Nalani shivered in her sleep as she grew cold, burying her face deeper into what she thought was her pillow while pulling the covers further over her.
Realizing that it actually wasn't her pillow, her eyes opened, adjusting to her surroundings. Once she looked ahead, she came face to face with Sinclair's tattooed chest, making her eyes go wide.
"Shit." She popped up, remembering that she fell asleep here last night. Those were definitely not her plans.
She reached over his muscular body to grab her phone from the nightstand, seeing two missed calls from Kyzion, and an unread text message.
The two texted back and forth for a few minutes while she ordered herself an Uber, and then he left her on 'read' after her last message, making her groan in frustration.
She knew how it looked, but it wasn't like that. She wished she would've told Sinclair to just drop her off at her house before they came to his, but she was having so much fun with Skye that it totally slipped her mind.
On top of that, she didn't even call Kyzion to let him know she wouldn't be coming, and she knew that probably upset him. The universe really wasn't in her favor as of right now.
"What you doin'?" Sinclair's voice rasped, feeling her sit all the way up, and she looked down, just now realizing his arms that were locked around her waist.
"Move. I need to go home." She grabbed his arm, and he let her go, watching as she climbed over him to get out the bed.
"That ass fat as shit Marie." He chuckled, knowing that it would piss her off even more than she currently was.
"Shut the fuck up." She muttered, walking in his bathroom and closing the door behind her. Everything in her wanted to slam it, but she didn't want to wake her daughter up.
She pulled her boxers and panties down, then sat down to pee. After she did so, she washed her hands and did a quick rinse on her face, using one of the brand new toothbrushes in the cabinet to brush her teeth.
Sinclair came inside of the bathroom with her, and she rolled her eyes as he began brushing his teeth as well. Being annoyed with him was beyond an understatement, though she knew this was mostly her fault.
By this time her Uber would be arriving in five minutes, so she was rushing to grab her things so that she didn't miss it.
"Move. You gone piss me the fuck off Sinclair I feel like you did this shit on purpose." She grabbed her phone before he could pass it to her, and it felt like she could barely blink before his hand was around her neck.
"Who you talkin' to Marie?" He tilted his head to the side, and she frowned, putting her hand over his bigger one without responding.
"That's what I thought. Watch yo mouth mama you know we don't cuss each other out. I don't care how mad you is, don't start that with me. You understand?" His gaze met hers, and she nodded her head.
"Fix your face. I ain't do shit to you girl." He let her go, and she wasted no time to roll her eyes.
"Yes you did Azarias, why would you let me fall asleep? You did that on purpose." She frowned at him as he passed her purse to her.
"How is that my fault? I ain't tell yo ass to go to sleep." He chuckled, and she huffed, looking down at her phone to see her Uber was approaching.
She walked to the other side of the bed, holding Skye's face as she kissed both of her cheeks. She hated leaving her.
"I'll bring her to you tomorrow crybaby." Sinclair humorously spoke from his door, and she stood back upright with a small pout on her face.
"Can you have her call me when she gets up?" She asked, and he nodded his head because Skye was going to call her regardless of if he reminded her to or not.
"Here," He held out three stacks of cash that had rubber bands around it, and she put it in her purse, giving him a hug afterwards.
"Call me and let me know you made it home. I'ma come get yo Range tomorrow to get it detailed when I drop Skye off." He told her, his arms wrapped around her waist, and she nodded, chuckling as he walked her backwards towards his front door.
"Thank you Sin. Be safe." She pulled away from him while rubbing her eye-surprisingly she was still tired.
"Fasho. I love you girl." He opened the door for her, and she rolled her eyes at him, making him laugh.
"I love you too. Send me some money shawty this ain't enough." She walked out, and he smiled, biting his lip at her frame from behind.
"You know daddy got you." He told her, then laughed once she flicked him off, climbing in the backseat of the car that was picking her up.
Nalani slouched in the backseat, her mood immediately dampening as the driver pulled away from Sinclair's house.
She unlocked her phone, dialing Kyzion's number and then she put it to her ear, waiting to see if he'd pick up. It went straight to voicemail, so she called again, only to receive the same response.
She sighed as she clicked the red icon to end the call, then locked her phone to look out the window. That didn't last long because within a few seconds her phone dinged with two notifications.
She chuckled at the 'bm' part, knowing he was trying to be funny since they both knew she didn't like that title. After texting him back and depositing the money into her bank, she locked her phone again.
