"You don't have to tell me all of that Nalani." Kyzion chuckled, staring at her through the FaceTime camera.
"I know, I just t-ugh. Never mind." She huffed, currently patting an asleep Skye's back while she laid on her chest.
"You're so dramatic. Why do you look upset?" He picked his pen back up, continuing his previous task of writing in his journal.
Kyzion and Nalani had been on the phone for around two hours now while she got ready to go spend some time with Sinclair and Skye for their weekly family outing.
To be honest, Nalani no longer wanted to spend any time at all with Sinclair, regardless of the activity, but Skye loved Sunday Funday's-so she basically had to.
Skye still didn't understand that the two were no longer together, and when they did try to explain it to her in depth, she'd just shut it down. It was a bit frustrating, but Nalani knew it'd take time since all Skye knew was her parents being together.
While on the phone with Kyzion, Nalani had been telling him their planned out itinerary for the day, even though he told her it wasn't necessary. Their family days started way before him, so it really wasn't his business.
"You can call me later baby. Don't be sad." Kyzion smiled, seeing the pout on her face after her doorbell had rang.
"I love you. Can I come and get you later, please?" She stood from her couch, grabbing her purse and Skye's backpack.
"Yeah that's okay. I love you too. Bye-bye." He waved in the camera, and she said it back before ending the FaceTime call.
She turned the locks on her front door, and then pulled it open to see Sinclair, the smell of his Bleu De Chanel cologne immediately invading her nostrils.
He was dressed in a black fitted tee shirt, black jeans, and also a pair of black Versace chain reaction sneakers. The black and gold Versace boxers he wore could also be seen from how he just barely sagged.
To compliment his look, a few diamond chains hung around his neck and matched the diamond square faced watch on his left wrist.
"Wassup mama? Why you change the locks?" His eyebrows furrowed as he took Skye out of her arms, as well as her backpack.
"So that you couldn't use your key, duh." She chuckled, turning around to lock the door while he smacked his lips.
"You must don't want me to find out who yo lil' boyfriend is." He looked over at her as they walked towards his black 2022 BMW X6.
"You already know him stink stink." She tilted her head in a mocking manner, laughing once he rolled his eyes.
He opened the passenger side door for her, and then buckled Skye in her booster seat in the back. He leaned over to kiss her cheek as he pulled her seatbelt on, before closing her door.
"Girl what is you doin'?" He chuckled, looking at Nalani who was going through his middle console, watching as she pulled out a stack of cash.
"Can I have it?" She asked, and he nodded with a smile, backing out of the driveway.
"What you need that for if I just sent you some money a few days ago?"
"Why you in my business?" She rose an eyebrow at him, and he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.
"Youn need to be with that nigga if he not giving you no money Marie." He glanced over at her as he drove, and she rolled her eyes.
"I don't even want the shit no more. You're annoying." She put the money back in the center console, then folded her arms across her chest while sitting back in the seat.
Sinclair looked over at her again, seeing a small frown resting on her face-the identical frown that his daughter always wore when she couldn't have her way.
"I miss you." His voice rasped as he put his eyes back on the road, using only his left hand to merge on the freeway.
Nalani didn't respond, not really seeing a reason to. A few weeks ago, those words would've meant a lot to her, coming from him-but now? Not so much.
"What Sinclair? What do you want me to say? That I miss you too? Because I don't. I'm not finna lie to you to boost your ego. You should've missed me when you had me." Her frown deepened, now looking at him.
His body posture didn't change, nor did his expression, and she wondered if she'd hit a nerve. It took a lot to make Sinclair upset, so she was sure she hadn't.
Sinclair reached near his gear shift towards the volume knob for his radio, turning it up so that the sounds of A Long Walk by Jill Scott circulated through the car.
He drifted into his own thoughts as he drove, thinking about Nalani, of course. What she'd just said had hurt his feelings, but he wasn't going to show it.
They'd been separated for a little over two weeks now, and it seemed like time was terribly dragging on. Life was moving so slow now that he wasn't with her anymore, and he hated it.
