[𝟏𝟑] 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬?
{"I need JJ."}
"JJ?" John B grabbed the boys attention who stared out the window "Where'd Star go?" he sat down opposite the blonde, causing JJ to look up.
"Umm...." JJ looked at away from his friend sat across him and pointed at the girl sat on the curb "Outside."
John B frowned before turning around and seeing the girl sat outside on the crib hugging her knees "She okay?"
"Uhh yeah." JJ didn't know why he was becoming so nervous but he had a thought that Star almost read his mind in that moment so she got scared and ran away "She just needed some air."
"Why don't you go talk to her?" John B added, giving the boy a look.
"Nah." the blonde took a sip from his cup "Not right now JB."
John B put his hand out infront of him and pushed the boys cup away from his mouth "Yes now" he argued "Go."
John B and JJ both looked at each other before JJ huffed in defeat before standing up, his chair squeaking across the wooden floor as he did and made his way to the door.
He stopped, looking at the girl sat out side and the back to John B who shooed him away with his hands. JJ rolled his eyes and wander out the door, hoping to god he didn't say or do anything stupid that he'd regret.
He slowly crept over to the crouched down girl, being careful not to scare her as he walked up to her and stood in front "Hey." He shoved his handing into his pockets nervously.
Star's head shot up at the sound of the voice that startled her, but once she saw the blonde stood nervously in front of her she shit herself "Oh...hi." She stuttered.
"I just came to check on ya." he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet "See if you were okay?" he shrugged.
"Yeah." she cleared her throat "Yeah i'm fine." she watched as the boy sat down next to her "Just needed some air."
The pair sat in silence for a good five minutes, nether of them knew what to say or do. Star didn't know what to say because what she was thinking was not something she could share with JJ. That was a thing for Kiara to hear.
And JJ didn't know what to say either. He didn't want to ask the girl what was on her mind incase she had realised what had JJ wanted to do, got scared and ran away.
"You cold?" JJ turned to see the girl shivering even though she was in a big hoodie.
"A little." she laughed as she hugged herself and in no time a strong arm was wrapped around her shoulder while the other was around her torso. JJ scooted along to get closer to the girl, letting her gently lean her head on his shoulder.
Star suddenly felt her whole body relax as she melted into the hug. Everything that she was worrying about magically vanished in thin air. The only thing and last thing that went to her mind was we how much she loved and appreciated JJ, and how she could never imagine her life without out him before she soon drifted off to sleep in the boys arms.
And that next morning she had woken up back in her own bed with a note left on her beside table.
Morning Princess
You fell asleep outside last night so i brought you home, your dad wasn't too pissed.
See you at John B's
JJ :)
Ps: I want my blue shirt back
"What would we do without you to control the drones?" The tree in the water heard JJ say as they popped their heads out the water.
"It's not a drone. It's an ROV." Pope replied.
"Shut up, shut up." JJ interrupted him as he didn't care for the boys smart mouth. "It's too early for that right now."
"Hey! John B spoke up as Star climbed up the ladder on the side of the dock, earning a hand from JJ "Once we get footage of the wreck we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim."
"It's bullshit." JJ spoke up as he handed Star a towel to dry off "Why would we have to do that?" he casually put an arm around the girls shoulder.
Star's whole body suddenly tensed up at his gesture yet she didn't know why. He'd done this so many times before and she didn't have a problem, but she still couldn't get over the fact about the thought that popped into her head last night.
She wanted to kiss JJ, JJ!? her best friend since she was eight. Never in her whole life has she thought about the boy like that. Sure she thought he was attractive but never had she wanted to kiss him.
"Well, there is maritime salvage law." Pope spoke, standing up and walking next to JJ to, leaning on the side. "We can't just go to the ocean floor and coop a bunch of stuff up."
"I know, i know." JJ replied quickly "It's just lawyers aren't cheap bro." Star nodded in agreement.
"Well, as soon as they see the footage they'll work for a comp." John B spoke from the water.
