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โโโโ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พโ: *.โฝ .* :โ๏พ. โโโโ
summary: UA Academy is having
an upcoming game against another
hero academy and the boys talk
about it as they prepare for the big
homecoming game. All while their
girlfriends cheer them on.
( a/n: Shoto and Tomomi are Aizawa
and Hizashi's ( present mic ) adopted
kids in this one shot )
โโโโ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พโ: *.โฝ .* :โ๏พ. โโโโ
Tomomi's look for the chapter
( I personally didn't like the canon cheer outfits so I edited my own version of the cheer uniform. I think this is a better look, honestly. )
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"Here you go! Hope to see you at the game tonight!"
It was a Friday morning. The sun was out, the birds were chirping and the heat was lessening as football season rolled in. Which meant UA Academy's very own football team will be playing a lot of games. Mostly away games.
And with that, homecoming just rolled through. The Homecoming Dance past just two days ago and now, all of UA are gearing up for the Homecoming Game that same day. And it was an exciting time.
The Cheerleading Squad of UA Academy decided to give out little cookies and candy grams as invitations to the after party taking place after the game. Also, it doesn't hurt to boost the football players confidence. In order to help them win.
"Here you go! Hope to see you at the game tonight!" Mina skipped through the halls, holding a basket of cookie and candy grams. She passed them out to every student she saw and/or liked.
Her cheer skirt swayed as she went along as her curly pink hair was fashioned in two space buns. Orange ribbons held them in place perfectly. Her pink face sparkled with glitter makeup.
Every girl on the team had to do makeup looks that incorporated glitter in it some how. Desiree, the cheer captain, loved doing themes for every game they go to. This time, it was glitter makeup.
"Here you are, I hope to see you at the game." Tomomi said, passing out her share.
Her white hair was curled in big curls, mixing well with the red hair underneath beautifully. Her makeup just consisted of reddish eyeshadow and glitter tears underneath. Something simple and not too complicated. She still looked stunning.
Desiree placed a pair or black cat ears in her hair earlier so that added to the cute factor of her appearance.
"UA is really taking this seriously," Momo commented as she looked all around her. Her hair was down and curled for the game. "I remember seeing the excitement for all of the other games but never this amount."
There were some students with the schools colors on their faces, some of them were wearing their football jersey instead of their blazer and dress shirt ( the football team did that ) and the school was littered with football decor.
"Well, Homecoming is a exciting event." Tomomi replied, linking her arm with Momo's.
"You know," Mina chimed in, linking her arm around Tomomi's right arm. "I heard that all of the other cheerleaders are giving their boyfriends one of these grams as a good luck gift. You girls thinking of doing the same?"
Momo blushed as she pulled out a small cellophane bag from under the other grams. This one had two cookies in it. One shaped like a football jersey with Shoto's number and last name on it and the other was shaped like a heart with one half blue and the other red. To represent his quirk.
"I made one for Shoto....you think he'll like it?"
"Momo, girl, you and Shoto have been dating for 6 months now." Mina reassured. "If he doesn't like it, then I'm sure Todo-chan has no problem knocking some sense into him."
"And I will." Tomomi promised, earning a smile from her taller best friend. "I made one for Katsuki-chan, as well."
She pulled out her own cellophane bag with two cookies in it. One was shaped like those black and orange spikes he wears with his hero costume and the other was shaped like his jersey with his last name and number on it.
Mina gasped as she pulled out her own. One cookie was heart shaped and red with pink rock candy covering the edge of it. In the middle of it, wrote Red Riot in black icing. And the other one was of his jersey with his last name and number on it.
"Great minds really do think alike." Tomomi giggled out as they entered the cafeteria.
Meanwhile, in the cafeteria. A somewhat similar conversation was going on.
"Hey!" Denki exclaimed excitedly as he ran to the table his friends were occupying. "I heard that the cheerleaders are passing out cookie and candy grams! That means the after party is a go! Wooo!"
"As expected," Bakugou smirked, leaning back on his chair. "See, Deku? I told you we're gonna win.....again."
"Kacchan, that wasn't what I was worried about in the first place." Midoriya sighed out, closing his notebook. "I only said to lighten up on the aggression. Last game we played almost cost UA a lot of money in damages."