She couldn't lie like Sinclair wasn't her main provider. He'd always been, and to be honest she knew he forever would be, even though she told him she didn't need him to do that anymore.
She made plenty of money on her own, and could very well live the same life that he provided for her without him, she just chose not to.
To him, he owed everything to her because if she wouldn't have pushed him to follow his dreams and paid for his first studio sessions, he wouldn't be as well off as he was. On top of that, she was the mother to his child. He would forever provide for her as long as he had the means to.
Nalani appreciated him a lot for it, because she couldn't remember the last time she had to pay for anything with her own money. Sinclair made sure she never wanted for anything.
Like previously stated, being spoiled was definitely an understatement. She was far beyond that, and Sinclair wanted to keep it that way-whether she was with him or not.
Snapping her from her thoughts, her phone rang just as the Uber pulled in front of her house.
"Thank you." She gave the man a cash tip as she answered the phone, and he thanked her before pulling off.
"Hey baby. I haven't heard from you lately. Everything okay?" Nalani's mom, Nautica, spoke into the phone.
"Yes, sorry mama I be forgetting to call you. It's only been like a week though girl. You making it seem like a month." She chuckled, locking her front door after she made it inside.
"Might as well be, hell. How's my puddin' cup? I miss y'all."
"She's good. She still sleep from the long day we had at the fair yesterday. She been asking to go for so long, so Sin took us for Sunday Funday." Nalani tossed her purse on her bed, and dropped her jeans in the dirty clothes bin.
"Aweee. I'm so glad he still keeps up the tradition. Me and your daddy used to spoil yo' bad ass every Sunday just like y'all do with her." She chuckled, shaking her head as she reminisced.
"Girl bye. I was not bad." Nalani put her on speakerphone, putting her phone on the dresser so that she could get ready to shower.
"Chile anyways. How's the wedding planning going?" She waved her off, and Nalani kind of froze at the question. Neither her nor Sinclair had told their parents about their separation.
Nobody besides the two of them knew what had been going on behind closed doors, so everyone thought they were this happy power couple-when they were actually far from it.
"We pushed the date back..we're just-enjoying the moment for now." Nalani lied, face palming herself. Her parents loved Sinclair as if he was their son, and she knew it would break their hearts to find out they were no longer together.
"That's always good, more time to perfect the wedding. I can't wait to you see walk down the aisle baby. I know that boy love you as much as we do. Got me over here finna cry, lord," Nautica dramatically spoke, making her laugh.
"Yeah..he does. But I have to get ready to go ma, so I'll call you later so that we can plan lunch or something okay?" She turned the shower faucet towards the red line, then began taking off her clothes.
"Okay baby. I love you."
"I love you too mommy. Bye bye." Nalani clicked the red icon, and then quietly sighed to herself now that she was alone. She hated being alone.
Nalani sat parked in her car outside of Kyzion's house, waiting for him to come out. Though he'd told her not to, she pulled up anyways.
Her attention shifted once he walked out of the front door, dressed in a pair of gray sweats with a white tee shirt, and of course white Air Force Ones on his feet.
"What you doing here? I told you not to come." His eyebrows were furrowed as he approached her car.
"Why would I listen?" She rose an eyebrow, and he didn't laugh or even so much as crack a smile, making her internally huff.
"Can you just get in so that we can talk?" She asked, the two of them talking through her window that was let down.
"Did you cheat on me?" He returned a question, and her eyebrows furrowed as well.
"No. And I wasn't planning to break up with you either. I just didn't want to hide the way that I've felt because it's not fair to you." She told him, and he stared at her for a few seconds, his expression not changing.
"Well how do you feel then?" He inquired, and she pushed her hair over her shoulder while glancing down at her hands.
"I miss him. I didn't want to hide that from you. And I don't miss him all the time, it's literally only when I'm alone. I'm still dependent on his presence because I-I don't know. I spent almost everyday of the last few years with him." She paused, unsure of how to explain further. She was so confused.
"But I love you. I don't want him, it's just-I don't know, I feel bad I guess. I'm confused Kazi. That's why I wanted to talk to you because you always help me." She spoke, nervously playing with her nails.
Kyzion didn't respond, not sure how to. It was hard making sense of someone else's feelings when they involved his own. This was all new to him.
"Why couldn't you tell me that before I told you I loved you? I don't want to be with you if you miss him. You might as well be with him because I know that he misses you too." His eyebrows remained furrowed, and Nalani could feel herself about to cry.
