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(Remember to Vote and Comment as it Does a Lot for Motivation Seeing That You're Reading)
6 Years Ago
The roaring winds of the Himalayan peaks threatened to engulf the sound of rotor blades slicing through the thin air. Inside the helicopter's dimly lit cabin, the team adjusted their gear in silence.
Y/N sat among them, his gloved fingers tightening the straps on his tactical vest. A patch showcasing the organisation he belonged to plastered on his left arm. He glanced around at his squad, their expressions unreadable beneath their helmets. He liked it here, after everything that happened in Gotham, with Sofia, this, whatever it was, it gave him a purpose.
At the front of the cabin, stood their mission commander, leaned forward, his voice cutting through the cabin."Listen up," he said, eyes scanning the team. His tone was as cold as the metal of the chopper. "This isn't a standard op. Nanda Parbat is their stronghold, and they won't let us walk in and out without blood being spilled." He paused, letting his words settle in the stale air, a few nods from the rest of the squad.
"The League of Assassins," he said, the name dropping like a stone into still water. "They're not just another terror group. They're precision. Fanaticism. And they'll die before they let us take that weapon."
A ripple of unease moved through the team. Y/N didn't flinch. He simply starred forward, looking at his commander. The one who trained them all, the leader of their squad, the one who gave them purpose;
Slade Wilson
Portrayed By Manu Bennet
"Our mission is not to engage unless absolutely necessary," Slade continued, his voice unrelenting. "We go in, retrieve the weapon, and get out. Speed and efficiency are your gods tonight. Do not deviate. Do not hesitate."
The pilot's voice crackled in the comms a buzzing in the ear. "Two minutes to drop zone."
Slade nodded and turned back to the team. "Once we're in, split into two groups. You know your zones. Y/N, you're with me initially. On my signal, you'll take the left wing. Clear any resistance. Stay sharp."
Y/N met Slade's gaze with a nod.
Slade's lips curled into a faint, sardonic smirk. "And remember, no screw-ups. The moment you lose focus, you're dead. Jump when the light turns green."
Y/N tightened his grip on the straps of his seat, steadying his breath. The adrenaline began to rush, flooding his veins. Beside him, his squadmate muttered a low prayer, while another checked their ammo over, and over again.
He liked this, it made him feel alive.
"Green light!" the pilot barked.
The cabin doors slid open with metal door banging as it reached its limit. Revealing the dark void below them. The freezing wind howled, biting at their skin. Below them, the jagged terrain of Nanda Parbat awaited. On the side of the helicopter, the words Checkmate glinted briefly in the moonlight.
Slade was the first out, disappearing into the night. One by one, the team followed, their parachutes unfurling. Y/N was the last to leap, the icy air ripping at his body as he dove into the abyss.
The descent was calculated, the distant lights of Nanda Parbat growing closer with every second. As Y/N's boots hit the rocky terrain, his rifle was already raised, scanning for movement. The team regrouped quickly, their movements silent.
"Move out," Slade ordered through the comms. The team fanned out, their black-clad forms blending seamlessly with the night.
The entrance to the compound loomed ahead, an ancient gate carved into the mountainside. As they approached, shadows flitted along the walls guards patrolling with ninja like precision. Y/N's heart pounded in his chest, but he raised his weapon, and took the shot, taking down a sentry with a silenced shot.
Inside, the compound was a labyrinth of stone corridors and flickering torchlight. The League's aesthetic was both archaic and deadly, each hallway adorned with weapons and banners bearing their emblem. Y/N's squad moved with near surgical precision, eliminating threats with a mixture of silenced gunfire and hand-to-hand combat.
Slade halted at a fork in the corridor, turning to Y/N. "Left wing. Handle it."
Y/N nodded and peeled off, his footsteps muffled by his boots. The left wing was darker, the air colder. He moved cautiously, every sense on high alert.
As he entered a larger chamber, he froze. At its center, a woman knelt in prayer before a sword that rested on a low stone pedestal. Her long, dark hair shimmered under the faint light of torches, and her posture exuded a grace that seemed both serene and lethal.
She rose slowly, her hands wrapping around the hilt of the sword. Turning to face Y/N, her piercing eyes locked onto his. There was something ancient, almost regal, in her presence. Y/N knew who this was, she was better trained than him.
This was the second in-command of the League of Assassins, the Demon's Daughter;
Talia Al Ghul
Portrayed by Anya Chalotra
Y/N leveled his weapon at her. "Don't move," he warned, his voice low and steady.
She didn't respond, only advanced with deliberate steps. Getting closer and closer, just as Y/N went to pull the trigger it went so fast. In a blur, her sword slashed through the air, severing the barrel of Y/N's rifle as though it were paper.
Disarmed but undeterred, Y/N shifted his stance, raising his fists. Gritting his teeth Y/N peeled the black fingerless gloves from his hand and threw them down, he kicked Talia back, Causing the assassin to stop herself mid slide and look at her adversary with a smirk. In Response, Y/N looked down at his fists, and readied himself for the fight by pumping them rapidly.
The woman struck first, her blade flying through the air with precise, lethal intent. Y/N dodged narrowly, countering with a swift kick that forced her back.
She moved first. Talia's sword against his fists and tactical skill. Talia burst forward, swinging her sword down causing Y/N to weave to the right. Grabbing the hilt, Y/N tried to use his strength to rip the sword from her grasp but Talia elbowed him in the face causing Y/N to stagger back. Y/ went to snatch his sidearm from his hip. Aiming it at the assassin, it was knocked away by a kick.
Talia lunged again, Y/N managed to catch her wrist, twisting sharply. Her grip faltered, but her knee struck his side, driving the air from his lungs. As he stumbled back, she pressed the advantage, her sword grazing his armor, drawing sparks and the faint smell of scorched fabric.
He lunged forward, using his momentum to slam her against the wall. For a moment, they were locked together, breathless and unyielding.
"Where's the weapon?" he growled, his voice sharp and demanding.
