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ππππππ πππ πππππππ with endless chatter. Students of Forks High entered the large room and either headed to the lunch line or to their preferred tables. Friends linked up, going on about how their day has been to those who they haven't seen since morning.
Four friends in particular- Angela, Eric, Mike and Jessica- had met on their way towards the cafeteria, laughing about Mr. Randall accidentally falls on his way back to the desk, all coming to a sudden halt when they notice a familiar blonde sitting at their regular lunch table.
It was a surprising sight for many reasons, the main one being because they haven't seen their missing friend in weeks. They knew she was in school, but she has been avoiding the cafeteria for three weeks. The other reason was because she looked different in the strangest way possible, none of them had even noticed this morning when they saw her walking the halls. The four friends shared startled looks, all thinking the same thing before deciding to approach the table cautiously.
Liz Chambers was bent over, scribbling vigorously into a big binder with so much focus that she tuned out the chaos of the cafeteria surrounding her. She had a stack of magazines with cut out pictures, scissors and a glue stick in front of her. She was so lost in her project that she didn't notice her friends approaching until Mike decided to bite the bullet and speak first.
The blonde female looked up and grinned at the group who all started taking their seats around her. "Hey guys."
"Hey," Angela says warily, taking the spot next to her, the others sitting down as well. "You're sitting with us again."
"Yes I am." Liz nods, already prepared herself for these questions. "I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. But I have decided to stop being all moppy and feeling sorry for myself because some asshole dumped me. It's not healthy. Plus, I really missed you guys."
"We missed you too, Liz." Jessica says, still unsure. "Are you sure you're okay though? This is your first heartbreak."
"Of course I am. Like I said, I need to move on with my life." All four shared a concerned look which Liz noticed and narrowed her eyes. "What is it?"
Eric decided to take the bullet for the team. "You straightened your hair."
Liz blinked. "Is that a crime?"
"You hate straightening your hair." Jessica pointed out.
Angela nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you always said someone would have to tie you to a chair and threaten your loved ones before you ever let a heating tool touch your hair."
Liz brushed her now straightened blonde hair behind her ears and sighed. They were a hundred percent correct. She has never, ever touched her natural curls before. Well, that's not entirely true. She let her mom straighten it once when she was ten, but she hated the time it took and because she was a dumbass that didn't understand that it took heat in order to straighten her messy curls, she touched the flat iron and burned her fingers. Since then she had this ridiculous image in her head that the straightener would catch on fire and then cause her hair to catch on fire and it would all fall out.
She never let anyone touch her hair ever again.
But it was time for a change. Liz was determined to move on and get back to life. One little change in her appearance wasn't going to kill her. It's not like she dyed her hair or anything crazy like that. She wanted it straight, so she spent an hour and a half getting it done this morning. Her arm still aches from the process.
She hasn't made up her mind if she likes it or not.
"I don't know," Liz shrugged, looking between the four tiredly. "I just wanted a change, I guess."
"Well, I think it looks great." Angela said, looking towards the others who all nodded their heads in agreement.
The four then get up to get food, which Liz joins them. They start talking about literally anything, Liz noticing how cautious they were being around her but she decided to ignore it. She appreciated the space they have given her and she also appreciated that they did not bring up a certain somebody. Liz joined the conversation when she could, basically listening to Jessica and Mike talk about Tyler and how he hasn't been around much since he and Lauren started getting really serious.
Hearing that made Liz roll her eyes. She knew Tyler was chasing after Lauren Mallory for months, but apparently missed the part where they officially started dating. According to Jessica, Lauren keeps Tyler glued to her side because she doesn't like being separated from her own friend group. Mike and Eric constantly make fun of him, saying he is whipped, which it sounds like he was.
Angela seemed to be a bit quieter than usual, which normally wouldn't be too strange because she is a quiet person, but not when she is around her friends. Liz picked up on the sullen look she would have or how she seemed to be a bit out of it. She would smile and laugh here and there, but it wasn't hard to tell that her mind was in another world. Concern peaked in Liz's chest. Angela was her first friend when she started school when she was six years old. Basically made her her best friend, since the last two left her dry. She knew when Angela wasn't her usual self.
After grabbing a turkey sandwich and a banana, Liz quickly made her way to her friend's side and pulled her back from the others. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Angela asked, her demeanor changing and she was back to normal.
Liz shook her head. "I don't know. You seem kind of down."
The beautiful latina just gave a simple smile and shook her head again. "I'm fine, Liz. I'm just tired."
