"One caramel macchiato to go, please."
The kind lady working the café register gives Jungkook a polite smile as he hands her the money for the coffee. His hands slide into the pockets of his brown coat as he moves aside to make way for the other people standing behind him in the queue. The wonderful smell of fresh ground coffee hits his nose, and he anticipates having a warm cup in his hands and feeling the euphoric sensation of the first sip. After a long and stressful day working as a webtoon artist, he longs for a warm drink, and a caramel macchiato is just perfect for that.
A friendly smile creeps onto his lips, and he thanks the barista who hands him his hot coffee, wishing him a good day. This is what he enjoys about this café; The staff are friendly here, and with it being a small, familiar place, they can take the time to make these polite gestures to positively influence your day. So far, he has only visited it a few times, but he has never been disappointed.
Jungkook heads outside and makes his way home. With the sun long vanished, the sky already turning gray, reminds him of the dark sky he illustrated a week ago. Looking up at the clouds, they are just like in his own drawings. Rain clouds, heavy with water waiting to fall. His gaze strays to the tree in front of him, two squirrels running up and down, round and round. Leaves have fallen to the floor around the tree as the evening weather turns colder.
Lost in thought, he takes the last sip of his coffee and throws the empty cup into the nearest waste bin. He buries his hands deeper in the warmth of his coat pockets and hums a tune that has been stuck in his head all day. He had the song suggested to him by Spotify when he listened to music while making the finishing touches on a fight scene of two enemies. Listening to music always calmed him even when he was behind on work, and with deadlines coming up faster than he liked, this particular song really hit something in him, and now it's stuck in his mind.
Jungkook's eyebrows furrow, his face morphing into bewilderment as he feels a sudden tug on his jacket. A soft male voice speaks up before he can doubt whether he had only imagined the tug or not.
"E-excuse me... You d-dropped this."
Jungkook turns around, and his gaze automatically falls on the familiar object the person has in his hand and is reaching out towards him. His wallet fell out of his pocket without him noticing. The surprise of the interaction doesn't stop Jungkook from letting his bright golden eyes travel from the wallet and up to the man's face, noticing the marvelous scent of peaches in the air as he takes in what little he can make out of the man's features where he stands with his face facing the ground, hiding. It makes Jungkook knit his eyebrows closer together in confusion while becoming increasingly dazed from the magnificent scent of peaches the longer he stands there. However, the scent catches his attention—Glances of his childhood pop into his mind like muscle memory, the smell of his favorite shampoo, warm lazy mornings, laughter, and hot tea. But the ever-sweet scent holds a tinge of something else too, something sour and different, a contrast to the sweet peach. Is the man sad? Is that what that scent is?
It irks him.
His inner wolf suddenly roars and scratches inside of him. Jungkook is overcome by a wave of worry, the instinct to find out what makes the sweet smell seem off. He watches the man with blonde hair nervously nibble on his plump bottom lip, then he bows when Jungkook gratefully takes his wallet from him. Looking at him, the content of his wallet no longer seems to be the focus of his attention.
It happens more out of instinct that Jungkook reaches out to grab the man's wrist, hindering him from leaving. The pheromones amplify their scents and Jungkook realizes the happy and excited reaction it gives his wolf to be near him as the other stops in his grasp. But the weather seems to not agree with this elation that spreads through Jungkook's chest. As predicted, the heavy clouds finally open up and the water splatters against the ground, creating a symphonic silence inside the pouring rain.
"What's got you sad, dear?"
It sounded endearing in Jungkook's head, but now that he said the words out loud, it might come across less positive than what he intended. It perplexes him why he suddenly cares so much about the scent not being as sweet as it should be. But he somehow cares to the point of wanting to erase all traces of the gloominess from the man in front of him.
The blonde man shrugs his shoulders, eyes still averting Jungkook's golden shimmering eyes. It makes him appear rather timid and sad instead of indifferent. There's an urge suddenly to see the man's eyes.
