[𝟕] 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬
{ "What like you do whenever Star is within two feet of you?" }
"No and then he...JJ?" Star called out to the blonde who had magically disappeared from right beside her "JJ where are you?"
"Boo!" The boy jumped out from behind a tree scaring the girl and making her scream bloody murder.
"Oh my god! don't do that!" she shouted, slapping the boys chest.
"You should have seen your face." He teased the girl, laughing at her "Come on, let's go get John B."
"Okay, but can i finish my story please?" Star groaned as she was in the middle of telling JJ what had happened at her father's shop before being interrupted by him scaring her.
"Yes." JJ groaned back, rolling his eyes in a playful manner.
"Okay." Star began "So i was walking to my dad's shop and guess who i see standing outside?" Star paused, trying to JJ, waiting for him to ask.
"Who?" He laughed.
"Rafe fucking Cameron."
"What!" JJ seemed shocked, now all ears "What the fuck was he doing at your dad's shop?"
"He came looking for me." Star said rather shocked as JJ listened "He was trying to get me to go to Midsummers with him. Can you believe that?" she said rather disgusted.
A ping of jealousy bubbled through JJ after hearing this. Why the fuck would Rafe Cameron ask Star to Midsummers? His Star. It should be him asking her, even though JJ couldn't go himself as it was only for Kooks but it's shouldn't be snobby, stuck up Kook king Rafe Cameron trying to ask her.
But he also knew Rafe and Star's little history that happened last year so he wasn't sure what the girl would have said to him.
It was summer last year and Star had oddly been invited to a Kook party on the cut. And as much as she hated Kooks she thought it would be funny to go. So she did.
And as the night went on, the sun setting and Star now very drunk, she found herself on the beach where she saw the one and only Rafe Cameron, so she stupidly stumbled over to him. And that led to the night she will always regret.
Looking back on that night now, should she have done it? no. Was it stupid? mostly definitely. But she was young and stupid, and at the time Rafe was seventeen and Star was only fifteen. Bad? yeah she knows. But at least he wasn't her first right?
"What did you say?" JJ didn't even know if he wanted to know the answer. But Star would say no right? she hates Rafe.
"I said no of course!" She was rather shocked that JJ even had to question her response to the boy "He's disgusting. You really think i would say yes?" She looked at the boy, catching his eye.
"Well..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking away from the girl and at the ground. "I don't know." He shrugged.
Star looked at JJ weirdly for a moment, sensing something off about him, but she didn't know what "Trust me, you wouldn't catch me dead going out with him." She laughed as they walked up to John B's. But Star wasn't looking where she was going so she ended up tripping over a trash can and landing right on her bum.
"Star!" JJ whispered at her, facing the girl who was now tangled up in the trash can "Shut up."
"Oh yeah, thanks JJ." She groaned sarcastically, now back on her feet and brushed the dirt off her denim shorts "I'm okay."
JJ ponded on John B's door which startled the girl. "DCS! i know your in there!"
JJ jumped up to the window where John B was sleeping on the couch, who jumped, almost shitting himself.
"Gotcha slick." The duo burst out laughing at the startled boy.
"I'm just saying, i don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara." JJ piped up from the passenger seat. "She clearly likes you. Right?" He turned to Star who sat with her head pocking between the two front seats.
"Erm." Star didn't really know what to say as Kiara hadn't told her anything, so she wasn't sure whether the girl did like John B or not.
"Well you're no help." JJ now turned back to face the road "She's like Oh John B." He moaned, making Star laugh.
"Is that what she does?" John B laughed.
"She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you bro."
"She kissed me on the cheek."
"He's right." Star agreed with John B "A kiss on the cheek rarely means anything."
"See." John B pointed at the girl "It's not like we were making out or something."
"No, Star shut up, you're no help." he turned to the girl and then back to John B "Low-hanging fruit bro. Don't pretend that you don't notice. I see it in your eyes." JJ pointed at his own eyes "You all like, i kinda like that, and then you start blushing and shit."
"I blush?" John B asked. "What like you do whenever Star is within two feet of you?" John B fought back, turning to the blonde with a devilish smile.
"What...I..." JJ's mouth hung open in shock as he quickly glanced at the girl in the back who sat there, eyes wide and then back to John B who sat there smirking seeing as though he had stumped the blonde. "No." JJ just quickly lent forward and grabbed the compass on the dash board to change the subject.
"Hey!" John B quickly slapped the boy "Don't touch that."
"Dude, i'm just looking at it." The blonde shoved John B's hands away from him, holding the compass up in front of his face.
"I gotta admit." JJ spoke, looking away from the compass and to John B "Your father's compass in Scooters boat. That's kinda freaky."
"Yeah, and that's why we're gonna talk to Ms Lana, figure this whole thing out." John Be replied.
