a truce, a drink, and a new deal
ATHENA ROLLS HER EYES AT THE SOUND OF THE BLARING MUSIC COMING FROM INSIDE ALARIC'S APARTMENT. She jiggles the doorknob for a minute, gritting her teeth as she clenches her fist around it and busts the lock. When the door swings open, she stops short at the sight of the doppelgänger standing before her.
Katherine drops her arm down, a bourbon bottle hanging from her palm. "Ugh, it's you,"
"I thought I smelled a backstabbing bitch nearby, but I figured it was just Elena," Athena tilts her head with a smirk. "You know, when I found out Klaus got you out of the tomb, I figured he couldn't stop himself from killing you the second you opened your mouth."
Katherine simpers, rolling her eyes as Athena steps into the apartment, shutting the door behind her. "Sorry to disappoint, he's just decided to keep me locked in this dingy apartment, compelled to hell and back."
"What a shame," Athena drawls, looking around the mess strewn about Alaric's apartment. "Are thousand-year-old hybrids always this messy?"
"Men aren't capable of evolution, no matter how long they live," Katherine rolls her eyes, taking another swig off of the bourbon. "Why did you come here, Athena?"
"I needed to speak to Klaus," She hums, eyes flickering to the vampire. "And Elijah."
Katherine raises a brow, a smirk growing on her face. "Are you planning something devious?"
"Not devious, just planning," She shrugs. "We have an Original problem and I need it taken care of."
Katherine scoffs. "You can't double-cross Klaus, trust me. I tried, and look where it got me,"
"A sad, drunk, prisoner with the audacity to be smug," Athena clasps her hands together, uncaring of the glare Katherine gives her. "I'm not stupid enough to try and go behind Klaus's back, I actually need his help."
Katherine's eyes widen and she steps behind the counter as Athena takes a seat at it. "If you go to Klaus for help, that means you'll owe him a debt, and he will cash in at the worst possible time."
"It's worth it."
The vampire narrows her eyes, looking at Athena curiously. "Care to entertain a poor prisoner with some gossip?"
"I'd love to tell you, but I know you don't give a damn and I'm really not in the mood to deal with your inevitable backstabbing," Athena rolls her eyes and stands, heading for the door.
Athena stops short, looking over her shoulder at Katherine. "I– I won't backstab you. I've been locked up in this apartment for days and I'm losing my mind. And it's not like I can even leave, so I have no way to stir the pot. I just want to know."
The goddess raises a strong brow and sighs as she walks back to the counter, sliding into the seat before Katherine. "Stefan has been compelled by an Original. Finn, the oldest."
Katherine's eyes widened. "Finn? I thought he was–"
"Daggered? Yeah, so did we. But Elijah and I talked it out, and we think that Finn has been undaggered for quite some time in order to do this."
"What's Stefan been compelled to do?"
"Protect Elena at all costs, even against Klaus."
Katherine's face falls in disbelief and she shakes her head, a slight, humorless laugh leaving her lips. "You're kidding. God, no wonder you're so desperate!"
"Right, right," She holds her hands up in surrender, still smiling slightly. "What's your plan?"
Athena huffs, pointing a finger accusingly at Katherine. "Nice try. I can't have you twisting my words and telling Klaus some wild plan I have to go behind his back or something."
Katherine seems to contemplate arguing with her words, but she quickly stops and rolls her eyes. "You're smarter than you look, you know that?"
"Don't lie to yourself Katherine, I look like I walked out of an Ivy League every day of the week,"
"It's a miracle you don't choke on your ego, Athena,"
The goddess huffs a laugh, not taking her words to heart in the slightest. "Have you ever wondered what it's like to have a conversation with yourself, Katherine? You are the most selfish, self-centered, egotistical person I've ever met, and I know Damon Salvatore. It's a shame, really, because if you hadn't spent so much time trying to ruin my relationship and get rid of me, we'd probably be friends."
"I don't have friends," Katherine clenches her jaw, looking at the girl irritatedly. "And I don't need them, because having emotional connections makes you weak. If I hadn't lost everyone and everything and realized I was better off alone, I would've died 500 years ago. Little tip for your looming immortality, Athena, no one will stay with you forever. One day you'll look back and wonder how you ended up all alone, and you'll regret not ditching them first."
Athena narrows her eyes, looking at Katherine's defensive position. "The thing is, Katherine, you didn't have a choice. Klaus killed your entire family and forced you to run, he forced you to become this strong-willed, bitter woman who made it her eternal mission to make people as lonely and miserable as you are on the inside."
She takes a step towards Katherine, ignoring the way the vampire's hands clench angrily from where they rest on the counter. "You became a vampire and thought every bit of your humanity was gone, but it's still there, Katherine. One day you will have to face the true consequences of your actions and you'll wish you had one true friend at your side to help you carry the crippling guilt you feel. But you'll wake up alone and go to sleep alone because you have hurt everyone that's ever cared about you– and eventually, you'll die all alone, too."
Athena quirked a brow at Katherine, tapping a spot on the counter before the woman. "You have spent 500 years making yourself out to be a heartless monster and it has consumed you. And you know how I know that? Because nobody believes you can get better, including yourself."