Jungkook has always heard that when he meets his true mate, he would just immediately know. But he hasn't considered how overwhelming it would be to meet someone for the first time and feel like it isn't the first time at all, no, it feels like you are meeting again.
Mate. Mate. Mate. His wolf keeps chanting.
"It's you, isn't it? My true mate?"
The omega stands there before him, frozen and rooted to the spot, and his golden eyes stare right back at Jungkook. Breath catches in his throat as the world around Jungkook appears to slowly disappear. His eyes trail over the omega's button nose and the plump lip the man keeps biting. Mesmerizing, is the first word that comes into his mind. This beautiful man must be his mate, and Jungkook is damned. He can't take his eyes off him.
An inner turmoil seems to surge through the omega, and his expression suddenly strikes with panic, seemingly void of any other emotion except what he's portraying through his eyes. Jungkook's world comes crashing down within seconds. His heartbeat speeds up and his stomach churns as chills run down his spine. An uneasy feeling builds up when the man speaks up.
"I don't know—I don't know what you're talking about."
It catches Jungkook so off guard that he unconsciously loosens his grip on the other man's wrist, and so the blonde seizes the opportunity and pulls away, biting his lip timidly before he bows and flees from the scene. Jungkook takes too long to realize and catch up with the situation. He just met his true mate and he has fled without being able to ask his name. His wolf howls in disappointment and distress. Was that just a rejection? Jungkook is sure that he did not imagine the golden eyes, his wolf clearly responded. So why did the blonde man say he didn't know what Jungkook was talking about?
Jungkook feels his heart breaking over the blonde's words that keep repeating in his mind. He has been waiting to fall in love and didn't even expect to meet his true mate. Now that he did, he feels crushed and dejected.
The weather also seems to have something against him. The drizzle is getting heavier, soaking his clothes and wetting his brown hair, matching the way he feels. A heavy sigh leaves his lips as he stares, with an empty gaze, at where the omega just stood a minute ago. He has no other choice but to turn around again and go home like he was supposed to, hoping that maybe he'll get the opportunity to meet his true mate in the near future again and find out why he reacted like he did.
That evening, he makes himself a cup of tea when he gets home and goes to bed not much later, wishing things would get better by the dawn of the next day.
Life seems to work in mysterious ways for Jungkook. It appears to be on his side and working in his favor for once. Over the weekend, he had almost forgotten about what happened, pushing the memory back to not be reminded of it.
Coming to work on Monday morning, however, he wasn't expecting to have the head of the recruitment department turn up in his office introducing the shiny new intern for the company, who happened to be none other than the attractive omega from the day before—his true mate.
"Listen, everyone! We have a new intern for the next couple of months. His name is Park Jimin." The cheerful voice of Hanwool from HR filters into the office, motioning to the young student next to him.
A quick flash of a frown flits across Jungkook's face as he's concentrating on the webtoon he's currently working on, only giving it an ear. His concentration is on the drawing in front of him, his eyes glued to the drawing pad. Completely unbothered, he continues to work, the pencil held loosely between his fingers as he draws the clothing of one of his webtoon characters. Blindly, he feels with his other hand for the warm teacup on his desk and takes a sip, nearly spitting the warm liquid.
"Nice to meet you. Please take care of me." There it is again. The velvety voice that haunted Jungkook in his sleep. Jungkook's head snaps up faster than lightning, a horrified expression on his face and his mouth agape, gasping as he sees the blonde omega—Jimin—standing in the doorway. It's as unexpected as snow in May, and his muscles go rigid.
From the desk where Jungkook sits, Jimin appears rather shy and timid. His aura is not giving anything away, just like a calm person would be (no trace of the sadness Jungkook saw the other day), and his blonde hair is parted in the middle and falls to the sides of his face. His cheeks tint slightly pink at the attention he receives. Jimin's outfit, which consists of a gray checked suit jacket and a black turtleneck jumper tucked into high-waisted trousers, also complements his appearance. He gulps heavily, overwhelmed by all the different emotions he feels that make him nauseous. He looks, still, as mesmerizing as the first time he met him.
