SEVENTEEN | Stardust
The next day, Mariah walked into the school and saw that Jughead was getting escorted away by Sheriff Keller. Her eyes widened and they met Jughead's. He gave her a small look of reassurance and shook his head when she took a step closer to him.
He walked out of the school and Mariah went to find Betty. When she saw the girl with Archie, she walked over to them. "What's happening with Jughead?" She asked. "We don't know. But don't worry, he's gonna be okay. I'll make sure of it," Betty said before walking away.
"I should be worried, right?" Mariah asked Archie. "No, Jughead will be fine," he said quickly. Mariah nodded, though she didn't feel reassured. "Hey, it's gonna be okay," Archie mumbled, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "I hope so. I have enough drama in my life," she muttered.
"When do you want to talk?" Archie asked suddenly. "About what?" Mariah questioned. "About everything," he replied. Mariah thought for a moment before shrugging. "I'll get back to you on that," she answered before turning on her heel and walking down the hallway.
After school was over, Mariah sat in her bed, reading a book. Betty texted her and got her up to speed on everything that was going on with Jughead, as well as Polly. She was relieved that the two were okay.
A knock sounded on her door and the person entered. Mariah looked up and then returned her attention to her book. "I didn't say you could come in," Mariah said. "You know Mariah, your room could really use some redecorating," Cheryl said.
"What do you want, Cheryl? You gonna try to tell me why you think Polly killed Jason?" Mariah asked. "For your information, Mar, I want to protect Polly now," Cheryl said. "I just came here because I didn't want to be in my own house alone. And I find your awfully small house comforting," Cheryl continued.
"I like my small house. It's better than your huge, good for nothing mansion," Mariah replied. Cheryl took off her shoes and sat next to Mariah on the bed. "I love you Mariah. I feel like I don't tell you that enough," Cheryl said as she laid her head on the blonde's shoulder. "I love you too Cheryl. And yes, you can spend the night," Mariah said causing Cheryl to sigh in relief.
"I didn't tell you that just so I can spend the night, you know," Cheryl said. "I know Cheryl," Mariah replied.
Mariah sat in the student lounge the next morning. The group was discussing Polly and Mariah was, unsurprisingly, tuned out of it. That is, until she heard the word 'boyfriend'. "Boyfriend? Who's boyfriend?" She asked. "Betty's boyfriend Jughead," Veronica practically sang.
"So it's official?" Mariah asked excitedly. Betty blushed and looked down at her hands, a smile on her face. "Speaking of official, Mariah, are you and Archie dating yet? You know, you still haven't told Betty and I about the kiss," Veronica said.
"Whoa whoa whoa. What kiss?" Kevin exclaimed. "Archie and Mariah kissed," Betty said with a large smile in her face. "When was this, and why am I now just hearing about this?" Kevin questioned. "Yeah, I would like to know that too," Jughead confessed with a smirk.
"We are not talking about this right no," Mariah said standing up. She motioned for Archie to follow her and he stood. She made her way toward the door and Kevin called out, "I want all the juicy details!"
"Me too!" Veronica shouted after the two. Mariah led Archie outside and the two sat at a table. "Okay, so, I like you and you like me. What are we gonna do about it?" Mariah said.
"We could go on a date," Archie said awkwardly. "That didn't sound like a question," Mariah stated. "Right. Um, Mariah Coleman, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked nervously. "I would love to go on a date with you Archibald Andrews," Mariah replied.
"Okay, great. That's great. I can't wait. Where do you wanna go?" Archie said. "Uh, I don't really know," Mariah replied. "That's okay. I'll figure something out and I'll call you," he said. "Okay," she replied. Archie smiled and nodded before standing up. He waved to her and turned, tripping over his feet and almost face planting as he began walking.
Mariah laughed loudly and watched as Archie's face turned tomato red. He quickly scurried away from her before he could embarrass himself further. Mariah stood up and walked to class.
