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"๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐พ๐๐ ๐พ๐ ๐ท๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐พ๐๐ฝ ๐๐๐. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐พ๐๐ ๐ฝ๐ถ๐ ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐ท๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐พ๐๐ธ๐ ๐๐๐"
(irl, letter in italics)
April 2-3, 2022.
Thoughts raced throughout Sofia's mind as she read through all three adoption papers. She wasn't the only adopted one, so were all of her siblings except for Mateo. Mateo was the only non-adopted sibling.
Sofia's face was now drenched with tears that she didn't even feel fall. She couldn't believe the news that she had just revealed. Her parents had been hiding this news from her and her siblings their whole lives.
She felt betrayed.ย
How could she not? She had just found out the second most horrible news ever and her mother, well who she thought was her mother, wasn't even there to explain or apologize because she was gone. Sofia was angry she wanted to scream at her dad for lying and hiding such a big secret from her.
She tried to compose herself as best as possible, but she couldn't, she sobbed and sobbed as she held a hand over her mouth, not wanting the kids to hear her. She frantically searched for her phone. She went to her recent calls and clicked on the first one.
She had a missed call from Matt, and he just so happened to be at the top. She tried to take deep breaths as her phone rang, "Matt?" Sofia questioned through her sob, "Sofia? Are you okay?" Matt asked, "I-I think I-I I'm having a p-panic attack," Sofia stuttered a sob.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, just take deep, calm breaths, okay? I'm on my way right now," Matt told her. "I'll be there soon," Sofia tried her best to take deep breaths, but they weren't working. Sofia scooched herself back into a corner as her heart felt like it would fall out of her chest.
Sofia trembled and sobbed as she waited for Matt.
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Matt frantically stood up and rushed out the door not giving anyone an explanation as he left. His best friend was having a panic attack, and he didn't know how to help her over the phone. Matt speeded to Sofia's house.ย
After ten minutes he arrived and began frantically looking for the hidden key she had mentioned, he eventually found it very well hidden in a bush before unlocking the door as he called out for Sofia.
Once Matt reached the second floor, he saw a ladder hanging out from the ceiling, he quickly climbed up to see Sofia heavily breathing and sobbing on the floor with papers in her hand that were now crumbled and a trembling hand over her chest.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Matt kneeled down next to Sofia and brought her into a hug, "Sofia. Sofie!" Matt raised his voice trying to get her to listen, "Okay? Look at me," Matt instructed, Sofia's red puffy eyes met his soft blues, she looked deep into his eyes as she tried to catch her breath and calm herself down.
Sofia trembled in front of her best friend as she tried to breathe, "Take deep breaths, okay? Just try to relax," he told her, "It's not working, Matt!" Sofia exclaimed with panic filling her tone, "Matt I-I can't breathe!"ย "Okay, okay," Matt tried his best to think under pressure until he eventually thought of something.
"Okay, relax, what are five things you see?" Matt asked, "Y-you... uh, the floor, these stupid fucking papers," Sofia sobbed as she looked at the papers, Matt glanced at them wondering what they were, but he looked away not wanting to be nosy.
"That's three, keep going," Matt instructed with a nod as he rubbed her back, "These boxes... and my phone," Sofia hiccupped looking down at her phone.ย
"Four things you can touch?" Matt questioned, "My pants... your pants... the floor... your hands," Sofia took deep slow breaths as she answered, "Three things you can hear?" Matt asked as Sofia's breathing became slightly calmer, "Your voice... my voice... the cars outside," Sofia answered as her grip on the papers fell.
Sofia looked up from her phone and into Matt's eyes as she scooched closer to him. Matt saw and brought her into his arms with her back pressing against his chest as he leaned against the wall behind the two.
As weird as it sounded, Sofia felt... safe in his arms.
"Two things you can smell?" Matt questioned holding Sofia tight in his arms as she calmed down, but tears still streamed down her face, "Your cologne and my perfume," Sofia trembled trying to catch her breath as her heartbeat slowly went back to its normal pace.
"Last one, okay? One thing you can taste?" Matt asked, "My tears,"ย
Matt's heart sunk in his chest as he glanced down at Sofia who was trying her best to stay calm. "Are you okay now?" Sofia nodded in response, "I'm fine..." Sofia lied, Matt gave her a look, "Well I'm not having a panic attack anymore... so I guess," she shrugged with a deadpanned tone.
