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"๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐พ๐๐ ๐พ๐ ๐ท๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐พ๐๐ฝ ๐๐๐. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐พ๐๐ ๐ฝ๐ถ๐ ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐ท๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐พ๐๐ธ๐ ๐๐๐"
The group walked out of Matt's car and into the restaurant, they decided to go to a Chinese restaurant because Brooke wanted Chinese food and everyone else soon agreed. The group waited to be seated until a waiter came over, "Hi, I'm Julia and I will be your waitress, how are you guys doing?" the girl asked, she had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and she was quite tall.
"Good, how are you?" Sofia and Matt spoke simultaneously out of politeness causing them to look at each other with shocked expression, "I'm good, thank you. table for how many?" she questioned with a soft chuckle, "Eight," the two replied, "Follow me!" she told them, the eight then followed her over to a table, Sofia taking a seat in the middle as the waitress handed out menus.
"Wait I want to sit next to Sofia!" Chris called out, Sofia sighed trying to think of who would be willing to move and switch spots with her, before Mason spoke, "I can move," he suggested, "Thanks bro," Chris thanked Mason causing him to nod. Sofia was sitting next to Mason and Matt, Matt on her left, Mason on her right who was sitting next to Nate, meanwhile Chris sat at the head of the table with Brooke sitting next to her, Madi sitting next to Brooke who sat next to Nate.
(a reference if you need it)
Mason and Chris then switched seats, and then they ordered their drinks Sofia got dr. pepper, Brooke got Coke, Chris obviously got Pepsi, Khai and Nate got mountain dew, Nick got sweet tea and so did Madi. "I will be right back with your drinks!" she told them with a smile as she wrote them down before walking away.
After the waitress left everyone slowly started talking, Brooke, Madi, and Nick were all talking, meanwhile Chris started a conversation with Sofia, they were just rambling about what they've been up to which for Sofia was just nothing other than work, but Chris had YouTube videos to film and hung out with friends.ย
Their conversations soon ended by the waiter coming back over with drinks, "Thank you," Sofia smiled at the waitress taking a sip of her drink, the group then started ordering their food, the group ordered food to share, such as lo mien, cheese wontons etc. but Sofia ordered some sushi for herself, spicy California roll to be exact.
Everyone else ordered their food and then the waiter left which caused them to go back to their conversations, Chris grew impatient and groaned and complained on how hungry he was playfully hitting his hands on the table, "We want food! we want food!" Chris chanted, "Chris!" Sofia hissed with wide eyes, placing her hands on his to stop him from getting them kicked out.
"I'm hungry," he told her with a whine, "You have no patience," she told him shaking her head, "Just wait," she added letting go of his hands, "Such a mom," Mason mouthed to her with a teasing smile, Chris then calmed down but was still complaining every few minutes.ย
"Your brother is so impatient," she told Matt turning to face him, "I know," he sighed folding his arms, leaning them down on the table and resting his head on them, "What are we doing tomorrow?" she asked him to try to start a conversation, "I don't know yet, why? you have anything in mind?" he questioned looking over at her.
"Not really but I'm sure Brooke has tons of ideas," she huffed. Her expression was straight up boredom, she was bored. She wanted to sleep, eat or do something fun, but the service was a little slow, the place was packed, and she didn't have any ideas.ย
"You good?" he asked, "Yeah, I'm just tired," and that was true she was tired, physically and mentally. Being home made her miss her mom, but she couldn't physically see her and for some reason she just wanted to cry, she wasn't the type to cry so she didn't because she had her siblings, friends who are like her siblings, and boyfriend who looked up to her and who counted on her and just like her mom, she had to be strong. For them.
Matt could tell that Sofia was sad or something... and he didn't necessarily know how to help her, so he sheepishly and gently placed his hand on her upper back, gently rubbing up and down.ย
Sofia looked over at him with a smile leaning closer to him, copying his actions of lying down on his forearms, resting his head against them, "Thanks Matt," she smiled, he smiled back a sheepish smile causing her to chuckle softly. The two lied on their forearms, staring into each other's eyes in silence, just taking in the moment.ย
Meanwhile Brooke and Chris discretely stared at the two with a knowing look before glancing at each other with a smile, they both knew that Sofia and Matt had feelings for each other, even if they didn't know it yet, they could see it, they all knew Sofia was with Mason and they love him, but things change and Brooke that their relationship might just be one of those things that do change.
Even Mason could see it, he didn't want to say it or even come to a realization yet, but deep down he had a jealousy in him that he couldn't explain when he saw Matt put his hand on Sofia, a jealousy bubbled within him, it was in his eyes.
And so was Matt's love for Sofia, because the eyes never lie.
"Plans for tomorrow," she spoke up after a few seconds of silence between the two, Matt then started listing things they could do.