"I don't want him though. I want y-,"
"No you don't. How would you feel if I had an ex and I missed them? And slept at their house in the same bed with them while having you as my girlfriend?"
"Kyzion I keep telling you it wasn't l-,"
"Yes it was Nalani, don't sit here and lie to me. How wasn't it like that but you missing him? If it wasn't like that then what are you missing?" He genuinely asked, and she reached up to wipe her face.
"What am I here for if you miss him? Just go be with him." He frowned at her, and by this time she wasn't even trying to stop herself from crying. She hated how emotional she was.
"Kyzion what do you want me to do? Completely cut him off? He's my fucking first everything, and the father of my child. It's only been two and a half weeks. How fast do you expect me to be over shit?" She dried her face, then looked at him through the open window space.
"I didn't ask you to do anything, I just told you to go be with him. I don't care about any of that. What you're still holding on to has nothing to do with me. How are you upset because I don't wanna wait around for you to get over him?" He put his hand in his pockets, not understanding why she was mad at him for something that wasn't his fault.
"You haven't been waiting on anything. I've given you my complete attention since we started talking. I didn't even give myself time to get over him before I got with you. It hasn't even been three weeks yet and you already love me. So I'm sorry if I'm not fucking moving fast enough for you." She frowned, and he looked at her for a few seconds in silence.
Without saying anything else, Kyzion turned to walk back towards his house, and she cursed to herself while getting out of her car.
"Kazi wait. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." She grabbed his hand, turning him back around to face her.
"Yes you did. I loved you too fast? You want me to apologize for that? Did you only say it back to me because I said it first?" He asked, looking down at her smaller frame.
"No, I love you. That came out wrong baby that's not what I meant, I promise." Her arms wrapped around his torso, and he didn't hug her back, unsure of how he felt.
"I don't think we need to be together right now Nalani." He mumbled after a few seconds, and she looked up at him, a small frown on her face.
"You still have some figuring out to do, and I think that I do too. Maybe I did move too fast-we should wait until we're ready to be together." He spoke quietly, adverting his gaze away from her because he didn't want to see her crying.
"Kyzion I didn't mean it that way. I love you. I shouldn't have stayed the night with him and I know that. I'm sorry. I don't want you to leave me. I made a mistake, okay?" Her voice softly cracked, grabbing his face so that he looked at her, and his expression softened.
"That's not fair Nalani. Don't make me feel bad for doing what's right." He mumbled, pulling her hands from his face.
"You should go figure stuff out with him, a-and whenever you're ready to let him go, then maybe we can try again." He told her, his tone soft so that he didn't overwhelm her nor himself.
"So you're breaking up with me? Over one mistake? Kyzion you're my first relationship outside of him. I'm still learning, and I know what not to do now. We don't have to break up. I'm sorry." Her shoulders kind of dropped in defeat, not caring to wipe her tears.
"Yeah, we are. Obviously I'm not doing enough because it caused you to make the mistake of missing him. We both have things to work on, I guess." He muttered, and she couldn't tell if his tone carried guilt, regret, or sadness-and to be honest, he didn't know either.
Nalani watched as he walked away from her, and once his front door closed she covered her face, trying to get herself to stop crying.
She dried what she could of her tears, getting in her car, and then she wasted no time pulling off. She wasn't even sad now, but more so aggravated.
Now that she was back at square one of her singleness, she knew that she'd sulk herself into a depression from being alone. That was the worst feeling ever.
But she didn't want to beg for forgiveness from Kyzion over telling the truth about her feelings. She thought that she was doing what was right when deciding to tell him, but now she wished she'd just kept it to herself.
Maybe this was the universe trying to tell her that she wasn't compatible with anyone besides who she was used to. Maybe she had missed him for a reason. Maybe Kyzion had just been there to fill the gap of what she craved from Sinclair.
"What's wrong Nalani? Something happened?" Sinclair frowned after opening his front door, able to tell that she'd been crying.
She grabbed his face, and his frown disappeared once she brought him in for a kiss, immediately deepening it by sliding her tongue in his mouth.
He groaned, grabbing a handful of her ass while pulling her into the house, then wrapped his hand around her neck after closing the door.
"I miss you." She mumbled, looking up at him to meet his gaze after she'd pulled away from the kiss.
It seemed like all Nalani had done was blink before her bare back was against his silk sheets, and soft moans came from her that encouraged Sinclair's deep strokes.
All's well that ends well.
Lmao I love them 😍🤭🫣 They give me Ziarre and Konami vibes
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