Nalani stood in her bathroom mirror, the bottom half of her oversized shirt resting over her chest so that she could look at her stomach.
The pudge in the lower half of her stomach was very obvious, plus it was hard to the touch. She had the same belly curvature when she was a few weeks pregnant with Skye. Yet this time, she was much further along.
This would be the third month she hadn't had her period, and she knew that after missing her first one that she was pregnant. Her period had always been steady, and she had never missed one, even with changing birth control three times over the last few years.
Another obvious dead giveaway confirmation was the four positive, clear blue pregnancy tests in front of her that read '3+ weeks'.
Her conception date matched around the week she'd last had sex with Sinclair, but she had sex with Kyzion literally three days after that, so unfortunately, she wasn't sure who was the father of her unborn child.
That's the reason she hadn't told either of them yet. She wanted to try and figure it out before telling the father, but that had proven to be harder than she'd thought. So now, she had to break the news to both and get a DNA mouth swab from one of them.
"Nalani?" Kyzion's voice called out, and she quickly pulled her shirt down, snapping from the self-induced daze.
"I'm here baby. You okay?" She put the tests in the far back of her front bathroom drawer, then walked out.
"Yeah. I brought you some food if that's okay," He entered her bedroom, his duffel bag on his shoulder and his body was coated in sweat. He leaned his head down, and she tilted hers back to meet his lips for a kiss.
"Was KD 'nem nice to you?" She asked, watching him place a bag of Chick-Fil-A on the dresser for her.
"I'm not a kid Lani, you don't have to ask me that." He chuckled, putting his gym bag in the closet, and he took his shoes off while he was in there.
"So. Were they nice or not?" She folded her arms, and he smiled, nodding his head.
"Yeah. Me and Ten won the game. 52 to 46." He told her, referring to the basketball game he'd been playing for the last two hours before he got dropped back off by Boomer.
"Per usual. Pretty sure you gone beat them next week too." She chuckled, crawling towards the top of her bed with her bag of food.
Kyzion had been playing basketball with KD, Ben, and Joe every other weekend since he'd first met them. The other three always switched out to be on his team because he was cold on the court. He won every time.
He'd also played against them on his Xbox plenty of times. They were his first friends, and they didn't treat him any different than they treated each other despite his diagnosis, and he was very appreciative of that.
"You took your medicine today papa?" She asked him, shower water now running from the bathroom while he stood in front of her dresser to get his clothes out.
"Yes mom." He sarcastically replied, and she smacked her lips, making him laugh.
"You showering with me?" He asked, laying a pair of boxers and sweats on the bed, and she shook her head no.
"I took one this morning. I'm too tired to take another one." She yawned, dipping her chicken nugget in Polynesian sauce.
"Ok. I be right back." He leaned over to kiss her face, and then she watched him walk to the bathroom, closing the door so that his shower didn't make the room hot.
Nalani wasn't worried about him finding the tests because she knew he'd never think to look in her hair drawer. There was nothing in there for him-to his knowledge-and Kyzion wasn't typically a nosy person anyways.
Her attention adverted to her mounted TV that was playing Criminal Minds, and that kept her occupied as she tired ate her food. She definitely needed a nap, but she was going to stay up to talk to Kazi.
He didn't end up coming out of the bathroom until about fifteen minutes later, a white towel wrapped around his waist. He hated getting dressed in the bathroom.
"Why your dick hard?" Nalani's eyes trailed his frame after seeing a slight erection under his towel while he rubbed lotion in on his arms.
"It's not. It's just big." He carelessly mumbled, pulling the top off of his deodorant, and Nalani chuckled.
"I don't believe you. Let me see. Pull it out." She smirked, tilting her head to the side. He opened his towel to show her, and she bit her lip, her aroused smirk remaining.
"See? Not har-wait. Did you say that just so you could see it?" He frowned at her as he pulled his boxers up, and she laughed.
"Whatttt? Psssh. Of course not." She raised her hand to wave him off, and he shook his head at her.
"You're a terrible liar." He put his things back in the bathroom, hanging his dry off towel on the rack so that it could air dry.
"Can you grab that napkin for me out of my hair drawer?" She asked him, able to see him since the door was opened.
