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"๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐พ๐๐ ๐พ๐ ๐ท๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐พ๐๐ฝ ๐๐๐. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐พ๐๐ ๐ฝ๐ถ๐ ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐ท๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐พ๐๐ธ๐ ๐๐๐"
(irl, imessages)
April 10th, 2022
After three days of Sofia sitting in her parents' house just taking in every picture, remembering every moment that Sofia shared with her mom, she was finally ready to go out and do something other than sit her depressing childhood home filled with memories that she wasn't sure she wanted to remember.
It just so happened that Tara Yummy was having a party at some club that she had rented out, the same day. Tara had messaged Sofia asking her the day before if she wanted to come to her party, Sofia obviously said yes and told her that she'd be there.
So, Sofia sat in her childhood room getting ready for Tara's party. She wore a simple tight black dress and straightened her hair; Sofia wore red lipstick and light makeup as her siblings blow up her phone, interrupting her music.
Sofia was very annoyed by her siblings and father; they had been texting her all day and she was too pissed at them to answer. But Sofia felt bad, she had basically ruined the day that was celebrated for her mom by questioning her dad.
But even though she felt like shit Sofia still left them on read, even Brooke, she texted her at least once or twice, but she had barely texted Brooke. The only person Sofia was willing to talk to was Matt, Nick, Chris, and Brooke.
Especially Matt.
Sofia had told him what happened, and he tried his best to help, but Sofia didn't want to talk about it with him yet, she just wanted to take some time for herself, which she should've done a long time ago.
Once Sofia finished getting ready, she made herself a cup of coffee and sat down at her dining table to drink it. Sofia once again glanced around her dining room, glancing at every picture. Sofia had done that for the past two days whenever she ate, she did and stare at every single picture, just taking in the memories that she shared with her loved ones. Sofia glanced at a picture and thought back to her going to the park with her mom.ย
She was only seven and her mom had been teaching her how to ride a bike.
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Seven-year-old Sofia sat on her bike as her mom explained to Sofia ride a bike. Sofia never liked riding bikes but everyone her age was learning how to, or they already knew, and Sofia wanted to fit in.
Sofia wanted to be like her older sister and brother, Sam and Andrew. They both knew how to ride bikes and Sofia wanted to learn too so she could ride with them.ย
Sofia nodded at her mother's words. Athena held onto the bottom of Sofia's seat as she rode down the sidewalk.
"Don't let go!" Sofia shouted, "I won't," Athena chuckled, "I'm not ready," Sofia told her mother as she continued to pedal not knowing that Athena had secretly let go. "Yes, you are," Athena muttered to herself.
Sofia continued to ride her bike telling her mother that she was doing it but as Sofia turned around to face her mom she tipped over to the side.
Sofia held back her tears in pain as she sat against a tree in front of her mother who grabbed the first aid kit, "Am I gonna die?" Sofia asked her mom as she placed a band aid on Sofia's knee, "I think your chances of survival are 100%," Athena chuckled.
"Are you gonna die?" Sofia asked holding in her tears from the stinging in her knee, "Everybody dies eventually... but not for a very, very long time," Athena was shocked by Sofia's question as she whipped her knee with warm water, before whipping away Sofia's fallen tear.
"But what if you die and I'm still here?" Sofia questioned with a sniffle, "Then you'll be all grown up... and you won't need me," Athena shook her head trying her best not to cry at her own words, "I think I'll always need you," Sofia told her mother.
Athena smiled down at Sofia before helping her up and taking her to get some ice cream to cheer her up.ย
(not me copying tvd bc I'm bored, I also just thought it was really cute lol)
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Sofia remembered that day like it was yesterday. She hated looking back on that day knowing that her mother had passed so early. Even though her mother told she'd be around for a very long time, she lied to her, but Athena had no control over that and neither did Sofia.
If they did Athena Adams would still be here.
But she wasn't and, she'd never be coming back.ย
Sofia finished her cup of coffee with a sigh, it was 8:30pm and the party started 9. Sofia gathered everything she needed, her phone, charger, keys, purse, and her water bottle. She made her way to her car trying to get and stay excited about meeting Tara Yummy and Jake Webber along with Sam and Colby.
Sam and Colby made a huge impact on Brooke's life along with a few other people, the triplets included, and Brooke had decided to introduce the two boys to Sofia, who eventually started watching every video they ever put out with Brooke.
