ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

πŸπŸ— ✫ π₯𝐒𝐳 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐭𝐚π₯𝐬

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 ππˆππ„π“π„π„π

𝐓𝐇𝐄 π…πˆπ‘π’π“ π“π‡πˆππ† π‹πˆπ™ noticed when she regained consciousness was the smell. It was all too familiar, one she did not want to ever smell again for as long as she lived. The antiseptic. That bitter artificial fragrances of disinfecting soap and chemical cleaners. The smell consumed her, just like it had done all those months ago when she finally awoke in the hospital after the accident for the first time. It was like deja vu.

Every hospital may be operated differently, but the one thing they all have in common is that awful damn smell.

After registering what that smell meant, she almost did not want to open her eyes, afraid of what she would uncover. Last time she opened her eyes for the first time in a hospital, she was met with darkness. It was the most scared she has ever been in her life, not even the encounter with James was as terrifying-


It was like the veil on her memory was lifted and everything that happened came rushing back. Panic engulfed her, her mind immediately going to Jasper. If he was safe. If James got free of his hold. What about Emmett? And Edward? The others and Bella- shit, Bella! James bit her. What if they were hurt and she was just laying here refusing to open her eyes because she was scared?

    Stop being a damn coward Liz and open your damn eyes! Liz scolded herself. And so she did.

Relief consumed her when the bright, piercing fluorescent lights blinded her briefly. Liz managed to let out a groan, but slowly adjusted to it and blinked vigorously. She heard the calming rhythm of her heart monitor and the white blanket laying over her chest was the first thing she noticed. The next was the figure sitting in an armchair pulled up next to her bed, texting frantically into her Blackberry, her whitish-blonde hair confusing the patient and only leaving her with even more questions.

"Nana?" Liz managed to get out, but her throat was sore and achy, most likely from all the screaming and being choked in the air.

Vivian practically jumped from her seat, throwing down her phone mid-text, her eyes widening and a gentle smile spreading on her face. "Oh, baby. Oh thank goodness you are awake. I was so worried."

Liz looked around the room, realizing it was just the two of them, and frowned. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Vivian asked. Liz simply shook her head carefully, wincing as a pulse of pain came to the corner of her forehead. "Apparently you were trying to help your friend Bella who was going through some sort of crisis with her boyfriend. When he showed up to convince her to go back to Forks, they got into a huge fight. You tried reasoning with them, getting between them but Bella wasn't listening and ran. You followed her, but the two of you tripped over each other and fell down a flight of stairs. You both crashed through a window."

Liz took in every detail, trying to figure out the story the Cullen's told her so she doesn't raise any questions to her grandmother if she doesn't follow the same story. Vivian reached out and stroked her hair. "Oh, honey. When Ester called me and told me about how you left Forks and how you were hurt, I was so worried."

"Ester called you?"

Vivian nodded. "She told me everything. About how you've known about the little lie I told your parents when she was supposed to stay with me a couple years ago. She even told me about stealing the money, which is something I did not know about until now and if she wasn't calling me to tell me you were in the hospital in Phoenix, I would have given her a piece of my mind. I would have given her the money if she had asked. But in her mind, I was already doing so much that she couldn't ask me for more. She told me how you had caught her and that you two struck a deal."

Liz swallowed hard before speaking, her voice still scratchy. "I still can't believe you lied to mom and dad for her."

Vivian gave an innocent shrug. "I had my reasons and I was protecting my granddaughter. Your parents didn't need to know. I would have done the same for you in a heartbeat."

Liz tried to sit up more but a shot of pain shot through her side, causing her to gasp in pain. Vivian placed a gentle hand on her arm. Liz finally found the courage to look down to see the damage, noticing her arm in a sling and a new brace wrapped tightly around her knee. In all honesty, she was surprised it wasn't a full leg cast.

"Take it easy. That was a pretty brutal fall you girls took," Vivian instructs, grabbing the pitcher and pouring water into a plastic cup before helping her lift her head to take easy sips. The water felt like heaven going down her aching throat. Vivian sat back in the chair and put the cup to the side. "You have two broken ribs and you dislocated your shoulder. You are badly bruised all over, especially your sweet face. The doctor said you must have smashed it into something hard or stone-like. I told them about your condition, honey. They took an MRI but your scans came back the same like they've been before. Not great but no further damage."

