Totally normal... right?
"Everyone has a part
Of themselves they hide.
Even from people
They love most"
Bakugos POV:
As we lay under the stars I feel him glance at me a couple times, and I can't help but smile. When he looks away I turn to look at him and eventually he looks my way again causing us to make eye Contact.
I notice his cheeks beginning to match his hair color as we continue to stare at each other. His lips part slightly and turn up into a small smile which I surprisingly return.
He raises an eyebrow
"that doesn't look like a smirk, in fact I think that's a real smile" he exclaims happily I just smile bigger making both of our cheeks heat up more.
I break eye contact after a couple minutes because of the darkness which had covered everything around us, including Kirishimas soft face.
I can feel Kirishima's hand gently touch my arm and I look down at his hand which is barely visible and began to intertwine our fingers.
As I do this I wait for him to pull away, but he doesn't. In fact he gives my hand a small squeeze.
I take this as a sign that he's OK with this and I very slowly slide my body across the grass so that our bodies touch. I can feel his soft breathing quicken the closer I get to him.
Kirishimas POV:
This is totally normal, just to Bros holding hands under the Romantic moonlight... Right? I don't know, I'll have to look it up later.
As I lay their Bakugo gently rubs my hand with his thumb, causing my stomach to fill with butterflies. I decide to look over at him.
I can just make out his outline from the Moonlight but I can't see his expression I turn my body to the side so I'm facing him and hear him do the same as the grass Bends below us.
I carefully reach my hand up and trace his soft face expression with my finger. I feel his closed eyes and that his lips form a content smile. My hand slides across his chest and heart which I can feel is beating quickly.
I hear him take a breath and he uses his other arm to pull me closer to him. My head was basically resting on his chest and his arms were spooning me "is this OK?" He asks after clearing his throat
"y-yeah" I managed to say.
His muscular arms tightens ever so slightly around my waist. And I burry my head into his chest and I hear his breath hitch.
We lay like this for a while until I hear two sets of footsteps on the path and some muffled chatting. Bakugo jumped up and pushes me off him but carefully enough so I don't fall.
The sudden movement makes a lot of noise and the footsteps stop. "
Who the hell is there?" bakugo yells "bakubro! What's up!?" I hear a familiar voice answer.
I step forward and turn my phones flash light on causing everyone to gasp a little. When I look up I see
kaminari and Shinsou holding hands. "oh? So you have Kiri here with you?!" Kami questions with a look of excitement.
Bakugo growls
"fuck off Pikachu and You too eyebags!" He snarls. Shinzou narrowed his eyes and tries to step forward but Denki pulls him back and says calmly "OK buddy, just don't have.. too much fun!"
He winks and Bakugo nearly pounces on him, his hands cracking with small explosions
I quickly grabbed his arm and preventing him from killing them.
"Sorry guys... Come on Baku let's go" I say smiling a bit
"don't call me that or I'll kill you"
"oh shush now"
"don't shush me"
"oh but I just did"
"wait- SHUT UP!"
"Now now let's go"
we say, basically "bro" fighting.
the couple in front of us look at each other and share a thought
"new young love" Kami says dreamily and Bakugo try's to jump on him again but I manage to stop him.
He roughly grabs my hand and starts angrily walking back to the dorms. What a night! Little did I know It was about to get a lot... More interesting?
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A/N Was it good???
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