A low hum passes Tiana's plump lips as she looks at herself in the mirror of the school bathroom, carefully reapplying her lip gloss.
Emmett had trouble keeping his lips off of her, not that she blamed him. She's a fucking Goddess afterall and she knows it.
The way she walked, talked and just bat her eyelashes always has Emmett in a chokehold and as it should. Everytime the teacher faced the board, Emmett's lips found her own. The male was more needy than normal and she knew that it is because he's worried. He's barely let her out of his sight today, only doing so when she needed the bathroom which is now one of those times.
Since she had practically missed all that was said at the meeting last night cause she was asleep, Emmett caught her up on things.
And she instantly understood her baby's worry.
Edward was being stupid, Alice was too and of course Carlisle and Esme just had to follow behind them and be stupid as well. Well, thankfully Tiana wasn't that close with either of them therefore she can easily ignore them and cut them out of her life.
Hee boyfriend, Rosalie and Cain had it harder though because no matter how pissed off they are, those fools are their family and they're all apart of the same coven.
Though, Tiana isn't sure for how long it will stay that way.
No matter what, she'll support her baby, Rosalie and Cain.
Once she's left out of all the drama and shit, though something tells her that she won't be left out of it. Atleast she's sure that Emmett will always make sure that she's safe.
Tiana rubbed her lips together and puts on a bit more lip gloss just as the door to the bathroom opens. She pays little to no attention to it though as she stands up a bit stright after making sure her lipgloss was fixed.
Of course it'll be ruined again soon but she didn't mind, Emmett's the one that buys her lip glosses and such.
She has quite the collection honestly. He spoiled her rotten which one of his most favorite things to do.
The brown skinned beauty was unaware of the eyes on her as she makes sure her edges were still laid. She had gone back natural and Emmett was was more than happy to do her hair.
[Her outfit, heels, hair and nails. Collage idea thingy is burrowed from my girl StrawH0e again lol. Really does make things easier.]
He did an amazing job, even laying her edges down perfectly. He had basically brought just about everything that she's wearing today. Like mentioned before, the male adores spoiling his mate. Plus he has the money to do so. Around her neck is a stunning necklace that he had given to her a few weeks ago, a few rings on her slender fingers, along with a nice diamond bracelet around her wrist.
She's all for being spoiled by her rich as fuck vampirc boyfriend. Nothing she'd ask for would ever put even a dent into his bank account anyway, so why worry about it?
"Tiana?" An unfamiliar voice calls out to the teen who furrowed her brows before she turns around with an arche brow as she eyes the person. It was the new girl. Someone Tiana wanted far away from her as possible.
This is what I get for being a material girl I guess, she thinks. If only her ass didn't come in her to fix her lip gloss and make sure that her edges were laid. She did go and pee first but still.
"Do I know you?" She asks the new girl in slight distaste. She doesn't want to be mean or anything but this girl would be trouble and she rather now get mixed up into it. She has enough to deal with. Like a puppy of a boyfriend who she's sure is pouting as he awaited her return.
And she was right, he was infact pouting as he awaited her return, his chin on his palm. But he stiffened when he heard a voice that belonged to someone he didn't want around his mate.
His jaw clenches as he tries to relax, he doubts that anything would happen but bloodsingers are unpredictable and are mostly crazy as well. So he's still worried for his TT.
"Uh, no. You don't but I'm Bella. I'm new here," the taller teen that's standing just onfront Tiana says with an awkward as hell smile.
This is perfect! Isabella thinks as she did not think she's run into the girl but this works out perfectly. She could try too do her best and befriend her which can get her closer to the family.
"Cool," Tiana states blankly catching the pale teen offguard. "Excuse me, Baylee but I must head back to class," she adds as she goes shoves her lip gloss into her purse before she goes to walk past Bella without another word. It made Isabella internally panick as this wasn't how it played out in her mind.
She instantly grabs Tiana's wrist, not too tightly but it was a sort of firm grip. She then looked up at the brown skinned girl and nearly flinches at the way she's now looking at her.
If looks could kill.
Isabella instantly remove her hand from Tiana's wrist before she clears her throat and gives the teen a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry about that. I was wondering if we could be friends? And it's Bella," she says softly as she squirmed slightly under the gaze of the teen before her.
The Swan knew that she made a mistake already, especially by the way that she's being stared at.
"No and don't care," Tiana states firmly. "Don't ever touch me again," she adds as her eye twitches slightly. She was trying to hold back her anger and beating the fuck out if Isabella because she grabbed her wrist wasn't good enough reason to do so sadly. And the last thing she needs to do right now in get into another fight for the year.