Katherine clenches her jaw and blinks rapidly at Athena, her fingers digging into the counters. "Get away from me,"
"Of course," Athena smiles slightly, tilting her head as she observes the vampire. She twists her wrist slightly and a glass vial appears in her hand, clear liquid sloshing inside it. "For any future troubles."
Katherine's brows furrow and she hesitantly reaches for the bottle in Athena's hand, her dark eyes filled with confusion. "Vervain?"
Athena nods once and drops the bottle in her hand, turning on her heel quickly and heading for the front door.
Katherine's voice stops her like it had moments ago, though this time there's less desperation in it.
"Why would you give me this?"
"Call it a truce," Athena says simply. "Or pity."
The door shuts behind Athena and Katherine is encased in silence once more, looking at the vial in her hand with a paralyzing feeling in her chest she couldn't put a name to.
"I'm going to strangle Klaus the second I meet him, I swear to god,"
Athena paces before Jenna as the strawberry blonde tries to keep her tears at bay, ignoring Elena's presence nearby. "Seriously, why did he have to instigate this further?"
Stefan shakes his head, sighing. "I don't know. Hasn't Elijah told him about Finn?"
"I haven't heard from Elijah since the dance," Athena shakes her head, biting the inside of her cheek at the thought of the silence from the Original. "I tried to go find him today, but all I got was Katherine."
Stefan's gaze flashes with sudden concern. "Katherine? What did she say to you?"
"Not a whole lot, surprisingly. But I offered an olive branch in hopes that Klaus won't kill her as soon as he's back in his body."
Jenna shakes her head, a small scoff leaving her lips that catches Athena's attention.
"What now?"
"I just– this is all so normal to you and I had no idea. You're kids for god's sake! Shouldn't you be more worried about prom– or college? Six hours ago, I was stressed about my final exam and now there's vampires and doppelgängers, and werewolves–"
"And you're so shocked and betrayed that Elena never told you because she likes to act like she has any role in this life besides being a constant pain in my ass," Athena interrupts her, smiling bitterly at the two girls on the couch. "I like you, Jenna, which is shocking considering your relatives. But I don't have time to coddle you and tell you it's all gonna be okay. People are going to die if I don't handle this shit show, and I can't do that when you're crying on my couch."
Jenna looks at Athena in shock for a moment before she takes a deep breath and nods, clasping her hands in her lap silently. Athena sighs in relief, turning back to Stefan. "I need to find Klaus or Elijah because we need to handle this shit show before the ritual. The full moon is tonight and that means Klaus is going to be dead set on finding Elena, which means you're going to be in full protection mode."
Stefan sighs apologetically and she waves him off. "It's alright, it's getting handled. But you need to stay here with them because Klaus has to do the ritual in his own body which means he can't get in here anymore. This will be the safest place for them until I talk to him, alright?"
The vampire nods, and Athena leans forward, kissing his cheek. "Just stay here, and text me if Klaus shows up,"
Athena steps around him but suddenly stops at the sight of Alaric standing in front of Damon. Her eyes widen and she raises her hands defensively, her daggers appearing in her clenched fists. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Don't! Don't–" Alaric holds his hands up in defense, his eyes wide with fear. "It's me, it's Ric. I promise Klaus is back in his own body. Don't stab me, please."
Jenna stands from the couch, looking at him warily. "How can we know it's really you?"
"Okay, um," Alaric stutters for a minute before sighing. "The first night you and I spent together? Jeremy walked in right when I was about to–"
"Okay!" Jenna cuts him off, her cheeks flaring. "It's him."
Athena drops her hands, gritting her teeth as she avidly ignores Damon's presence. "Why did Klaus let you go?"
"He wanted me to deliver a message," Alaric's eyes fill with a sudden grim reality. "The sacrifice is happening tonight, no matter what. He's prepared for collateral damage."
"Shit, okay," Athena sighs, grabbing her purse and car keys from a stuffed chair near the hall. "I have to find him immediately, and all of you idiots need to stay in one place, or else Klaus will have a better chance of killing us all."
Damon clears his throat, hesitantly meeting Athena's sudden glare on him. "Klaus is dangerous, don't you think someone should go with you to find–"
"Save the concern for someone else, asshole," Athena scoffs and rolls her eyes.
Athena disappears down the hallway and out the front door, slamming it shut behind her. Alaric winces at the noise and looks at Damon confusedly. "Jeez, what'd you do to her?"
Damon throws his head back, hiding his wince. "I don't wanna talk about it,"
"Caroline, why the hell aren't you answering your phone? Seriously, you need to get to Stefan's and stay there. Klaus is back in his body and you're in danger," Athena sighed as she left yet another voicemail on Caroline's phone, dread seeping into her at her trailing thoughts on why Caroline could possibly be ignoring her.
She shoved Alaric's apartment door open again, her eyes flickering over the space briefly before she saw Katherine poke her head out from the hallway and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the goddess. "Klaus is going to be back soon, he won't be happy you're in here."