Jungkook should look away when he watches Jimin, letting his gaze stray over the heads of the office they are in, but he can't. He has been longing for an answer for what has felt like an eternity and now that Jimin is miraculously back in his life and starting an internship in his company, he can't just let this opportunity slip between his fingers again—not until at least some of his questions are answered.
Alert flickers in Jimin's brown eyes when their eyes meet and it takes everything in Jungkook not to get up and approach Jimin. Anxiety and restlessness floods through him. As quickly as their eyes meet, Jimin adverts his gaze, as if he is uncomfortable maintaining eye contact with Jungkook. Not liking how Jimin avoids him, his alpha howls. He'll go crazy if he doesn't resolve this soon.
It is difficult to go back to focusing on work when Jimin eventually leaves the office room. His peach scent has permeated the atmosphere thoroughly, and its intensity is leaving Jungkook with an inner battle. He tries to brush it off and go back to his work, but again and again, he gets distracted by feelings or emerging thoughts. 'What am I supposed to do, if he won't talk to me? How can I figure him out if he runs away at the insinuation of me wanting to have a conversation?'' Similar thoughts occupy his mind. He needed to take a breath outside to clear his mind and maybe come up with a plan to talk to the omega.
After a while, his colleague Hakkun nudges him lightly from the side. He has noticed Jungkook's restless behavior and gestures towards his hair, the question apparent in his eyes. "You good?"
Jungkook realizes he has been pulling his hand through his hair and reaches up to flatten the mess on top of his head. He looks at his co-worker with a questioning and confused expression on his face. Only now does he realize that he must not only look restless, but his pheromones must also have been spreading within the office space. Feeling somewhat guilty, he gazes at his friend with a weak smile and raised eyebrows like he's asking the other what's wrong.
"Are you okay, Jungkook?" He can see the genuine concern reflected in his colleague's face, eyes wide and posture leaning towards him. "You've seemed agitated since the... well, since the new intern was here."
"It's- I don't know..." Jungkook struggles with his inner self, contemplating whether to keep what's going through his mind to himself, or confide it to someone in the hope he wouldn't be seen as crazy. But Hakkun is one of the few co-workers with whom he has a closer relationship. Not only because they are about the same age or work in the same office. They have several things in common and have often gone out in the evenings for food and got to know each other better. He would say that they are good friends.
"What would you say if I say the new intern is my true mate?"
Hakkun's black hair is parted in the middle and shows perfectly his forehead and so as well how his eyebrows draw together, his mouth opening and closing as the alpha looks at Jungkook. He can't blame him for being speechless. Hakkun probably feels no different from how Jungkook felt when Jimin was introduced as a new intern in their office.
"I can't blame you for reacting like this." Jungkook nervously laughs and adds, "I met him last week actually, but he didn't say much when we bumped into each other. He ran off and I thought that was it, but here he is again! What are the odds, right?"
"His scent was so strong, and he barely looked at me when he handed me back my wallet, but I swear he is my true mate. I saw his eyes shine golden. How could I be wrong? Why would my true mate run away from me?"
"First of all, wow." Hakkun exhales and gazes at him with a sparkle of admiration in his dark brown eyes, "Second, your amplified pheromones and the whole tension in the room and everything make sense now."
"Was it that obvious?"
Hakkun shrugs. "Kinda. For me at least, but it might be because I'm sitting close to you. Now, you said he ran away from you?"
"Correct." Jungkook nods and bites his lips in thought. He felt this kind of connection when Jimin stepped into the room, so everything feels so bizarre right now. "I don't know what to do. I want to talk to him and find out why but I don't know how to approach him."
"Hmm, yeah you don't want him running away from you again. He does work here now, right? Why don't you just find him and ask if he wants to grab a coffee?"
"That could work, yeah!" Jungkook says thoughtfully and nods as he thinks of suitable ways to start a conversation in his head. That could really work if he tries to catch Jimin during break time or after work. Ah, but he doesn't know how long Jimin works. "Thanks, Hakkun. I might try that. Wish me luck."
