TEN | Revelations
*I feel like I say this a lot but please read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter*
At night, Veronica texted Mariah to meet her at the school and explained what was happening. So, Mariah texted Cheryl to come and pick her up. As they walked into the school, Mariah began talking. "So when are you gonna tell me what happened?" She asked.
"Soon. Just be patient. Jeez!" Cheryl exclaimed in irritation. "You know I'm not patient," Mariah whisper shouted. "Shh," Cheryl shushed. Mariah narrowed her eyes and glared at her friend. "I know you did not just shush me," Mariah began as the two girls rounded the corner.
"Color me impressed," Cheryl started, making Betty, Veronica, Kevin, and Ethel jump. "A B and E with B and V. What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty?" Cheryl concluded. "What are you doing here, Cheryl?" Betty asked.
"And where did you get those thigh-high boots? They're amazing," Kevin said. Mariah gave him a look at the irrelevance of his question. "Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Ginger, who told Tina, who told me," Cheryl explained to the group. Mariah raised her eyebrows in question.
"What are you talking about? I told you," Mariah said. "Yeah, after Tina told me," Cheryl replied. "Yeah, okay," Mariah said, rolling her eyes. "And I thought I would help out," Cheryl added.
"Help? Or derail our investigation?" Betty asked. "Get over yourself, Betty," Cheryl deadpanned, shining the flashlight she held in Betty's face. "Hey guys, get in here," Ethel called to them. They all walked closer to where Ethel was standing. She held a book in her hand.
"Trev was right. They didn't even bother to hide it," Ethel said. She flipped the page and Mariah could see Veronica's name. "New girl? Is that what I'm reduced to? Nine points?" Veronica asked in a quiet voice. Underneath Veronica's name, Mariah could see her own. Written was, Mariah (9.2)- Mystery girl.
"Better than 'big girl'. Seven point five," Ethel said sadly. "Polly's in this book," Betty said quietly. "Next to Jason's name," Cheryl added. Mariah shook her head in disappointment. She couldn't believe that Jason had actually participated in something like this.
"Mar, your name's in this too," Veronica said causing Mariah to nod. "But there's no guy's name next to yours," Cheryl pointed out causing Mariah to frown and look closer. Where a football player's name should be is where a question mark resided.
"He wasn't lying," Mariah whispered to herself. "What? What are you talking about?" Cheryl asked. Mariah just shook her head and looked at the ground. Betty began walking away from the group. Veronica looked over. "I'm so sorry Betty," she said sadly. "This isn't... Jason would never--" Cheryl started and Betty cut her off.
"It's right there, Cheryl! God. Your brother hurt my sister. This is what guys like Jason and Chuck think about women. We're objects for them to abuse. And when they're done with us, they shame us into silence. They have zero remorse for the lives they destroy," she said in slight anger.
"Maybe I don't know Jason," Cheryl said, turning off her flashlight. "Maybe neither of us do," she added, motioning toward Mariah.
Mariah tuned out the rest of their conversation as she walked a little away from the others. She felt sick. Jason was a part of something so awful and cruel. He was doing something that she never, in a million years,would've thought that he would do. "I'm gonna go," Mariah said quietly. "Are you okay?" Betty asked and Mariah nodded her head and began to walk away.
She walked aimlessly around the school trying to clear her head. She walked passed the music room and heard singing. It was faint because the door was closed but she could still hear it. The voices sounded familiar but she couldn't place them. She took multiple steps backwards until her back touched the wall.
She closed her eyes. She wanted to sink into the wall and disappear forever. The door to the music room opened and light flooded the hallway. Mariah lazily opened her eyes and then squinted. "Hey. What're you doing here?" A voice belonging to Josie McCoy asked.
"I could ask you the same question. But in all honesty, I don't really care," Mariah replied closing her eyes once again. "You're Mariah. Cheryl's best friend right?" Josie asked ignoring her comment. "First of all, I would rather you didn't classify me as 'Cheryl's best friend'. I'm more than 'just her friend'. But, you're Josie. Of the Pussycats," she replied. Josie narrowed her eyes and stuck out her hand. "Josie McCoy. It's nice to finally meet you." Mariah looked at her hand and then took it, giving it a shake.