The blonde nodded and reached out to squeeze her wrist. "Okay. Just checking."
The two girls joined the rest at the table and Liz attempted to fit her tray around all her papers and supplies, seeing as she wanted to keep working while she ate. Mike laughed at her apparent struggle. "What is all that stuff for?"
Before Liz could respond, Eric grabbed the stack of magazines and his eyes grew wide. "These are all wedding dress magazines."
Jessica laughed. "Is there something you need to tell us Liz? Did you move on from Jasper that fast? I mean, good for you girl, but you are only seventeen years old. Whoever this rebound guy is, he's not worth marrying so fast."
The boys both hooted in laughter and Angela smacked the strawberry blonde's arm so hard, Jessica hissed from the sting. "Ang! Damn, I was only kidding."
"Well you shouldn't have brought up 'you know who'."
"It's alright, Ang." Liz reassured the girl, though she was trying hard not to let her anger boil. "I told you. I need to move on. I can't be sensitive to hearing his name."
"Screw Hale, anyway. You deserve better, Liz." Mike states with a wink.
Liz returned the smile, though it was forced. "Thanks Mikey."
"At least you're handling your breakup with Jasper better than Bella is with Edward." Jessica examined, looking in the direction of the now abandoned Cullen table. The others joined her, even Liz who followed their gaze, only to see Bella in the same spot she has been in every day since they left. It has been three days since Liz went to see her and she still looks like a corpse.
Her heart longed to go over there and try to talk to her again, but she knew in her gut that it would be no good. So, with a heavy heart, she forced herself to look away and turn back to the others. "We all handle breakups differently. Bella will snap out of it. Just have to give her a bit more time."
"I hope you're right." Angela mutters before turning back to the binder. "But seriously though. Why do you have all this wedding stuff?"
Ah, yes. The project that has taken up her entire mindset for three days straight since it was given to her. Her only distraction from her wandering and treacherous thoughts that would result in her thinking about someone she shouldn't be thinking about. The best thing Ester could have given her in order to keep her busy and somewhat stable.
After finally revealing the truth about her condition, the Chambers sisters have finally settled back into their old ways. Past anger was forgotten on Liz's side and they truly have been talking and even connecting in ways they haven't in a long time. Liz is grateful she told Ester the truth. It is a huge weight that has been lifted off her chest and they were stronger than ever. Liz had let Ester tell Danny on her own because talking about it again was too much in one night but the fear of them treating her differently or like glass is gone. They were cautious but did not hover, which she appreciated. A lot, actually.
But for some reason, the engaged couple decided to do something that has taken them forever to do.
"Ester and Danny finally picked a wedding date and Ester has not only asked me to be her maid of honor, she has asked me to be the wedding planner."
"That's amazing!" Angela practically squealed. The others stated their agreements to this news.
Liz beamed. "I know right? It is just what I need. You all know how much I love planning and organizing things."
"I thought you mostly liked decorating?" Eric questioned.
Liz simply shrugged. "That too. And planning a wedding is just like decorating. Sure it's more work, but Ester and Danny have left me fully in charge, consulting Ester with colors and flowers is a must however. Also, I get to boss people around, which I'm learning I love doing."
The four friends laughed, and Liz couldn't help but join in. This is exactly what she needed. Reconnecting with her friends and then taking on her sister's wedding, it is definitely the distraction she needed from the hole that is still in her chest and the urge to burst into tears every time she lets herself think about the reason she wanted to die just a couple days ago.
She needed this. She just needed to forget him. He is not worth her tears. He is not worth her life.
"πππ ππππ ππ πππ kind of energy I've been looking for from you," Antonio booms as Liz continues up the starmaster, pushing past her high score of thirty steps. She has reached forty-eight and she feels good and strong. "Someone's got her mojo back."
Liz couldn't help but let out a loud chuckle as she struggled to breathe. She was reaching her limit, but she was determined to reach sixty steps. She has only had two physical therapy sessions since they left and lets just say she wasn't her normal motivated and determined self. In fact, Antonio had to constantly snap her out of her wandering thoughts to get her to focus but then ended up sending her home both times until she could get her mind in it.
"I've just been in a funk, Toni."
Antonio hums knowingly. "I know all about that funk. Your grandmother is a very chatty woman when she calls for updates on you."
"Of course she is." Liz couldn't help but sigh as she struggled with the last steps, not even that surprised by that particular fact.
"Hey, careful," Antonio warned, noticing her struggle. "You don't have to reach sixty today."