"What happened?" Matt asked with sympathy filling his tone, Sofia couldn't bring herself to say anything she just reached for the paper and handed them to him. The papers filled with the dark truth about her mother with a shaking hand.
Matt's eyes scanned the paper reading everything. His heart hurt for Sofia, finding out something this big would've killed him. He couldn't believe it, "I'm so sorry, Sofia," Matt apologized with sympathy as he rubbed her shoulder.
"Yeah... me too." Sofia sadly huffed out as she sat up, "Fuck, the kids there... where are they?" Sofia questioned, "What kids?" Matt asked, "The kids I'm babysitting," Sofia and Matt glanced at each other before jumping to their feet and searching the house for them.
Mrs. Grey had warned Sofia that even though Sam and Alex loved Sofia they were still troublemakers and would try their best to prank her.ย
They eventually found them in the closet of Sofia's Dad's and adopted mom's room, "There you guys are!" Sofia exclaimed, "Are you okay, Sofia?" Sam asked with concern as he came out of the closet with his sisters, looking at her red puffy eyes.
"I'm fine," Sofia lied glancing back at Matt.
"C'mon guys let's go to the park!" Matt exclaimed with fake excitement, "Yay! Park!" Lily exclaimed in excitement, four-year-old Lily followed after her siblings who raced downstairs, "What are you doing?!" Sofia asked, "We are not going to the park, not right now!" Sofia shook her head.
"We are going to the park, c'mon it'll be fun, and it'll take your mind off of... things," Matt trailed off, "Matt I don't wanna go anywhere, okay I just wanna stay in bed... and watch a movie or something," Sofia whined as she tried not to think about the news she had just found out.
"I know, but we can't do that right now," Matt's tone softened as he walked closer to Sofia, gently grabbing her hands, "I'm tired, Matt! I'm so tired and if anything, I just want my mom," Sofia cried, Matt drawled her close letting her cry into his arms, "I just want my mom," Sofia sobbed into his shoulder, "I know, I know," Matt whispered as he rubbed her back.
Sofia sobbed into Matt's arms, she felt like a little kid, that was about the only time she ever cried and here she was doing the thing she hated the most. Sofia chocked back her sobs, "Let's just go," Sofia huffed out rubbing away her tears, she just had to get through the day, "C'mon," Matt led her downstairs.ย
"Let's go, guys!" Matt exclaimed; the kids followed Matt outside, who was basically the new babysitter, Matt grabbed Sofia and dragged her outside before rushing back in and grabbing Lily's car seat, diaper bag, and locking the front door. Sofia put on her best smile and chanted with the kids as they walked to Matt's car.
"Are you Sofia's boyfriend?" Alex asked Matt causing his eyes along with Sofia's eyes to widen, "No," Matt shook his head, "No, Alex we're are just friends," Sofia assured her, "If you say so," Alex muttered causing Sofia to sigh.
"How do you do this?" Matt asked referring to the car seat Lily had to sit in. Sofia slid in between Matt and the car seat and quickly put Lily in before closing the door and sitting in the passenger's seat. Matt followed after Sofia and sat in the driver's seat instantly reversing and driving to the nearest park.
Sofia stared out the window watching the trees and cars fly by them. She tried her best not to cry in front of the kids; she didn't want them to see that she was sad. A tear slipped out of Sofia's eye causing her to quickly wipe it.
Meanwhile, Matt glanced at Sofia every few seconds making sure she was okay, which he knew she wasn't. "You guys hungry?" Matt asked mid-car ride as he spotted a McDonalds, the kids shouted yes causing Matt to turn and go into the McDonalds parking lot.ย
Matt ordered them all whatever they wanted as Sofia fidgeted with her rings. "Do you want anything?" Matt shook Sofia's shoulder trying to get her attention, "No thanks," Sofia shook her head, but Matt ordered her favorite anyways.
Mcflurries and fries.
"I'll pay for it," Sofia told Matt as he pulled up to the next window, "It's fine, I can do it," Matt shook his head, "Matt, let me do this, it's not that big of a deal, plus I'm babysitting meaning I pay for whatever they want," Sofia told him as she reached into her wallet.
"Too late," Matt handed the lady at the window his card causing Sofia to roll her eyes in annoyance, "Maybe next time," Matt patted her knee as he handed everyone their food.
Sofia huffed and looked back out the window as she thought of Athena. She missed her so much yesterday but finding out this horrible news made her feel like she couldn't, she felt as if she couldn't even call her mom, because she biologically wasn't... her mom.
