[๐ด] ๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐: ๐๐จ๐ญ ๐๐ง๐ฒ ๐๐ซ๐๐ฉ๐๐ฌ? ๐ [โช]
๐ ๐: Hey, dudette!
๐ฟ: Oh, Hi Coughdrop, What's up?
๐ ๐: I just wanna say that Congrats, dudette! Not only you made us won the challenge, But your getting closer to Owen.. :o
๐ฟ: Yeah, wait.. HOW DID YOU KNOW?!
๐ง: (sign language) " Oh, I told him that you had a crush on Owen.. so yeah. :) "
๐ฟ: What the heck, TD!! >:(
๐ ๐: That's really great that you have a crush on that guy.. He's the only person that has an actual job, dudette.. That's cool.
๐ฟ: Yeah... I love him.. I just don't know when to confess..
๐ง: (sign language) " Eh, I don't know... maybe just tell him now. "
๐ ๐: NO, dudette! Just tell him when it's the perfect time to do so, Album.
๐ฟ: Oh.. ok, Coughdrop.. Thank you for the tip.
๐ง: (sign language) " HEY, I GAVE A TIP TO- "
๐ ๐: No problem, dude! BD
๐ง: :(
๐จ๐ด: ...
๐บ: Playdoh... What are you trying to plan now? Like.. were up for elimination again so... Were gonna get you out for real this time, ok?
๐จ๐ด: Hehehe.... Oh Root Beer, You didn't realize.. that there's another unfair detail to elimination..
๐บ: W-what...? What is it...?
๐จ๐ด: You'll find out soon enough, darling.. Anyways, time for me to entertain myself through watching these TV's.. Because your NOT an entertainment to me, More of an ugly face to be exact..
๐บ: HEY! >:(
๐จ๐ด: Oh, what's wrong..? Your gonna throw your beer at me, cannibal?
๐บ: Just.. shut up.
๐จ๐ด: Ok, whatever, darling.. Time for me to go, Playdoh, Away!
๐บ: Gosh... so annoying.
โซ๐: I know.. I've already dealt with him... And now he got Knight Helmet out.. because we were forced to vote each other instead of the biggest threat.. but he has immunity unfairly.. so.. This is getting ridiculous.
๐บ: Your right...
๐ฎ: Yeah! So.. if Playdoh DIDN'T get immunity this time... VOTE FOR HIM, OK?!
๐๐: >:( *barfs on a picture of Playdoh*
๐บ: Yeah, definitely.. He thinks that he has all the power...
๐ฎ: So let's just work together and vote him out altogether, ok?
โซ๐: Yes!
๐ฎ: Ok, good..
๐๐: Hi Team #2!! Let's go to the elimination since you guys are up for elimination.. again! :D
๐ฎ: Ok! I can't wait for this elimination..
๐๐: *snaps*
(POOF! to the elimination area)
๐๐: Welcome Team #2 to the elimination area again! I hope you guys are doing good right now, Now let's see who has immunity this time! :D
โซ๐: I really hope it's me right now.. I was the last one alive in the manhunt..
๐๐: :) *nods*
๐ฎ: Yeah.. you deserve the immunity!
โซ๐: Oh.. thanks, you two!
โซ๐: Ok, thank goodness...
๐๐: Alright! Owen wins immunity!! While the others are in the risk of being eliminated by contestant vote!!
๐บ: I really hope it's a certain someone that is a really big threat..
๐จ๐ด: Pfft, we'll see about that.
๐งฝ: Oh god, I think he's gonna do something unfair again..
๐ฎ: I'm sure were gonna be fine!
๐๐: Alright, let's show the votes!
First vote..
๐ฎ: Well, I know Playdoh voted for me.
๐บ: Yeah..
๐จ๐ด: Ok.. but let's see the other votes then.
๐งฝ: Umm.. ok.
๐จ๐ด: Hm, ok.
๐ฎ: Yeah, it's clear ALL OF US voted for you..
๐บ: Yeah... so you might as well give up now..
๐๐: >:)
๐จ๐ด: ... That's what you think..
๐ฎ: WHAT?! HOW?!