"But I have four steps left." Liz explained, looking towards the large man with pleading eyes. "Please let me do this."
Antonio thought for a second, looking at the young girl before him before nodding his head in agreement. "Alright. Get to it."
As Liz finished the last four steps, she couldn't help but cry out in pure joy. Even Antonio clapped and cheered, which earned some strange looks from the other trainers and patients around the room. They didn't care. Liz just takes the towel Antonio hands to her and wipes her neck before accepting Antonio's assist in getting down from the machine.
He hands her her water bottle and the blonde chugs it before staring at her trainer curiously. "Okay. So what exactly did my Nana tell you?"
The larger male simply shrugs, shaking his head. "Oh nothing really." Liz narrowed her eyes at the man, and Antonio sighed, realizing she wasn't going to let it go. "She may have mentioned you were going through a bad break up."
Liz shook her head in annoyance. "Gosh, that woman talks too much. I love her but I apparently need to infest in getting her a mussel."
"Don't blame her for worrying about you."
"I would never. I do blame her for talking about my personal business to my physical therapist."
Antonio nods understandingly. "Although in most cases I would agree, I was grateful when she told me. Helped me understand what was going on with you in those last two sessions. You are never that distracted or unwilling to work. I normally have a problem getting you to stop the exercises I give you."
Liz gave a faint smile. "I'm sorry I've been a bad patient lately."
"No need to apologize. I'm just glad to see you back to yourself. You are too special to let some boy bring you down, anyway. He's an idiot."
Liz's smile was not faint this time. "Thanks Toni."
Antonio patted her shoulder and then pointed to the washroom. "Go on, our hour is up. I'll see you next week."
"See ya, Toni. Tell Olive I said hi, alright?"
Antonio grinned at the mention of his beautiful wife. "You got it, kid."
Liz made her towards the women's locker room and got changed quickly. She normally never showers here, just waits until she gets back to the house. Her knee was practically killing her, but she tried not to let it show on her way towards her bike.
Surprisingly, Ester has not said anything about her bike. At least not yet, anyway. Liz has been waiting for another fight over it ever since she told her sister about her eye condition. Liz knows she mostly has her Nana to thank for it, probably. Ester spent so long on her phone with their grandmother going over Liz's medical issues that she doesn't even know what time they hung up the phone. Ester going to nursing school has heightened her curiosity.
Liz accidentally walked in when Ester left her laptop out and apparently she has been studying the optical lobe more thoroughly. Liz didn't comment on it, she knows nothing can be done about her condition and is just letting Ester cope with this anyway she wants. As long as she leaves her out of it.
Once she was outside, she barely made it off the curb before a voice halted her in her place. "You look like you're about to fall over."
The blonde turned and came face to face with the same prick she had the displeasure of meeting over three weeks ago. Nolan Reed. The soon to be Notre Dame football player until an accident involving stupidity and cockiness ended his football career before it could even truly begin. Now he is left nearly paralyzed in a wheelchair until he is completely healed. Good news is he will walk again with proper training and therapy. Bad news is he'll never play football again and he can kiss his scholarship goodbye.
The displeasure of meeting him came from when she witnessed his cruel treatment of his mother and workers at this clinic. And Liz being Liz couldn't allow the asshole to be such a piece of shit and basically butted in where she had no business butting in. And she doesn't regret it one bit.
Looking at him now, Liz has to admit, he looks a bit better. He shaved and he doesn't look as pale as he did. He is still in his wheelchair, which she could tell how annoyed he was with it, but seemed to be pretty good at wheeling himself around, seeing as he wheeled perfectly next to her.
When Liz took a while to reply, he patted his lap. "I'd be happy to give you a ride to your car if you are too tired to get there yourself."
Liz narrowed her eyes at him. "No thanks. I wouldn't want to crush what's left of your ego."
Nolan winced at the burn. "I guess I kind of deserved that."
"You think?" She scoffed before attempting to head towards her bike but was stopped when he wheeled in front of her. "What do you want?"
"I've been looking for you for three weeks. I seem to always miss you when I come in."
"Oh what a bummer. Next time I'll make sure to prioritize my schedule to your convenience."
Nolan smirked. "Has anyone ever told you that you are very sassy?"
"Yes, I find it to be a great compliment. Behind being too sarcastic and a bitch." Liz mused.
"You find being called a bitch to be a compliment?" Nolan questioned curiously.
"Of course. Being a bitch means I can handle assholes like yourself better and I do it with witty comebacks and look good doing so."