"How do you know all of that?" Kiara turned to him.
"Cause my dad said it like a million times." John B looked at everyone
"Yeah that's fair." Kiara spoke softly as she swam up to the dock.
"This tether is like really long." Pope piped up "In the wrong weather, it could get pushed around."
"Then we'll go at dead calm." John B said as a sound of rumbling thunder was heard.
"At slack tide?" Kiara asked as she stood on the ladder.
"so now we just gotta wait around for the right weather." Pope said as the group all look up at the sky to see dark grey clouds appearing in the distance "And today is not that day."
"Yo!" A voice was heard in the distance, causing all heads to whip around.
"Oh shit it's my dad." Star panicked, watching as her father walked down the dock.
"Where the hell you been?" Rob threw his arms in the hair as he walked closer to the group of teens.
Pope quickly shut the lid of the controller of the drone as the older man walked up to the group.
"Hey dad." Star squinted her eyes as she scratched the back of her neck, worrying about why her father was here.
"Hey Rob!" JJ smiled "You come to check out the drone?" He quickly earned an elbow to the rib from the smaller girl who was practically leaning on him "Ow."
"What drone?" He asked.
"Umm just a drone that...." Star tired to think of a lie before her father questioned anything "JJ's aunt from across sea's sent him?"
"Yeah." Pope, Kiara and John B quickly agreed while JJ stood there confused.
"You got an Aunt across sea?" Rob asked the boy.
"Umm." He looked down at Star who gave him a look "Yeah. umm...My aunt...Edna." He clicked his fingers "She's grate."
"Right..." Rob nodded slowly, feeling a weird vibe "Anyway, what are you doing here." He asked his daughter, hands on his hip as JJ suddenly became scared.
"What do you mean?" Star knotted her eyebrows together.
"I told you i needed help today." She said before turning to Pope "And so does your dad Pope."
Star signed, suddenly remembering that her father had asked for her help with the deliveries today.
"Ugh right, yeah sorry." She placed the towel to the side and began putting her shorts and shoes on. She suddenly remembered she didn't bring a shirt "Ugh shit." she mumbled to herself.
"I'll go wait in the car." Her father said "Pope, you need a ride to your Dad's?"
"uhh yeah." Pope nodded awkwardly "That'd be great."
"I'll come to." JJ raised an arm as he helped Star put his hoodie on, seeing as she didn't have a shirt.
"Okay." Ron smiled and gave the boy and his daughter a knowing look before turning and walking away "Hurry up!"
"Coming!" Star shouted back "Bye!" She waved to her friends as she practically sprinted down the dock with Pope and JJ following slowly behind.
"See you later boys!" Rob called out to Pope and JJ who he had just dropped off at Haywards, Star waving as they got out.
"Thanks for the lift Rob."
"Okay." Rob started the van "We gotta drop some stuff off at the Cameron's."
Star's eyes suddenly popped out of her head, almost breaking her neck as she looked at her father "What?!"
"What?" Rob chuckled, "Come on." he saw his daughters face "I know you think their all rich and snobby..."
"Yeah, cause they are." she mumbled.
"Okay yeah." he nodded "But Ward's a nice guy, and Sarah seems like a nice girl. Why don't you hang out with her?"
"I'm sorry?" Star laughed "Sarah Cameron nice?" she raised an eyebrow "Don't make me laugh dad." she shook her head and chuckled.
"I'm serious." he turned to the daughter quickly before looking back on the road ahead "I think if you got to know her you'd like her."
"No thank you." She crossed her arms and slumped in her chair "I would rather get stung by 100 jelly fish than be friends with Sarah Cameron." her face was filled with disgust.
Rob let out a loud laugh "You'd rather get stung by 100 jelly fish than be friends with a lot of people."
"Well yeah." she looked at her dad as if he was an idiot "Have you met the people who live here? their all snobby, rich fucks who only care about themselves." She stated as she looked out the window at all the fancy and expensive houses "And besides, Sarah was a bitch to Kiara."
