main characters 😛
billius: LILA AND HARRY,
you: no, i am tired.
mione: lilaaa, just come!
you: ok i'm coming!
harry: 🙄
harry: i am coming as well
you know.
you: okay???
harry: i'm cominggg
you: hehe
mione: zont zo it-
you: pleaseeeee
mione: fine.
you: that's what she
harry: HAHA
billius: simp
Lila rushed to the great hall to see the commotion and saw 10 people huddling over a table looking at something.
Harry came in right after her, out of breath and grabbed her arm, and pulled her towards the table.
"This may or may not be an excuse to hold your hand," Harry said, still dragging Lila.
"Nah, I kind of like it," Lila responded which made Harry smile.
"Over here!" Ron cried, flailing his arms signaling Lila and Harry towards them.
they both reached the table and saw a firebolt and a huge package with all the one-direction member's cutouts in it.
"Ugh, I could be so much better than those stupid boys." Harry groaned which earned a slap in the face from Lila.
"Never call them stupid." Lila rolled her eyes
Lila jumped up and down and went to see the package. she unwrapped it and inside she saw another gift.
A ticket to something called Florida. she thought.
"Hey heroin!" called Lila. "What is a Florida?"
"how do you not know what that is?!" Hermione asked, shocked.
"Just tell me." Lila groaned
"It's a place in America which has a lot of amusement parks and beaches!"
Lila raised her eyebrows. "Oh cool! I'm going there this summer."
Harry walked up to Lila swinging the firebolt over his shoulder to look cool but failed miserably since the firebolt was too heavy making him fall backwards.
Lila gasped and got up to help him which made Ron gasp.
"When did this happen?" Ron asked, pointing at the two of them.
"I don't know but I'm not liking it," Hermione grumbled.
Lila helped Harry up and walked away while Harry was just smiling at her.
"Anyways I'm going to fly my firebolt!" Harry said inspecting his firebolt, while Lila was pretending to comb Niall's hair and having a fake conversation with him.
"Lilaaaaaaaa," Harry groaned. "Can you come with me, I want you to think I am cool."
Lila rolled her eyes then kissed and booped the cutouts on the nose. "See you later hotties."
Everyone went into the courtyard and Harry hopped on his broom and took his phone to record a video.
"Hey everybodyy today I am going to fly my firebolt to get lilas attention- woahhhhh." he started but accidentally started riding it witch surprised him.
"Simp," Ron muttered.
"Shut up heroin simp."
"And what about it."
Hermione came to Lila and Ron and swung her hands over their shoulders.
"This was a hectic year innit."
"Yeah, since I met Lily and James potter-" Hermione and Ron looked at her like she was crazy.
"i mean... no. wait, kind of yes. but also no." Lila started.
"Let's put her to sleep," Hermione muttered to Ron. While Harry's yells were still in the background.
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