Kyzion pulled the drawer open, not paying any attention to what was wrapped in a napkin in his hand, leaving the bathroom to give it to her.
"Thank you. Can I talk to you?" She kept her eyes on him as he climbed under the covers with her, a confused look on his face.
"Did I do something?" He softened his tone, and she smiled, rubbing his face.
"No." She leaned her head down to kiss his cheek, and he tilted his to kiss hers as well. They had been doing so good in their relationship the last two months, and Nalani hoped that what she was about to tell him wouldn't change that.
"Oh okay, then sure. What are we talking about?" He asked, plugging his phone up on the charger.
"Do you know what these are?" She showed him the tests, and he rose an eyebrow in confusion, shaking his head no.
"I'm pregnant Kazi." She told him, and his expression softened as he sat up in the bed. He looked at the tests closer, finally able to see the 'Pregnant' typed in small letters.
He held an expression that Nalani couldn't read, and he didn't say anything either, which made her nervous.
"Can I see?" He hesitantly asked, and she lifted her shirt up, relaxing her breathing so that her stomach was put on display.
He reached over to rub her firm belly, then he sat all the way up, a look of confusion on his face. He'd never met a pregnant person before-well, other than her of course.
"I'm gonna have a baby? Like-be a dad?" He asked her, and he sounded so adorable that it made Nalani feel even worse than before.
"Yes." She answered, not even knowing if she was lying or not. She just couldn't tell him that the baby could be either his or Sinclair's. It would make him sad and she knew it. Hell, it made her sad.
"Is it from our first time?" He inquired, because the time he'd lost his virginity had been the only time he'd ever nutted in her. She didn't want another child so that was one of the precautions they took, but obviously she wasn't cautious enough.
"I'm sorry. Are you g-I know you said you didn't want one. But I-can we keep it? Please?" His tone softened, and she pouted, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
"I would never get rid of our baby. Ever." She assured, and he hugged her back, laying his face in her neck.
"Thank you." He mumbled, rubbing her sides through the hug, his hand grazing over her stomach. He was excited, but also very nervous.
"I'm scared. Do you t-think that I can be a good dad? I don't know how to take care of a small baby." He stammered, his right hand reaching behind his head to pull at his hair.
"I know you will. I'll teach you everything that I know, and I think I know a lot." She joked, and he smiled, his head being pulled back to look at her.
"We'll be fine, okay? I don't want you to be scared. Babies are a good thing. Sometimes unexpected, but still good overall." She chuckled, and he rubbed her waist, nodding his head.
"Ok. Are you okay?" He asked, and she nodded her head. She was okay, but she wasn't sure if she still would be later on.
"Yeah baby. I'm okay. I love you." She crossed her other leg over him so that she rested in his lap, wrapping her arms back around his neck.
"I love you more." He mumbled, holding her face as he pressed his lips against hers, sucking her bottom one into the kiss.
Her tongue slid in his mouth, that familiar pulsing sensation returning to her lower half as the kiss prolonged.
Kyzion laid back on the bed, grunting as she rested her weight on top of him. His hands ran down her body, making hard contact with her ass that made her moan into the kiss.
His phone dinged with a text, and both of them ignored it, too occupied with one another.
Nalani slid her hips forward to rub against his dick, and he groaned as it continuously hardened in his sweats.
Then, another text came through, followed by his phone ringing. He finally broke the kiss, low-key annoyed as he reached for his phone that was on the dresser.
"You have to go?" Nalani mumbled, looking down at him after watching him unlock his phone.
"Yeah. Ama's here." He rubbed her thighs, and she groaned in annoyance, making him laugh.
"I'll be back after Therapy on Thursday, okay?" He sat up with her, the current day being Tuesday. He hated being away from her now, and the only time he went home was to go to his appointments.
"Okay." She got off of him, letting him stand from the bed, and once he did so, he turned to face her.
"Are you sad?" He asked, grabbing a tee shirt from the front dresser.
"No. Skye will be here soon. I'll be fine." She waved it off, though she was actually very sad. She hated when he had to go back home. She wanted to be around him 24/7.
"Okay. I love you." He leaned down, and she smiled as he left a kiss on her lips.