"Yeah, i know" he mumbled as they pulled up out side the Cameron's "I just don't think she has many friends that's all." he gave his daughter a small smile "Just think about it." and with that Ron stepped out the car and opened the back of the van.
"Think about it?" she laughed to herself "No friends? pft." she mumbled as she hopped out the van, rolling her eyes "Please, the day Sarah Cameron has no friends is the day fucking pigs fly."
"Angel?" Robert shouted from the back of the van "Go take this up to the door while i go round the back." he handed his daughter a crate of fish, a crate of fishing net and a box of other random stuff.
"What, you're not coming with me?" she began to panic, worrying that she'd have to talk to Sarah or Rafe "Where are you going?"
"Ward asked me to have a look at his boat." he held up his tool box as he began waking backwards "The engine's fucked or something. I'll be quick." he walked round the corner, leavening Star by herself.
The girl stood in her place, staring up at the house as she huffed before picking up the boxes, struggling slightly to carry them.
"Need some help?" she heard a voice behind her.
She immediately knew who it was and instantly rolled her eyes "Nope." she didn't even bother to turn around as she continued to struggle with the boxes.
She soon felt the figure lurking right behind her "Gimme one." he took it out of her hand.
She looked up and was faced with the one and only Rafe Cameron, the boy she'd always regretted sleeping with.
Not that she had anything against him, she most definitely did he was just an idiot. He was rude and mean to all her friends but for some reason, when he was feeling different he was so nice to Star, yet she never knew why.
"Thanks, but i don't need your help." she argued, trying to take the crate off the taller boy.
"Chill out Owens." he chuckled "I'm just trying to help." he said as he took two boxes leaving her to only carry one as the girl followed him through the front door.
The boy walked into the house leaving Star stood at the front door. She didn't want to step foot in the Cameron household. One because she hated them all for no specific reason other than they were snobby Kooks, and the other reason is because she was absolutely terrified, she had never set foot inside the house, and never did she want to.
Once Rafe realised the girl was no longer right behind him he peeked his head round the door and called out to her "You gonna come in or you just gonna stand there all day?" he laughed.
Star quickly snapped out of her trance "Right." she soon slowly followed him through the big house and into the sparkling white kitchen. How she'd love to have a house like this.
"Just put it down on the counter." he placed the boxes on floor and pointed to the band new looking white marble island in the middle.
Star popped the crate down and stood there awkwardly staring around, praying that her father would be done fixing the Cameron's boat soon.
"You want something to drink?" Rafe asked, pointing at the now open fridge that seemed to only store drinks that stood just slightly smaller than the fridge next to it.
"Ummm..." she fiddled with her hands nervously "No, i'm okay... thanks though." she smiled a tight smile.
Rafe gave her a smile, taking out a beer for himself and closing the fridge door.
"Uhhh.." she watched as the boy turned to open his beer "You need help putting any of this away?" she asked, pointed to the boxes.
"Uh..." he turned to face her "Yeah actually." he would normally let his father put the stuff away, but seeing as though the girl had asked, what's so wrong with spending a little more time with her.
Star was the one Pogues Rafe never seemed to hate, sure he hated who she hung out with and hated her because she was a just dirty Pogues as he told others. But other than that Rafe had always seemed to take a secret liking towards the girl, but never would he tell anyone, especially not her.
Because in a way Rafe didn't like her he only really liked the idea of her, but that wouldn't stop him being nice. Especially because he knew how much it pissed off a certain blonde boy.
"Come on, i'll show you where it all goes." he picked up the two boxes and brushed past her before stopping "You sure you got that box?"
"Yes." she rolls we her eyes and followed the boy out the back door, spotting Rose in one of her usual weird looking frocks, and a stupid big sun hat that was far too big for her head. Star wondered how the woman could even stay on her feet.
"Star!" Rose called out from the other side of the big garden, waving an arm "Hi honey!"