๐จ๐ด: ... >:)
๐งฝ: What the heck... How is that even possible?! All of us had a hate stage on Playdoh, how?!
๐บ: Wait... Playdoh told me that there's another unfair detail to the elimination.. and that is.... wait... NO!
Taco Again!!
โซ๐: What the heck!
๐จ๐ด: ... Hehehe...
๐บ: You.. rigged the votes, didn't you..?
๐จ๐ด: .. Maybe.
๐บ: You.. stupid..
Taco again!! That's 4 votes Taco... the last vote does not matter since the majority voted for Taco.. so, let's show the last Taco vote because why not! :D
๐จ๐ด: Just as I planned it to be..
โซ๐: How did you even... do that in a minimum amount of time!? >:(
๐จ๐ด: It's a question that will never be answered.. anyways, I'm heading to the next challenge, Goodbye..
โซ๐: NO WAIT, GET BACK HE- He's gone...
๐บ: Aww man...
๐๐: !!! :(((
๐ฎ: First, Firey got eliminated.. and now me because Playdoh rigged the votes..
๐บ: Bot, is this even allowed?! Can't you just.. eliminate Playdoh because he rigged the votes?
๐๐: Well, I would love to but... YouTube Logo said there's no rules in rigging the votes so... There's nothing really I can do on that..
๐บ: WHAT?!
๐งฝ: YouTube Logo needs to work on his rules!! It's so annoying!! >:(
๐๐: Well, I'm sorry but I have to do this to you, Taco..
๐ฎ: ... *sighs deeply* I understand, Rocky, Take care and keep going in the competition, ok?
๐๐: :( *nods really slowly*
๐ฎ: See you, Rocky.
Bot slowly banned Taco to "Banland", officially eliminated from the game... in a really unfair way..
๐๐: .... *sheds in tears*
โซ๐: Ugh... you'll regret this, Playdoh..
๐งฝ: Guys, let's just.. go to the next challenge now..
๐บ: *sighs* I guess.. we can do that.. Let's go, Owen.
โซ๐: You have made a really big enemy, Playdoh.. *walks away*
๐๐: Alright, Hello everyone!! It's time for the next challenge!!
๐ฟ: Owen, Are you.. okay?
โซ๐: No.. I'm not.. Playdoh did something with the votes again.. and got Taco eliminated.. He's so annoying and such a douchebag..
๐ฟ: Oh.. I'm sorry about that... But you just have to stay strong and keep going in the competition, ok?
โซ๐: Ok, I'll try... Thank you, Album.
๐ฟ: No problem, Owen! :D
๐ง: (sign language) " Oooh.. Look at you two being close to each other.. :o "
๐ฟ: W-what?!
Album and Owen looked away from each other...
๐ง: (sign language) " Oh come on.. that was cute. "
๐ฟ: Can you please be quiet, TD?! >:/
๐ง: (sign language) " Ok, ok, fine.. I'll be quiet.. But still, it's really adorable. "
๐ฟ: I mean.. yeah.
๐ง: (sign language) " Look at Owen over there, He's blushing too! I think he likes you back! "
๐ฟ: You think so?
๐ง: (sign language) " Yup! "
๐ฟ: Umm.. alright.
๐๐: Alright guys, follow me to the next challenge!! :D
๐๐: *walks really slowly*
โซ๐: Don't worry, I'll carry ya, Rocky.
๐๐: :]
The 2 teams followed Bot to the next challenge... and a few minutes later.. Bot stumbled upon a door with a TV above it saying "The Duck Song 1"..
๐งต: Oh... Is this the door?
๐๐: Yup, let's go in!!
๐ฐ๐: Alright, let's go team.
The two teams went through the door, It revealed a normal city that is kind of low quality and right in front of them is a lemonade stand and a duck asking for grapes but the man said "No, We have lemonade."
๐๐: Hello! What are you two doing? :o
๐ง: Oh.. well, This duck came to my stand and asked for grapes, but I own a lemonade stand so.. of course we didn't have grapes..
๐ฆ๐:ย Well.. I thought you sell grapes so... Sorry for that.
๐ง: It's fine.
๐๐: Well, I'm hosting a challenge here so.. Wanna join?