Liz had never been more grateful for anything in her life until she heard those words. Sure, she was still doomed by the future, but at least she still had a few more years. Liz reached down and told her brace tenderly. "And my knee?"

"Well, let's just say you won't be taking that brace off anytime soon. Not even at home." Vivian says, recalling their phone conversation the other day. "But nothing too bad. You'll be in PT longer than you had hoped you would. Mostly, you are just a bruised peach that needs to heal up nice and slow. Take things easy from here on out."

"What about Bella?" Liz whispered, her concern for herself was her last priority, not if Bella wasn't okay.

"She's okay. You took the harder fall but she was impaled by a piece of glass, and lost a lot of blood. She is in the room next to yours. I don't believe she's awoken yet. You were only out for a day."

Liz was left confused and before she could ask anymore more, Vivan's phone started ringing. The older woman sighed and looked at it. "Oh, it's your sister. She's been calling non-stop demanding updates. She's been trying hard to get a flight out here but a storm in Seattle has grounded all the flights. She should be here tonight though, she's flying in with Bella's father. I better call her and tell her you are awake."

"Nana," Liz called out, stopping the woman first. She blinked up, her heart hammering as she tried to ask the next question. "Where is he?"

Vivian did not need to be told who she was referring to. Not from the moment she flew down here and met the young man who her granddaughter has fallen head over heels for. She immediately realized that she liked him because of his mannerism and the way he refused to leave Liz's side. "That handsome doctor had to force him to leave not long before you woke up. I think they might be talking just outside actually. He hasn't left your side once."

Liz felt a wave of calm take over her as her shoulders eased and she laid her head back into the lumpy pillow. Vivian gave her a smirk. "I can see why you like him so much. He's very handsome. And southern. I heard that accent and practically swooned. If only we had boys who looked like that back in my day."

"Nana," Liz scolded, but was smiling in amusement, knowing full well Jasper was most likely listening to this entire conversation if he was just outside the door.

"What? You know I'm a sucker for a cowboy." The older woman said with a wink. Liz only threw her head back and used her good arm to cover her face with her hand in embarrassment just as Vivian's phone started ringing again. "I better answer before Ester has a heart attack. One of you girls in the hospital is all I can handle. I'll let the two of you talk."

Before leaving, Vivian leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, mumbling that she was grateful she was alright before leaving the room. Not even a second later, Jasper was walking through the door. Liz forced herself to sit up despite the excruciating pain. Seeing him was like being able to breathe properly, the broken ribs be damned now that he was here. Now that they are together. Now that she knew he was safe.

As much as she just wanted to get up and wrap herself in his arms, she physically couldn't. So she watched as his pained expression slowly approached her, stiffly taking a seat in the chair where her Nana previously occupied. She watched him carefully before finally asking what had been gnawing at her from the moment she woke up. "James?"

"Nothing but ash, just like I said he would be." Jasper explained through gritted teeth. That fury she witnessed in him at the studio still lingered in his eyes, but it was mixed with something else. Fear. "Victoria disappeared. We tracked her to the Canadian border, but she is very skilled at escaping. We lost her scent immediately afterwards."

The hairs on her arms stood up, remembering everything James had told Liz about his mate and what she had planned for her. "Do you think she'll risk coming back?"

"We killed her mate," Jasper stated like it was obvious. "Something is telling me she is not going to let that slide. She will want revenge. But whenever that is, we'll be ready for her."

Liz nodded slowly, before snapping her eyes back towards him. "What about Bella?"

"She's alright."

"No. No, I saw James bite her." Liz revealed. "You told me that is how you guys are turned. The venom from your bite turns you."

Jasper looked down at the wires connected to her chest to monitor her heart rate before answering. "Edward managed to suck the venom out of her system before it reached her heart. He nearly killed her in the process. We didn't think he was going to be able to stop."