"So, you and Archie are going on a date? I want all of the details," Veronica practically squealed. "Well, I don't really have any details," Mariah answered. She, Betty, and Veronica were walking down the hallway.
"How do you not know the details?" Veronica asked incredulously and Betty nodded, also confused. "It was all so sudden. It's not like he planned it out," Mariah said. "Well, I need to give him a talk because he's an idiot," Veronica said. "I have an idea. Veronica come with me," Betty said, grabbing Veronica's arm and pulling her away.
"Where are you going?" Mariah called after them. "Bye Mar," Betty waved. Mariah sighed, "And now I'm alone," she mumbled. She went to the rest of her classes and after school she went home. After a few hours, she got a text from Betty telling her to dress nicely because Veronica was taking them to a nice dinner.
Mariah was confused as to why the Lodge girl was taking her and Betty out to eat but she wasn't complaining. Food was food and in this case, it was free. Free food is the best food in Mariah's opinion.
She got dressed in a navy blue dress and the skirt of the dress was floral print. She tied her hair up so that it was out of her face, though letting a few strands hang. She put on black flats and smiled at her reflection.
The doorbell rang and Mariah skipped down the stairs and went to answer it. She opened the door and Archie stood in the doorway holding a single white flower. He wore a gray button down shirt and jeans. "You're not Veronica," Mariah said with a smile. "No, I'm Archie," the boy said nervously. Mariah laughed, "Yeah, I know who you are," she said.
Archie held out the flower to her and she took it. "It's a Jasmine. I-it symbolizes beauty and sensuality as well as l-love. In some cultures, i-it represents appreciation and good luck," Archie stuttered out in nervousness. "It's beautiful. Thank you," Mariah said.
Archie released a nervous breath and nodded. "You're not really going out with Betty and Veronica," Archie said. "Yeah, I figured as much," Mariah replied. "I'm gonna go put this in a vase or something. You can come in," she added and he nodded. Mariah searched for a vase but couldn't find one. She filled a glass with water and placed the flower in it instead.
She walked back to the living room where Archie sat in a chair, his leg bouncing up and down. "So, where are you taking me on our date?" Mariah asked. "It's a surprise," Archie replied. "Ooh, a surprise date. How romantic," Mariah said.
The redhead smiled nervously and Mariah sighed. She took his hand and used her free one to turn his head so that he was looking at her. "Arch, relax. There's no need to be nervous," she said. "I'm going on a date with the girl that I've had a crush on for the longest time ever. I think that's a reason to be nervous," he retorted.
She squeezed his hand, "It's gonna be great," she assured. "Why aren't you nervous?" Archie asked. "Oh I'm absolutely terrified, just good at hiding it," Mariah said shakily. "Very good," the boy said. "We should get this date started," she said. Archie nodded in agreement and the two left the house, Mariah turning off the lights and locking the door behind her.
They walked over to a truck and Mariah got into the passenger's seat. Archie then began driving the car away from the house and to wherever their destination was. The car ride was in a comfortable silence and Mariah laid her head on the window. She watched as the different things zoomed by as the car passed them.
After around twenty minutes, Archie pulled into a place that Mariah didn't recognize. The two exited the truck and Archie took Mariah's hand into his own and led her to a secluded area. "Where are we?" Mariah questioned. "It's a place I found during the summer. It's nice and I thought that it would be perfect for a picnic date," Archie answered.
They entered an open area and Mariah's eyes widened in awe. There was a small lake and twinkly lights hung from the trees. A picnic blanket laid on the ground with a box of pizza on it and some sodas. There was also a container of brownies. Mariah couldn't help but smile.
"Do you like it?" Archie questioned timidly. "It's incredible, Archie. Did you do all of this?" Mariah replied. "I had a little help from Betty and Veronica. Cheryl too," he admitted. "I love this. It's a little cheesy and cliche, but really sweet. Plus there's pizza and I love pizza," Mariah said.