"We could go to the movies, the beach, laser tag, bowling-" Sofia then cut him off shaking her head in disagreement, "No to bowling, every time we're together we go bowling, no more bowling," she told him, "You're right we go a lot," he agreed, "What about mini golf?" she questioned lifting up her head from the table, "You guys love golfing, right?"ย
"Correct," Chris cut in with a nod, "Then we can go miniature golfing tomorrow, and then we can come back to my place, and I can make dinner and we can watch movies or something," she suggested, "You can cook?" he asked in shock, "Really? that's all you took away from that?" she questioned with a deadpanned expression, "I didn't know you could cook,"
"I'm sure my grandma's cookbook is in that house somewhere," she told him, "And yes, I can cook, I taught myself," she added, Matt didn't say anything but nodded, and then the waitress came over with everyone's food.ย
The group thanked her before she left asking if they needed anything else, they all talked as they ate, but there was so much yapping that there was barely any eating, well not for Sofia, Mason, and Matt, they mostly listened as they ate.
Brooke had been getting to know Madi the whole night as well as getting to know Nick a little more, meanwhile Khai and Nate had been goofing off with Chris either hyping them up or joining in, which made Sofia sigh she felt as if she was hanging out with five-year-olds, but she still loved them.
"You do realize that your brother and best friends act like five-year-olds, right?" Sofia asked turning to Matt in question, "Yeah, but I love 'em anyway," he told her with a sigh as the two turned to the three who were goofing off with their food, straw wrappers, and more, "You realize that Khai is the one who got them acting like this, right?" he mocked her tone in question, "Yup, but like you said, I love him anyway,"ย
"But if I ever stop hanging out with you guys this is why," she told him with a laugh, "I get it, their insane when they're together," he nodded, "Yeah and two of them live together, they practically share a room together, when they're apart Nate doesn't act like that but Khai does, it's just less loud, and he's less hyper, he still says dumb stuff and does dumb stuff,"
"Which pisses Brooke off... a lot," she trailed to look to see Brooke slapping Khai's shoulder in annoyance, the whole table had move seats excluding Sofia, Matt, Madi, and Brooke, and Khai just happened to be sitting next to Brooke. Matt laughed as Brooke and Khai started arguing because Khai "Didn't do anything," meanwhile Sofia slapped Matt's shoulder. "What?" he asked rubbing his shoulder.
"Don't laugh, then he'll just keep going because it's funny," she told him with wide eyes as she tried not to laugh herself, "Sorry, sorry,"ย
"You hit hard," he muttered, causing her to smile to herself. "Oh my god! if you guys don't stop, we're leaving!" she spoke as she stood up causing everyone to stop talking. She then walked away from the table and over to the bathrooms. She quickly did her business and then went over to wash her hands.
After washing her hands, she splashed her face with water just as the door opened to reveal Brooke, "You okay?" Brooke asked with worry in her tone, "I'm fine, just tired," Sofia assured her, "Of us?" Brooke asked with a hint of fear in her tone, "No, never," Sofia told her, which was kind of a lie considering that she was tired of Khai and Nate's bs, as she dried her face and hands with a paper towel.
Brooke nodded as she walked to the stall.
"So, what's going on with you and Matt?" Brooke asked as she closed the stall door, "There's nothing going on with me and Matt," Sofia told her with annoyance dripping from her togue as she walked over to lean on the stall, "Are you sure about that?" Brooke asked as Sofia heard the sound of the toilet flushing causing her to move away from the stall, "Yes sure," Brooke then walked out the stall and pass Sofia over to wash her hands.
"But the way he looks at you is just so..." Brooke couldn't find the right words but they both knew what she meant, and Sofia didn't see it. "There's nothing there, we are just friends, best friends even," Sofia told her as Brooke finished washing her hands, "If you say so,"ย
Brooke then walked out the bathroom door leaving Sofia to think, but she quickly shoved her thoughts away as she walked out the door and over to her table. She then sat down next to Matt and Nate, who was in Chris's chair for some reason.
She quirked in eyebrow in confusion but sat down quietly and listened as the two talked. It was when the waitress came over that she handed them the bill, which Sofia immediately reached for but stopped when Matt also reached for it, "I got this," he told her shooing her hand away, "You're paying for our tickets home, I'll pay for everything else," she told him with a stern tone.
Which was true, he promised to pay for their tickets, so she promised, herself, that she'd pay for everything else, Matt swiftly snatched the bill out of her hand, running up to the waitress to pay in cash, she rolled her eyes at him and started grabbing her stuff as did everyone else.ย
Once Matt came back Sofia thanked him but called him annoying in the process, "Fine, the next one can be on you," he told her with a smirk, "Okay," she grinned as they walked outside.
ย Everyone piled up in the car, everyone in their original spots. The car ride was silent, other than the music that blasted throughout the speakers. The eight hung out at the triplet's apartment for another hour or two before heading home. They spent their night watching movies, talking, laughing, so there was no movie watching, just talking as the movie played in the background.ย
Sofia and Matt had gotten to know each other a lot more than they did over text or on the phone. They were both happy that Sofia had come to LA, they loved spending time together.ย
A little more than they should've.
Audrina speaks!
WE HIT 1K!!!
Thank you, guys, so, so, so much for everything!ย
I'm so happy that there are people who are reading this book, people who actually enjoy it and if you are one of those people please, comment or vote!
thank you to everyone who votes and comments, and just reads in general, please continue to do that! It would make me so happy!
Thank you all again! I love you all so much<3!
see you all in the next one!
2159 words!
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