"But he did, right? Stop?" Liz questioned cautiously. Jasper only nodded once and Liz sighed in relief. She was so tense. Everything was just so crazy at the moment. She reached out for him but he didn't take her hand. She tried not to show how much that hurt. "Jasper... I am so sorry. We thought he had Bella's mother. He called, told Bella she was to meet him and bring me and he would let her go. We didn't know. He tricked us- we thought we were doing the right thing. I know what it's like to lose a parent, I lost them both. I couldn't let Bella go through that-"

"Stop." Jasper interrupted. "You have nothing to apologize for. I am the one who needs to apologize."

Liz blinks in surprise. "For what?"

Jasper hesitated and still refused to take the hand she continued to hold out, so she pulled it back. "I should have never gotten you involved in all of this. I should have kept with my original plan and stayed far away from you. If I had, your life would be normal. You wouldn't be here because of me. Your life wouldn't be ruined."

"Stop it," Liz demanded, not wanting to hear all this. She had stopped him from saying all this before they left Forks, and she still didn't want to hear it.

"It's true-"

"It's not true!" Liz tried to yell, but the soreness of her throat made it difficult, causing her to cough repeatedly before clearing her throat. "None of this is your fault, Jasper. I am only here because I made a decision to save Bella's mother. It is not your fault that James and Victoria happened to show up at the field or that they both turned out to be sick fucks who likes to play twisted games."

"You almost died!" Jasper stated harshly, so much pain in his voice it broke Liz's heart. "You almost died because I brought you into my world. Your life is still in danger because of me, because we didn't catch Victoria. I went feral when I saw what he did to you. What he did because I didn't keep my distance."

Liz shook her head, staring up at the ceiling and biting her tongue, trying hard to keep her emotions from exploding. How can she get him to understand? How can she get him to see?

After a moment, she finally turned back to him, her expression hardened and void. "I wanted to die. After the accident. After waking up in the hospital to learn my parents were dead. After learning I would never be able to walk without a limp or that I'll never be able to run track again. After learning that I have a ticking time bomb in my head that will explode and shut the lights out permanently in the future. I wished I had died in that accident. I hoped I would die in the hospital. I begged for death to take me. After losing everything I loved, including one of my best friends who shut me out of his life for God only knows why, I wanted to simply die."

Jasper was stunned into silence, not having words to interrupt or respond, so Liz continued. "I thought my life was over. I thought nothing in it would ever be the same. I knew I would never be the same girl again. I never let the idea of dying go as far as from the hospital because I knew I still had people who cared for me. My Nana. Ester. My friends. Even Danny. I couldn't do that to them. But that doesn't mean the thought didn't haunt me for months afterwards."

"I had to force myself to get back to my old life. I tried so hard to be that same girl I was before I got into that car. I wanted everything to go back to normal, if not for me, then for the people who cared for me. But I was stuck. I was in pain. So much emotional pain that it was overbearing. And I was angry. So damn angry that I survived and they didn't. Why did I deserve to live and all those people don't? Why me? It wasn't right and it pissed me off so much, all I felt was anger and resentment. I tried so hard to get through it but the thought of ending it all always found a way to sneak back into my mind, but I never focused on it long enough to give it any power over me. I didn't start feeling like I was actually living until you waltz your way into my life."

"You spend an entire year avoiding being around me, treating me like I offended you in some way. Then the day I returned to Forks, you didn't bother staying away anymore and it confused the living hell out of me." Liz let out a humorless laugh, shaking her head tiredly. "Jasper, you trusted me with your secret. You didn't walk on eggshells around me. You didn't try to console me or force me to talk about the accident. You were just there. You listened. You made me feel alive again when I thought something in me had died a long time ago. You made me smile and laugh and made me feel things I never thought I ever could feel for someone."

Liz reached out her hand again and this time, he did not pull away. His cold grasp locked with hers and she interlocked their fingers. "I fell in love with you the moment I saw that daffodil on my locket. It just took me a while to realize that's what it was. I love you, Jasper Hale. You did not ruin my life. You saved it. You saved me."