It was one of their multiple things that they did together, like watching vampire diaries or getting boba but it was one of the many things they had in common. After about a twenty-minute drive of Sofia just thinking and driving, she had finally arrived at Tara's house.ย
Putting on her best smile, Sofia stepped out of her car and into the club. The club was filled with tons of people, Sofia smiled as she walked inside trying to find Tara. The two had been texting a lot on Instagram. They texted every other day and had gotten to know quite a lot about each other. They even got each other's number and facetimed a few times.ย
Their friendship freaked Brooke out. She was excited and shocked; Brooke had loved Tara Yummy and wished she could one day meet her along with Sam and Colby and Jake. They, along with the triplet's, had saved her life.ย
Meanwhile Athena saved Sofia's life, but she couldn't have saved her own and neither could Sofia.
Making her way into the club, Sofia spotted Tara and Jake talking to some friends with their drinks in hand at a table. Sofia made her way over to the two, who immediately stopped their conversation and turned to Sofia.
"Oh my god! Hi beautiful!" Tara greeted, over the loud music, pulling Sofia into a hug, hugs weren't really Tara's thing, but it felt very needed at this point in time, "Hi," Sofia breathed out into the hug before pulling away and greeting Jake, who leaned down to hug her.
Sofia was kind of freaking out, she had loved Tara ever since Jake made a video announcing that they were dating. She became a fan and now she was not only meeting Tara but Jake too and hopefully Sam and Colby.
"It's nice to finally meet you," Sofia told Jake and Tara with a smile, she had met the two over the phone many times, but it was different in person, "Yeah, sameee, I've heard a lot about you," Jake nodded, "Me too," Sofia smiled.
"How are you?" Tara asked with a toothy grin, "I'm pretty good, how bout you guys?" Sofia asked, "Pretty good," Jake nodded, "Yeah, it's nice to finally meet my short twin," Tara laughed, Sofia let out a breathily laugh at Tara's jokes.
The two actually had each saved as 'short twin' because Tara is 4'11 and because Sofia was around 5'1, 5'2, "C'mon, let's get you a drink," Sofia followed Tara to the bar where she ordered you a vodka cran, "Thanks," Sofia smiled, Tara had just ordered Sofia alcoholic drink not knowing about herr past addiction to alcohol.
Sofia figured she'd be fine and wouldn't fall back into her old habits, but little did she know how wrong she was. "You're welcome," Tara replied with a smiled. The two then stood at the bar just catching up and getting introduced to a few of Tara's friends. Sofia talked to Jake and the two really hit it off, they made some jokes as they got to know each other.ย
But soon enough Sofia was getting drunker than she already was and she was starting to become more vulnerable. She felt as if she was on cloud 9, which was great for her, but also horrible at the same time. Being drunk was a horrible thing to happen to Sofia, she'd get mean, or she'd become addicted and once she started it was pretty hard to stop.ย
But Sofia danced her worries away with Tara and two other girls who she recognized at Stas and Kat, Sam and Colby's close friends and Sam's girlfriend. The three hadn't even been properly introduced, but they were having a great time as they danced and laughed together.
Meanwhile Sofia was too drunk to ask for a picture or even realize that she had been dancing with some of her favorite YouTubers, along with Brooke's. "I'm gonna go get a drink," Sofia told the three girls who nodded, "Can you get me a drink?" Tara asked, "Sure," Sofia replied over the loud music.
"What do you want?" Sofia questioned, "Whatever you get, doesn't matter!" Tara shouted; Sofia nodded drunkenly walking over to the bar. She looked at the menu and she ordered, "I'll take two Negroni's," to which the bartender replied with, "I'm gonna need to see some I.D," Sofia drunkenly nodded and pulled her I.D out from her purse, she showed him her I.D causing him to let out a laugh.
"You're joking, right? Sweetie, I don't know if you noticed, but it says, right here that you, my friend, are underaged," the bartender pointed out with a soft chuckle as he whipped down the table with a rag.
"These drinks aren't for me, okay? They're for my friends," Sofia promised him, she wasn't lying one of the drinks was in fact for her friend, but the other not so much, but it was just a little white lie, that could possibly get her in trouble with the law...
"Yeah, well tell your friends to get their own drinks," Sofia rolled her eyes at the bartender as she turned around making her way towards Tara who danced with a drunk Kat and Stas. "Couldn't get our drinks!" Sofia exclaimed to Tara in anger and annoyance while waving her I.D around to show Tara that she was only nineteen.