"Oh! You mean when the quarter back of the other team started trash talking Bakugou?" Kirishima asked, drinking his water. He had his hair pulled back in a low and messy ponytail. "Didn't he say something about Avalanche?"
"Yeah, he said he could steal her if he wanted to." Sero confirmed as he ate a cookie. "I'm surprised that Coach Miruko didn't even stop the fight."
"If we're all being honest, it was Todoroki who started the brawl." Midoriya pointed out. "And then Kacchan decided to back him up."
"That is the only time we will ever get along." Shoto said, reading his book.
"Be that as it may," Bakugou interrupted them. "Talk shit, get hit. Not my fault he was a pussy with a useless quirk."
"Hey hey!" Minas voice grabbed their attention.
They looked up to see Tomomi, Momo and Mina all walking over to them with baskets in hand.
Bakugou immediately smirked and reached over to grab his girlfriend by her waist, pulling her on his lap. Which made her blush super red. She still wasn't used to public displays of affection.
"Hey, Frost Bite." He mumbled, kissing her cheek quickly. "You ran out of class so quickly, I couldn't get to you."
Tomomi smiled shyly, playing with the hems of her cheer skirt. "My apologies. Desiree-chan called for a quick meeting."
"We got a surprise for you~" Mina said in a sing song voice, skipping over to Kirishima and hugging him from behind by his waist. "Tadaaaa~! Your very own cookie grams!"
She pulled out his own cookie gram, showing him. Kirishima quickly sat his water bottle down and beamed at the cookies. "Awww~ Mina, honey~" he cooed happily. "This looks manly! Is that rock candy around the cookie?"
"Jirou gave me one this morning!" Denki cheered, showing his. One cookie was shaped like a lighting bolt while the other was of his favorite Pokรฉmon, Pikachu. "Gosh, I love that rocker chick of mine."
"Hey," Bakugou pinched Tomomi's thigh a little, frowning at her. "Where's mine?"
Tomomi rolled her ice blue eyes and gave him his. "There are nicer ways of asking, Katsuki-chan."
"Thought I told you, I'm not a nice guy." He replied with a cocky smirk, taking the little bag from her. He looked at the two cookies before smiling a little. It was very cute. "Thanks, baby. It's cute."
Tomomi smiled as he planted another kiss on her cheek. She loved receiving compliments from him.
Momo just quietly sat next to Shoto, who seemingly didn't notice her as he continued to read his book. She shyly fiddled with the bag of cookies before she placed it on his lap.
Shoto looked down and blinked for a moment before he turned to Momo. He picked up the back and examined the cookies in it.
He looked at her and noticed the pink tint on her face and how she was sheepishly avoiding his eyes. Shoto smiled softly and held one of her hands in his, lacing his fingers with her. And the. Just going back to his book.
Momo looked at him as a smile graced her lips. She knew this was his way of saying he appreciated the gift. Shoto wasn't someone who was very big on PDA or being outwardly lovey dovey with her.
But that never stopped him from holding her hand in public or even just being around her in some way. He didn't like too much touching but he loved holding her hands.
"Where are the others?" Kirishima asked, wrapping an arm around his pink girlfriend. "I thought they would be here, by now."
"Uraraka, Tsu and Hagakure are with Desiree right now." Tomomi explained as she leaned her back on Bakugou's chest. "And Jirou is helping some of the other cheerleaders with making a music playlist."
"You girls will be cheering us on as we take home with win?" Sero boasted, flexing one of his arms. "It is the Homecoming Game after all. Cheers do matter."
"With that type of talk, you better win." Mina teased. "Because if you guys lose, we look bad and we can't look bad."
"Bold of you to assume we'd lose, raccoon eyes," Bakugou added to the boasting. "Have you forgot our last 6 games? We're unstoppable."
"Yeah, I remember," Tomomi said, turning her head to look at him with a scolding look. "You nearly destroyed the other schools football field during the game."
"That was actually Midoriya." Denki pointed out. "One of the other players called him a green haired, freckle faced bitch, and he just lost it."
