𝐱𝐯. 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐬
Disclaimer: This is going to be a long chapter, I'm sorry in advance.
Monday, September 21st
It had been almost a month since they started the school year and since then Artemis had not found her family room, nor had Blaise.
It's not like they had tried to find the room, they hadn't had time.
Between Blaise and Theo constantly sneaking off and Draco and Artemis having their Quidditch practices while Daphne watched, because she had nothing else to do, the group was very busy.
Artemis was also researching healing spells because her body was drained from the intense practices.
The Bandaging charm - heals splinted fractures and soothes pain.
Artemis already knew the charm and what it cured because she had partially used it to cure Dragon bites and burns.
Brackium charm - heals broken bones
Episkey - healed mild injuries
Stamina charms - restored stamina
None of them were for fast healing. She wanted a specific spell to increase the healing process by a couple of hours. She was never seriously injured after Quidditch practice compared to Draco.
She assumed it was because the boys tried to not hurt her and she hated it, she didn't want to be treated differently because of her gender.
However, she was too fast and agile to get hurt during practices, Marcus was ecstatic about her talent and praised her a lot because of it.
She felt like if she created a spell to speed up the healing process by only 25-50 % maybe the Slytherin team could practice for longer and improve their skills.
It wouldn't be cheating, just enhanced dedication to the sport.
Her group had become very tight-knit since there was a bigger threat on the school grounds and anyone could get petrified. They always walked around in twos or threes if they were not in all together, even in lessons, they couldn't risk it.
Artemis and Draco made it safely to their lesson this morning. "Now today, we will be transfiguring animals into water goblets." Professor McGonagall started as Artemis takes her seat next to Draco. Crabbe and Goyle knew to sit next to Draco only if Artemis decided to sit next to Daphne or her cousin.
He didn't like when she sat next to Theo, especially since he had noticed they were recently having more 'secretive' conversations. He would ask her about it and she would always wave him off, causing him to direct his anger onto either Quidditch, other houses, or even Theo.
Theo and Draco seemed to be at odds a lot, the former would spend more time with cousins and Daphne, and the latter doing the same but at different times. Artemis found this annoying and unnecessary since there were other things to deal with, but she knew how uncomfortable Theo was around Draco so she let it go.
Draco had a small chameleon on his desk while Artemis had a bearded dragon, "Like so, one, two, three. Vera Verto" McGonagall explained as she turns her bird into a beautiful glass goblet, the whole class murmurs in excitement. "Now it's your turn, who would like to go first"
Was it animal cruelty?... yes, but was it a good spell?... Yes.
"Ah, Mr.Weasley, one, two, three... Vera Verto'' she enthusiastically said to Weasley, who was sitting in front of Draco, he picked up his broken wand and tries the spell. But instead of a glass goblet, he got a fuzzy goblet, with a tail...
The class laughed at his failed attempt at the spell "That wand needs replacing Mr.Weasley" McGonagall scolded
"Well done Ronald," Artemis said sarcastically with a smug smile. He sends her a glare and then goes back to groaning about his wand.
She was happy that she didn't accidently take her cousins wand or her bearded Dragon would've turned out like the boys rat.
"Stupid blood traitor." Draco hissed at him once McGonagall walks away. Artemis rolled her eyes at her best mate.
Suddenly Granger's hand shot up in the air, "Yes, Ms. Granger?"
"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets," Granger asked and every single person in the room immediately looked up at McGonagall.
Artemis and Draco share a brief look before looking back at their Professor.
"Very well" she sighed looking around the room seeing all eyes on her,
Artemis sat forward, wanting to know a Gryffindor's perspective on the chamber of secrets and how she would tell it.
The young witch already heard many rumours about the chamber when she was growing up, to her it was like hearing a scary story, especially when her father would tease her with it when she misbehaved, but as she got older she understood Salazar Slytherin's intentions.
"You all know of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age."
"Godric Gryffindor"
Eww. Artemis senselessly makes a face, as did Draco.
"Helga Hufflepuff."
"Rowena Ravenclaw"
"And Salazar Slytherin"
'Brilliant' she mouthed to Draco, making him smile, his gaze lingered on her face.
"Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously, one did not" she explained.
Here we go. Artemis rolled her eyes.