The next day, Jungkook walks with determined steps into the company, entering with his ID badge in his hand, which has his name, photo and what department he works for printed on the front. Holding the card to show the barcode ready for letting the machine scan it before he walks to the lift.
Once inside, he leans against the cool metal wall, a sigh leaving his lips as the doors ping for his floor. He doesn't even know what department Jimin will be in. He doubts that he will work in his department and especially not with him as Jungkook works alone. There's no need for him to work with an intern. That's why he hopes to catch a glance of the pretty omega around lunch break because if he waits until the end of work he might never catch a glance.
The day goes rather slowly in Jungkook's opinion. He goes over the webtoon scenes he's drawn so far, making sure everything flows smoothly. There's no denying that although everything does flow smoothly, his eyes get stuck several times on the clock above the door, waiting impatiently for his break.
Jungkook stretches his arms above his head, shirt flattening against his arms and chest, and he groans. Grabbing his black suit jacket, he gets up.
"I'm going on a coffee run. Does anyone want something from the cafeteria downstairs?"
A couple of his co-workers lift their hands in the air, and a couple of coffee orders are mumbled out.
"A cappuccino and a latte macchiato, got it!"
Jungkook throws his co-workers a soft smile and slips into his suit jacket with a huff, heading to the lift and pressing the down button while he waits. He hides his hands in his trouser pockets and stands patiently, his gaze downwards, waiting for the next lift until it opens with a ding. A wave of delicious peach scent hits his nose, and he instinctively inhales it.
His alpha goes into overdrive as Jungkook notices that Jimin is about to exit when he gets into the lift. With a hesitant but gentle grip around his wrist, he holds the omega back, gets in and presses the floor where the terrace is located. Silence hangs above them. The air is loaded with tension, Jungkook doesn't know how to read. Smelling Jimin's peach scent getting sour, he is reminded of the day they met in the rain, and he lets go of his wrist, thinking it might be best to break the silence now.
"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to scare you, instinct kicked in, and I think my alpha is worried you'll run again. I was hoping to run into you today, we really should talk."
The lift ride is quiet and goes without another word. Jungkook is the first to step out, nervously clenching and unclenching his hands when he stops and looks back to see if Jimin is following. Delight bubbles in his chest when Jimin appears to be, although initially hesitant, fingers fumbling with the hem of his oversized-beige overall and swallowing hard, eventually following, slowly but surely, with a timid posture. Feeling guilty about his previous action, Jungkook bites his lips and hopes it hasn't made the situation worse.
He's usually a gentleman, and omegas usually don't react well when you grab them without warning like that-no one would, but he saw no other choice.
Pushing open the glass door to the lovely planted terrace, and holding it open for Jimin, Jungkook walks until he reaches the railing. His eyes flicker over the modern architecture buildings and briefly to a penthouse building, glass everywhere he looks. Sometimes he wonders if people don't feel lonely living there.
"Why did you run away the other day?"
He turns back and faces the blonde omega, trying to remain calm as he takes in the sight. Jimin visibly jerks up at the sound of Jungkook's voice, probably not having expected him to start speaking.
"You wouldn't-"
His voice sounds soft, almost fragile, as if he had been crying before. Gnawing at his lip, Jimin pauses and pouts as Jungkook speaks up. "I wouldn't understand? This connection between us... Does my scent not have an effect on you? Am I the only one who is affected by this? Maybe I can understand if you try to explain to me what's going on?"
Jungkook swallows hard and takes a step closer, shoulders relaxing when their eyes meet. The omega gasps and Jungkook has to refrain from taking another step closer, completely enchanted by this pretty omega and his scent. "Can you tell me honestly? It felt like a rejection that day, and it gave me no peace. I know we don't know each other, but if you really are my true mate..." Jungkook sighs and continues, "...if you're my true mate, then I'd like to get to know you better. You're quite pretty and very nice, and my alpha won't rest if I don't at least figure out why you rejected me. My instinct is telling me to get closer to you, but I'll accept whatever you deci-"
"It wasn't a rejection."