"I love you too baby. Don't tell anyone I'm pregnant yet, okay?" She kissed his cheek, and he nodded his head. He wasn't going to even if she wouldn't have asked. He didn't know how to tell Amanda.
After a few more words, Kyzion had finally left, and Nalani's expression softened into a sad one. She figured she might as well go to sleep since there was nothing else to do.
Nalani slightly winced in her sleep, hearing distant voices. Realizing someone was in her house, her head popped up, and then she sighed in relief at Skye's squeaky voice.
After quickly brushing her teeth, she glanced at the LED clock on her wall, seeing it was nearing six in the evening. She'd been sleep for a little over five hours now.
"Mommy! You're awake!" Skye almost fell trying to jump off the couch, and Nalani swooped her up in a hug, a big smile on her face.
"Hey little miss four year old. I missed you." She kissed her face, smiling as Skye hugged around her neck.
"I missed you too. Me and Daddy had to come in through the window because you wouldn't wake up. He thought you was dead." Skye blurted, and Nalani laughed, looking over at a tired Sinclair who was sitting on the couch.
"I'm very much alive, thanks. Let me talk to daddy real quick though." She chuckled, and Skye nodded, running towards her bedroom to get her iPad.
"What's up with you?" Nalani put her hands on her hips, seeing the expression he wore.
"Sleepy. Ain't shit." He chuckled, rubbing his eye with the end of his shirt, revealing his tattooed stomach for a brief second.
"You haven't been sleeping?" She frowned, sitting beside him on the couch while texting Kyzion to let him know that Sinclair was there.
"Kinda. Me and Skye been in New York. You know I be pulling 56 nights over there." He shook his head, and she chuckled, doing the same.
"You okay though?" She asked, and he nodded his head, looking over at her. He scanned over her expression, and then sat up, figuring something was wrong. His head tilted to the side, waiting for her to talk.
"I'm pregnant." She mumbled, and his thick eyebrows immediately furrowed, before going flat in realization.
"It's mine?" He asked, and she rubbed her temples, shrugging her shoulders.
"I don't know. I told Kazi it was his, but it could be yours too. My conception date was around the last time I had sex with you, but I fucked him three days later. I don't know who the damn daddy is." She muttered, and he stared at her without responding.
"What? Don't judge me." She folded her arms, and he chuckled, rubbing his hand down his face.
"I'm not, just-surprised. That's all. Let me see." He gestured to her stomach, and she pulled her shirt up to show him.
"Damn," He sucked his teeth, a smile gracing his face at her very obviously pregnant belly.
"Don't get too excited. Asshole." She frowned, and he smirked over at her, making her roll her eyes.
"If this baby mine, you think he ah' stay with you?" Sinclair curiously asked, and she sighed, not even wanting to think about that possibility.
"Probably not, especially after I told him it was his. I don't think it's yours though. At least I hope it isn't." She propped her feet up on her table, leaving her stomach out.
"How come? You look pretty far along. When you broke up wit' yo nigga we fucked everyday. You know I don't ever pull out." He told her, and she rolled her eyes.
"I need a mouth swab from you. I would've got one from my man but I don't want him to know about the possibility of it being yours. We're finally doing good, I don't wanna fuck it up." She mumbled, ignoring his previous statement.
"You sad?" He asked, and she looked over at him, slowly nodding.
"I love him so much. I know he won't stay if my baby isn't his. Who would want to be with someone, raising two kids who aren't his?" She frowned, and he chuckled while standing up.
"Don't worry so much. You don't even know yet, so don't be sad. I'll send the swab to Tabitha. Cool?" He referred to her doctor, and she nodded her head.
"Regardless of if it's mine or not though, congratulations mama." He pulled her up in a hug, and she hugged him back.
"Thank you." She pulled back after a few seconds, looking up at him.
"Get some sleep, yeah?" She told him, and he nodded, covering his mouth as he yawned.
"I love you shordy. Call me." He gave her yet another hug, then pulled back to head for the door.
"I love you too. Skye! Come say bye to yo' daddy girl!" Nalani called out, sitting back down on the couch, and both of them laughed after hearing small footsteps running in their direction.
Surprisingly I haven't got tired of writing this book yet.
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