Star scrunched her eyes in confusion, never has Rose ever spoken to her.
Stories from her father the Cameron family were really nice, despite the Kook vs Pogues thing. According to her father Ward was a very nice and genuine man who seemed to actually like Robert, but Star never fell for their 'nice' act.
She thought it was just because her father always delivered anything and everything they needed so their lazy asses didn't have to drive and get it themselves.
"Hi?" she almost replied with a question, finding it weird that the woman was being so nice as her face continued to frown as she turned and followed the boy round the side of the house.
"Just over here." Rafe said, trying to break the awkward silence as he pointed at the freezer and the small shed that sat next to it.
The boy stopped and placed the boxes on the ground, and despite the look she gave him he took the crate out Star's hands and placed it on the ground before opening the small freezer.
She watched quietly as he began taking the pieces of fish, checking to make sure their order was right before he began putting them into the freezer.
She was gonna offer to help but in reality she didn't want to help him at all. She only stood with her arms crossed and rolled her eyes once she spotted her father in the distance drinking a beer and laughing with Ward rather than hurrying up and finishing his job so they could leave.
After some time of watching the boy put the stuff away without giving any help, Rafe stood up wiping down his shorts and smiled at the girl weirdly before he walked away, his hands in his hair.
Star raise an eyebrow at the boys weird gesture "What?" she picked up the empty crates, following him until they had came back to the front of the house where her fathers van was parked.
"Huh?" he stopped and watched the girl open the back of the van as she put the boxes back in "Nothing i-i just..." he paused and shook his head, being scared to ask the same question he had asked a couple of weeks ago.
She closed the van door and turned around "You just what?" she raised both eyebrows, crossing her arms as she waiting for not only the boy to speak but also waiting for her father to hurry up.
"Okay..." he ran a hand through his hair "I'm gonna ask again....But would you plea..."
"Star!" Rafe got caught off by Robert who stood white his back turned to the pair as he shouted for his daughter.
Star's head whipped around"I'm here dad!" she waved an a hand at him.
He smiled once he spotted his daughter and began walking over "Time to go!" he called as he opened the door, still not spotting the boy who was hidden by the van.
"Gimme a minute." she called back before turning back to face Rafe "You were saying?" she asked, even though she really didn't care what the boy had to say but she was hoping it would be interesting.
"Uhh..nothing." he scratched the back of his neck, frowning as he shook his head "Forget it." his eyes met hers "See ya later Princess." he smirked in a way Star didn't like as brushed past her and walked away leaving the girl speechless.
Princess, the same name that JJ and only JJ was allowed to call her. No one in her whole life called her Princess other than JJ, never has she alowed any boy other than JJ call her Princess or any kind of pet name.
Her face very quickly scrunched in confusion and disgust. She didn't like someone else other than JJ calling her Princess and especially Rafe Cameron. Princess was JJ's name for her and no one else.
Robert watched the boy walking back into the garden from his seat in the van "What did he want?" he turned to his daughter who hopped back into the passenger seat.
"Nothing." she rolled her eyes as she sat down, crossing his arms. She didn't like how the boy called her Princess and suddenly she wanted JJ.
Robert knew all about how the Cameron boy was fond of his daughter, yet he didn't approve like he did for JJ.
Rafe was a bit older than Star and from story's Rob had heard the boy was no good and he didn't want the boy anywhere near his daughter.
Robert looked back at the places Rafe had disappeared in, humming and frowning before driving away.
As the father and daughter drove down the road Robert glanced at his daughter, seeing her acting off. But by her gestures and the look on her face he knew she needed comforted, not knowing why, but not everyone needed a reason.
"Where to?" he smiled, already knowing her answer.
She sighed loudly as she started ahead before she mumbled "I need JJ."
Authors note
I really hope you guys like this one i don't even know how i came up with it i kinda just needed Star to be doing something while Pope and JJ where off being sketchy sinking Topper's boat.
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