"It wasn't supposed to feel like a rejection," Jimin mumbles quietly and scrunches his nose, face contorting with guilt. Holding back a smile that's caused by Jimin's cute nose scrunching, Jungkook bites his lip and tries to keep looking into his eyes, tempted to let his gaze wander down to his plump lips.
"It wasn't?"
"No..." Jimin heaves a sigh and takes a step closer, showing he's not feeling uncomfortable. "I'm sorry for reacting like that. That day, I wasn't in my right frame of mind. I got overwhelmed by your sudden question and then panicked. My- ehm my sister died a few years ago and that day would have been her birthday. I just had an awful day."
His heart hurts, listening to his explanation. Jungkook's fingers itch to reach out and pull the omega into his arms, comforting him in any way possible. "I'm sorry to hear that, I understand you now. I think I would have reacted the same. Thank you for telling me, you didn't have to do that but i appreciate it."
Despite the uneasy feeling in his chest, Jungkook stops himself from stepping closer and reaching out. He's got the omega this close and he's afraid to scare him off by crossing any unseen boundaries.
"It's weird, but I have the feeling I can trust you. Thinking back you seemed so genuinely concerned, I just feel bad for acting the way I did that day and to answer your question, I- I do feel how crazy my omega gets when you're near and ehm- what effect your scent has on me. It's quite powerful, I've always liked cinnamon." The omega flushes, cheeks turning red in an instant and Jungkook thinks he's absolutely adorable and he would probably have said something about it if not for the fact that he's busy keeping himself from freaking out because the omega likes his scent. His alpha howls in absolute joy and is not the only one that's smitten. Jungkook wants to smack himself for it. He doesn't even know him, and he's already infatuated; now that he knows he was never rejected.
"Are you thirsty? Would you maybe like to talk some more over coffee, or maybe go out for dinner some time? My treat. I mean, I'd really like to get to know my true mate, and we can take things slow, but I'll leave it up to you."
"I'd like that." The blush on Jimin's cheeks is not letting up, but rather turning into a deeper shade of red. Jungkook grins with amusement blossoming in his chest.
"I'm relieved." Jungkook nods, thinking about booping his button nose. He holds himself back and walks to the glass door to hold it open just like before, when the omega giggles, tugging on his jacket.
"Don't make it a habit to lose your wallet." Jimin giggles and hands Jungkook his wallet, their fingertips brushing, which causes sparks of electricity to emit.
"The sound of your giggling is cute, it reminds me of a beautiful wind chime, the soft beautiful sounds that are so relaxing yet happy." Jungkook can't stop himself from complementing the omega and seeing Jimin's blush that hasn't left his face yet, he knows it was all worth it.
"T-Thank you," Jimin mumbles, he purses his lips and lets them bounce back to their naturally plump state, all while avoiding Jungkook's gaze.
"May I ask, how old are you?"
"23, you?"
"So you're older than me?" Jimin's eyes widen, and he looks a bit puzzled.
"Yeah, it would seem that way, huh." Jungkook states while he rubs the back of his hand on his neck. He feels like he's starting to get somewhere with the omega, even if it's very small baby steps. He knows that Jimin must have been shy, and Jungkook doesn't want to come off as pushy on the first day of meeting, but he wants to know if he's going to make a reservation for the possibility of a meal, rather than coffee in the cafeteria. "So let's go to the cafeteria? Maybe later this week we can go on a date?"
Jimin nods, a beautiful crescent smile grazes his lips. "I'd love that. What's your favorite coffee?"
"I don't drink coffee that often, but if I do, I mostly drink a caramel macchiato."
"Oh, I like caramel macchiato too," Jimin shyly confesses and they finally step through the glass door and towards the elevator. "But my favorite drink is cinnamon tea. It reminds me of fall."
Jungkook chokes on air. Did Jimin just flirt with him? Was that even considered flirting? His alpha wags his tail happily at his words. Risking taking a look at the omega, Jungkook glances at him when they step into the elevator, but it seems like he hasn't the meaning his words could have, or he didn't mean it like that.