"I'll be right back," Tara placed her hand on Sofia's shoulder before walking away leaving Sofia with Kat and Stas as she crossed her arms in annoyance. Glancing around the room as she waited for Tara, Sofia spotted an old friend.
Sofia had spotted Jessie Matthews, you know, the girl who was her best friend, but tried to steal her boyfriend? yup that's the one. Shaking her thoughts away, Sofia looked away, she knew that she was probably just seeing things.
But what if she wasn't...?
Her night would be completely ruined if she saw Jessie, so she hoped that that wasn't her. But man was she wrong. Sofia saw her five times within the span of thirty seconds, Sofia knew she wasn't seeing things, Jessie was there.
A few seconds later, her attention was turned to Tara who came back with their drinks in hand, and a smirk dancing on her lips as she hands Sofia her drink, "You're the best," Sofia chuckled at Tara taking a sip of her drink which got her back into the dancing mood, "I know," Tara shrugged.
Dancing with a Negroni in one hand and her phone in the other as she recorded herself dancing with the three girls, singing along to the songs that blasted throughout the speakers. Sofia posted the video on her Snapchat and then went back to dancing.
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Around the bar, stumbled a drunk Sofia, she had been looking for a bathroom, but all she saw was a room, opening the door to reveal a cloud of smoke and group of people sitting on the floor as the strong smell of weed hit Sofia's nose like a truck.
Waving her hand around the cloud of smoke as she walks further into the room with a cough, "Uh, hey, where's the bathroom?" Sofia asked, "Right over there," pointed out a slim, tall, dark guy with a weed vape sitting in between his index and middle finger, "Thanks," Sofia sent him a tight-lipped smile before walking over to the bathroom, shutting and locking door behind her, out of habit.
Quickly doing her business as her phone rang, opening it to reveal a series of texts from Mason. Sighing to herself as she washed her hands and dried them with a paper towel once she was finished.ย
Sofia huffed out a breath as she exited the bathroom, "Yo, white girl!" Sofia turned her head to the same guy who gave her directions to the bathroom with an offended look on her face, "Not a white girl," Sofia clarified, that was something new for her.
Usually, Sofia had to tell everyone that she was half Latina, half white, but since she didn't know her real mother ethnicity, she figured she'd leave that part out, "I'm Latina," Sofia stated, "Oh, damn, my fault," the guy apologized, "You want some?" he questioned, gesturing towards his weed pen.
Offering Sofia his weed vape she shrugged, taking a seat next to him, grabbing the pen from his fingers, and bringing it to her's. Sofia brought the pen to her lips, inhaling and exhaling, "You've done this before?" the guy asked with a shocking tone, "Yeah," Sofia simply replied, "Why do you sound so surprised?" she questioned.
He shrugged in response as Sofia handed him back his pen, "Do you usually smoke?" he asked, "Only when I'm drunk," Sofia replied, "So, you're drunk?" he questioned, handing the pen back to her, "More or less," Sofia exhaled.
"How often do you drink?"
"When I'm sad, mad, depressed, y'know," Sofia shrugged, "Why are you sad and mad and depressed?" he questioned out of curiosity, "What is this? Twenty questions? I don't even know your name," Sofia exclaimed, man was the alcohol getting to her.
"The name's Kyle," sticking his hand out for Sofia to shake, "Sofia," he nodded reaching out for his pen back, she handed it to him as she answered his previous question, "I found out I was adopted... a few days ago."
"Damn," Kyle muttered shaking his head, "Yeah," Sofia nodded in agreement. "And now, here I am drinking and smoking my feelings away while ignoring my boyfriend and all of my friends, even though they're just trying to help. And I know I should just let them help but they know, and I know that I am wayyy to stubborn to let them help,"
"Have you talked to anyone about it?" Kyle questioned with raised eyebrows, "Not really, but I did talk to one of my friends about it, Matt. He actually helped me with two panic attacks, and he's always been there if I ever wanted to talk,"ย
"So, did you? Talk to him about it mean?"ย
"Well, he lives here in LA and Boston, meanwhile I jump back and forth between New York and Boston and LA. I found all of this bullshit out when I was in LA. I freaked out, like an idiot, and called him, he speeded over here and stopped my panic attack. Then he tried his best to distract me, which actually kind of worked. We spent the day together and I searched my parent's room and found some things and he sat there comforting me while I did."