"Three guesses who" Weasley whispered, Artemis kicked his chair, making him slam forward into his desk.
He whimpered quietly but didn't look back, Harry gave him a questionable look. Draco covered his mouth, trying not to let his laughter slip out.
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all magical families. In other words-"
"Pure-bloods" Artemis spoke up, to most Gryfindor's she sounded proud, which she was.
She wasn't ashamed of her heritage, why should she be?
"Exactly Mrs. Seramore" Mcgonagall smiled in her direction.
Draco then turns to glare at Granger but Artemis nudges him, making him stop.
"Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle known as the Chamber of Secrets."
Artemis begins to think how similar this sounded to her family legends. Draco notices the look on her face, he grabs her hand and squeezes it under the table.
He always seemed to know when she was lost in her mind. She gives him a small smile in response and continues to hold his hand, looking back at their teacher, not noticing the smile that is still on his face.
"Before departing, he sealed it, until that time when his true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherins view, were unworthy to study magic."
Artemis assumed it was a way for Salazar to keep the enemies of magic, away and out of the school, to protect both his and the school's legacy, as he didn't want people tainting it.
She understood where he was coming from, if people were not worthy of attending the school, they shouldn't be allowed in.
It was a twisted view, but she understood it.
But if the professors knew the dangers of the chamber, why not move the school to a different location? Why continuously put their students at risk...
"Muggle-borns" Granger sighed and looks sad, Artemis almost feels bad for the girl...almost.
"The school has been searched many times but no such Chamber was found." McGonagall continued.
"Obviously because they didn't use his heir to open it," Artemis whispered to Draco and he nods.
His eyes widened, "I guess father was right, the heir is back."
She went to respond but was cut off by the 'know it all, "Professor, what exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?" Granger asked.
"The Chamber is said to be home to something that only the heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home...of a monster"
'Basilisk' the best friends mouth to each other, before the Weasley wizard spun around looking between them, Draco started to smirk.
"Turn around Ronald," Artemis demanded and he did begrudgingly.
Thursday, October 1st
So far the 10th month in the year hadn't been too bad. Artemis kept on doing her research on various healing spells. She had also been doing great in her Quidditch training, she even had time to change up the interior design of her changing room.
Since she didn't have to share it with anyone, she could do what she wanted, Marcus most definitely wouldn't argue with it.
Draco and Theo's relationship had gotten worse, due to the latter being very close with Artemis. Theo had gotten more stressed and the Malfoy wizard's attitude towards him had not helped in the slightest.
Artemis had to keep scolding her best friend, she already knew what Theo was going through since they had more conversations about his 'situation'. The curly-haired boy even had a panic attack one day and his two female friends were there to calm him down.
Daphne didn't know what caused it but the moment Artemis said "peaches," she flew out of her chair and ran to the scene.
Blaise and Theo had gotten much closer, they seemed to be closer than Blaise and Draco nowadays and this only pissed off Draco more.
He felt like Theo was taking his friends away from him, so he grew bitter and occasionally spent more time with his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle.
The Parkinson girl saw the tension in the group and kept trying to weasel her way in but Draco shook her off, despite wanting to use her to anger Artemis, but he didn't want to hurt her like that.
So he decided today was the perfect day to focus on finding his best friends' family room. He just finished his midnight Astronomy lesson with Artemis and she had told her cousin to meet them there.
The two were currently standing opposite each other, waiting on the Zabini wizard. Artemis shot the grey-eyed boy a smile, he tried to return it but it looked more like a grimace.
Artemis sighed. "What's up with you recently?"
"Nothing is up with me."
"Because I haven't seen you as much and when I do you also seem angry." the past couple of weeks whenever they interacted, Draco seemed like he just killed someone, although if he did Artemis wouldn't hesitate to cover it up, but he was acting very hostile towards everyone.
He scoffed, folding his arms, "Maybe you haven't seen me as much because you are always with your new best friend Theo."
He cocked his head to the side, "You don't see the problem with that?" he asked, Artemis could see the anger in his eyes.
She shook her head, "No I don't, so why don't you explain it to me."
"He's all over you." The thought of it irritated him.
"No he is not." she denied. Despite Theo being rude and inappropriate to everyone he met, he was very sweet and respectful, he's never crossed the line with her.