"Shouldn't have called me a bitch." Midoriya mumbled angrily as he scribbled in his notebook. "My mom gave me my green hair and I do not tolerate any disrespect towards my hair."
"I've noticed that any time we have any mishaps, its always Todoroki, Bakugou and Midoriya." Sero pointed out. "That's why Aizawa calls them his problem children."
"WHO'S HE CALLING A PROBLEM CHILD?!" Bakugou yelled angrily.
"I-I've never been a problem child before." Midoriya mumbled, thinking to himself.
"I don't see the problem in what I did." Shoto shrugged, turning the page in his book.
"Anyways," Mina cut them off, waving her hands. "Just remember, do not try to fight the other team. Miss Midnight is counting on us to perfect our halftime routine. So no fights or distractions."
"Please, we're not that rowdy." Kirishima chuckled out. "If we do, I promise you can hit me ten times in the face."
Mina smirked at him teasingly. "I will sure to take you up on that offer, babe~"
"OKAY GIRLS, LETS FUCKING GO!" Desiree, the cheer captain, yelled as they made it to the field. "WE'VE WORKED TOO HARD TO LET THIS GAME GO TO WASTE!"
Desiree is a very pretty and very preppy girl. She was around the same height as Momo, had very pretty dark brown skin and long black hair that was always fashioned in long locs. She was sweet and kind to everyone, which made her very popular in UA.
And she was a member of Tomomi's and Tokoyami's literature club.
"Tsu Tsu, you look cute with your hair like that." She complimented the frog girl before walking off to check on the other cheerleaders.
Asui had her air in two pigtails with sparkling orange ribbons tied around them. Mina did her hair earlier that morning and she wasn't too sure about it. But after he amount of compliments she gathered throughout the day, she felt more confident in it.
Besides, Asui was the little sister of the cheerleading team. Everyone took care of her and was protective of her.
Thanks~!" Asui smiled cutely, holding her black and orange pom poms.
Right now, the marching band was playing music as more students and parents from both schools filled the bleachers. Some cheerleaders were going over the routines while others were stretching and talking.
"Sweetie~!" Someone called out, gathering Tomomi's attention.
She turned to see her two adoptive fathers, Shoto Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada ( aka Present Mic ) sitting at the front row of the bleachers.
Aizawa just simply waved as he grinned at his daughter while Hizashi, as extra as he could be, held up a sign that said "MY DAUGHTER IS A CHEERLEADER AND MY SON IS ONE OF THE STAR PLAYERS!"
His face had UAs colors painted on it in two little stripes and he was holding a video camera.
"Your dads are so sweet~" one of the other cheerleaders, named Makio, giggled at the wholesome sight. Making some of the other cheerleaders follow along.
Tomomi smiled a little, turning pink. "I know."
"Big sister!" Eri exclaimed, running towards her.
She looked to see her wearing the same kind of cheer uniform but made for girls her age with her long hair in a high ponytail. A big orange ribbon with UAs crest in the middle held her ponytail together.
And the sight caused a frenzy amongst the other girls. As they could not help but blush and cheer at the sight.
"She is so cute~!"
"Awww~! She's cheering on her sister!"
"That uniform looks so cute on her~"
Tomomi smiled as she caught Eri. She held her up in her arms as the young girl hugged her big sister. "Papa and Daddy said that I could come here to see you~" she said, one of her little hands had a tiny orange pom pom. "Shinso-nii and Shoto-nii are in the locker room, right now."
"Well, I'm happy to see you." Tomomi beamed, tickling her a little. "You look so pretty~"
"I want to be a cheerleader like you, big sister." Eri smiled back at her, "do you think I can?"
"I know you can, princess~" She confirmed, walking her over to the benches, where Midnight will be occupying. "Since dads allowed you to be here, stay with Miss Midnight until the game is over, okay?"
Eri nodded as she sat her down next to Midnight. "Okay~" she said, swinging her legs over the bench and grabbing Midnights arm.
To which, the teacher smiled and held her hand closely.
Soon, the game started off strong with UA gaining their first point over the other school. Which set the crowd off completely. Chants of their school name could be heard as their mascot, the Dragon, danced around the field.