Talia's lips curled into a faint, enigmatic smile. "Right where my father needs it to be" she replied vaguely.ย
And then, with a sharp twist, she broke free gaining some distance as Talia smiled. Right as she went in for a stab, Y/N reached for his knife, barely managing to deflect the oncoming attack. Talia pressed her attack, using the reach to her advantage. Each swing and swipe wearing down Y/Ns defences as she jabbed and picked at his armour.
Backed into a corner, Y/N spotted his handgun laying underneath. Just as Talia swing again, Y/N dashed past the assassin. Slashing at her midriff causing her to yell in pain as blood stained the floor. Just as Talia went to grab some throwing stars, Y/N got a handle on his pistol and aimed it at her.
"Drop it!" he called out, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. The assassin's hand trembled before the throwing stars fell from her grip, clattering noisily onto the stone floor. But her other hand remained firm on the ceremonial blade.
"Drop it!" Y/N barked again, this time with unyielding authority. His words were directed at Talia, whose calculating eyes darted between him and the weapon she held. He could almost hear her thoughts could she close the distance before he pulled the trigger? Her hesitation gave him the answer. No.
Then, something shifted.
Y/N's peripheral vision caught movement a shadow, small and fragile, huddled in the corner of the room. Without fully turning, he angled his eyes toward it and froze. His pulse faltered, his grip on the weapon loosening ever so slightly. A young girl, no older than eight or ten, clutched a worn, stuffed toy to her chest. Tears welled in her wide, fearful eyes, streaming silently as her small body shook. She pressed her lips tightly together, trying and failing to muffle her soft sobs.
It had to be her. Nyssa al Ghul. The second daughter of the demon.
Y/N felt something deep within him crumble. He was trained to keep his emotions buried, to lock them away where they couldn't interfere. But this? This was different. The raw, unfiltered terror etched on the young girl's face pierced through every layer of armor he'd built. It was as if time had collapsed, and he was looking not at her, but at himself just a boy on the worst day of his life.
The memory surged forward, unbidden and cruel. He saw his father again, crumpling to the ground, lifeless. He remembered his own face, reflected in shards of glass a face twisted by fear, hopelessness, and a profound, soul-crushing dread. That same expression now stared back at him from Nyssa's tear-streaked face, a mirror of himself.
His hands trembled. The weapon felt impossibly heavy. For a fleeting moment, he almost let it slip from his grasp. All his training, melted in the face of that emotion. That primordial, universal agony that had shaped his entire life.
The Batman stood next to his signal, illuminating the skyline above him as he waited for Gordon to arrive. He breathed in a sigh, eyes heavy, and still trying to piece everything together. He used to listen to his mom and Selina's mom, Maria, speak. She never mentioned any connection to the Falcone's. It was a total blank. The missing piece perhaps. Y/N looked back, to see the elevator raising with the light coming with it. Gordon stepped out, and straitened his tie walking towards the signal switching it off. He looked to the hulking vigilante, waiting for him to speak.
"What do you know about a confidential informant in the Maroni case?" the vigilante asked, his voice a whisper but soft. The question causing a slight bit of confusion as Batman stepped out of the shadows.
"Yeah, sure, there was" was all the Lieutenant replied with.
"That's the rat we're looking for" the Batman clarified, causing Gordon to gently nod. "Somehow, Riddler knows who he is. If we find the rat, maybe it'll lead us to him".
"Where are you getting this?" Gordon asked, he was still confused. That case was closed years ago, Maroni was locked up in Blackgate. Sure the Maroni Crime Family was still around, but they were a shell of their former selves. Why was Riddler taking out city officials and after the Rat for that case? It didn't make any sense. These same thoughts flooded the mind of Y/N, both trying to connect these loose threads.
"I have a source, spoke to the DA tonight. Gil's very nervous" Batman added, his gaze switching from Gordon to the city below them. "I thinks he's targeting people close to the case".
"I worked that case" Gordon spoke, nervousness and panic spiking in his veins.
"Riddler's not after you" the Dark Knight shot back.
"How do you know?"
"You're not corrupt"
"Colson's dirty?" Gordon asked, mouth agape, the whole justice system was dirty. Y/N knew this, the mould, the disease continued to spread and seep its way into every corner it could. Gordon looked nervous, then looked back to Batman. "Maybe I, uh... I go after him, Lean on him to give up the rat" he got out, shifting slightly.
"It's too dangerous. They made a secret deal with this guy" Y/N countered, he could go after Colson. The Batman would get better results than Jim, but everyone could go to ground. Trigger whoever is part of this group to protect each other, who knows what would sent to kill the Batman. "ho knows how many people it touches? Politicians. Police. The courts. Could tear the whole city apart" he spoke out, anarchy in Gotham. Chaos, over one rat.
"Jesus" Gordon remarked, looking down as the realisation of the situation finally hit him. "This is a powder keg" he finally realised, a volatile situation ready to explode if they made any moves.
"And Riddler's the match" Y/N muttered back, both men trying to hold the line finally knew they fighting a losing battle. The city would swallow them whole, all because of the Riddler and the Rat.
Y/N made his way back to the container, allowing the nights events to play over, and over again in his head. Selina saying she doesn't have a relationship with Falcone. Just because she doesn't has have one, doesn't mean she's never had one, or maybe wants one now. The young man wiped his eyes, wiping away sweat in the process.
He breathed out, picking up the helmet and placing it atop a shelf as the laptop loaded up. He looked to the notes gathered from the previous cipher, and looked to the new cipher from Savage's murder. The online tools had done a good use of matching existing symbols, but this was a public AI model, anyone could use it, and it wasn't reliable. Y/N printed off what progress it had made, and looked over them.
Almost ripping the paper, Y/N spent another hour, making corrections, crossing out mistakes and writing in what should have been there. He didn't have the money for a supercomputer, he had to rely on the charity of others.
By the time Y/N had finished correcting and writing out the cypher to what he believed was right, the sun was shining and people were getting ready for work and the city funeral. Y/N needed sleep, but he just needed to know.
Looking over the results, Y/N read the solved cypher out loud, his eyes scanning the symbols. And then to the right letters.