Archie laughed. "Yeah, I know," he said before leading her over to the food. The two sat down and Archie pulled out plates and put two slices of pepperoni pizza on them. The two began eating and Mariah grew more and more nervous. "Okay, I don't really know how dates work because I've never been on one so I don't know what to do," she admitted quietly.
"You've never been on a date?" Archie asked in shock and she shook her head. "Not even once?" He asked. "Nope. Never," she replied.
"I find that very hard to believe. You're too amazing for someone to never have taken you on a date," Archie said. "Well, I guess you're the only guy to think that," Mariah said quietly. "Because boys are stupid," he said and Mariah nodded in agreement. "You are probably the most beautiful, funny, talented, and awesome person that I have ever met," he stated.
"Archie stop, you're making me blush," Mariah joked. "I'm serious, Mari. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I'm lucky to have you," Archie said. "I do have you, right?" He added as an afterthought. "Of course you do Archibald." She smiled. "I'm glad," he said.
"I have a confession," Mariah said quietly after taking another bite of pizza. "What is it?" Archie asked, biting into his own pizza. "You were my first kiss," Mariah whispered. Archie was quiet for a moment before a wide, cheeky smile engulfed his features. "Really?" He asked.
"Yes. It's so embarrassing," she said, burying her face in her hands. "Why do you say that?" Archie asked, placing his plate on the blanket underneath him. "Because I'm a sixteen year old girl who had never been kissed before you kissed me that night," Mariah said as if it were obvious.
"Haven't you ever watched Never Been Kissed? Drew Barrymore was like, thirty when she got her first kiss," Archie said. "Yeah, well that's a movie. This is reality. And nowadays, people get their first kiss when they're like, eight," Mariah said. It was quiet for a moment and then Archie spoke.
"If it makes you feel any better, I'm glad that I was your first kiss. I want to be your first everything," Archie admitted before face palming.
Mariah laughed at his words and Archie's face turned red as a blush began to form. "T-that's not what I m-meant. That c-came out w-wrong. I-it wasn't s-supposed to b-be i-inappropriate," Archie stuttered in embarrassment, which only made Mariah laugh harder. "Please stop l-laughing at me," Archie muttered, still embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, but that was funny. But you becoming a stuttering mess was even funnier. Don't worry though, if you want to be the first person to have sex with me, then you're gonna have to wait a long time," Mariah said as her laughter died down. "I don't want to have sex with you," Archie said quickly.
"I mean I do. But not right now. Not anytime soon. Whenever you want to and when you're ready, I'll be cool. I can wait, I promise. No pressure or anything. Wow, I sound like a sex crazed idiot. But I swear I'm not. Sex crazed, I mean. Because right now I'm being a complete idiot. And I'm gonna stop talking," Archie rambled.
"Wow, first date and we're already talking about sex. For some reason, I don't think that's common," Mariah said. "It's not. But like I said, I'm an idiot. I mean I'm sure that some people talk about sex on the first date but I don't usually. That's weird," Archie said.
"You're cute when you ramble," Mariah said. "You're cute all the time," Archie said sheepishly. "And, you're back to being a dork," Mariah said. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Don't apologize. Embrace your inner dork." she said.
The two continue to converse and eat. They eventually find themselves laying on the blanket and looking up at the stars. "Did you know that humans are made up of 93% stardust?" Mariah asked after a few minutes of silence. It was quiet again after she announced that. "So, what you're saying is that we're all stars?" Archie questioned.
"Pretty much, yeah," she answered nonchalantly. "You're what you love so much," he said. "What do I love so much?" She asked. "Stars," he said in a 'duh' tone. She nodded her head.
"Will you tell me about them? The stars I mean," Archie said. Mariah smiled and nodded before telling Archie what she knew about the stars and the constellations.
They finally went on a date. I feel like this was so cliche and that Archie was out of character. I also feel like my writing is getting worse but I will edit the hell out of this book eventually. Anyway, here's chapter seventeen. If you love this book, check out my other books and give them votes and comments and love. Have a good day.
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