He rolled his eyes, "Okay last week you and Daphne were talking to Blaise and I, and the moment you saw Theo you guys ran up to him and started to caress the guy." Draco almost gagged at the memory.
At the time Blaise sent Theo a concerned look and after he finished eating he met with him. Whereas Draco shook his head at the scene and angrily ate the rest of his breakfast and begrudgingly started speaking to Parkinson who was desperate for his attention.
Artemis wore an exasperated expression, "He was having a panic attack, you idiot, what were we supposed to do?"
"Send him to the infirmary and let the Medi-witches deal with it," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The witch couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. She didn't care when he was a pompous arse to other people because that was his personality, but Theo was part of their group and she expected him to have some compassion, "I can't believe you, he felt like he couldn't breathe and we helped him," her brows furrowed, "and you have a problem with it."
He poked his tongue to the side of his mouth and shrugged, "I just don't know why you felt the need to touch him like that."
She wrinkled her nose, "Like what?"
"All lovey and stuff."
She squinted her eyes, "It wasn't lovey, I was being his friend, and so was Daphne, he's been very stressed recently." She smiled sadly at the thought of the Nott wizard, causing Draco to clench his fist.
She nervously gulped and felt her whole body temperature rise, "He just has and you would know if you stopped arguing with him every time he comes near you."
"I don't do that." he denied weakly.
"Rumour has it you do," she sassed, quoting her cousin, he shot her a look, " and I thought you liked Theo."
"Well I don't hate him," he said with a sharp tone.
"So what's your problem with him?" she snapped coming closer to him, he was pissing her off and she didn't have time for his negative energy.
Noticing how she slowly approached him, he copied her actions, "He's taking you away from me." Draco blurts out. Throwing his arms up, she could spot his jagged nails, it was clear to her that he had been biting them a lot.
The comment enrages the witch, "I'm not a bloody object Draco, I'm allowed to have more than one friend who is a boy."
He flinches at her tone and how she called him his full name, she rarely did that and he hated when she did. It felt like he was being scolded by his father, his hands grew clammy. "I-i know that." his voice faltered as he stammered.
He thought back to how his father shouted at him for not befriending Harry Potter, Lucious' tone felt so vicious to him, he began to feel small, worthless until his mother stepped in front of him and told him to go to his room.
Hearing his full name fall from her lips made him uncomfortable and agitated, so he started to play with his rings.
Artemis took notice of his erratic state and leaned forward, "Well you don't, since you wouldn't be having a go at me for spending time with him."
He caught the scent of her apple body scrub radiating off her body, "You spend so much time with him, always having secret conversations, always appearing from the most random places."
"Okay, I do the same thing with you."
"Yeah and that's the problem." He took a step forward and stood only inches away from her.
His chest rose up and down and he tried swallowing his nerves, "Because... because, um, he's.."
"He's, what Draco?" she pressed impatiently.
"It feels like you're replacing me." he looks down avoiding her gaze. He regrets even having this conversation.
He had felt out of place whenever he was around his friends and especially Artemis, he felt his heart drop every time he saw her talking to Theo. Every time they laughed with one another, it felt like it was another joke he was not involved in like they were mocking him and he was part of the punch line.
The hole in his heart opened more when he saw the same thing happen with Blaise. He liked Daphne but they didn't spend much time together for her to cause the same pain in his chest, but he knew, with time it would happen eventually.
Artemis' eyes widened, taken back by his answer, "Oh..." she was not expecting that at all.
She didn't mean for him to feel like that but, Theo had trusted her and she wasn't going to let him suffer in silence.
His eyes immediately locked on hers and clenched his jaw, "That's all you have to say, Oh?" his nostrils flared.
She licked her lips, "Merlin's beard, I didn't know you were going to say that, and that's the first thing that came to mind."
"Well, are you going to comment on it?" he pressed, feeling very hurt by her response. Draco knew how trash his best friend was when dealing with her own emotions, let alone other people.
So even though he was expecting this, it still hurt him.
She swallowed and looked away from his impenetrable gaze, "Yes."
"Then do it" he took another step towards her, she took one back and she ended up being pressed against the wall, looking up at his taller figure.