๐ง: Hmm.. I don't know.
๐ฆ๐: Sounds like fun! Let's do it!
๐๐: Ok!! You can say the challenge to our remaining contestants here..
๐ฆ๐: Ok! *walks over to the contestants* Hello, contestants!
๐บ: What the... Am I drunk again or did I just hear that the duck can talk?
๐ ๐: I think it's actually happening, dude.
๐บ: Oh..
๐ฆ๐: Well, I heard that you want a challenge here, Well.. your challenge is try to get the most grapes as possible and give it to me!! The team with the most grapes wins immunity!! While the other team is up for elimination! Is that clear?
๐ฟ: Seems simple enough!
๐ฆ๐: Good, Now Ready... Set.... GO!!!!!
๐ง: This is gonna be interesting to watch...
The 2 teams separated and thinking of a plan on how to grab grapes in a faster way..
[TEAM #1..]
๐: Alright everyone, let's just grab some grapes from the farm!
๐ ๐: Okay, dude! I'm down to steal some stuff! >B)
๐ฐ๐: Umm.. ok.
๐งต: I don't really like stealing..
๐: Well, some of us can steal and Coughdrop, since you love stealing so much.. Come with me!
๐ ๐: Ok, dude!
๐ง: (sign language) "ย Oooh.. I love stealing too! "
๐: Oh, alright! Let's go to the farm!! >:)
๐ง: (sign language) " Ok! :D "
๐ฟ: Welp, let's just go to the grocery store and buy some grapes with our money.
๐ฐ๐: Ok, let's go, Thread.
๐งต: Alright! This is much more better than stealing!! :D
๐ฐ๐: Yeah, it does.
[TEAM #2..]
โซ๐: Well.. How are we gonna get grapes?
๐๐: *barfs out grapes* Bulleh! :P
๐จ๐ด: What the.. Oh that's good, Your actually useful for once, darling.
๐๐: >:O
๐งฝ: Hey! Rocky was always useful, you idiot! >:(
๐จ๐ด: Ok, whatever.. Let's just win already.
โซ๐: Ugh.. alright, Rocky, barf out more grapes.
๐๐: *nods and barfs more grapes*
๐บ: Yay.. were actually winning now!
โซ๐: That's good!
Earth, Coughdrop and Teardrop stole some grapes from some farmers in a local farm, while Rook, Thread and Album bought some grapes at a local grocery store and headed back to where the Duck was..
๐: Hey Duck! We have some grapes!
๐ฆ๐: Oh, that's amazing! How did you get those grapes?
๐: Oh umm... uhh...
๐ ๐: We stole them from a farm!
๐: COUGHDROP!! >:(
๐ฐ๐: :/
๐ฆ๐: ... Okay, your grapes won't count.. What about you, Team #2?
โซ๐: We got a LOT of grapes!!
๐ฆ๐: Why is it covered in this green liquid?
๐บ: Oh, it's because it's covered in Green Apple Syrup.. It works really well with grapes.. :o
๐ฆ๐: Oooh.. that makes it amazing! Thank you! That means Team #2 wins the challenge!
๐ฟ: Wait, that's it? This challenge is really short!! >:/
๐ฆ๐: Well.. I don't really have that much time anyway so.. I'm gonna leave now with some Green Apple Syrup Covered Grapes.. Bye!
๐๐: Oh.. Bye.. Sorry contestants that the... challenge is really short.. But it's fun, right?
๐ง: (sign language) " Yeah! I stole a bunch of stuff from the farmers! "
๐บ: You stole what..?
๐จ๐ด: Hmm.. I like you now.
๐๐: Alright!! Time to announce the immunity vote! Bye bye!
๐ง: Umm.. bye?
๐๐: *snaps*
๐๐: Vote for one of the members of Team #1 to win immunity! The most voted will NOT be eliminated in BFAPB 13!
And also, The next episode is gonna be the MERGE.. and at the same time, The Debut Contest will happen!! And TWO Debuters can win.. On how it works, I will separate the 30 Debuters into 15 and 15, Now.. The first 15 people will do a challenge, while the other 15 people will be aa contestant vote from the remaining contestants in BFAPB.. So, see you there! :D
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