"You are el rata alada" he read out softly, eyes getting heavy and he had to shake himself.
Rata alada, a rat with wings?
He read over the cypher again, comparing the symbols double checking to ensure he had it right. It was slang for a pigeon he thought. But he had his answers, whatever they meant.
He looked to the time, seeing it was now 7:47, almost 8AM. Thank Christ he didn't have work. Y/N didn't see any point in going back to the apartment, by the time he got there it would be almost 9, and he could barely keep eyes open as it is. Slipping the rest of the uniform off, Y/N threw it all in a corner and slipped on more casual clothing and grabbed the tattered and ripped cape. And brought it over his body, using it as a makeshift blanket.
Y/Ns eyes lingered on the cypher as his eyes closed all metal shutters, not opening again for hours. That phrase repeating over and over again, el rata alada? What did it mean.
As the thoughts flooded his head, Y/N fell into a restless, haunted sleep as he always did.
Y/N's eyes shot open to the sound of sirens wailing in the distance. The sharp, echoing cries jarred him from the restless grip of half-formed nightmares. His head throbbed as he sat up, groggy and disoriented, the tattered cape sliding off his shoulders and pooling on the floor.
The city was never quiet, but something about the sirens felt different. Urgent.
He grabbed his phone off the table, fumbling to unlock it with shaking hands. Notifications flooded the screen: messages, news alerts, chaos. One headline blared louder than the rest:
His stomach dropped. The words blurred as he tried to focus, the exhaustion clawing at the edges of his mind. He forced himself to read on. A car had plowed through the church where the funeral was being held. The driver? Gil Colson, the district attorney. But that wasn't what made Y/N's blood run cold.
"Bomb around his neck... Card addressed to The Batman..."
The Riddler. He'd made his next move, more public, more brutal. And he'd called Y/N out in front of the entire city.
Adrenaline surged, shaking awake his body which called for more rest. Y/N sprang to his feet, heart pounding as he grabbed for his suit. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest. But there was no time. The city needed him.
As he strapped on the reinforced chest plate, his mind raced. Colson wasn't innocent, not by a long shot. But this wasn't justice. This was something far darker, more twisted. Day said Riddler wanted to be seen, and this was his next big step.ย
He shoved the cowl onto his head, the familiar weight grounding him. The container door groaned as he pushed it open, stepping into the dim light of the evening. Sirens screamed louder now, cutting through the air like razor wire. Just as Y/N was about to leave, a thought crossed his mind, this would be his most public appearance yet. He'd need an out if things go sideways, so quickly he went back into the workbench, and opened a drawer with a small rectangle device that looked to be held together by numerous wires and speaker on the side. Y/N tucked it away on his belt, better save than sorry. All of his money went into his device, fell behind on rent once or twice because of it, this, and the car.ย
Y/N revved up the bike, and drove off towards the city. Sighing out as the red and blue lights become clearer and clearer.
Colson sat down on one of the only remaining wooden chairs, looking around in panic. He was surrounded with guns trained on him, doubting his innocence. He knew he wasn't innocent, but he didn't deserve this. A robot deployed by SWAT was useless, unable to get a clear look at the inner mechanisms of the bomb around his neck. The phone tapped to him had been ringing for hours now. But Colson was shook, he heard it. The distinct noise of footsteps echoing through the vast empty church.
Colson's eyes widened, the Batman stood there, stalking towards him with careful steps. The large muscly man stepping out of the shadows, towering over the sat D.A who looked up helplessly.
Batman with no warning ripped the tape covering Colson's mouth.
" Please-- He made me do it, I'm so sorry!" Colson pleaded, dried blood pouring down the side of his face as the man's integrity and courage all but collapse. "He told me if I didn't do exactly what he said, he'd kill me, I'm so sorry!" he repeated over and over again, probably been repeating it for hours.ย
Batman's eyes focused on the heavy metal collar, narrowing as he spotted how simple yet complicated the device was. "Looks like a combination lock" he noted.ย
"Can't we just cut it off?"
"Not if you wanna keep your head" Batman shot back, his eyes focusing on Colton's before moving to the card strapped to the District Attorneys chest. All the while the phone kept on ringing. Ripping the card off, the Batman removed it from its sleeve and opened it. The card read;ย
"In Theseย Trying Times, Never Forget..." the Batman then opened it, revealing another cypher and the second part. "......I'm Just A Phone Call Away" with the word ANSWER scribbled down underneath.ย
The Batman looked from the card, to the ringing phone. Slowly, carefully his right hand moved to answer, and just as his finger was going to click answer, Colson winced thinking the worst was about to happen.ย
At first, the call was video, with nothing but the white symbol of the Riddler shown. Then, the heavy breathing was heard, almost like a man struggling, or excited with what his was about to do. Then, in the corners and through the shadows, the Batman saw him. The distinct outline of the Riddler, with the mask and glasses.ย
"You came" the distorted, deep, teasing voice of the killer called out.ย
"Who are you?" was all the Bat responded with., glaring at the phone still attached to Colton's hand.ย
"Me? I'm nobody" the Riddler said, still breathing heavily and moving closer and closer to the camera until all you could see was his left masked eye. "I'm just an instrument, here to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city" that wording, it so specific.
"Unmask?" the Dark Knight repeated, mentally raising an eyebrow and trying to unravel the puzzle.ย
"Yes. Let's do it together, okay? I've been trying to reach you. You're part of this, too" once again, the killers tone was portraying that of someone excited, like he was happy to see the Batman here and yearning for what was to come.ย
"How am I part of this?" the vigilante responded, in his head Y/N was even more confused. This puzzle was getting even more complicated, this was Riddlers game, and now Y/N was a main player.ย
"You'll see" was all the Riddler said back with glee. Even now, Riddler was expanding his game, involving anyone and everyone he could. As on the outside, the GCPD had found that the killer was live-streaming the whole event. "Say hello to my followers. We're live. They're here to watch our little trial" the Riddler now sat down, more casual, the game master. "At the moment, the man across from you, Mister Colson... is dead! But! Wait a minute, I--" before Riddler could finish, Colson once again tried to plea for his life.