"So cinnamon is your favorite spice?" Jungkook asks cheekily.
The omega's face heats up. "I've always really liked cinnamon because it's reminds me of fall and it's my favourite season."
"Hmm, yes. I like when the color of the leaves changes and there are bonfires and hot chocolate. This season also calls for cozy sweaters."
"Can't wait for autumn, then." Jungkook grins and side glances at Jimin, waiting for him to catch on as they step out of the elevator, heading towards the cafeteria.
"So I can see you in cozy sweaters," Jungkook teases. "I bet you'd look so adorable."
Jimin blushes and fiddles with his company ID card, which hangs on a ribbon around his neck. The smaller glances up at Jungkook, causing his heart to flutter. Jungkook never thought he would be so quickly smitten with someone, but Jimin has enchanted him, and he can't wait to find out more about him. "Stop it."
"I'm only telling the truth. Get ready to hear more when we go on dates."
Jungkook can't deny how his heart flutters or the way his alpha preens, and now he can say with certainty that he is not the only one to feel this bond between them. With the first look and smell of his peach scent, a bond had formed between their wolves, and his alpha howled impatiently in delight. Is it too early to say this feels like they are going to be a good match?
The next few days feel very good and Jungkook couldn't be more excited about the date after their conversation or as he also calls it the "getting-to-know-you conversation". He felt that they really needed this time before going on a first date. It gave them both the chance to connect a bit and discover things about the other without being under the pressure of a date. Jungkook got to know that Jimin is studying linguistics and literature at University and is doing an internship in the editing department of their company.
For the first date, Jungkook decided to play it safe (or so he thought). He took Jimin to a cooking class, which quickly turned into a disaster as they were halfway through the class and Jungkook accidentally got flour over Jimin. At first, he thought Jimin would be mad but the shy omega got revenge and things quickly got out of hand. Both laughed and had fun. To say the cooking teacher probably had mixed feelings about it probably sums it up best.
"You should have seen your face earlier," Jimin laughs as they walk along the streets at sunset, slapping Jungkook's arm with one hand, who laughs in response. "You were so surprised when I threw flour back at you. But even better was the grimace from that one contestant."
"I wasn't sure if he didn't want to be involved in the flour fight as well."
"You think so? Thanks, by the way." Jimin's pupils enlarge and appear golden-brown in the last rays of the sun. This may actually be Jungkook's favorite feature of Jimin's, and maybe his round cheeks that look so soft and turn easily red or his pink plush lips that he wants to kiss so badly too. But he has promised himself to wait. He doesn't want to push Jimin and make him uncomfortable.
Jungkook's head snaps up. "Huh? For what?"
"For making this day fun and for being such an amazing alpha."
"Thank you for agreeing to go out with me and for being an amazing omega." Jungkook whispers and leans closer, staring deeply into his eyes. Their hands brush as they walk side by side along the streets. Shy glances are exchanged, and their sweet scents mingle slightly. Would Jimin pull back if he were to grab his hand?
Before he can ask about his thoughts, he carefully and slowly reaches for Jimin's hand, engulfing his hand with his own. Surprisingly, the smaller man doesn't pull his hand back and tightens his grip around Jungkook's hand, gaze flickering to the ground, redness tinting his round cheeks. "You really remembered me saying how I'd love to learn more about baking."
"Of course, I did. What kind of person would be if I didn't remember and make it a first date? We even got wonderful cookies out of it. Wait a moment-"
But Jungkook ignores him, letting go of his hand and jogging a few meters ahead into a shop. It turns out to be a flower shop that Jungkook has spotted. He walks out holding a cute bouquet of pink and red roses and Lilac. Jungkook's heart is pounding madly in his chest as he walks slowly towards Jimin, his hands getting sweaty, and he has to swallow hard. Eyes wander over Jimin's soft features, who looks back in awe. A strand of Jimin's hair falls into his face as the spring wind blows through the streets. Jungkook reaches out almost instinctively and tugs it out of his face.