"Let me speak then." His grey eyes didn't leave her brown ones. Even though he was angry with her, he had to stop himself from getting lost in her chocolate iris'. He reached out and twirled curls between his fingers, almost forgetting how angry he was. She licked her lips and smacked his hand away.
He held back a smirk, knowing he was getting to her, "Okay, then speak."
"I'm not replacing you, Theo is a friend that's going through a difficult time and before you ask about it, no I will not tell you the details of it, because it's not my business to tell and maybe if you weren't such an egotistical prick he would open up to you but no you aren't, so he won't do that, so he's left talking to me, Daphne and Blaise because you won't give him the time of day without screaming at him."
Both of the chests were rising up and down in anger. Someone behind them cleared their throat and the two snap their heads towards the person "What have I just walked in on?" Blaise pointed between them feeling the tension fill up the area, "should I leave or..." he trailed off.
Artemis pushed her best friend away and turned back to her cousin, "No, we're fine."
"No, we're not." Draco sneered at her.
She rolled her eyes and looked at him, "we'll talk about it later okay?"
He grinded his teeth, thinking for a while, but stops when he feels the cousin's eyes on him "Fine."
Blaise was starting to wish he stayed in the dining hall. "So can we start searching now?" he asked and approached them.
"Yes," they said in unison.
Artemis flattened out her uniform, regaining composure and placing her dark locks into a ponytail not liking the heat that spread throughout her body, she took out the parchment which held her grandfather's handwriting and gave it to the boys.
"Look to the sky, change the position,
our chosen God has to listen.
You belong here that will not ever change,
time for some peace, this is your safe space."
They read it through a couple of times, also noticing the keyword at the bottom of the parchment, "What the bloody hell does this mean and why write it in a riddle?" Draco asked confusion lacing his voice. Artemis frowned briefly, she liked riddles.
Blaise raises a brow, "The sky? Does he want us to fly to the moon or something?"
Artemis shot him a deadpanned look, "Yes he wants to fly to the moon B, because that is where the secret room is, ugh get your head out of your arse."
"Don't start on me because you and Draco are having a lovers quarrel. " he nodded towards the boy who is rereading the clue, ignoring the cousins.
She nudged him, he grinned , "Stai zitto, era solo una lotta normale."
He nodded with a smug smile, "Sure, is that why his face was as red as Weasel Bee's hair?"
She goes to speak then gets cut off by her best friend's voice, "Can you guys shut up for one second?" They stop speaking, and he walked over to them, "I think I know what the first part means."
"Go on then," Artemis said impatiently, Blaise winced at her tone.
Draco ignored the look Blaise was giving him, "'Look to the sky'", he motions his hand to the room next to them, "The astronomy room- the sky- look to the sky, like we do in every lesson." he glanced at the witch.
He noticed when her eyes widen like a light bulb goes off in her mind. "That explains why he wanted you to help since you basically have a kink for stars." Blaise mused and his cousin snorts at his choice of words.
Draco sighed and glared at the wizard, "I do not."
Blaise just nods ignoring the glare, "You do, but that's beside the point, so the room is next to the Astronomy room?"
"Could be." Draco nods
Artemis analysed the words, "'Change the position'," she spoke aloud, "could it be like rearrange words, like an anagram?"
Blaise rubbed the back of his head, "Maybe..."
"'Our chosen god?'" Draco recited and looked at the witch.
"Ares, my last name flipped is 'sera', the Sermore's have been obsessed with Greek mythology, since forever."
"'Has to listen?'"
"The lord is always listening." the cousins said in unison.
"'You belong here, That will not ever change'?"
"Since most of the Seramore's chose to come to England and not Italy, they've always come to Hogwarts and never any of wizarding school, we've always felt accepted in Slytherin, so maybe that's what it means."
"'Time for some peace, This is your safe space',"
Blaise let out a scoff, "Yeah, we need peace because that place rarely happens in our lives."
"Preach." Draco and Artemis said in unison.
They are engulfed by silence, then begin to inspect the area around them, wondering where the place is.
The cousins felt like they were close to finding it and were not about to give up now, neither was Draco.
The boy felt happy this was the first time in a while the emerald trio was just alone and spending time together.
Blaise's eyes dart between the Astronomy room door and the empty wall next to it, "Why does it look like it is supposed to be a door here?" The other two stood next to him and inspected the blank wall along with him.