"Jesus, can we get somebody out here, this psycho's gonna kill me!"he spoke quickly and panicked.ย
"SHUT UP" the Riddler roared getting up and standing right in front of the camera. "YOU DESERVE TO BE DEAD AFTER WHAT YOU DID! YOU! HEAR ME?!" he shouted, causing Colson to back down like an animal.ย
The normally calm District Attorney looked down and tried to hide away his tears. "Okay, okay" he said lowly backing down.ย
Then, the Riddler let out an overly long groan which turned into magical laughter. Switching emotions in near seconds. "I'm giving you a chance. No one ever gave me a chance" he said calmly, once again switching. "Ever since I was a child, I've always loved little puzzles. For me, they were a retreat from the horrors of our world. Maybe they can bring some comfort to you, too, Mister Colson" this was all a game.ย
"You want me to do puzzles?" Colson asked sicklily, looking confused and distraught.ย
"Four Riddles" the killer confirmed. "In two minutes, you give me the answers,ย and I'll give you the code for the lock. Do you understand?"he asked getting closer, and closer to the camera.ย
"Okay. Okay. Okay, so I just, um, you want me to--" Colson tried to say, pacing around the area trying to think of a way out of this. But the District Attorney's thoughts were quickly thrown off course as a loud buzzing ย sound echoed from the collar and a ticking noise was then heard.ย
"Riddler Number One!" Riddler began as Colson brought the phone to his face and tried to focus. "It can be harsh, a virtue unbound. Yet when refused, chaos is found" he finished, causing Colson to look down and begin to think, dozens of words running through his head at the same time.ย
The Batman looked down, also in deep thought. All the words adding up together, around 20 seconds and then he found the answer. "Justice" he said.
"Huh?" Colson asked, looking up the vigilante.ย
"The answer's justice" he repeated, his voice low and growly.ย
"J-Justice?" he choked out, looking at the phone praying the vigilante was correct. All the while the ticking was still prevalent in the air.ย
"YES!" the Riddler shouted with glee. "Justice! Andย you were supposed to be an arm of justice in this city, along with the late mayor and police commissioner, were you not, Mister Colson?" the killer scolded like a teacher, causing Colson to cower back.ย
"Of course, of course, of course" the man repeated saying anything to get out of this. Weeping and praying, a shell of a man.ย
"Now, Riddle number two" the mad man said, causing Colson to sharply take in a breath. "Where truths are spun and fates are sealed, where judgment reigns and lies revealed" he stated, sending Colson into a frustrated panic as he began repeating, whispering the riddle back to himself.ย
It took a moment for Y/N to think it over. These Riddles were obviously tied to Colson, tied to his employment.ย
The words spun around in his head, these were how the Riddler perceived the world. Now how would someone ย who sees the whole world as shit view something related to Colson that spins likes?
"A Court" Batman ย answered, causing Colson to look at him panicked. "A Court of Law" he added, cold sweat running down Colsons forehead.ย
"C-c-court of law" he answered, causing Riddler to cheer once again.ย
"Yes, yes, yes" he cheered, waving around like a child. "And it is you who decide the fates of the poor, the abandoned, the desperate in these courts based on your own judgment isn't that right?" he asked, nodding his head the whole time. Colson once again, agreeing, spitting out anything he could just to survive this horrid experience. "Riddle number three" he began again, almost there. "If justice is pure, then let truth preside. What is the cost of your vision denied?" he stated.ย
"Cost?" Colson asked, thinking over what the hell this mad man meant.ย
But to Y/N, this one was more simple. A price, linked to a man who could put away drug dealers and underbosses that could bring down whole criminal enterprises.ย
"The bribes" the Dark Knight whispered, causing the District Attorney to jitter and look up.ย
"Oh god bribes" he said to the screen, but he wasn't getting g the whole picture.ย
"He's askingย how much it costs you to turn your back" the vigilante whispered, but tried to remain calm. The moment he showed any sign of worry or panic, the Riddler wins.ย
"You gotta be kidding me!" Colson pleaded looking at the Batman.ย
"Fifty-eight seconds!" the Riddler roared into the phone.ย
"How much?"
"How much!" the Dark Knight demanded, stepping in front of the D.A, his muscular figure towering over the poor man who could only welp in response.ย
"Ten grand" he chirped out. "Ten Gsย per month, I get a monthly payment! Just not to prosecute certain cases!" he explained, and now all of Gotham knew just how dirty he was. Broadcast for the entire city to see.ย
"What cases?" the dark detective asked further, just what has he let slip through the cracks? Undoing all his work and the GCPDs.ย
"He didn't ask me that! C'mon! Ten grand!" he cried to the phone, and now the Riddler was laughing, genuinely laughing. He found all of this so funny. "That's the answer, I swear to God!"
"Alright! Okay, okay! Don't lose your head, Mister Colson!" the Riddler laughed, moving the phone away and closer as he struggled to hold the device. " Just one more to go before your time runs out. Last riddle:" he smiled behind his green warmer mask. Colson even held a smirk, hoping this ordeal would finally be over.ย "Your justice picks, it does dissect. Reveal to us, which pest you protect?" he finished, the clock kept ticking away.ย
"Pest?" Colson repeated, he knew the answer, but he didn't want to say. Everything would fall apart.ย
"The rat. The informant you all protect, from the Salvatore Maroni Case".
"How do you know about that?" Colson replied to the Dark Knight frightened, bis dirty dealings finally coming to light.ย
"Whats his name?" Y/N pressed.ย
"Twenty Seconds!"ย
"No" was all Colson could say.ย
"He's gonna kill you" the Batman tried to make the man see reason, marching forward and grabbing him by his jacket and bringing him.ย
"I'm a dead manย either way, you're talking to a dead man, okay?" was all Colson could say, his adrenaline and fear spiking as the one dark secret of the city was close to coming to light. "If I go out this way, it's just me, but if I give over that name, I have family, people I love... They'll kill them!" was all he could muster to say.ย
"Who will?" the vigilante sneered.ย
"People are watching!" he tried to whisper.ย
"What people?"