"These are for you." The omega's mouth opens and closes, eyes widening, reaching for the flower bouquet in Jungkook's hand.
"Jungkook... I- Thank you. You didn't need to buy me flowers-" Jimin stops talking as Jungkook shakes his head and smiles sweetly at him, staring into his eyes with adoration.
"Seeing you smile, it's worth it."
"Are you flirting with me?" The blond-haired man bursts into laughter and leans against Jungkook's chest, who's still standing in front of him.
"You tell me," Jimin boldly says. Before Jungkook can ask what he means by it, Jimin stands on his tiptoes and puts a hand on his shoulder to support himself, placing a kiss on Jungkook's cheek and whispers, "I hope this answers your question."
Needless to say, Jungkook is a blushing mess and boy is he smitten.
He is about to put away his wallet, which he was still holding in his hand, until Jimin speaks up and this attracts his attention, partly taking him back. "Can I ask you a question?"
"The day we met on the street, why were you so desperate to get your wallet back?"
Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek as they continue walking. He contemplates whether to tell Jimin about the reason. He might think it's silly.
"You might think it's weird."
"I won't."
"How do you know?" Jungkook nervously laughs and side glances at Jimin, only to see him already eyeing him with a frown. "Anyway... it's ehm- there's something inside of it which is really valuable to me."
He takes the wallet between his hands and opens it. Jungkook feels tension building up inside him. He has no idea how Jimin will react. Seeing Jimin's gaze linger on his wallet makes him even more nervous, but the omega doesn't appear tense at all, but rather curious with his sweetened scent. Jungkook takes the slightly crumpled paper between his fingers and pulls it out. "This is a drawing I got from my kindergarten best friend. I don't remember a lot since I was pretty young, but my mum always said we were inseparable. Also, do you see this? I drew the sun."
Funny how his name was similar to yours. Mimi.
As soon as Jungkook visibly opens the paper with the drawing, Jimin lets out a soft gasp. His eyes visibly widen in shock and gleam with an emotion Jungkook cannot interpret as his gaze scans over the colorful lines on the paper. There's an orange sun, some circles and what appear to be two people with heads and two legs. Jimin's breath falters and is shaky, his scent slightly burning in Jungkook's throat. "What's wrong?"
Jungkook is more than concerned since the drawing seems to have an effect on the omega, or is he overanalyzing? He can't be wrong, not when tears form in Jimin's eyes. He can't help but try to emit calming pheromones, which is difficult given that he's anything but calm on the inside.
Jungkook's proven correct when Jimin speaks up with a shaky voice, barely audible.
"What did you say?"
"Kookie?" Now Jimin looks up at Jungkook, golden eyes meeting his, and Jungkook feels more than lost, but also shocked at the same time. A mixture of emotions surges through his body as Jimin continues talking and a soft smile plays on his lips. "You've kept my- our drawing all these years?"
"You are-" Jungkook feels speechless. Did he really just say that? Did he hear right? He finds himself opening his mouth, but is unable to say something, no words are coming out. The gorgeous smile that plays over Jimin's lips causes Jungkook's heart to flutter. He's Mimi? His long-lost kindergarten best friend?
Jungkook can't describe how happy he feels. Euphoria settles in him, and he feels like he's close to exploding, so he asks the only logical thing in his mind, hoping Jimin would say yes. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please."
Their lips meet in a slow but deep kiss, moving in a synchronized rhythm. Everything around them fades like they are in their own bubble, pouring all the joyful feelings they feel at that moment. Jimin digs his fingers into Jungkook's jacket, trying to pull him closer. Jungkook can't help but lean back to place his hands under Jimin's arms and spin him around, mindful of other pedestrians. He's just so happy.
"I really can't believe it's you. I can see now that it's you. You still have the same eyes and lips. You're still smaller than me, but what's more important is that fate brought us back together."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed reading this one-shot 😊 I'm really grateful for all your support you guys give and know all your comments and votes (click on the star) are appreciated by every author! It means a lot to us.
Happy New Year to everyone!
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