Matt placed Sofia's M&M mcflurry into her hands causing her to look up at him and then down to the ice cream. "Eat something," Matt instructed with a stern tone, "I'm no-"ย
"I already know what you're going to say, 'I'm not hungry,'" Matt imitated, "I do not sound like that," Sofia huffed before sadly taking a bite of her ice cream. "Yeah okay," Matt laughed, Sofia rolled her eyes in annoyance as she ate her ice cream and fries.
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A few minutes later the five arrived at the park, they sat down at a nearby bench and finished up their food before the kids rushed off to go play, Sofia followed after Lily placing her into the swing she so desperately wanted to go on.
Sofia swung Lily back and forth as she remembered her time at this park with Athena. They used to come every day after school with Brooke, Khai, Mateo, Sam, and Andrew. They'd hang outside and just run around like kids these days should.
Until eventually Sam and Andrew got 'too old' to go to the park. Meanwhile, Sofia would go to the park with Mateo, Khai, and Brooke every single day, even now, except now Sofia hated the park.ย
Sofia officially hated everything her parents ever did with her.ย
How could they lie to her and her siblings for so many years? They betrayed her trust, and they didn't even care, did they not know how badly this would hurt her? Athena Adams was Sofia's favorite person in the entire world and now... now she didn't know what to think of her.
Sofia's thoughts were interrupted when Matt came over and slowed down Lily who was screaming for Sofia to stop the swing. "Sofia!" Matt raised his voice as he held Lily in his arms as she cried.
"Mhm?" Sofia hummed in question, snapped back into reality, and saw Lily crying into Matt's shoulder, "Oh, Lily I'm so sorry, I-I was just- I'm sorry," Sofia frantically apologized, "C'mon Lily," Alex grabbed Lily and the two girls walked over to a slide.
"Sofia, are you okay?" Matt asked, he knew she wasn't, but he felt as if he should've asked. He also knew that Sofia was too stubborn to admit that she wasn't but, he knew that she needed a shoulder to quite literally cry on and he planned to be that person for her.
"I'm fine," Sofia lied with a fake smile before walking back over to the bench as she watched the three play. She placed a hand on her forehead as she tried her best not to think about anything, it just hurt her too much to think about her 'mom' and her dad's lies, and what had just happened.
Sofia scared the shit out of Lily, and she wasn't even in the right head space to realize.ย
Matt was right Sofia really did need a break.
She couldn't even think straight, she was too busy taking care of everyone else to even realize what her parents had been hiding from her, for her whole life. She wondered who else knew, Sam? Andrew? Brooke? Khai? No, they wouldn't be able to keep a huge secret like that from their sister.
Matt followed after Sofia and took the seat next to her. "You sure? You look like you could use a hug?" Matt suggested, Sofia nodded, "I'm fine, Matt. I just need to talk to my dad," Sofia planned to confront her dad and get the answers she needed, why did they not tell her? Why wait so long? Who else knew?ย
"Call him." Matt suggested.
"I can't just call him, Matt. This is something that we need to talk about in person,"ย So, I can scream at him. Sofia thought.
Matt didn't say anything he just nodded. Sofia thought about it for a second before leaning her head onto Matt's shoulder, she really could use a hug, she just didn't want to admit it. "I need to go home." Sofia muttered, "Yeah, I'll buy the tickets, I did promise you I would," Sofia softly chuckled and nodded, "Yeah you did."ย
Matt pulled his phone out but still let Sofia lay on his shoulder, he drawled her closer and bought her plane tickets home, once he was done, he put his phone away and glanced down at Sofia as she fidgeted with his rings, "You guys are leaving in three days,"ย
"Thanks, Matt," Sofia smiled up at him, "No problem," Matt smiled down at her, looking into her brown eyes, Sofia looked into his bright blue eyes with a smile as he began to lean closer. Sofia froze thinking he was going to kiss her, but he wasn't he was actually leaning closer to lay his forehead on hers.
After a few hours of hanging out at the park, the five went back to Sofia's house. Sofia made dinner and once she finished the kids sat down to eat. Once they finished, they watched a movie, and soon after Sofia dragged Lily upstairs to go to sleep. It was getting late, and Lily had to be asleep.