"This is Valerie Brown and Melody Valentine," she added, introducing the two girls that walked up behind her. They waved and Mariah waved back. Then Archie stepped out of the room and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he saw Mariah.
Mariah didn't look at him and kept her attention on Josie. "I heard some of that song. It was really good," she told her honestly. Josie smiled, "Thanks. Your friend Archie helped write it."
"Really?" Mariah asked, finally bringing her attention to the ginger. "Uh, yeah," he said with a nod. "Well it's a really great song. From what I could hear," she replied somewhat awkwardly. She didn't know what to say. Obviously she should apologize but she didn't know how to start. "Well it was nice to meet you three. I'll see you guys later," Mariah said and then turned away from the four.
"Hey! Mariah wait!" Archie called after her. Mariah stopped and turned to face him. "Are you okay? You don't look okay and I don't think you are so I don't really know why I asked you that," Archie rambled, rubbing the back of his neck. Mariah smiled up at him. "No I'm not okay. But I will be. Eventually," she answered honestly. She paused and released a sigh.
"Look, Archie. I'm really sorry. I accused you of using me and tonight I found out that I was wrong. You weren't lying when you said that you didn't know. And I feel awful. I'm sorry," Mariah apologized. It was quiet for a minute before Archie began to speak. "I still don't know what I was being accused of," Archie admitted with a small laugh.
"Don't worry. You'll find out soon enough," she replied. "Are we okay? Are we friends again?" Mariah asked expectantly. Archie smiled sheepishly. "I didn't realize that we stopped being friends," he admitted. "Really? Because I thought I made it pretty clear," she said with a smile. "Well in that case yeah, we're good. As long as you don't go accusing me of stuff anymore," Archie answered. "Deal." Mariah smiled.
The next night, Mariah walked into her house to find her mom standing by the door. She was smiling excitedly at her daughter. "Uh, hey mom," Mariah said, giving her mother a creeped out look. "I have a surprise for you," her mom said. "Close your eyes," she added.
Mariah did as told and grew excited. Her mother guided her around and then stopped. "Alright, open them," her mother said. As Mariah opened her eyes, the smile on her face fell. "This isn't a car," she said staring at it blankly. In front of her sat a black grand piano.
"Yeah. It's a piano. The music teacher at your school, Ms. Grundy, called. She said that she saw you playing the piano. I was so thrilled that you were playing again that I just had to buy one. Do you like it?" Amara explained. "I'm not playing the piano again. It was just a one time thing. You can return it," Mariah answered in disappointment.
"I figured you'd have a reaction like that but come on, just give it a play. Please, for me," her mother said. "Fine," Mariah grumbled. She dragged her fingers across the keys but stopped when she heard a noise. She looked at her mother with narrowed eyes.
She lifted the lid of the piano and peered inside. In it, was a pair of keys. Car keys. Mariah's eyes widened and her head whipped around to look at her mom. "No!" She exclaimed, grabbing the keys in excitement. "In the garage," her mother replied casually, a wide grin on her face.
Mariah ran to the garage and opened the door upon arrival. She turned on the lights and gasped at the car in front of her. "It's a 2017 Honda Civic. It's nice isn't it?" Her mom said. All Mariah could do is nod excitedly. "Now, obviously there will be rules--" Amara began but was cut off by Mariah slamming into her and hugging her tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you. I love you. You're the best," she said. "Yeah I know," Amara replied. "You want to go for a drive?" She then asked.
Before Mariah could respond, the doorbell was rung. The two walked out of the garage and to the front door. Mariah opened the door where Cheryl stood. "I've come to give you answers," Cheryl said. She then proceeded to push Mariah out of the way and walked into the house. "Hey Ms. C. You're looking very beautiful today," Cheryl said with a smile.
"Don't I always?" Ms. Coleman replied, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Mariah rolled her eyes and Cheryl laughed softly. "Hi Cheryl. How are you?" She asked the redhead. "I've been better," Cheryl replied honestly. "Cheryl and I are gonna talk in my room," Mariah said, grabbing Cheryl's arm and pulling her up the stairs.