"It's so muchย bigger than you could ever imagine! It's the whole system!" Colson let out, more pieces for the puzzle.ย
But before any other answers could come from the dead man, the voice of the Riddler cut the tension. "Five! Four! Three! Two..."
"I'm so sorry!" was all Colson could say as his final words as the ticking grew more and more intense.ย
"Die!" the Riddler said, no laugh, but he was happy. Another piece of filth wiped from his city, and red light on the collar beamed, as the Batman tried to take a step back. Y/N raised his armoured gauntlets to his face, shielding them as he felt the rising head of the explosion draw in closer and closer. Colson became engulfed in flames as the Batman was sent flying backwards, colliding with chairs and other objects as the whole city watched as one of their dear protectors, came clean, and died for his crimes.ย
Y/Ns whole vision was swimming, a ringing in his ear, his body felt like it had been dragged along a thousand nails. There were voices, echoing in his head a bright light waved in front of him then waved away. The voices got clearer and clearer, but he couldn't quite make out who or where. But the second Y/N had control of his body, he jerked upwards and thrashed about. Throwing the person waving the light away as he found himself surrounded by the GCPD.ย
Another officer tried to grab the Batman, only to be met with s sucker punch to the jaw burying him in the floor and causing other officers to fall back.ย
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Relax, goddammit!" Gordon called out, grabbing the Batmans chest and pinning him to the wall as the officers around them roared and demanded blood. Gordon looked around, hoping everyone would see reason.ย
"You're protecting this guy, Jim?" the Chief Bock asked, the other officers looking to him to get Jim away so they could get at the bat themed vigilante. "He interfered in an active hostage situation. Colson's blood is on his hands" he called out.ย
"Maybe it's on yours" was all Y/N responded with, causing Bock to switch his gaze. Glaring at the Batman.ย
"What'd you say?"ย
"He would rather die than talk" the Dark Knight explained, his eyes not leaving the Chiefs as he breathed out his words. Inside Y/N was burning, anyone could be involved, how high up did this thing really go? "What was he afraid of? You?" he voiced, causing the tension to continue to rise.ย
At first, Bock didn't say anything. And took a few steps forward until he was face to face with the vigilante. Trying his best to muster his courage when faced with the hulking figure that was Gothams Dark Knight. "You son of a bitch" he sneered, looking up at the cowl. "You have any idea what kind of trouble you're in? You could be an accessory to murder"ย
"What are we playing games--?" an officer called out, attempting to grab the ears of the cowl and almost detaching them. As quick as a bullet, Batman turned around, slammed the mans face into his knee almost definitely breaking his nose. Another officer came at him, so in response the Dark Knight simply used his momentum against him and flung him towards other officers.ย
Gordon grabbed Y/N by his shoulders, and slammed him into the wall yet again with great force. Causing the other officers to gather around, ready to tear the vigilante apart. "Back off! Back off!" he called out to the angry mob.ย
"Great! Now I got you on assaulting an officer!" Bock called out.ย
In response Y/N took a step forward, and almost went to unsheathe his axe. His anger boiling over. "You got me on assaulting three!" he growled as Gordon pushed him back again. Getting in the vigilantes face and raising a finger to angrily point at him.ย
"Hey! What's the matter with you?! This isn't the way to do this!" he yelled in Batmans face.ย
"You too now?" he asked back, part of him actually believing for a split second Gordon was on their side. But then he saw it, that little twitch of a cheek, that small hint of letting Y/N know. Play into the act.ย
"Let me handle this, chief. Just give me a minute" he asked, looking back at Bock and then back to the Batman. His grip on the symbol tightening as a sign he was being serious.ย
"You're gonna put yourself on the line for this scumbag, Jim?"
"Just give me a minute! I'll get him to cooperate"ย
There was a few moments of silence, Bock continuing to glare at the vigilante until he succumbed to the demand. "Okay give him the room" he ordered, the officers sighing and muttering under their breath as they began to disperse into the hall. As the last few officers filtered out behind the grated cage like wall, Bock looked back to the duo. "Two minutes" he warned, as he closed the gate door.ย
"Now you listen to me..." Gordon began, shoving a finger in Batmans face with an expression of anger. Before getting closer and closer until they were in whisper distance. "...We gotta get you outta here" he whispered, just low enough for only them to hear.ย
"That'll put a lot of heat on you" the vigilante replied.ย
"Well you punched me in the face" Gordon lightly chucked, knowing he'd regret the suggestion. To which the Batman only nodded. "Take this key. Through that door, hallway to the stairs.." he stated, sneakily masking the key transfer through the wide cape the other outside, glaring officers could not see. "...Wong brought your bike around back, I trust her".
"That doesn't mean a lot right now" he reasoned back.
"Then trust me, to trust her" Gordon begged, Y/N looking into the lieutenants eyes and seeing he was being genuine.ย
"The hell is going on? Hey, hey, hey what's going on?" a voice called out from the cluster of GCPD officers gathered outside. Looking up from Gordon, Batman saw it was the guy who tried to get him to cooperate at the Iceberg Lounge. Key word being tried.ย
His gaze turned from the officer, back to Gordon. "Who's the mustache with the broken nose?" he whisper asked.ย
Gordons gaze also turned, seeing the broken nosed officer. "That's Kenzie. Narcotics" he answered back, confused as to what or why his friend would want to know.ย
"He's one of the guys I got into it with at the Iceberg Lounge" he answered, causing Gordon to look at the vigilante with worry and concern.ย
"What are you saying, Kenzie moonlights for the Penguin?" he asked with freight, the corruption spread so far and deep into the system. Just as Colson said it did.ย
"Or he moonlights as a cop" he suggested, his gaze turning away from Kenzie, who looked at the bulky vigilante with fear in his eyes. Slowly, Gordon turned to look at Kenzie. That's when Y/N played his card, and reeled his fist back;
A blow that sent Gordon tumbling to the floor as the officers cried and cursed.ย
Batman moved quickly, slamming the door behind him and locking it just as more and more officers rammed into the room. Yells and shouts echoed through the GCPD as the Batman ran through the corridors, more and more officer chasing after him.ย
Quickly he ended up at the staircase, and leaped downwards, guns shots ringing across as officers did their best to catch up. Batman landed on a wooden desk, crushing the whole thing and scarring the poor desk clerk half to death. As he got closer and closer to the exit, three officers stood in front of the Batman attempting to block his path. In response, Y/N grit his teeth, and bashed straight through the three officers, sending them scattered to the floor.ย
The cold night air hit Y/N like a shockwave as he burst through the exit door, the echoes of boots and shouts still hot on his heels. Gunfire cracked behind him, the sharp ping of a bullet ricocheting off the metal frame of the doorway spurring him on faster. His tattered cape flared out as he leapt from the stairwell landing, twisting in mid-air to roll into a crouch on the damp asphalt of the alley below.
