and Melody. But I'll talk to you later, okay?" Josie said and Mariah nodded. The girl walked away and as she did, Betty and Jughead walked up. "Hey Mariah! You look amazing," Betty complimented. "Nope, that's all you," Mariah said with a smile. "And you clean up really nicely Jughead. I see you couldn't go one night without the beanie," Mariah said, her eyebrows raising slightly.
"I will never not wear a beanie, Mariah. You should know that by now," the boy replied.
"So, how are you feeling?" Betty asked with a soft smile. "I'm fine," Mariah answered in confusion. "That's good. If you ever need to talk, you can always come to me. You know that, right?" Betty said and Mariah nodded. "Of course. Where's this coming from?" Mariah laughed. Betty and Jughead exchanged nervous glances and Mariah's eyes widened in realization.
"He told you didn't he? Archie told you what happened in New York. Why I'm here," Mariah said. She shook her head in disbelief and grew angry. "I can't believe that he told you guys too after he promised that he wouldn't tell anyone." Jughead opened his mouth to speak but Mariah angrily stomped off and started to search for the redhead.
After a few minutes of searching, she sighed in annoyance. He seemed to be nowhere in sight. That is until he appeared on stage with Veronica. The two were prepared to sing, much to Mariah's confusion. Mariah found herself stood next to Cheryl as the everyone's attention was on the stage. The two on stage began singing and Mariah's eyes narrowed in anger.
Anger coursed through her veins as she watched her boyfriend on stage singing with her friend. She couldn't understand why Archie would tell their friends what happened after she made him promise not to. The blonde and the redhead stood with their arms crossed. Cheryl's eyes were narrowed in disgust at the sight in front of her.
Archie's eyes swept across the crowd until they landed on Mariah. He smiled brightly at her as he continued singing, only to get a glare in response. His smile faltered slightly as the song continued. As it was finishing, Mariah walked toward the exit of the gym. After the song ended, Archie quickly made his way off the stage and toward her.
"Hey hey hey! Where are you going?" He asked as he made his way in front of the girl. "You told them. After I specifically asked you not to. After you promised that you wouldn't. You told them anyway," she exclaimed, the anger evident in her tone. Archie's face fell, "I can explain."
"Don't bother," she hissed as she pushed passed him, only for him to grab her arm and turn her around. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, okay? It was an accident," he defended. "Right. So you just 'accidentally' told Cheryl, Betty, and Jughead something that I made you promise not to tell. How does that happen?" She said.
"Cheryl tricked me! And Betty and Jughead were worried about you. So was I. They just wanted to know if everything was okay with you and we were talking and it just came out," he explained. "I wanted to tell them, Archie. When I was ready. I was going to tell them. Why couldn't you just tell them that I was fine. That nothing was wrong?" She replied. "Because that's a lie and you and I both know it. They're our friends, I couldn't just lie to them," Archie said.
"You couldn't keep a secret either," she snapped. "Mariah--" he began but she cut him off. "No I told you something that I hadn't told anyone else. Not even Cheryl. I trusted you! Clearly that was mistake!" Mariah said. "I'm sorry. Mariah I'm so sorry," he mumbled. "Sorry doesn't fix shit, Archie," she replied.
"Okay so tell me what to do. Tell me how to fix this," Archie pleaded but Mariah only shook her head. "I don't know how you can. I don't think I can even trust you anymore, Archie," she admitted. "No, don't say that. You can trust me, Mariah. I promise you can," he said.
"You're incapable of keeping your promises. You've proved that," she said. She took a deep breath and released it. "I can't do this right now. I'm gonna go find Cheryl," Mariah muttered before turning in the opposite direction. "Mariah!" Archie called but she ignored him and continued walking.
Finally! An update. I apologize for the lack of updates but I haven't been writing anything and when I started writing this chapter, I decided to begin writing the remaining chapters also because there were only like two episodes left. I have finished writing the remaining chapters so sadly, this book is coming to an end really soon. There will be around 3 more chapters left after this one. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a nice day.
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