[ chapter fourteen — gunpoint ]
pre season six, episode ten
CLARA NEVER WOULD'VE BELIEVED YOU if you told her at one point in her life she would be held at gunpoint by a fifteen year old girl whilst a fourteen year old boy walked ahead of her, holding another gun which was directed towards the front door as they began to exit the clothing shop. Their eyes could see more clearly, the light shining through as Carl contiously turned his head, not wanting to miss anything because of his disadvantaged eye.
All three of them froze as a groany voice called out, "Hey, lady, hurry up. We don' wanna have to kill ya!" Clara rolled her eyes, hands tied behind her back with Abi's own flannel, making sure the woman wouldn't try anything. Fortunately for the teenagers, Clara's height was short, the same size as Carl. She stood only a couple inches over Abi, making it easier for her arm to reach Clara's head.
Instantly, Carl swung the glass door open, ready to aim at whoever was on the other side. Abi eye's trailed to a junky, blue car. It's lights were off, seats inside dark as the paint peeled off on the outside. Four people stood around the area, all rather unpleasant to look at.
Near the door stood a rather large man, cigarette in his mouth, beard unshaven across his jaw. Carl tried not to cringe as he was reminded of another time in his life, where he had seen amother similar man standing besides his car window. That night he had found out Daryl, Beth, and Abi were alive. Carl Grimes never forgot that night.
Beside the large man was a dark-skinned taller dude, stubble spread across his chin, eyes glaring around. His arm was wrapped around a scrawny woman, face pale as silent tears fell from her lifeless, sage eyes. She wore only a yellow dress, dirty and ripped up enough Carl wouldn't be surprised if he found out she took it from a walker's. The woman's blonde hair was brought back into a high, loose ponytail. Dark roots meeting the light colour as years of hard work and money at the hairdressers was removed.
In a moment of shock, Carl found himself frozen as his gun pointlessly stared towards the three people. A small yelp came from the young boy as he felt himself be kicked, causing him to fall to his knees. He fell onto his right side, allowing him to catch a glimpse at the attacker. This man was a lot skinnier than the first guy, though he seemed more built—ready to fight anything that came in his way. Bald head shining from the sun, tongue trailing over his teeth angrily as he glared down at the boy.
"Messin' with the wrong man, boy." His southern accent was strong as he loured at the fourteen year old, unaware of the two people that stood behind the somewhat frightened boy. Abi removed her gun from pointing at Clara's head, fingers moving towards the woman's arm as she pinched her, warning Clara not to move. As Roger—the man who loomed above Carl—prepared to kick the terror-struck boy, Abi ran as fast as she could in his direction, swinging her gun right on his forehead. After the sudden force, Roger stumbled back, Abi being careful not to step on Carl as she pulled out her machete.
The girl didn't want to kill the man, only send him a message.
"Hey!" She heard the same groany voice from before, assuming it was the fat man leaning against the blue car. The girl also heard a cry come from what she could only tell to be the woman they were holding hostage. God, what kind of people was Clara hanging out with?
Ignoring the two other men's shouts of protest, thoughts blocked, Abi raised her arms high. Suddenly, taking a step forward towards the unprotected, startled man, they crashed down. A splatter of blood decorated her face as a crimson liquid poured onto Roger's white shirt. Though she struggled, Abi removed the weapon from his chest before her arms created the same motion repeatedly. Once she had completed the action three times, the girl stood up, only to be met with a large slap across her face by one of the men. Her head moved towards where the—now dead—Roger laid, hovering over her bruised cheek from the force.
"Stop!" Carl shouted, having stood during Abi's third stab and raised his gun back towards Clara's head, standing closer to the man holding the teary-eyed woman beside the car. The large man who's slap had caused Abi to fall beside the dying man who's blood poured out his chest and mouth turned around, eyes widening at the sight of Carl holding Clara at gunpoint. His jaw was clenched as he angrily glared towards the man who had slapped Abi. He didn't plan on shooting Clara, but they didn't know that.
"I'll shoot if you don't step away." Carl threatened, jaw locking in anger as he stared at the man who assaulted the girl he saw as a sister. A toothy grin appeared on the larger man, arms standing beside his head as he turned to face Carl fully. His eyes turned to the other man, quietly creating a plan in the silence. "Don't look at him or I kill you all."
He didn't seem threatened by Carl, eyes still moving towards his friend and the young woman attached to him. Abi shrieked at the sound of a low growl, causing all attention to turn to her as Carl took the opportunity to point his gun towards the man near Abi. The blonde girl saw how the man she had killed slowly started to rise up, teeth clattering as he tried to chew on the closest human near him.
In a moment of worry, the man holding the woman—Rodrick and Betty—moved himself forward, raising his own knife to her neck as he threatened to slit innocent Betty's throat. "No!" Clara protested, eyes teary as she stared at her friend, trying to not give Rodrick any satisfaction by looking towards him. Roger's dead body moved towards Abi, the girl getting up in a hurry, hand moving away from her face.