Sofia continued to explain what happened between her and Matt that day going into more detail and then explaining what happened yesterday when she told Matt what had went down the previous day.ย
Kyle listened as he smoked his pen. Kyle had been in love before and from the way that Sofia was talking about Matt and from the look in her eyes and how the way she was describing him and their relationship, he could tell that she was falling for him, whether she knew it or not, and from what he got, she did not know.
What sucked was the fact that she had a boyfriend, the way that Sofia was telling him moments that had happened between the two, he could see it in her eyes that she was head over heels. Meanwhile when he asked about Mason the look in Sofia's eyes of love and adoration faded.
Sofia spoke highly of both Matt and Mason, but once again the look in her eyes when she talked about Matt versus the look in her eyes when she talked about Mason wasn't at all the same.
"So, you like this Matt guy, yeah?" Kyle questioned, seeing if he could get her to drunkenly admit her feelings for him, "No, Matt and I are just friends," Sofia exhaled handing the pen back to him, "But he is really hot," blurting out her words, completely forgetting the fact that she had a boyfriend, "Don't you have a boyfriend?" Kyle asked with raised eyebrows and a small smirk.
"Oh right!" Sofia recalled with a slur, she reached out for the pen out Kyle took a hit, but he stopped her, "Soooo you don't like Matt? But you think he's hot?" Kyle questioned with raised eyebrows, "Yeah... oh god, that sounds horrible," Sofia muttered as Kyle handed her the pen.
"Yeah, it kinda does," Kyle scoffed causing her to send him a glare, "Hey, I'm tryna help you out, okay? Do you really like this Mason guy?" Kyle held his hands up in defense, "Yeah, I really do," Sofia answered with a nod, "And... Matt? Do you like him?"ย
"N-no," Sofia shook her head, "Are you sure about that?" Kyle smirked in a questioning tone, not giving her anytime to reply cause deep down she knew the answer and so did he, "There's this saying, uh, um. Oh okay, I got it!" Kyle drunkenly exclaimed proud of himself for remembering.
"If you really like Mason like you say you do, you'll break up with him, because if you really did like him, you would've never fallen for Matt." Sofia opened her mouth to respond, but she quickly shut up.
She didn't want to admit it out loud or even to herself, but Kyle was right.
"Yeah," Sofia breathed out.
Sadness took over her, not only was Kyle kind of right, but Mason had been there for her whenever she needed him and she didn't know if she could throw something so good in the trash, but she also knew that she couldn't hurt him, not like that.
Mason was an amazing boyfriend, but she was kind of crushing on Matt. She knew if would probably never happen, but did she really want to stay in a relationship with a guy she no longer had feelings for? no, no, she didn't.
But was it really worth to ruin something good for something that would never happen?ย
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Walking outside with her phone in hand Sofia scrolled through her list of contacts. She had spotted Jessie way too many times to count and her night was officially ruined, not to mention she was way too drunk to drive.
Clicking on the only contact that she knew was awake and that could drive in LA. She clicked Matt's contact and sent him a text as she drunkenly walked back inside, trying to keep herself from falling.
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Matty B๐ - Matt
Sofia the First๐ธ๐ป - Sofia
Sofia the First๐ธ๐ป
can yiu coma pock me imp?
Matty B๐
Sofia are you drunk?ย
Matty B๐
Where are you?
I'm omw
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๐ฅ๐๐๐๐พ๐ ๐๐ถ๐๐๐ฝ๐๐๐ย
๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ถ๐๐๐น ๐ท๐ ๐ช๐๐พ๐๐พ๐ถ ๐ก๐๐น๐๐พ๐๐
age: 20
insta: @jessie
finsta: @heyjessayy
birthday: Feb 20th 2003
Sign: Pisces
Audrina Speaks!!
Hi guys! how are you guys doing?
So, Sofia slowly realizing she likes Matt???
we will be getting Matt's POV of everything that's going on pretty soon.ย (in a few chapters guys, swear!)
This shit is a lot longer than I thought it'd be...
Soooo what do you guys think of this chapter?ย More importantly what do you think is gonna happen next?
I hope you enjoyed and if you did, please comment and vote!
I love you all so much, see you in the next one!
3422 words!
again, please, please ignore any mistakes and or misspellings!
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