The pain in his face suddenly disappeared. He didn't move, just stared down at her with a now softened expression. Before Liz knew what was happening, Jasper had moved from the chair to the side of the bed, using his free hand to cup her cheek. Very slowly, Jasper lowered his mouth until his lips brushed against her so tenderly, it was hardly considered a kiss.

Liz blinked up at him but he kept his eyes closed, like he was fighting for control of his thirst. He beat it, Liz could see it from the moment he opened his eyes to see her shining blues staring back at him. Liz pulled her hand from his grasp and reached up to wrap it around the back of his neck. Jasper gently brought his lips back down, but this time it was a proper kiss, both of them moving their mouths against one another in the perfect sync.

Any pain Liz felt was completely washed away, a sensation she has never felt before flowing through her body. Not even kissing her ex felt like this. This was a tender, passionate, toe-curling kind of kiss you only saw about in romance movies. It was strong and delicate at the same time, like neither could get enough.

Jasper was the first to pull away, but did not move away like she expected. Instead, he leaned his forehead against hers while she took long, deep breaths. This was the most he has been in control since joining the Cullen's and the fact that Liz gave him that strength meant the world to him. He found the person he was willing to exist for too.

He stroked her beautiful hair that he admires so much and brushed his nose against hers. "I've loved you since the moment I met you, Liz Chambers. Since you told your friends to stop gossiping about the new kids because it was none of their business what we did with our lives. Since you told Angela Weber about how I was such an ass to you in chemistry and then claimed you didn't care, that it was my loss if I did not want to know you. Since you continued to fight through all the pain and suffering you were forced to endure, despite wanting to give up. Since you completely ignored me when I warned you to stay away and climbed onto that bus, declaring us friends and asking me to pick you a flower."

"I loved that damn flower," Liz whispered to him, not caring that he just confessed to having been watching her for longer than she ever thought he had, more focused on the confession of love.

"And I love you." Jasper says, earning another breath-taking grin from the blonde beneath him. They may face challenges, but at least they would face them together.


    𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 π–πŽπŠπ„ 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐄 day after Liz did, just a few hours after her father and Ester finally arrived. Ester practically burst into tears when she saw Liz's condition. Liz thought she was overreacting, but her current situation did not look good. She told Ester she wasn't in any danger and then ended up in the hospital. It doesn't matter that she was fed some bullshit story about falling down a flight of stairs then crashing through a window. Ester had gotten a call from Carlisle himself to tell her what had gone down.

Jasper has not left her side once, not even when Ester was in the room, which only confused the oldest Chambers sister as to why he was even here. None of it made sense but because of their deal, Ester was not allowed to ask further questions or demand answers. Liz knew it bothered her, but Ester bit her tongue and just said how grateful she was that she was alright. That was all that mattered.

She apparently had to talk Danny out of coming. It was their Nana's idea, thinking Liz did not want to be overwhelmed or fretted over. It was things like that that made Vivian Fitzgerald the best grandmother in the world. She knew her grandchildren so well- always paid attention to the smallest of details. Liz never had to question where her mother had gotten her kindness and observant eye from.

Vivian knew from her last experience in a hospital that Liz got overwhelmed easily. She ended up calling Danny and telling him that everything was okay, learning that Ester indeed ended up telling him about what their secret code meant and why she had left. He was just happy she was okay, just like everyone else.

Three days later, Liz was growing antsy in the hospital bed and demanded to go visit Bella. Apparently both girls have been requesting their loved ones to see one another but the nurses were not allowing it, claiming they both needed to rest and heal. Liz basically told Jasper, Ester and her Nana that if none of them help her into a wheelchair and bring her to Bella, she will just do it herself.

That is how she ended up by Bella's bed, Jasper having been the one to pick her up and carefully placing her in the chair, wheeling her into Bella's room. Charlie was in the room talking to Bella at the time, sending glares at Edward who had not left Bella's side, just like Jasper. The three men excused themselves, Jasper saying they'll just be outside until they were done.