The Batcycle was waiting, exactly where Gordon said it would be, engine already humming in a low, menacing growl. But there wasn't time to mount up not yet. The police cruisers screeched to a halt at both ends of the alley, engines revving, red-and-blue lights flashing in chaotic bursts that made shadows dance on the walls. Officers spilled out of their vehicles, guns drawn, voices barking orders.
"Hands up! Now!"
Y/N didn't bother responding. His gloved hand moved to his belt, his fingers pressing down hard on a small, recessed button.
Above the cacophony of sirens and shouts, a faint, high-pitched frequency rang out so subtle it was almost imperceptible, but its effect was immediate. From the rooftops, shadows began to shift and coalesce. At first, there were only a few dark shapes fluttering down into the alley, but within seconds, the air was alive with movement of creatures.ย
Dozens of them. Then hundreds.
The swarm poured in like a living tide, a black, writhing cloud that descended on the alley with a deafening chorus of screeches and beating wings. Officers shouted in confusion and fear, flailing their arms as the bats obscured their vision, swooping and diving in a frenzied mass.
"Jesus Christ! What the hell is this?!"
"He's got backup move, MOVE!"
Amid the chaos, Y/N moved like a shadow within a shadow. The bats enveloped him, their sheer density turning him into a phantom, a ghostly silhouette within the storm. He sprinted toward the Batcycle, every step calculated and deliberate, his boots barely making a sound over the pandemonium.
As his hand gripped the handlebars, he vaulted onto the sleek machine in one fluid motion. The engine roared to life, a guttural snarl that cut through the noise like a knife. He twisted the throttle, and the Batcycle shot forward with a burst of speed, tires screeching against the wet pavement.
But this was far from over. The bats began to disperse, revealing the officers still scrambling to regain their bearings. One cruiser managed to pull out of the chaos, its headlights locking onto the fleeing vigilante.
"There! He's on the bike pursue! All units, pursue!"
Y/N didn't look back as he tore out of the alley and onto the main street. The city blurred around him, neon lights streaking past as the Batcycle weaved through traffic with surgical precision. Behind him, the wail of sirens grew louder as more cruisers joined the chase, their lights flashing in a relentless pursuit.
He reached down to the console embedded in the Batcycle's dashboard, flipping a switch. The device that had summoned the bats emitted a new signal, one that turned the scattered swarm into a coordinated force. The bats regrouped, swarming down the street like a rolling tide of darkness. They blanketed the streetlights, plunging the area into near-total darkness, their movements erratic almost not obeying the signal of the device. But they did, it worked.ย
The pursuing officers cursed as their vision was obscured. One cruiser swerved hard to avoid a collision with an oncoming car, its tires skidding out of control. Another slammed into a lamppost, the impact sending a shower of sparks into the air.
In the confusion, Y/N veered sharply into a narrow side street, leaning low over the handlebars as the Batcycle carved through the tight turn with ease. He skidded down an incline, the sound of his tires echoing off the alley walls.
Behind him, the remaining cruisers plowed forward blindly, chasing after the swarm of bats that now filled the intersection. The officers inside didn't notice the absence of their true target, their focus consumed.ย
The Batcycle roared as it emerged onto a quieter street, the chaos fading into the distance behind him. The bats would scatter soon enough, leaving the GCPD chasing shadows while he disappeared into the night.
He pressed another button on the console, and the frequency emitted by the device fell silent. The bats began to disperse, their work done. Y/N turned down another side street, then another, weaving through Gotham's labyrinthine back alleys until the city's noise became a faint hum.
The device burst with sparks, the whole thing was fried. But it worked, the device actually worked.ย
But there was still work to be done.ย
The Night was Still Young.ย
The signal, the warning, shined into the night as the Batman waited. Rain pouring down around him but he waited. He heard it, the clicking and clanging of the elevator as it turned itself upwards.ย
"Could've at least pulled that punch, man" Gordon complained, wiping his still stinging face as he walked up to join his Bat ally.ย
"I did" was all he responded with, turning to look at the lieutenant.ย
"Bock put out an APB on you. You really think he's in on this?" he sighed with stressed eyebrows, part of Gordon really didn't want to believe this was happening. But it was, everything he believed it, was crumbling down.ย
"I don't trust any of them" Y/N breathed out, looking out towards the city. Even that one Gordon mentioned, no one could be trusted. Was this all part of their plan? "Do you?"ย
"No, I-"Gordon tried to find his voice, so many names whizzed past his brain at once. Just who could he trust? "A few" he finally spoke. "Wong, Montoya, hell even Bullock, they're all good officers" he voiced. "But you, with this info, this case, I only trust you" he finished with strained breath.ย
"What's a narcotics cop doing with Falcone's right-hand man?" the Bat pondered.ย
"Colson said cops protect the rat. Maybe Kenzie's part of it?" Gordon suggested, both of them bouncing ideas off of the other.ย
"You think Penguin's the rat?" the Batman shot back, the clues were drawing together. Everything did seem to fit, the dots slowly connecting the web did seem to lead back to Oz, but he couldn't be behind this, could he?