"Not so fast," the large man—Harry—growled, grabbing onto Abi's shoulders before removing the machete from her left hand. He raised the blood-covered weapon and placed it onto Abi's throat, allowing the blood from her victim to trickle down her neck slightly. As his large arm held her waist, the rest of the arm that didn't hold the machete pressing hard against her throat, Abi thrashed her legs, desperately trying to escape the man's grip.
Harry held Abi closer to the standing dead man, making sure she'd be bit first instead of him. Carl aimed his gun, questioning wether to risk it and shoot or see if Abi could conceive a plan.
Clara kept her wide eyes on Norman and Betty, breathing frantically as she stared at the only person she had truly cared about since she lost her sister. The two women were alone, terrified, of course they would try and find sanctuary with the closest people they could find. If only they had turned away from Roger and his gang, ran far away and avoided any danger that was doomed to appear.
Walker Roger's teeth snapped in Abi's direction. Both of the Alexandria children watched, eyes wide as Carl's gun stayed pointed towards where Abi and Harry stood. Carl wasn't exactly sure what happened, but a large force slammed into his back, sending the boy right to the ground.
Abi flew forward, right towards walker Roger as the bullet hit Harry's neck, sinking into his throat as the light in his eyes faded away. Carl grabbed his hat that had been flung to the floor earlier, placing it on his head before turning his eyes to the blue car. Clara had rushed over, after pushing the fourteen year old to the ground, and then found herself stood in front of Norman as he held his knife on the small woman's throat.
"I ain't gonna hesitate this time, especially if the little blonde one gets bit." He spoke, voice high as the fear was evident in his eyes. The man tried to keep up a villainous facade, overpowering the two in front of him. Carl snapped his head to where Abi was fighting off the much taller walker, trying to reach the machete that laid on the floor with Harry's dead body. Hurriedly, the boy rushed over, slamming his gun into the walker's head twice, allowing him to fall to the floor.
"Thanks," Abi whispered, laboriously breathing as she picked up her machete. Carl turned to his left, noticing the knife that sat on Roger's belt. Carefully, he snatched the black weapon, placing it into his own belt. The blonde stormed over to where the other three were, hazel irises glaring into Norman's dark brown ones. "Let her go, and you just might walk away with your head."
"You ain't gonna do shit," his deep voice snarled. Norman pressed the knife deeper into the stranger's skin, Betty shrieking out in pain as her fingernails dug into his skin. Pleading for him to let her go.
"Your people are dead. You have a choice to join them or not," Carl stood beside Abi. Clara kept her eyes on the woman, not acknowledging the teenagers that chose to help her or the horrid man who's eyes shot fearful daggers into each and every one of them.
Eyes soon rapidly switching between the other three and his friends on the ground, Norman slid the knife down Betty's throat, ignoring her cry of agony as he legged it away. Promptly passing Abi, he ran to jump over Harry's body. Carl aimed his gun, squinting his eye as he allowed himself to shoot. The body of Norman fell to the ground immediately, Abi and Carl hurrying over to check the bullet had reached his head. Once they had made sure Norman was gone for good, Abi stood over Harry's body, slamming the crimson covered machete into his head. Making sure the bullet lodged into his neck made him stay dead.
They both whipped their heads around at the sound of shushing and sobbing, Clara's teary face whispering above Betty's fading one. "It's gonna be okay, it's okay." Clara reassured the woman, stroking her hair as she began to choke on the blood pouring from her throat. With soft eyes, Abi carefully walked towards Clara. They had lost people too, in an awfully similar way. Shutting her eyes tight, Abi shook her head of any of that before facing Clara and Betty again. Finally, with one last gasp for air, Betty's pupils minimised, hand that was gripped tightly to Clara's dropping.
"Are you going to do it?" Abi made sure her voice was light, different to the harsh tone they had been using against the others.
Clara nodded. "I have too, I'm all she's got left." Her head turned, eyes glancing towards Abi's gun. "Please," she begged. The woman didn't want to use Abi's machete, nor the knife Carl had picked up. Betty deserved her own way out. Willingly, Abi handed the weapon over, a sudden trust overwhelming her as Clara accepted it gratefully. In one swift move, the bullet pushed itself into the side of Betty's head.
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author notes —
hiii, i haven't updated in forever and i'm so sorry but i completely lost motivation for this book and everything became really stressful. I will not promise that i'll write this more, i just had the urge to write about abi and enid but then remembered i had to get through this storyline to return to them.
but don't worry, i will NEVER completely abandon this book, abi is my baby i couldn't do that. sometimes, i will go on breaks since it's hard, hopefully i'll tell you guys the next time i take a step back from writing this.
i am NOT good at writing action so i apologise if this is really shit, i wrote it over the span of MANY MANY days and sometiems i simply can't write.
Byee </3
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