Since he spent half of the week alone now, he'd had plenty of time to sit and think about his actions over the recent months-and he realized how much he regretted the way he'd treated Nalani. It wasn't until lately that he'd grasped exactly what it was that he lost.
Despite his faulty behaviors, she'd remained at his side for six whole years-loving him unconditionally even though they both knew good and well he didn't deserve it.
She was his best friend, the one he went to about everything, the mother of his child, and the one that he'd planned to marry. A part of him still hoped for that last one, though it didn't seem likely.
Nalani had been there for him through everything, and it was vice versa until the new-found fame had gotten to his head. He would trade every dollar he had to go back to how it was before.
"Are you upset with me?" Nalani asked after about fifteen minutes of silence from him, making him snap from the small daze he was in.
"Nah baby. You good." He assured, and she took her eyes off of him, playing with her hands. She felt bad now.
He reached over to grab her left hand once she started to pick at her nails-something she did when she was sad-and she used her right hand to cover her eyes.
"Talk to me." He rubbed her hand that he held, knowing that she was crying.
"I'm over here feeling bad because I actually found somebody who loves me the way that I asked you to. I love him, so why am I crying over me and you? I don't know what the fuck I'm doing man." She wiped her face, her emotions scattered everywhere.
"I want you to do whatever makes you happy. If that's being with somebody else, then I'm okay wit' that. You ain't gotta feel bad. You didn't do nothing wrong, I did. I been trying to fix it, but I don't think that's what you want no more Lani," He looked over at her, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
Nalani remained quiet, because she wasn't even sure what she wanted. She thought that she 100% wanted Kyzion, but every time she got around Sinclair, a part of her missed what they had.
She didn't want to go back to Sinclair just to get treated the same way as before, and neither did she want to drag Kyzion's feelings along while she figured hers out. It wasn't fair to him.
"Nalani?" Sinclair spoke again, and she hummed in response to let him know that she was listening.
"As bad as I want you back, I don't want you to jeopardize your happiness for me. If he doing what I couldn't, you need to be with him. That's what you deserve, and you shouldn't feel bad for doing what's right for you." He told her, seeing her wiping her face out of his peripheral.
"That's not why I feel bad. I feel bad because I miss you too, and that's not fair to him." She mumbled, feeling his gaze shift to be on her as he parked the car.
"He's so sweet to me Sinclair, and I really am happy with him. But I was happy with you too, you know?before all of this bullshit. I'm so used to you. I don't know how to completely let you go." She sniffed, wiping her face while still staring down at her hands.
Sinclair couldn't even pretend like that didn't give him a sliver of hope. He definitely wasn't ready to let her go, she meant everything to him. It was hard trying to be happy for her while she was happy with someone else. He wanted her back.
"Look at me Marie." He spoke, and she wiped her face again, then looked over to meet his gaze.
"I love you. I'm still here for you. I'm not going no where, no matter what. I want you to do what makes you happy, but just think about it-about me and you." He searched her brown eyes, watching as they changed with her expression that softened.
"I love you too Sinclair." She mumbled, and he reached over to wrap his arms around her in a hug.
After pulling back, both of them got out of his car, and while he grabbed Skye, Nalani pulled out her phone to text Kyzion.
Nalani stared at his text, unsure of what to reply. She didn't plan on breaking up with him, she just wanted him to know how she felt. It wasn't fair to keep him in the dark when his feelings were involved too.
"The fair?!" Skye exclaimed, still rubbing the sleep from out of her eyes as she looked at what was visible of the Ferris Wheel, making Nalani snap from her thoughts.
"Didn't you tell yo mama you wanted to come?" Sinclair chuckled, getting her stroller out of his trunk while she enthusiastically nodded.
"I can get a funnel cake and um-what about a corn dog?" She grabbed onto Nalani's hand, making her smile.
"You hate corn dogs puddin'." Nalani put her purse in the back storage area of the stroller, slipping her phone into the back pocket of her jeans.