Y/N knew Oz, he knew his brothers. There was no way he was this mastermind behind this massive scheme, controlling all of Gotham. But then again, he had to look after his mother. And controlling the city would mean he'd be able to provide for her pretty much anything she'd want.ย
"His club caters to the mob. Maroni practically lived there" Jim pointed out, he too sallowly connecting the dots. "Penguin would've been privy to a lot of dirt. D.A was a regular, too!ย Maybe Penguin got himself into a jam and working a deal was his only way out" he suggested, it all seem to fit. The right man, the right motive, acting as a second in command only top the real mastermind behind everything.ย
"The Rata Allada" Y/N breathed out, causing Gordin to look at him confused.ย
"The what?" he asked confused.ย
"Riddler's latest. The cipher in the maze. It means "rat with wings", like a stool pigeon" he explained, and even Gordon made that connection.ย
"A penguin's got wings, too"ย
"Time for me to have another conversation with him", the Batman would get all the answers he needed. Y/N? If he went Oz wouldn't spill anything, he'd joke around, offer drinks and the moment Y/N showed he knew about Oz's dirty dealings he try and have him killed. But the Batman? He would get answers.ย
"What about the Riddler? He's gonna kill again" Gordon asked concerned, it was true, he could strike again. But this was a risk they were gonna have to take.ย
"It's all connected" he stated, looking out over the city, in his brain Y/N created dots in an attempt to link all of this together. To try and formulate some kind of notion to how deep the mould of corruption spread. "Like it or not, it's his game now. We wanna find Riddler, we gotta find that rat" he finished, nodding causing Gordon to nod along.ย
Both men looked at each other, the night was still young. And there were only so many places a Penguin could go.ย
The duo stalked the Penguin to the Iceberg Lounge, where he normally lurked. He hadn't come out for hours, until there was movement.ย
"Kenzie and the Twins coming your way" Gordon called out to his Bat partner over the radio, both were hunched in their positions. Gordon in his police issued cruiser, and Y/N, well, he was in his own cruiser.ย
"There's Penguin" Y/N radioed back, watching with narrowed eyes.
"I wonder what's in the bags" the lieutenant pondered, seeing someone he used to trust taking orders from Penguin like a lapdog. "Do you wanna move in?"
"No, let's follow"ย
And so they did, Penguin and his little convey journeyed deep through Gotham. Unknowingly being stalked by two detectives. Soon enough, Penguin came to a stop near the waterfront. A weathered sign read 'Gotham Recycling A Renewal Corp', and then more men sprang from inside the crumbling building.ย
Batman and Gordon looked on from their individual spots, Y/N had parked the car around back. He ran several scenarios in his head, majority of them had Penguin trying to make a run for it. He'd need his own transportation. But he made his way to the rooftop, glaring down at Oz as he journeyed inside with a smug grin. Following from outside, and looking in through the skyline windows, Y/N saw it. Drops, being produced like clockwork, Penguin laughing as he picked up a few bags. People working around the clock, inspecting vials, chemicals lining up the tables.ย
"It's a drug lab, drops, this is a pick up" Batman relied to Gordon, who like his partner couldn't believe a thing.ย
"Looks like they got Maroni's operation up and running again" Jim called back.ย
"Or they never shut it down at all"
"What are you saying? The biggest drug bust in GCPD history was a fraud?" more lies, more lies spread by whoever was controlling all of this. Parts of the GCPD weren't about putting the criminals away, but just using their equipment elsewhere. Repurposing crime.ย
But then Y/N spotted something, out of the corner of his eye. A light, a dim light shining from an incoming motorbike. Pulling up sneakily, the owner disembarked, and put her helmet away as she tangled a chain whip around her wrist.ย
Y/N thought to himself, what was she doing here? She couldn't be here. But she was, and she had already taken out one of the Trigger Twins by choking him out with her whip while the other approached her.ย
"This just got complicated" Y/N said out loud, to himself, and to Gordon. The lieutenant asked back for confirmation, but heard nothing as Y/N went to confront the Cat burglar.ย
Selina grappled the other twin from behind, pressing her knee into his back and forcing the chain deeper into his throat. Soon enough, all the breath was forced from his body. The thief made her way through the car park, breathing heavily and hiding behind a car as she peaked to see if anyone was looking in this direction. With the coast clear, Selina went to work. Picking the lock of the trunk and silently opening it and peaking inside, bags of money. Thousands of dollars.
"Dangerous crowd you're stealing from" a voice called out from behind Selina, causing her to turn in shock and ready to strike only to see it was her friend.ย
"Jesus. Is this how you get your kicks, hon?" she asked, checking more and more of the bags, smiling at the money. "Sneaking up on girls in the dark?"ย
"Is that why you work in the club? It was all just a score?"
"You know, I would love to sit and go over every gory detail with you, bat boy" she grunted, closing up one bag and throwing it aside to check another. A heavier, bigger bag buried underneath the money. "Those assholes are coming back--" as Selina opened the bag, her whole body went into shock, Y/N looked down. It was Annika, dead, her eyes lifeless and dried blood trailing down her lip. Selina looked down, her lip quivering as tears welled up in her eyes.ย
But before she could have time to mourn, guns shots flew past the Bat and the Cat as they were spotted. Oz firing up spray of gunfire from his uzi as his men piled out. Y/N pushed Selina back to cover, pulling a vanishing act as Penguin stalked closer and closer.ย
"Jesus" Gordon swore, hitting the gas and launching his car forward to act as a distraction. He fired off a few shots to get their attention, to which Kenzie and the rest of the goons moved forward to return fire cornering Jim. Penguin on the other hand, moved forward to where he believed Batman hid for cover.ย
"Hey, Vengeance!" he called out, firing out another trail of gunfire causing Selina to panic and breath heavily. The gansgter getting closer and closer. "You think you can come after my money, huh?!" Oz scoffed getting closer and closer. Just as Oz was about to peak around the corner, a sound, cutting through the air like thunder.ย
Everyone turned their heads to gap nearby in between the waterfront buildings. A loud piecing noise like an engine roaring to life, a mechanical creature that had finally had life breathed into it. Blue flames erupted from the exhaust giving the onlookers a small glimpse of the vehicle that got closer and closer.ย
Oz grit his teeth, his men around him filling with fear while he stood his ground as rain and lightning clashed around him.ย
The car screeched closer, and closer. blue and red flames clashing from the dark disturbed vehicle.