Artemis approaches the wall and pressed her hand to the wall, she gasped when her hand glows green and took a step back. She felt lightheaded by the surge of energy she absorbed.
Draco rushes to her and inspected her hand "Bloody hell, Arty are you okay?" He was aware that they had just been arguing, but her health was much more important to him.
She shared a smile with the boy, "Yeah I'm fine," she turned to her cousin who was still gawking at the wall, "B try it."
He broke out of his trance and gasped at the witch, "Oh so you want me to die?"
He pointed at her, "I knew you didn't love me." He looked away with faux sadness.
"Blaise Hunter Zabini shut up and put your hand to the wall."
His eyes widen and Draco snickered, "She said your full name, sounds like trouble."
"Shut it," he slammed his hand against the wall, wincing at the impact, "No one say a thing." He shot them both a look, stopping their laughter. He noticed his hand vibrate and began to glow, "Oh my..." and stepped back and the energy he feels goes through his body.
Draco grinned, "Oh my indeed." he looked between the cousins, "one of you should try the keyword."
Blaise shyly smiled at his cousin, he didn't want to try shit. She playfully rolled her eyes and Artemis pressed her hand to the wall again, "Piccolo guerriero."
The glow died down, her shoulders slumped, thinking that nothing was going to happen, but trio perked up at the sound of something clicking open, the light flowed around the wallpaper, like a laser cut through the thick material, it stopped when it gets to the top and wall edged forward and swung open revealing the secret room.
They all gasped at the site.
"Salazar's..." Blaise started
"...Bloody..." Artemis added,
"Pole." Draco continued to gawk, eyes not wavering, Artemis entered first, feeling her body immediately relaxing as she stepped past the barrier, Blaise is next to join her, instantly feeling lighter and calmer.
Draco is the last to enter, quickly looking back, checking if anyone is watching them, he saw no one, the door closed behind him, and all the hostility and tension from his body dissipates.
"Screw his pole," his eyes bulging out of his head, "look at the room"
Blaise snorted, "phrasing." but continued to focus on how content he feels, "Rumour has it Draco just shat his pants," he said to his cousin.
She laughed but her eyes gloss over, feeling intense levels of happiness, "this is amazing."
They stood in the middle in complete shock.
The room was huge, it could even be a mistake as a classroom; a classroom with the walls coated in lime green paint, a giant serpent slid through the walls, like it was on a loop, constantly hitting every corner and just when it appeared like it would escape it was held back by its 2-dimensional state.
One wall was full of books, some looked like they were taken from the restricted section and then cloned so they could be placed back in the library.
There was a circular table that looked like it would hold meetings, but the trio would most likely play card games on it.
There were many books on the Seramore's and their family history that were hung around the family sigil.
There was a table dedicated to cauldrons, potions, and ingredients, Artemis beamed at this, she couldn't wait to start practicing and perfecting the potions she would make in Snape's class.
Lamps sat on each surface, but their leader was dangling from the ceiling, shining across the room.
There was one window, it was obviously charmed so no one could see in, but they could see out. It wasn't too big or too small, it was perfect.
Blaise noticed that the room had its own lavatory, he let out a sigh of relief, he didn't want to have to leave this humble abode just to use the bathroom.
There were at least 10 seats in the room, but some looked like they were transfigured into bags full of feathers, Draco and Blaise ran up to them and jumped, laughing as they collapsed onto the odd-looking chairs. They sat comfortably throwing their heads back in relaxation.
Artemis chuckled and then acknowledged the Plants flowing throughout the room, it was aconite, the witch remembered that when eaten it can counteract enchantments.
Blaise's eyes twinkled with excitement when he realized that plants could grow in the room.
There were huge letters written across a huge wall that was adjacent to the window.
"Mente striae"
It was the name of the room, she had been told that it was the anagram for the tranquility charm that was placed on the room, so the energy stayed the same, serene.
The letters kept rearranging into the charm and then back to its original appearance, it was a great anagram.
"Serenitatem is the name of the tranquility charm; it can only be used on an object or infrastructure, never a person or they could fall into a catatonic state and never escape it." Artemis read out, it was on the plaque under the moving anagram. She couldn't wait to show Daphne and Theo.
Draco visibly looked comfortable, "Wouldn't like to know how he found that last bit out."