Meanwhile, Matt stayed downstairs with Alex and Sam and watched movies with them. while Sofia put Lily down for a nap in her bed as they waited for Mr. and Mrs. Grey to come pick them up.ย
Sofia laid down next to Lily, who was still awake even though she was supposed to be sleeping, "C'mon Lils just go to sleep!" Sofia groaned, "You've been up all day and you've been at it all day! Just take a nap!" Sofia exclaimed with a groan.
Sofia turned once she heard her door open, "Woah, is that how you get all kids to go to sleep?" Matt questioned with a teasing tone, "Matt, I'm tired, okay? This is not time for jokes," Matt raised his hands in defense, "Let me try, I'm great with kids,"ย
"Yay! Matt!" Lily exclaimed in excitement filling her tone, Sofia looked down at Lily in offense, "Wow rude!" Sofia thanked Matt before telling him that she'd be in her parent's old room to snoop, aka the biggest room in the house.
Sofia snooped around her parent's room hoping to find something, anything, else but all she found was a secret safe behind very 'mother's' old vanity. Sofia's eyes scanned the safe as tried to think of the passcode. She tried all of her siblings' birthdays until she eventually put her birthday in and the safe opened.
She opened the safe door to reveal an old iPhone. Sofia's expression switched to confusion, she was expecting something more, letters, money, anything, but nope, just an old iPhone that was either dead or had a super hard password.
Sofia grabbed the phone and placed it on Athena's old vanity and grabbed the charger behind it. She reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone; Sofia turned her flashlight on and shined it into the safe. When she did, she found two letters addressed to her.
Sofia snatched them out of the safe and placed them on Athena's vanity, Sofia closed the safe and moved the vanity back to its original spot. Sofia was perfectly laid in her parent's bed after putting the phone on the charger.
Sofia carefully opened the letter and started reading it, but she was interrupted when she heard a knock on the other side of the door. "Come in," Sofia told them, the door opened to reveal Matt. "Everyone keeps texting me and I know you want to tell them yourself so what should I say?" Matt asked.
"Anything but the truth." Sofia told him, "I'll tell them when I'm ready. Maybe you could tell that you're out with a friend?" Sofia suggested with a shrug. "I don't know," Matt typed into his phone before shutting it off and taking a seat next to Sofia.
"Lily put up a fight to go to sleep, huh?" Sofia asked after Matt let out a loud sigh, "Yeah," Matt nodded, "So, what'd you find?" Matt asked.
Sofia held up the letters, "And a very old iPhone," she told him, "Nice," Matt smiled, Sofia turned her attention back to the letter and began reading as Matt watched in silence, just wanting to be there for moral support.
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Dear, Sofia.
If you're reading this, it means my smart girl found the hidden safe, it wasn't the best spot, I know, but at least you found it.ย ย It also means I'm gone. I'm so sorry, and I'm even more sorry for not telling you what was going on. I should've told you.
If I did you would've gotten to say goodbye, but it's okay.
Just know that I love you so much, more than anything, okay?
Please don't forget me, try to keep my memory alive. I know that this is hard for you, and I know it's a lot, but you'll get through it because you my sweet girl are the strongest person I've ever met.
But just remember, life is like a seed, you have to push through the darkness to get to it.ย
So please, Sofia, I'm begging you, get through it, okay? For me.
I love you so much.
I'll see you again one day, but for now, it's goodbye, so I'll see you later.
Love your mom!
To my perfect girl.
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Tears slipped out of Sofia's eyes as she finished reading the letter, but she quickly wiped them and handed it to Matt, "You want me? To read it?" he questioned in confusion, "Yeah," Sofia nodded, "You are the only person here,"ย
Matt then sat up and read the letter as Sofia at right next to him. Sofia watched as he read the letter once again leaning her head on his shoulder for comfort. Matt glanced at Sofia and placed his hand on her back as he read the letter, gently rubbing her back.
Once Matt finished reading the letter he was about to speak but Sofia cut him off, "I already know what you're going to say, so can we just sit? relax?"ย
"Yeah, yeah we can do that," Matt nodded, Sofia then laid down in the bed as did Matt, and the two stared at the ceiling. They laid in silence, neither knew what to say. Sofia then turned over to face Matt, who continued to stare at the ceiling before turning over to face her.
They didn't say anything. They just admired each other.
But that was all put to a stop when they heard the doorbell ring. Sofia pulled away clearing her throat before jumping out of the bed and rushing downstairs. Sofia opened the door to see Mr. and Mrs. Grey.