Liz was holding a mirror up to her face, examining the very gruesome bruise that covered her entire left side of the face. Her eye was swollen, black and purple bruises covered most of the side of her face. She touched it gently with her fingertips, wincing from the pulsing pain. The morphine they had given her was good, but when it wore off, it sucked. Liz was surprised her face wasn't worse from how hard James had struck her.

"It's not so bad," Bella reassured her. "It should heal in a month or two."

"I seriously hope so," Liz mutters, still finding it difficult to talk normally. She places the mirror down on the tray and turns back to Bella. "I really hate hospitals. The smell is terrible, the nurses are rude and I swear they want you to rest but they constantly wake you up every hour to take your blood pressure and make sure you take your meds."

Bella chuckled softly. "I've never really liked hospitals myself. They make me uncomfortable."

"Well if you are as clumsy as the Cullen's made our story out to be, we might find ourselves back in here sooner or later. I'll just learn not to get in between you walking down a flight of stairs again."

Both girls laughed, which only caused Liz to groan loudly, the piercing pain of her broken ribs was unbearable most of the time. Bella looked at her regretfully. "I should've known about the video-"

"Bella-" Liz knew where she was trying to go with this and tried cutting her off, but Bella was insistent.

"No, Liz. This all happened because of me. I put you in danger for nothing."

"You did not put me in danger, Bella. I made my own choice to go with you. You are my friend and if I was given the choice knowing the outcome, I'd do it again." Liz may regret many things but deciding to go with Bella that night was not one of them.

Bella was quiet for the longest time before finally responding. "Was James telling the truth about... about your condition?"

"You mean that I'm going blind?" Liz asked, realizing Bella had heard everything he had said to her. Bella only nodded tightly, causing the blonde to sigh. "Yes. I have brain damage. That is why I needed you to drive me to that doctor appointment. They need to do scans to monitor it. I have a few more years, if I'm careful."

Bella blinks in astonishment, sorrow filling her heart. "I'm so sorry, Liz. You've been through so much... you don't deserve that fate."

The corner of Liz's lip tugged up into a half smile and she simply shrugged. "I've learned to accept it."

"Does Jasper know?"

Liz nodded. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure the rest of the Cullen's know too. So does my Nana. But no one else does. Not even Ester and Danny, not even our friends from school. I know I need to tell them, Ester more than anyone, but I just want to live in denial for a little bit longer."

"I won't tell anyone," Bella promised. Liz nodded in appreciation, taking Bella's cup of water and finishing it off, not even bothering to ask for permission. Her throat was still very sore, but she was surprised there wasn't a bruise around her neck. Grateful, if anything. That wouldn't have been so easy to explain away to her grandmother or sister. Bella turned back towards the blonde, her eyes heavy from the drugs. "Are you worried about Victoria?"

"Yeah. Aren't you?"

"Edward said she disappeared. Maybe she knows she can't win against the Cullen's?" Bella suggested, though Liz could tell Bella was having a hard time believing her own words.

Liz shook her head. "No. She'll be back. We are the reason her mate is dead. I get the feeling we are going to play the waiting game with that loony-toon."

"Are you worried about what James said? About how you were supposed to be saved for her?"

Liz thought about that for a second before responding. "Not really. Not about that. I just get this feeling that this is bigger than petty games now. She doesn't want to play a game anymore. She wants revenge."

The room fell silent for a couple minutes before Bella broke it. "I gotta say, I've never been more grateful to be more plain looking in my life. Just imagine, my life being threatened because of my beauty,"

Liz narrowed her eyes at the brunette. "You are not plain looking!"

"Well, according to Victoria, you are more beautiful than me and she's right. But it's cool, I am more than happy to give you the fairest of them all title, Snow White."

Liz threw the plastic cup at Bella's face only for the brunette to swat it away, laughing loudly. Liz joined, wincing loudly when pain overcame her. "Shut up, Swan."

    That only made Bella laugh more, Liz trying hard not to but both girls lost themselves in that moment, unaware of the two brothers smiling at one another as they listened in on their conversation.



Sorry, my babies kissed, it was an important milestone for me!

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed this semi-filler chapter. One more chapter until the end of Part One! Ahhh can't believe how far this story came! Thank you all who are supporting! Love you all!!

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