"Experimenting on people." Blaise didn't want to imagine it.
"Well, that's messed up."
Artemis spoke up, "At least he got results in the end." Both boys looked at her like she grew three heads, she shrugged, "what it's true."
"You scare me Arty."
"Good." She let out a chuckle, shaking her head in disbelief as she sat next to the wizards, "we should have never found this place."
"I know right."
Draco got up after a while leaving the cousins to argue over a past game of UNO they played, he walked over a wall that was hidden away, "Ghosts of The Past" was painted across it and many initials were engraved under it.
He smiled when he realized that both his grandfather and parents carved their names into it. He traced his finger over them all, surprised that his father would ever do this, he was way too uptight for this, especially due to the cane that is shoved up his arse.
His head snapped around before the cousins lunged at each other, "Guys!"
"What?" they screamed slumping back into their chairs.
"Drop the attitude and come over here." his eyes lingered on the witch since she had been in a mood since their little argument.
She rolled her eyes as they walked over, nudging and flicking each other's ears before nearing the Malfoy wizard.
Their eyes widened at the discrete wall, "Damn, that's a lot of people." Blaise muttered.
Draco pointed at the initials, A.M. "that's my grandfather."
Blaise pointed to, C.Z. N.B. O.Z. "There's Aunty Celly, Aunt Cissy, and mum." Artemis smiled as she tried figuring out many other students, she saw E.S. S.S, her father, and his father. The wall dated back to the mid-1800s.
She frowned a little when she found a name that she couldn't decipher, "I wonder who T.M.R. is." She knew it wasn't a Rosier or Rowle wizard because she knew none of them had the name beginning with the letter 't'.
The boys shrugged, not knowing or caring to figure out the person, the trio made their way back to the bean bags, "we need to tell the other two about Mente striae and no one else."
"Yeah, I only trust the people in this room and Daphne and Theo." Blaise let out a yawn, the clock on the wall notified them that it's almost 9:30, they needed to leave soon.
The cousins noticed their best friend twitch at the mention of the Nott wizard. Blaise fought the urge to roll his eyes, he knew that Theo didn't see his cousin in that way, everyone did, everyone apart from Draco.
The Zabini boy noticed the little time they all spent together recently, he always knew that was down to Draco's possessiveness over Artemis, he just hoped the issue Draco had with Theo would be put to bed soon because he couldn't be bothered to deal with it for any longer.
Apart from his studies he had to split his time between Theo and Draco because neither of them liked to be in the presence of the other. He liked spending time with Daphne even though it couldn't be for long, since he had to break up arguments and fights between his wizard friends.
He was so happy they found the room today, because he felt like he was close to snapping, and no one wanted to see that.
"I'll tell Theo, there is something else that we need to talk about as well." Blaise thought that this was the best choice.
"I'll tell daphne," Artemis added.
Even though no one could tell Draco was trying to suppress his grin.
This room would change everything.
Circa October 1992:
The majority of October had been a dream for the Pureblood 5.
Daphne screamed when she entered Mente striae, the emerald trio her first about the room the moment they had got back to their dorms, since Theo was sleeping and the boys couldn't wake him up.
The blonde witch was ecstatic and happy for the cousins and also happy for her. She loved their common room but she hated being around people she didn't like for too long, because she would say something bitchy and end up slapping someone.
She was also happy she had a place to get away from her sister; Astoria Greengrass. She joined Hogwarts this year and she was placed into Slytherin.
The two sisters were not that close and often fought, they had talked only a couple of times since the younger witch arrived. Their parents told them to look after each other but the only times they saw one another was in either the dining hall or the common room.
Daphne was just grateful that her sister had her own group to chill with because she didn't need Astoria around.
However, she caught her sister on multiple occasions ogling the boys in her friendship group, mainly Draco and Blaise. It didn't faze the boys at all, but Daphne did have a fight with her sister over it.
When Theo first walked into the hidden room, he felt most of the stress lift off his shoulders, he almost cried and immediately hugged the cousins, luckily Draco wasn't there to see and even if he was, Theo would not have cared, he felt too relaxed to be bothered by anything.
So for the past couple of weeks, the 5 friends had been like ghosts, constantly disappearing, before and after lessons. They were present and focused when they were in class, even more so, which meant they were earning more house points and seemed like the perfect students.