She greeted them and caught up with Mr. Grey for a little bit before excusing herself and going to get Lily who was surprisingly fast asleep in her bed. Sofia carefully carried her downstairs and placed her into Mr. Grey's arms as Sam and Alex ran upstairs to say goodbye to Matt.
"I wasn't aware you had a guest," Mrs. Grey raised her eyebrows, "Yeah just a friend, he stopped by, and the kids seemed to really like him, so he stayed," Sofia smiled, "And this friend is just a friend, yeah?" Mrs. Grey questioned in amusement.
"Yes, just a friend," Sofia confirmed with a nod.
"Really because just friends don't blush like that," Sofia's eyes widened, "He's just a friend, god, you sound like Brooke," Sofia laughed. Matt then walked downstairs with Alex and Sam, "Mrs. Grey, Mr. Grey this is my friend Matt," Sofia introduced.
"It's nice to meet you," the couple spoke sticking out their hands for Matt to shake, Matt shook their hands, "It's nice to meet you too," he smiled, "Well, we have to get these kids home, but maybe we'll see you around," Mr. Grey spoke.
"Yeah, maybe," Sofia nodded.
"How much do I owe you?" Mrs. Grey asked pulling out her wallet, "Nothing, this was just old friends catching up," Sofia told her, "No, no I insist," Mrs. Grey then handed Sofia a few hundred, "I can't take this," Sofia eye's widened at the wad of cash in her hand.
"Yes, you can, and you will." Mrs. Grey nodded then walked out and closed the door behind her. "If you don't take it, I will," Matt joked.
"Very funny," Sofia fake laughed, "Come on, let's do something," Matt suggested, "We just did a lot, okay? I am ready for bed!" Sofia exclaimed, "Well then I should probably get going, but I'll see you tomorrow." Sofia nodded at Matt's words hugging him.
"Thank you, Matt." Sofia smiled into the hug. "For what?" he questioned, "For everything, for today, for helping me with my panic attack, just everything." Sofia pulled away, letting her arms cling to his shoulders, "You don't have to thank me, but I'm not complaining, but if you ever have another one, just call me, okay?"
"Okay," Sofia nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow," Matt then walked out the front door and over to his car, Sofia waved goodbye from the front door as he left, and Matt waved back before pulling out of the driveway.
Sofia walked back inside and once Sofia was sure that he had left she sunk down onto the floor with tears streaming down her face as she sobbed. Sofia cried and cried on the floor, she couldn't help it, she finally had the time to cry so she did.
She was broken.
Her heart was broken, shattered, the pieces were just too small to put back together, and her life was officially, officially ruined.ย
Her mother was dead, her father got married after eight months, she 'hated' her stepbrother for the longest time over absolutely nothing, and now she's found out that her mother wasn't even her real mother.
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Sofia cried herself to sleep that night. And she didn't tell anyone, not even Mason.ย
Sofia ignored her broken heart and put on her best smile as she spent the next three days hanging out with her friends. They knew something was wrong, but she eventually assured them that nothing was wrong and that she was perfectly fine.
But she wasn't and she knew that and so did Matt.
Matt didn't know what to do, but he knew that Sofia wouldn't let him help her, not for a while. So, for now, he just tried his best to make sure she was okay and having a good time.
The next morning Sofia listened to her friends and boyfriend as they told her all about their fun day. Brooke got her camera and learned some cool editing tricks. Khai and Nate had fun with Chris and everyone and Mason was the mom of the group for the day.
Then three days later after all of their fun, it was finally time for them to head back to Boston and time for Sofia to confront her dad about his secrets and about the recordings she had found on her mother's old phone.
And let's just say this wasn't going to go well for anyone.
Audrina Speaks!!
Hiii! How are you guys doing? hopefully good!
The chapter you guys begged for is finally done! Jk no one begged for this except for like 2 people.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this long ass chapter! Please let me know if you did.
The next one will probably be shorter but a little juicy!
Just wait, things are gonna go downhill (again) pretty soon but also uphill at the same time?
Also MOFIA IS LIKE>>>>>>> favorite book I've ever written also meaning that I've decided that this book WILL NOT BE TAKEN DOWN!
Anyways I hope you liked this chapter please comment and vote!
I love you all so, so much!!
Once again please ignore any mistakes and or misspellings, I did not edit this chapter, I'm sorry.
4,261 words!
longest chapter I've ever written.
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