"Oh yeah, i'm sure she'd just love to talk to us. It's not like her husband just drowned or anything." Star mumbled raising her eyebrows at the boy, choosing to completely ignore what he had said about JJ blushing.
"You guys know my dad was up all night last night singing along to Katy Perry?" Star broke the silence, laughing about how she caught her farther in the living room as she made her way to the back of the truck.
"Who knew he had it in him." John B laughed.
"Rob likes Katy Perry?" JJ turned to the girl laughing "Star?" He noticed the girl no longer by his shoulder "What are you doing?"
"Yeah i'm pretty proud of him" Star shouted from the back truck, rummaging through the blondes bag "JJ! You got a joint?"
"Star, no!" John B quickly looked in between the girl and the road in front of him "You're not gonna get high right now!, we're talking to Ms Lana then we're going. Not stoned."
"Jeez alright." She mumbled, making her way over to the door as the pulled up outside Ms Lana's house.
"Come on Princess." JJ slid open the door for the girl and taking her hand as she jumped out the back "We can get high later."
"You know what this house looks like?" John B said, walking up to the duo.
"Whoever live here smokes to much weed." JJ finished his friend sentence as they started walking up to the house but began to slow down as they heard loud noises coming from inside the house.
"Maybe we should come back." JJ said, Star sensing the boys nervousness.
"No, no, shut up. shut up JJ" John B shushed the rambling boy as he walked closer towards the house.
The three of them jumped as there was a loud bang and shouting going on inside. JJ getting more startled by the minute, and with no thought he quickly gabbed Star's hand and interlinking their fingers for comfort.
John B pointed for the two to follow him over to the house as the shouting and banging began to get louder and they could heard the shouts and cries from who they presumed was Ms Lana as they ducked under the open window.
"Still think we should stay?" JJ asked John B, his hand still not leaving the girls as he held it tighter. Star holding her other hand onto his bicep for comfort.
"What the fuck is that?" Star whispered looking up as she felt something fall onto her head.
"Is that paint?" JJ asked.
"Yes it's paint."
"We should go." JJ whispered as they followed John B "He's got smuggler..."
"JJ, shut up." John B shushed the boy once more.
"Smuggler written all over him."
The three watched from the corner of the house as the two men left out the front door. And as they where making there way onto the boat Star noticed that the was the same men from the marsh "Holy shit, those where the guys that shot at us."
"Go back, go back, go back." John B pushed his friends further behind the wall of the house, hidden away so the men on the boat wouldn't see them as they drove away.
Once they wee certain the men where gone, the trio slowly and carefully made their way into the house, JJ's hand still tightly wrapped around Stars as they followed the sound of sobbing, only to be met with Ms Lana sitting down on the floor.
"Ms Lana!" John B ran over to the crying woman "Hey, are you okay?"
"Dude, she's tweaking." JJ tried to pull his friends back but Star put a hand on the blondes chest and slowly let go of his hand, crouching down next to John B and in front of the crying woman.
"Ms Lana." Star spoke in a hushed tone "Do you need a doctor?"
"Yeah." John B agreed "Let's call the sheriffs department." Going to take out his phone, only to be stopped by the woman.
"No, no, no." Ms Lana spoke frantically "No cop, please."
"Mhm, That's not good. Come on let's go." JJ whispered pulling Star slowly to her feet. Who stayed in place standing next to him, holding onto the boys hand once again.
"You shouldn't be here." The woman sobbed.
"That's enough fo me. John B come on." JJ tried to get the boy to follow him.
"JJ." Star whispered, putting a hand on his arm like she had done earlier to hold the boy in place.
"What do you know about these guys?" John B asked.
"They were looking for something." Ms Lana replied as she continued to sob.
"Does it have anything to do with this?" John B pulled out his father's compass, showing it to the woman who stopped sobbing for a second, just staring at it. "Do you know anything about this? This is my father's and Scooter had it. Why?"
"Scooter didn't have it, okay? don't tell anyone you have it." Ms Lana replied as her voice began to get louder "They can't know!"
"Okay John, let's go." Star said, starting to get a little scared now.
"You gotta get out of here!"
"What do you know about the compass?" John B shouted as JJ began to pull the boy away.
"Go! get out!"
"Come on John B!" Star and JJ both said dragging the boy away from the shouting woman.
"Holy shit!" Star huffed sitting in the passenger seat next to John B as JJ went to the back.
"She's possessed." JJ breathed loudly, running a hand through his blonde hair.
"Shouldn't we do something though?" Star asked worried as she looked back at the house "We can't just leave her there. Right?"
"What can we do? She didn't want cops. Come on, let's just get back to Kiara and Pope." John B stated as he drove away from the house.
That was kinda a short one because if i didn't stop it there then this chapter would have been like 4000 words.
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