Slytherins were happy about this, but some people were suspicious of their actions, more specifically the Golden trio.
Hermoine felt like she had to compete with not just Artemis anymore for the top spot in class, but now she had to compete with the Seramore witch's friends, which not only frustrated her but made her feel angry as well.
Ron didn't like the fact they kept winning house points, he was infuriated by the thought that Slytherin could win the house cup for the 8th year in a row, he was determined to not let that happen.
Harry wasn't focused on their increase of morale during classes, but it was the fact they never seemed to be around as much anymore. The 'chosen' one always knew Artemis was an intelligent witch who always seemed to vanish if she wasn't in his view, but now it seemed like her whole group did too. He saw Draco's goons by themselves more often than before, they looked lost to him.
He thought that it was too much of a coincidence that the chamber of secrets opened around the same time that these 5 purebloods were constantly disappearing.
Luckily the Gryffindorks didn't see Artemis and Theo retreat to Mente striae today because they were too busy researching the chamber of secrets in the library.
Artemis sat around the circular table reading through various spell books after another dreadful lesson with professor Lockhart. He had tried talking to her on multiple occasions, giving her his obnoxious smirk, but she subtly used the 'incendio' charm to set fire to his portraits and his robe.
Most of the class laughed at his efforts to put off the flames, Granger was about to heroically help him, but Artemis quickly used an extinguishing spell in front of the class, earning her 50 house points from the idiotic and inexperienced man.
He only gifted her so many due to her saving his belongings that held his face on them. Granger was gutted because she was infatuated with the man, Artemis didn't care at all, she even suggested that they should be dismissed early claiming that he should tend to his paintings and attire, knowing that it would work as he was too obsessed with his vanity to disagree with her.
This led to Artemis and Theo ending up in her family room, the wizard was talking about how he had lost another game of UNO to Blaise last night and almost threw his friend out of the window.
"Honestly Temi, I don't think we can play that game anymore, I almost started swinging on Blaise." he flipped through another page of his book, not looking at the girl.
She snorted, "Don't worry I always do, he's too good at that game." she went to write down more Latin words, trying to find the right ones to fit her spell.
"And he's smug about it too."
"Of course he is, he's a Zabini."
"So does that mean you're smug too?" he knew that Artemis' mother's maiden name was Zabini, everyone did.
She tapped her chin, pretending to think, "Of course I am, but I'm just more subtle with it." she preferred to taunt people with the imfamous Seramore smile, it was embedded in her 'enemies' minds for eternity.
He nodded with a smile, "True unless you're going up against that Harriet girl." he flipped another page.
She snapped her gaze to the wizard, having no idea who he was talking about, "Who the bloody hell is that?"
He furrowed his brows, causing frown lines to appear on his forehead, "The one with the curly hair."
She shook her head, not comprehending who her friend was talking about, "still nott following."
He sighed dramatically, closing his book, "The one with the insane eyebrows that look like they will jump off her face every time she speaks." he waved his arms about.
He had become much more of a gesticulator recently.
Suddenly a lightbulb went off in her mind, "Hermoine." she laughed at his description of the muggle-born girl.
He shot her a look, "That's what I said."
They began to laugh. The witch kept writing down more Latin words as she flipped between pages, Theo let her devious mind run wild, not wanting to bother her, so he picked up another book, actually wanting to learn something new.
Artemis' voice broke their comfortable silence, "So do you like boys more this week, or girls, or is it equal?" they had discussed this quite a lot. She was aware that sexuality was a spectrum, and even wanted to know more about it because she didn't want to ever offend anyone.
Ignorance may be bliss but you can not stay in that bubble forever.
He looked up at her, pushing away his feelings of guilt of the subject, "Equal, although Dean Thomas is looking better and better every week."
She beamed at him, happy that the boy was becoming more comfortable talking about this part of himself that he had pushed away for so long, "I thought you loathed Gryffindorks?"
He shrugged, "Oh I do but I can appreciate some of them are good-looking." his first-year self would be embarrassed to admit that he was ever attracted to someone who was in that house, but he had to speak his truth on the matter.
She nodded along, "True." She had to admit that she had found the Gryfindor wizard attractive and has since the beginning of her first year. She never spoke to him, but she did catch him and his friend Seamus glancing at her occasionally. "Do you think you will tell Daph?"