Nolan mouthed wow and chuckled in disbelief. "You make it very hard to apologize to you."
Liz cocked her brow. "Oh, is that what you are doing? I must have missed the actual words 'I'm sorry'. Strange."
"Well if you would stop attacking everything I say, I can get on with it." Nolan snapped in irritation.
Liz scoffed. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Try Shawn or even your mother. They are the ones you treated like garbage." The blonde moved around him and started making her way towards her bike.
"Well, the thing is I already have apologized to them." He called out, causing her to halt in the middle of the parking lot. "I even sent a written apology to the other physical therapists who tried to help me before I came here."
Liz turned towards the male curiously. "You have?"
Nolan nodded. "Yes. Apparently those in my life have deemed it necessary to allow me to keep acting like a dick to them because they don't want to upset me more than I am about having my dreams ripped from me. And it seems all it took to open my eyes was some random yet slightly terrifying girl yelling in my face to make me realize how horrible I've been to those who only want to help me and for me to realize how grateful I should be that I'm alive."
To say Liz was stunned by this was an understatement. She blinked a few times trying to process, before crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh. This girl... she sounds like she knows what she is talking about."
Nolan's lip twitched up into a knowing grin. "Yeah. She does. Which is why I've been trying to find her so I could apologize to her and thank her for being the first to not coddle me and telling me the truth. So, if you are done being so defensive I'd like to do just that."
The blonde shifted on her feet and her regular annoyance towards the boy shifted. Finally, she nodded, urging him to continue.
Nolan then rolls his wheelchair into the parking lot until he is in front of her yet again. "Thank you, Liz. What you said to me opened my eyes and it was basically a slap in the face, which is what I needed. And I am sorry for what I said to you. I hope you can forgive me."
Liz was biting the inside of her cheek, processing his apology. She knew he needed to say all this and more. She felt kind of amazing for being the one to make him realize how horrible he's been acting and felt a bit proud of herself for interfering when she did, even when it was none of her business.
So after a couple seconds, Liz finally gave him a nod of approval. "Normally I don't forgive anyone useless, they follow the apology with a bag of candy, most specifically milky ways, but since you don't know me well enough to know I need apology candy, then I'll let it slide."
Nolan couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head in disbelief and his smile never faltered. "I'll make sure to remember that next time."
"You better. I don't let things slide twice." Liz told him before giving a sweet smile. "Well, I have to go now. I have a lot of things to do in a short amount of time so... I'll see you next time?"
Nolan nodded and before Liz could leave, he stopped her yet again. "Can I get your number?"
The blonde froze, turning to him in surprise and a bit of panic. Oh, no. Please no. "What for?"
"Don't worry, it's not like that."
"Like what?" She inquired.
"Like what you are thinking."
"What am I thinking?"
"I'm not trying to ask you out."
"I wasn't thinking that." It was Nolan's turn to narrow his eyes before Liz caved. "Fine, I was. But if that's not why you are asking for my number, then why?"
Nolan simply shrugged. "I don't know. I thought maybe we could talk sometime? You know, from one athlete to another. I just think we might have some things in common. It could be the start of a great friendship."
Liz hesitated. He was right. Her first thought was that he was hitting on her or trying to get her number to ask her out. But friends are a different story. She has many guy friends, but none of them really know what she's been through. But Nolan has. He knows what it's like to want something so bad only for it to be taken from you in a blink of an eye.
Maybe this won't be so bad?
Finally caving, Liz reached into her back and ripped a piece of paper from her notebook, grabbing a pencil and scribbling her ten digits before handing it to him. "On second thought, I expect those milky ways the next time we see each other."
Nolan took the paper and tucked it into his pocket. "You got it. See you later, Chambers."
Liz saluted the male. "Adios, Reed. Don't go speed on that thing now, hotwheels."
"You're not funny." He claims as he rolls back towards the clinic.
Liz was standing next to her bike before calling back to him. "Actually if this friendship is going to work, you need to establish I'm the funniest person you'll ever meet!"
"I'm done talking to you now!" He said, before opening the door and wheeling inside. Liz shook her head and chuckled.
Well, that was definitely interesting.
Guess who's back!!! Sorry about the temporary hiatus! But I will never give up on Liz's story!
This chapter is a filler chapter, as will a few of them will be. You will notice in the next couple of chapters a couple time jumps. Basically the next four or five chapters takes place during the three months Bella is in her vegetable state so this is what is going on in Liz's life during those time. Promise they won't be boring.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
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