"I know but I saw on Tiktok that's what you're supposed to eat at the fair." She pulled Nalani towards the entrance where everyone else was heading, and Sinclair followed behind them.
"Shit." Nalani caught Skye just as she tripped, dusting her shirt off while Sinclair laughed.
"It's not funny daddy!" She frowned at him, tears brimming in her eyes because she'd scraped her knee on the concrete.
"Why you running anyways? You act like the fair gone run away from you or somethin'." He childishly stuck his tongue out at her after she bucked at him.
"Tell daddy to shut up." Nalani chuckled, picking her up to hold her on her hip while they stood in line.
"Shut up. Punk!" Skye held her middle finger up at him, then hissed once he lightly popped her hand.
"What I tell you 'bout that Nyani? And you bet not cry like that hurt foreal." He referred to her by her middle name, and Nalani smiled as Skye laid her face in the crook of her neck, now crying.
"Aww my baby," Nalani rocked her in her arms, still smiling as Sinclair rolled his eyes at both of them.
"Can I get three all activity passes with the three free meals included?" Sinclair spoke to the hostess, grabbing his wallet from his back pocket.
"$79.55 is your total." She rung him up, and he swiped his card, then all of them got wristbands put on.
While he got his receipt, Nalani put an upset Skye in the stroller, pulling the shade visor down because it was hot as hell.
"My baby so spoiled. She just waiting for us to notice that she sad." Nalani walked on the side of Sinclair as he pushed the stroller in the entrance gates.
"She just like you." He chuckled, and she rolled her eyes at the same time that she waved him off. She knew it was true though. Sinclair had them both spoiled like crazy.
"Fucking fat ass." Sinclair walked in his living room, seeing Nalani sitting on his couch while eating a fried corn dog.
"I'm full too. But it's so good," She huffed, tiredly taking another bite as he laughed.
"You look like you ate good." He poked her belly that was definitely bloated, and she swatted his hand away with a frown.
"Stop body shaming me. Pass me my drink." She pretended like she couldn't reach, and then laughed along with him.
It was now almost nine at night, and they'd left the fair a little less than two hours ago. Sinclair had just put Skye down in the bed-who'd definitely enjoyed herself today.
After they finished riding almost all of the rides, they ended up getting full at multiple food stands. It had them all tired.
"You fat or is you pregnant?" Sinclair watched as she unbuttoned her jeans to give her better breathing room.
"Don't even play like that."
"I ain't playing. I nutted in you two weeks ago. You know that plan b ain't work when we made Skye." He smirked, and she rolled her eyes as she laid back against the couch.
"If I was pregnant, I'd be at that clinic so fast. You ain't even gotta worry 'bout that." She mumbled, trying not to fall asleep.
"You know I don't even play like that so I ain't stunting you. Yo mama ah' be planning yo funeral and shit." He sat at the end of the couch, pulling her feet in his lap while she laughed.
"Stop, don't do that you gone make me sleepy." She moved her right foot once he rubbed his fingers through it, and he ignored her, continuing to do what he was doing.
"You staying with me tonight?" He looked over at her, seeing that her eyes were closed.
"Nope." She spoke, but didn't seem very sure given that she was literally dozing off.
"Aight. Go lay down in the bed." He stood up from the couch, and she didn't respond, making him lowly chuckle.
He leaned over to pick her up, and he could've sworn his stomach fluttered once she wrapped her arms around his neck. Not dwelling on it too much, he carried her into his bedroom, pulling the covers back to lay her down.
"Lift up for me mama." He tapped her waist, and she did so, allowing him to pull her jeans off to reveal her boxers. Then she turned to lay on her stomach, completely dozing off as soon as her face laid on the cold pillow.
Sinclair went to get Skye from her room to lay her in his bed as well, and after dressing down to his boxers, he climbed in the bed with them.
With both of them in his grip, he fell asleep after just a few seconds.
Lollllll 🤭🤭🤭🫣👀👀👀👀👀👀
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