Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: George Weasley x OC
Prompt: "Is that really want you think of me?"
Warnings: fluff, insecure Georgie :(
Word count: 1232
GEORGE WEASLEY hadn't been the luckiest lad when it came to love. Throughout his years at Hogwarts, girls for some reason always flocked towards his younger twin brother - Fred. He suspected it was because Fred was more outgoing, funnier perhaps. But Fred could be rash, frank and sarcastic - something that George wasn't.
So when a girl took an interest in him and not Fred, he was shocked. And this wasn't just any girl. This was a pretty girl, a very pretty girl. A very pretty girl called Rose. Rose Grimshaw. Her fair complex was smooth and soft, her green eyes were always vibrant and bright and always emitting joy. Her golden-brown locks were always tied up with a colourful scrunchie, cramming her curls up into a high ponytail.
Although she had the positive, bubbly and kind characteristics of a Hufflepuff, she was placed in Ravenclaw for her intelligence, creativity and wisdom. George was in love.
However, neither George nor Rose admitted their feelings for the other, leaving them in state of constant confusion and frustration. They were both skipping around each other - and their feelings.
It was frustrating for them both, but even more frustrating for Fred Weasley. Watching his older twin brother fawning over a girl who was drooling over him too, but neither doing anything about it. Fred was close to tearing his ginger hair out if he saw George staring at the back of Rose's head in awe in Potions class.
So, like any supportive brother, Fred took action.
"Georgie, I have a plan," Fred announced as he sat next to his twin in the Great Hall during breakfast.
George turned his head with a grin. "Another prank? You're moving pretty quickly, don't you think, Freddie? We pranked the Slytherins last night!"
Fred shook his head. "Nah, not a prank, my dear Georgie. But don't let me forget, we need to plan our next on the first years. But I digress. I have a plan of action," With furrowed eyes, George silently questioned Fred. "We, George, will be getting your dear Rose to admit her feelings to you. That is unless you've grown a backbone and will do it instead."
"I'd rather not," George immediately shook his head.
Fred rolled his eyes. "Hence, my plan. Right, Angie, here," Fred gestured to his girlfriend who sat on the other side of him. "Will be cornering Rose and ask her a bunch of questions about you and her feelings and we will nick Harry's cloak and listen in on their conversation."
"Hang on, when did I agree to that?" Angelina Johnson butted in upon hearing her name, her spoon of cereal hovering before her lips.
"You just did, love," Fred winked, quickly turning back to George who stared at him as if he was Fluffy, Hagrid's three-headed dog. "What?"
"WHAT?!" George declared as if his brother was stupid. "You're not serious, right? Even if you are, how do you expect to steal Harry's cloak?!"
Fred sang a little tune of triumph, silencing his brother. "No worries, Georgie! I already nicked it for us!" He held up the dark silk cloak with a proud smile. "All credit to Ickle Ronnikins!" He shouted down the table to his little brother, waving the cloak at the golden trio, causing Hermione to roll her eyes and Harry whack Ron upside the head.
"Fine, if she breaks my heart, expect me to break your face."
Rose was walking down the quiet hallways, a bundle of books in her arms as she made her way to the library to study. Spotting her friend, Angelina, a smile spread across her face.
"Hi, Angie!" Rose declared, walking up the girl she befriended in her first year.
"Rose, just the person I needed to talk to," Angelina smiled, taking two of the heavy books from Rose's arms.
"Really? What can I do for you?"
"I have a favour to ask, really," Angelina spoke, leaning against the brick wall behind her. "There's this boy, right-"
"Fred, I'm guessing?" She teased.
Angelina rolled her eyes. "Yes. Fred. Well, Fred wants to go on a double date but we actually don't know any other couples-"
"What about-"
"They're not available," Angelina quickly interjected, knowing that Rose was too smart for the Gryffindor's lies. "Anywho, I was wondering if you would be willing to join us at The Three Broomsticks for it."
"Can I ask who I will be going on this double date with?" Rose asked one of her brows raised.
"George?! George Weasley?!" Rose exclaimed. "No, absolutely not. You know I can't do that!"
Angelina rolled her eyes and whined slightly, her shoulders slumping slightly. "But why?"
Rose slumped down on the bench beside Angelina, the girl following in suit. "He's just... I don't know..."
"Try? For me?" Angelina fluttered her lashes, resulting in a giggle from the brunet girl.
"He's just amazing, Ang. He's super sweet and considerate and funny and attractive and -"
"Ok, ok, I get it!" Angelina fake gagged, nudging Rose playfully. "But why don't you wanna go on a date with him if you feel like that?"
Rose sighed, exasperated. "I don't know! I guess I'm just scared-" She was cut off by hushed whispering, her ears immediately pricked up at the sound. "What was that?"
"Nothing," Angelina was quick to shut her doubts down but Rose wasn't stupid. She stood from her spot and examined her surroundings silently. She quickly reached her hand out in front of her, gripping an invisible material and ripping it down, revealing a pair of scared ginger twins.
"Hello, Rose. Ang, let's get going, shall we?" Fred quickly spoke, terrified of whatever Rose was about to say - in case she exploded. Fred and Angelina practically ran away, leaving a flustered Rose and George.
"George-" Rose started but George cut her off.
"Is this really what you think of me?" George nearly whispered, his voice cracking ever so slightly.
Rose's mouth opened and closed as if she were a fish out of water, trying to form any sort of coherent sentence. "Uh, um, Merlin, yes. I mean no. Wait, yes. You're incredible, but no. Oh, my stars," she fumbled over her words.
While she stuttered and cursed herself, George stared at her, his eyes full of love and admiration. He lifted his hand gingerly to her chin, raising her face to his where he softly laid his lips down on hers. The kiss was small and soft, yet terribly shy and nervous.
George was the first to break the kiss. Rose's face followed, leaning further up, slowly chasing after his lips causing him to chuckle at the action. He placed his hands on her shoulders, a bashful grin overtaking his face. "Rose, would you like to go on a date with me? Well, with me, Fred and Angie?" He laughed, referring to the double date that Fred and Angelina did actually want to go on.
Rose giggled with a nod. "I'd love to," She spoke softly, reaching her arms up to wrap around the base of his neck, bringing George down for another kiss - one that was more confident than the first.
What they didn't see was Fred and Angelina peering around the corner. "Well done, Ang."
"Well done, Freddie," Angelia slapped his outstretched hand with a grin. "Looks like we're getting that double date!"
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