Facts about my ocs that I never felt the need to mention but you should probably know
When she was eight, she cut her hand open and is now terrified of blood
She died before she started menstruating
When she was three, she told President Thomas Jefferson to go to hell
Her favourite colour is purple
When she was young (2-7), she was really wild, but more calm after the hand incident previously mentioned
If you call her a curse, she will either attack or start crying. Or both
She's bit Little Phil on multiple occasions
She can hold grudges longer than you'd think possible
She hates her mom
Has one defense mechanism: crying
Soft baby
Loves Adrienne more than any of the rest of her family
Says sorry way too much
If you hurt her feelings, she will c r y
Touch her girl, lose your head. She worked hard for love
Can't stand Alexis (her husband)
Loves everyone
Hippy vibes
Happy 24/7
N a i v e with a capital NAIVE
Will fight you if you hurt Charlotte
Can't stand Alexis either
Has been known to jump off tables
Very trusting
Scared of men, Anne Boleyn, and Mary
Hates loud noise
Needs love
Was r*ped when she was 14
Bisexual q u e e n
Obedient child
Will give free hugs to girls, women, and young boys
Has run away exactly 27 times
After Philip died, she ran away and hid under a bridge for a month
Was 23 when Grace was born
Will fight you if you don't agree with her
Looks like cinnamon roll, could kill you
If you make her feel unwelcome she will hide in a corner
Can and will rip your face off if you mention Diane of Simiane
If she doesn't like you, don't push your boundaries unless you have a death wish
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