nagini is hot😍
billius: HERMIONES
mione: it did not!!!
billius: oh yes it did!
you: scabbers was useless
billius: & crookshanks isn't ?!
harry: not really💀
mione: scabbers doesn't even
like you ronald🙄 it keeps on
biting you!
billius: aw like you care.
billius: & that's it's way for
showing his love for me!
you: more like he is ready for
that palm tree😳...
harry: NO-
billius: harry & lila, i don't
see you having any pets... you
don't know the pain.
harry: boy- i have hedwig.
you: & i have that big
black dog that i throw in
the lake everyday.
mione: it's a good thing that
crookshanks ate that stupid
rat of yours!
you: when mom & dad
fight 😫
billius: we are not a couple,
nor will we ever!
harry: that's what lila
said yet we are a couple.
mione: harry stop being
a simp,, & tell this thing
to stop coming at me for
my cats actions.
billius: i have a name!
mione: ok fine r*n.
you: oh ok, the censor. what
will happen next.
harry: i think they are going
to make up and kiss!
harry: like us😼
you: james, please leave your
son alone...
sexymofo69 is online
sexymofo69: sorry 😞
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mione: where is the security
in our phones...
billius: hm like where
is my rat🤨
billius: oh wait,, it's in your
cats stomach!
mione: your stupid rat is gone!
& you can't do anything about
harry: wait- what if hermione is
jealous of scabbers because that
thing spends more time with ron
than ron does with hermione...
you: scabbers to hermione - you
wish that were you, huh?
harry: *wheezes*
billius: why are you joking around
when my rat that i had for 12 years
just died because of that fat cat!
you: that rat is just sus,, yk.
mione: exactly!
billius: so you made your bulky
cat of yours eat my rat?!
mione: what if i did?
billius: hermione! you knew
how much i cared about that
mione: do i give a fuck.
you: no not one
mione: how many fucks
do i give?
harry: zero
mione: exactly, so therefore your
comment is...
billius: ✨ irrelevant ✨
billius: sorry i really wanted
to join...
billius: anyways, i am going
to go throw crookshanks
off the astronomy tower, then
open his stomach and get
scabbers out of there!
billius is offline
mione: oh no you don't!
mione is offline
harry: hey lila 😼
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