The cheerleaders occasionally yelled out chants while clapping rhythmically.
On a few occasions, her boyfriend would lift his helmet up just to wink at her before running back on the field. Which caused all of the other cheerleaders to tease her and poke fun at her.
A lot has happened before half time. Bakugou managed to score a touchdown, which prompted his mom, Mitsuki, to become the loudest in the crowd.
"THAT'S MY BOY!" She yelled, waving her hands in the air. "NUMBER 23 IS MY SON! HE'S THE BEST IN THE TEAM!!"
Masaru, as quiet as he was, was very proud of his son but he didn't want to piss off the other UA parents. His wife had a tendency to not know how to keep certain things down. So he tried to calm her down, noticing the glares for the parents.
"Honey, I'm proud of Katsuki, as well but please, keep it down."
Soon after, with Shoto ending up getting them more points before the countdown reached zero, halftime came. Which consisted of the cheerleaders performing a big routine and there was a mini parade, as well. Courtesy of the Leadership club.
At some point, Hizashi nearly accidentally activated his quirk while cheering for his kids. Which made Aizawa quickly nullify him. He did not want to deal with the hospital bill from everyone.
As she was doing the routine, Tomomi couldn't help but laughed a little at her dads, which nearly messed her up as she had to yell the cheers out while dancing.
"Wow..." Kirishima panted out as he watched the show. More specifically, he was looking at Mina dancing. "God bless cheerleaders."
"I know right?" Denki mumbled with hearts in his eyes. "Cheerleaders are the best."
"Stop staring at my girl's ass, spark plug." Bakugou grumbled, smacking him upside the head.
Denki frowned, rubbing the back of his head. "I wasn't looking at her! I was looking at Jirou and she just so happens to stand next to Tomo-chan."
"Can we not talk about my sister-" Shoto paused as he looked out on the bleachers.
He noticed who was there near his adoptive dads. It was his biological siblings. Natsuo, Fuyumi and Touya.
He was shocked to see Touya was there. He was usually too busy with hero work these days to see him and Tomomi but he was happy to know he made it. It warmed him inside.
Fuyumi spotted Shoto amongst the football team and smiled excitedly, tapping both brothers shoulders. Pointing right at him as soon as they looked at her.
Touya smirked a little, giving Shoto a proud thumbs up. Letting him know he's very proud of his baby brother. Natsuo smiled and waved at him.
Shoto smiled back at them a little, very happy to know that they made it.
"Todoroki! Let's go!" Miruko yelled, bringing him back to reality. "Time to get back on the field!"
"Y-Yes, ma'am!"
"AND THE WINNERS ARE......UA ACADEMY'S DRAGONS!" Denki cheered, taking off his helmet and slamming it on the ground.
UA won their homecoming game with 23-20. A close score but they took it out the park with that last save. As soon as Bakugou made that last touchdown, the entire field erupted in cheers from everyone.
The band played music while all of the football players surrounded him, cheering and celebrating.
Amongst all of that, Bakugou took off his helmet and zeroed in on Tomomi. He quickly broke away from the team and ran all the way to the cheerleaders, surprising her by swooping her up in his arms and planting a huge kiss on her lips. In front of the entire school to see.
A lot of the cheerleaders recorded the moment on their phones while everyone kept celebrating.
Tomomi, also caught up in the moment, wrapped her arms around his neck as he spun her around in circles. But then she realized that her dads and her older siblings were watching them.
"Katsuki-chan, my dads are watching!" She whispered in his ear, turning red.
Bakugou, still carrying her in his arms, looked to see that they were, indeed, looking at him. But they didn't seem upset. They just shot them a teasing grin.
"Yeah, I don't think they care, baby." He whispered back, setting her down but keeping his arm around her shoulders. "And I don't give two fucks."
Tomomi giggled as he pulled her into another kiss. The couple celebrated with everyone else after that. After the game, the students of Class 1-A decided to celebrate together before the after party by stopping by their favorite diner.
Each girl wore their boyfriends jerseys while everyone laughed, talked about the game and had a great time.
It was rare moments like this that Tomomi cherished forever. She honestly didn't know what she would do without all of them today.
And it was all because of Homecoming.
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