He cocked his head to the side, "I'm pretty sure she already knows, I'm not subtle with my leering."
"I've noticed," he giggles, "what about Blaise?" The witch had noticed that Theo and her cousin were spending a lot more time together.
"Oh he knows, I told him as soon as he came back from Italy." Artemis' eyes widened, "Also because I thought he would go through your letters."
"He almost did but I had to keep hiding them away."
"Like hiding them in the closet?" He teased, she shrunk back a little, "I'm kidding." a shy smile made it onto her face.
She looked away briefly before their brown eyes meet again, "Do you think you would tell Draco any time soon."
He instantly shook his head and grimaced at the thought of that conversation, "Merlin no."
"Understandable." she left it at that, not wanting to mention her best friend in front of Theo anymore. "What about your parents?" she asked cautiously.
He took a couple of minutes to answer, he nervously swallowed his fear, "I think my dad would hate me." He frowned, he looked down at his hands, like his body felt foreign to him.
She reached out and carefully grabbed his hand, forgetting about her research, "T, why would you think that?" He started to play with the ring that was on her finger, no longer looking at the girl.
He shrugged, "I don't know, I just feel like I would be disappointing him or something and don't want that."
She cleared her throat, not wanting him to take her next question badly, "Well, do you think what you're doing is right?" she asked softly, not trying to upset him further.
He looked up at her, still playing with her hand, "Yes," he said without hesitation.
She smiled, "Then don't worry about disappointing him if you are not disappointing yourself." The witch had no clue where she had got that from, but it just felt right to say.
She was usually terrible at having emotional discussions, but talking to Theo had helped her become less blunt and dismissive of other people's feelings even though she wanted to get up and leave any time someone started talking about their issues.
He took in her words, feeling a wave of emotions course through his body, "Woah that's deep."
She shot him a wink, "I know right, I'm like a prophet."
"A prophet that would probably set everyone on fire."
She hummed in response, "Only if they piss me off."
"I guess that's acceptable." They laughed for a while. Theo loved this room, he felt so much lighter and free. But a thought dawned on him, "What if they disown me?" he blurted out.
The smile on her face faded, only to be replaced with a frown, "I doubt they-"
He cut her off, "What if they do though?"
She thought about her next words carefully, "Even if you get disowned, you are always welcomed at my house."
His eyes bulged out of his head, "Really?"
"Of course, my mum would love you." Anyone that Artemis liked, her mother did too, visa versa.
He looked away, using his available hand to scratch the back of his head, "I couldn't do that to you guys," he didn't want to impose or feel like a burden.
"There's a lot of space and she would love to have another person around during the holidays."
He raised a brow, "Don't you guys usually have Blaise and Draco around?"
"Yeah but she sees them most of the time, she would love your vibe and she would love a boy around, I think she wanted another child after me, but my parents were never around to that because I guess I was too much for them to handle." Artemis was glad she was the only child, but she would prefer an older sibling to a younger one.
"You're too much now." he snickered and she playfully smacked his arm.
"Shut up." They laugh.
He smiled at the witch, "I'm honestly grateful for you Temi."
She returned the expression, "I'm glad that I can be there for you even though I don't know what you're going through." she spoke honestly.
His eyes glossed over, "Eww you're going to make me cry." They both left their seats, and embraced each other, his chin resting on her head as his arms encircled her physique.
"Eww I think I'm going to cry as well, and I swear to Emrys, if you tell anyone, I will kick you so hard in the balls, your dad will feel it." she jokily threatened, even though they both knew she meant it.
"I think I would like that." he chuckled and she laughed into his chest.
"Shut up T."
"Love you too bitch."
This chapter is soo fkg long, I'm sorry about that. It's over 7000 words long, meaning it's 3000 more words than I usually write. I had to make it this long because I had plans for other chapters and didn't want to mess up the flow.
Who do you like Artemis interacting with the most?
This discussion of the chamber of secrets was actually in the 'history of magic' class but I stuck to the movie adaption and showed the explanation in Transfiguration with McGonagall. I loved Maggie Smith and how her voice builds up the tension in the scene.
Also shout out to -moncher for helping me come up with a name for the Seramore's secret room.
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