Tiana then leaves the bathroom, leaving behind an annoyed Isabella who sighs.
She's still going to try and befriend the girl. It's obvious that she can't get close to the Cullen's on her own and Edward's gone too.
"Fuck," she muttered when she realizes that she didn't even ask about where the male was. She's very positive that Tiana would know where Edward is.
Was he sick? For some reason, she didn't think he was. It was something else that was keeping him away from school.
Meanwhile Tiana walks into her class, a frown on her lips as she heads towards her shared table with her boyfriend. The male pulls out the chair for her and then helps her sit down.
"Are you okay? Where did she touch you, baby?" He asks the teen near him as he furrowed his brows. "I'm fine Emm and she had grabbed on my wrist to stop me from leaving," she scoffs out softly.
She glances at the front of the classroom, noting that the teacher's back is turned to the board. She couldn't even focus on what he was saying as she was pissed as hell. Who in the fuck did Beyal think she was?
Did Alice see this happening? She would not have said anything if she did which only was pissing Tiana off more.
Her jaw was soon gently grabbed by her mate, her head being turned towards the male. Her eyes met his worried ones, his lips tugged downwards into a frown that made her heart ache. "I'm okay baby, it's fine I promise." She says softly to him as he only frowned more.
But he nods his head slightly and leans in, pressing his lips against her own in a soft peck before he pulls away. He'll get her to talk later, they're in class afterall.
"New lip gloss?" He asks and she nods as her eyes lit up, a grin spreading across her lips. She loves it so much when he notices things like that. "Mm, there's that smile," he says with a grin. "And I like it, baby." He adds.
"I really don't get what you're so mad for honestly," Alice huffs out in annoyance at Tiana who rolled her eyes at the short vampire.
The week was finally fucking over but of course before the school day had ended, Tiana was once again cornered by Bella. She seems to desperately want to be her friend and she knows why. Emmett does too, along with Rosalie and Cain.
Tiana was glad that this is the only other day that Bella had caught up to her apart from the other day.
"Of course you don't, your stupidity will not allow you too." Tiana retorts angrily at the pixie who gasped in offense at her words along with Carlisle and Esme who were very utterly surprised at the brown skinned teen words.
Rosalie, Cain and Emmett all laughed at Tiana's words though, agreeing with all of them too as Emmett tugged his angry girlfriend onto his lap.
Jasper only smirks from his spot, staying silent mostly.
"That girl is fucking crazy, talking about how we could be great friends. Bitch I do not know you nor do I want too and she can't seem to understand that for some reason," Tiana continues. "I atleast gave her ass an answer about Edward though she didn't like nor brought it but I don't care. She needs to leave me alone and to stop with the fucking staring." She adds.
Isabella was becoming a pain even if the two of them had only spoken twice.
That was enough for her to hate the girl, she was annoyinh as fuck.
"Tiana!" Esme exclaims loudly and eyes fell onto the woman who seemed to be appalled. "Watch your language! And be nicer to Isabella," she adds.
Tiana stares at the woman blankly as a low snarl slipped pass Emmett's lip as he glared at Esme. Who in the hell does she think she is? Was she crazy?
"No and no." Tiana deadpans and Cain's and Rosalie's laughter grew louder. The brown skinned teen really wasn't taking any shit. "I agree with T on this." Rosalie says lowly through her laughter before she clears her throat, trying to be more serious.
Esme only frowns, she was sure that she sounded like a mother and even has said something that one would say, yet Tiana didn't seem fazed at all.
But why not?
They were all at the Cullen's house only because Carlisle called a family meeting. Of course he didn't say anything to them that was important. All he said that was Edward was coming back.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares?
And that wasn't even important neither.
Alice frowns and goes to say something but is cut off by Tiana. "I wanna leave, I have homework to do." She says to her boyfriend who nods. "We're coming too," Jasper says as he moves from his spot as his mate pursed her lips.
"Uh, you guys can just come over to my house without saying. You're there more than my ass is," Tiana says with a snort. And she was right, Emmett took her on lots of dates and the the three others are mostly at her house with her mother.
"Right," Jasper chuckles out before they all left using their vampirc speed and left, Tiana was obviously up in Emmett's arms.
Meanwhile Alice just frowns. Nothing is going the way it's suppose too and it was all Tiana's fault.
If only she'd be nice to Bella, if only she would atleast try to be okay with things, it would work out because all the others would be okay with it if she is. But no, of course she wants to make things worse for them.
Comment and vote, not proofread. There are spelling mistakes, I know.
I don't know where I was going with this.
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