When they entered the room, Mariah closed the door. Cheryl sat down on the bed. "All right, spill," Mariah commanded, pulling the chair out from her desk to sit across from Cheryl. And so, Cheryl told her everything. At the end of it, Mariah's mind was all over the place. Finally she asked, "Why didn't you guys tell me what you were planning?"
"We were going to. I swear. We just never got the chance," Cheryl answered quietly. "Well, I'm glad you told me. Even though it's a little late," Mariah said giving Cheryl a pointed look. "Sorry," Cheryl mumbled and then changed the subject. "So, what's going on with you and Archie?" She asked.
"Uh uh. Don't go changing the subject," Mariah said causing Cheryl to glare. Mariah narrowed her eyes and sighed. "Nothing," she said, rolling her eyes. Cheryl scoffed, "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?" She asked. "Believe what you want. That's not my problem," Mariah said. "Come on M. It's so obvious that you two are crushing on each other," the redhead said. "We are not crushing on each other," Mariah denied.
"We're just friends. And I'm perfectly fine with that," she added. Cheryl narrowed her eyes at the blonde. "That's bullshit and you know it!" She exclaimed. "Cheryl. I'm done with this conversation," Mariah said in exasperation. "I'm not. Tell the truth Mariah. It'll only get worse if you don't," Cheryl said.
"What are you going to do, Cheryl?" Mariah asked, tilting her head mockingly. "I'll, uh. I'll sit on you," she said and then face palmed. Mariah snorted, "Yeah, okay." Cheryl sighed, "Do you like him?" She asked softly. It was Mariah's turn to sigh. "I don't know. I don't know how I feel about anything, let alone about a boy," Mariah answered honestly.
Cheryl patted the spot on the bed next to her and Mariah stood from her chair and sat next to Cheryl. "I think, that you do have feelings for Archibald. I don't think they ever went away, no matter what you say," Cheryl began. "If you like him, then you should tell him because I'm almost positive that he likes you too. Just be careful. I don't want you getting hurt," she finished. Mariah nodded and smiled.
She decided to change the subject. "I got a car," she said simply. "It's about time," Cheryl replied in the same tone of voice. The two girls laid back in the bed and stared up at the ceiling. They stayed in silence for a long time. "Life sucks," Mariah said, breaking the peaceful quiet. "Tell me about it," Cheryl replied. The two then lapsed back into silence. Both of them deep in thought.
Cheryl thought about Jason and how much she wished that she could've helped him. She also thought about Mariah and Archie. She just hoped that things would work out for them. Mariah thought about Jason's plan of running away. It was surprising, to say the least, and she was hurt that he didn't tell her what he was planning. She then thought about Archie and Cheryl's words. She wondered if she did have feelings for Archie. The thought scared her, she had her heart broken before and she didn't want it to happen again.
A little while later, Mariah received a text from Veronica informing her of the events that occurred with Chuck. Mariah was bummed that she didn't help out but was thrilled that those girls that were slut-shamed could finally get justice.
"Hey, can I stay here tonight?" Cheryl asked suddenly. "Of course," Mariah answered. The two changed into pajamas and climbed into Mariah's bed. Mariah didn't realize how tired she was until she was submerged in the covers. "Mariah?" Cheryl asked. "Yeah?" Mariah replied.
"I'm glad that there are no more secrets between us," Cheryl said. Mariah stayed quiet for a while. She turned onto her side, facing away from Cheryl. She sighed, guilt filling her body. "Yeah, me too," she finally replied. After a few more minutes, the two quickly fell asleep.
Chapter ten is finished. Mariah's hiding something. I wonder what it is ;). Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please vote for Capsize for the Riverdale Awards hosted by RiverdaleSociety (sorry I keep tagging you). Also, I published a Bellamy Blake fanfic called Midnight Decisions so please go check it out. Please vote and comment on that book as well as this one. It would make me so very happy if you did. Have an awesome day.
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