It edged closer and closer. The engine growled low and guttural, like a predator sizing up its prey. Soon enough, as it roared again, Penguin moved and Selina rolled out of the way.
"Kenzie, get the money!" Oz called to his goon, who went into action. But Oz, so panicked and full of fear grabbed his own bags and booked it.ย
"Hey! What the--?!" the Detective asked, seeing his ride drive away as Gordon continued to suppress fire. Kenzie was knocked on his ass by Selina, who swerved on her motorcycle, and picked up two bags of money. And got the hell out of there.
Just in time for her to see it, the other thing that soaked up so much of Y/Ns time and money. Being held together by screws, welding, nuts and bolts. Parts scavenged from junkyards,ย
The Batmobileย
Edit Made Byย KN1GHTFALLย
The chase was on.
The Batmobile roared after him, cutting through the rain-soaked night. Its tires screamed against the ground as it surged forward, closing the gap with terrifying speed. Oz weaved through traffic, his knuckles white as he gripped the wheel, glancing back in terror.
"C'mon, c'mon!" he growled, his voice trembling.
Behind him, the Batmobile was relentless. Its monstrous form devoured the ground, tires tearing through the wet streets with unstoppable ferocity. Cars veered off the road as the two machines barreled through, their engines a cacophony of snarls and roars. The rain and wind howled, the sound mingling with the screech of metal and the occasional crack of thunder.
Oz swerved hard, narrowly avoiding a semi-truck. His tires slipped for a fraction of a second, sending his car sliding toward a row of parked vehicles, but he jerked the wheel and pulled back onto the road.
But the Batmobile was relentless. It tore through the chaos without hesitation, its headlights slicing through the darkness like blades. The front grille, jagged and predatory, seemed to snarl as the machine pursued him. It wasn't just a car. It was a symbol a predator on the hunt.
Y/N pressed down on the peddle, he could feel the whole car shake. Pushing the machine to its limit, it needed to hold.ย
Oz veered onto the freeway, thinking he could lose him in the traffic. Cars honked and skidded as the two vehicles roared onto the busy highway. He swerved wildly, his tires spraying water across the lanes as he dodged between cars. But the Batmobile followed, unwavering, its engine howling louder with each passing second.
"This guy's crazy!" Oz shouted, his voice cracking. He glanced in the rearview mirror again, and his stomach churned. The Batmobile was still there, closer than ever, its headlights gleaming like the eyes of a demon.
Then came the most terrifying sound of all a guttural, mechanical snarl as the Batmobile surged forward, flames spitting from its exhaust. It lunged like a beast pouncing on its prey, ramming the back of Cobblepot's car.
"Son of aโ!" Oz yelled, jerking the wheel as his car skidded violently.
Oz spotted an opening and took it, swerving hard into an off-ramp. He gritted his teeth as his car scraped against the guardrail, sparks flying, but he managed to stay on course.
But the Batmobile didn't back off. It followed him onto the ramp, its massive tires gripping the asphalt like claws. Another burst of flame erupted from its exhaust, and the beast lunged forward again.
"No! No, no, no!" Oz screamed, slamming the accelerator as hard as he could. His car shot forward, weaving through traffic, but the Batmobile was faster, more precise.
The freeway turned into chaos. Cars skidded and crashed as the two vehicles tore through, their engines screaming. Oz swerved between lanes, his breath ragged and his heart pounding. He could feel the Batmobile's presence like a shadow looming over him, relentless and inescapable.
And then, the moment of truth. Ahead of them, a semi-truck jackknifed, its trailer blocking almost the entire freeway. Oz's eyes widened in horror.
There was no time to think. He swerved hard, his car skimming the edge of the trailer as it barely squeezed through the gap. He laughed breathlessly, a manic, almost unhinged sound. "got you! I got you!" he laughed, smacking the wheel. "Take that, you friggin psycho! I got YOU!"
Bu the Batmobile didn't stop. It didn't slow down. It tore straight toward the trailer, and for a split second, it seemed like madness. But then, with an explosive burst of flame, the Batmobile launched into the air.
Oz watched in stunned disbelief as the black beast soared over the wreckage, its frame silhouetted against the fiery glow of the explosion. The rain seemed to freeze in midair as the Batmobile landed with a thunderous crash, its tires screeching as it roared back to life.
It launched itself straight into Penguins car, sending rolling along the road instantly like it had been with a super sonic blow. Rolling along, shrapnel flying off as Penguin felt his face smash into the radio. His vision blurred, ant the next thing Oz Cobb knew, he was upside down. Flames erupting in the distance, the Batmobile parked.
The Batman emerged from it, a pure creature of the night. The flames raging behind him. For the first time he saw the Penguin saw him, really saw the Batman.ย
And he was afraid.ย
Author's Note
And we're back, another chapter done and dusted. I do hope you enjoyed, took a while, Christmas, New Years Essays, other stories. But I really wanted to refine parts of this chapter, sort of some big moments from the movie and original so wanted to make them as good as I possibly could. Mainly the opening, and the bike and car scenes. Pretty sure those are my highlights, lots of detail and words and shit. Also those riddles, wanted to change those, because I could lolย
Big Deathstroke cameo, hope you all liked that. Thought about having Y/N be trained by the League of Assassins, but then this is supposed to be different Batman. So trained to take them out worked.ย
I did change the GCPD escape, yeah I stole it from Year One. I thought it would give it more of a comic book feel, and be a big change for you readers.
Once again, thank you toย KN1GHTFALLย for the Batmobile edit, thank you so muchย
Also yes, the name of this chapter is a reference to Lord of the Rings ย
What was your favourite part of the chapter?
Please check out my other stories
Hope You Enjoyed
Have a Nice Morning/Day/Evening/Night
See You Next Time
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