"Well, I'm not happy he used my history teacher's body to parade around town and kill one of my friends, so he can suck it," Athena rolled her eyes as Katherine slowly approached, dropping down onto the couch and adjusting her dress.
"Listen, Athena, you should know that Klaus is going to complete the ritual tonight. He's been planning this for too long to make mistakes now, and I don't know if this will help at all–"
"Spit it out, Katherine,"
"He has Caroline and he's going to use her for the ritual tonight,"
Athena's eyes widen and she inhales sharply, her fingers curling around the hem of her dress as she takes in Katherine's words. "Oh, my god. I– I have to find her, do– do you know where he's holding her?"
"In some of the old ruins by the tomb, I think. I don't know. He might have her somewhere else,"
Athena curses beneath her breath and stands, her frantic movements suddenly stopping as she hears the doorknob rattle loosely, worn from her strength.
Katherine's eyes widen and she stands deathly still, eyes flickering worriedly to Athena. She watches as the goddess quickly flushes all sense of panic from her gaze and straightens her spine, rolling her shoulders back with a shade of practiced confidence.
Her lips flattened into a glare and her dark brows furrowed, the curves of her face sharpened by the scar on her cheek.
Katherine hurries to a chair, sitting sullenly as Klaus steps into the apartment and raises his gaze, already on the defensive. He stops at the sight of Athena, who simply quirks a brow that he mirrors.
A smirk crosses his charming features and he points a finger at her, blue eyes scanning her up and down. "I remember you from the dance. Athena, right? Lovely name."
"My father's got a sense of humor," Athena states, her words incidentally making Katherine smirk to herself. "It's nice to finally put the real face to the name, Klaus."
"It is such a lovely face, isn't it?" Klaus smirks, stroking his own ego, and the two girls resist a mutual eye roll. "Now, I am curious as to why you're here, because I don't think that you're going to plead for Elena's life due to your obvious disdain for her. But that means you want something else, so,"
He waves at her, approaching slowly. "What is it?"
Athena sits back down on the couch, crossing her legs. She meets Klaus's gaze once more, seeing the curiosity and slight irritation in them. "I want you to kill your brother,"
Klaus's eyes widen, but he huffs a small laugh, shaking his head. "I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but Elijah is–"
"Not Elijah," Athena cuts him off. "Finn."
Klaus's brows furrow and his amusement dissipates in a blink. "Finn is daggered and subsequently indisposed. I don't know what stories you've been told, but Elijah is the only one of my siblings to see this century."
"When did you dagger Finn?"
"Nearly 900 years ago," Klaus's answer shocked her, and her dark eyes flickered to Katherine, who shrugged from her position behind Klaus's frame. "He never liked what we were, and he thought me a monster. I simply put him out of his misery."
Athena swallows, her hand resting on her knee. "When was the last time you saw Finn?"
"The answer remains the same, he's been daggered for quite some time, Athena."
"So you haven't checked to make sure no one else tracked his body down and undaggered him, which means he had every means to get to Stefan and compel him,"
Klaus's eyes narrow and he takes a seat across from Athena. "What exactly makes you think that Finn compelled Stefan?"
"Because he's been compelled to protect Elena Gilbert from anyone that tries to cause her harm, including you," She points at him, watching irritation flicker in his gaze. "And from what Elijah told me, Finn and your mother had it out for you. So, your mom made the curse and a few centuries later, Finn doubles down and does his best to make sure you won't be able to kill the doppelgänger."
"I must admit," Klaus huffs a humorless laugh, his icy eyes flooded with anger. "It's very probable that my family worked against me in such a way. But nothing is going to stop me from killing the doppelgänger and breaking my curse, not even Stefan Salvatore."
"I will," Athena states, watching him regard her statement with amusement. "I will stop you, and then I will kill Elena myself. No doppelgänger, no ritual, no hybrids."
Klaus leans forward, narrowing his eyes at her. "And what makes you think that you could stop me?"
Athena mirrors his stance, gritting her teeth. "I am ten times more powerful than you Klaus, and I can either use it to help you, or I can become your worst nightmare. You've spent a thousand years trying to do this ritual and I'm not going to wait another thousand years for you to get your shit together again, so either you help me find Finn and kill him, or I make your soul purpose in life completely meaningless."
Klaus clenched his jaw, his icy eyes unwaveringly glaring into her nearly-black ones. Katherine's eyes bounce back and forth between them, her fingers wringing in her lap as the silence grows tense.
Suddenly, the Original clears his throat and sits up, his smirk coming back onto his features as if it'd never left. "Fine. I will find my brother and kill him, but you have to do something for me in return,"
"Like what?"
He crosses his arms over his chest, his smirk widening. "You're going to help me kill Elena Gilbert, even if it means putting your little boyfriend down, too."
Athena clenches her jaw but nods in agreement. She doesn't have any options left.
author's note; filler chapter but there's gonna be so much chaos coming up I had to get Athena and Klaus's meeting and shit out of the way </3 also Athena's about to get like,, "evil" but are we really surprised? just uh. realize she's doing all of this for the greater good. which is everyone she likes alive, and Elena dead :)
originally published; 3.9.21.
edited: 12.4.23.
- liz
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