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Punchline out of curiosity walked into the unkempt and neglected office of the Joker's former lover Harleen Quinzel. The Asian psycho-killer looked at her surroundings and saw posters and newspaper clippings of the Joker plastered onto the dirty walls with red ruby lipstick marks on them no doubt from Harleen herself. Punchline took a few more seconds to peek around Harleen's office and saw some crazy gadgets lying around on the tile floor relatively brand new. She picked a few of the trinkets and toys as she stored them in her purse for safekeeping with a sly smile on her face. Then a soft tune began to play inside the office from a particular music box that had startled her just a bit as the shiny object stood on a flimsy work desk and it was branded in Harley Quinn's signature emblem and colors.
"Quite the beautiful melody is it not, Ms. Kaye?" Dr. Hugo Strange whispered and flashed a toothy wide grin while standing in the doorway.
Alexis took the samurai sword out of her sheath and pointed the sharp point of her weapon toward the chilling yet oddly calm voice. Hugo raised his arms in defense while still grinning like a Cheshire Cat and spoke up.
"Easy there, Ms. Kaye. I'm not looking for a fight here."
"The name's Punchline, Baldie. Remember it next time."
"Right of course. My apologies for the mishap."
Punchline then lowered her samurai sword and put it back into her sheath as she glared daggers at Hugo.
"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be dead already like the rest of your colleagues?"
"Well I was hiding and you are in my office after all," Hugo answered and gestured to the desk nameplate as it read Dr. Hugo Strange Chief Of Psychiatry.
"You took over Harley's office and her position months ago. Yet her stuff remains here still untouched."
"Yes, well, I haven't quite had the time to unpack and organize my belongings just yet. I've been very busy with my work and such."
"Good for you, Four Eyes," Punchline spoke sarcastically.
"I see that you've helped yourself to some of Dr. Quinzel's little toys. Take them for all I care they are useless to me anyway." Hugo spoke up again and began to circle the room with his hands behind his back.
"Not like I need your permission anyway, Strange. Joker and I run this joint now you heard." Alexis talked back.
"Ah, yes. You and the Joker. The new king and queen of Gotham. How did that even happen anyway?" Hugo asked curiously.
"That's none of your business, Hugo. You aren't gonna break me that easily." Punchline said spitting with venom while her hand was on her hip.
Hugo chuckled lightly and responded amused. "I wasn't trying to, Punchline. You're way too smart for that as I was just curious that's all. Your Arkham files don't show us that much about your upbringing or adulthood. You're as mysterious and unknown to us as your current boyfriend the Joker."
Punchline smiled cheerfully upon hearing that. "Maybe that's just how I like it. Furthermore, I need to bring you into captivity. You can't be roaming around these halls freely and unattended for."
"And where will you be taking me, my dear?"
"To my Joker. I'm sure he'll think of something painful for you to endure while being detained."
"Heh. You're starting to sound like his old partner Harley Quinn. So madly in love so submissive and so in denial." Hugo commented.
Punchline rolled her eyes at that comment and whispered to herself slightly annoyed. "I'm nothing like her."
"And do you honestly like being such a big enigma to me and the other people trying to help you here in Arkham? How can I rehabilitate my patients when they won't even cooperate in the first place?"
"Look Strange I don't have time for your Jedi mind trick okay? So please just get the hell out of here before I slice your damn head off for talking me to death."
Hugo grinned and responded. "You wouldn't dare."
"Try me, Strange."
"Wow look at you being all independent here. So you would kill me even if that meant going against your Joker's wishes?"
Punchline scoffed and retorted back. "I love my Joker but I damn sure don't need his approval for shit. I'm not like that blonde bimbo that he used to be allied with."
"Hmm, yes, I can see that clearly now. You're so much different than Harley Quinn. You're not dependent on him as much as she was."
"Yes, because he knows and I know that we need each other. You see Joker and I are from the same colorful cloth as we've both suffered really bad days. We both see life in the same twisted way and until then he only had Batman to bond with but now he has me. So again I tell you Strange don't ever try to psych me again unless you want to be cut in half by my pretty sword over here."
Hugo clenched his jaw and made a face obviously angered by the outcome of these recent events as he hoped to learn more about Punchline's life for selfish reasons and twist her to his will. But it failed as she's just as crazy as her boyfriend Joker who is also hard to manipulate and psychoanalyze to one's own will. Punchline just laughed in his face which upset the great doctor even more.
Then her purple walkie-talkie began to buzz alerting the Japanese woman.
"Punchy? Hello, are you there? Pick up pretty please." Joker said enthusiastically.
She brought the communications device up close to her face and responded. "Yes, I'm here, J. What is it?"
"Batman and Batwoman are on their way to the Medical Facility as we speak. I need your cute little ass to my location pronto, Punchy. I have two big and special reunions cooked up for them that they won't even know what hit them. Hahaha." Joker responded.
Punchline who turned her back away from Dr. Strange laughed along with her boyfriend manically. She then glanced at an open file lying on a nearby work desk and raised a brow curiously as the contents inside were bios and photos taken of Batman and Batwoman. Lastly on the front cover of the file were written in big red letters: Who are the Batman and Batwoman?
"Heh. Looks like I'm not the only one with a quirky obsession." Punchline said to herself smirking.
"What was that, Punchy?" Joker asked.
"Oh, nothing, Baby. Just getting some more weapons from the Asylum basement as promised. I'll be at your location in a second. Oh, and I found an Arkham Personnel unattended for. What should I do with him, J?"
"Oh, good girl, Punchline. Uh, let me see. Hmm, actually you make the call on this one. Do what you want with him quickly okay don't lollygag and then come meet me at the secret location."
"Understood, Baby. See you soon."
Punchline then turned around to look back at Hugo Strange with an evil smirk. "Alright, Doctor. Time to meet your maker."
But no one was there when she returned her gaze to the Arkham psychiatrist. It's as if he had just disappeared into thin air. Punchline shook her head and groaned annoyed. "Oh, come on. Now anyone can do that!"
In a high-tech modern secret lab was Dr. Young who's currently working on some important research under Arkham Asylum. She looked through the lens of a microscope and wrote down some notes on her tablet computer. Large tubes hang from the ceiling as green liquid is pumped through them making loud suction noises and thick mist begins to fill the room.
"Greetings Doctor Young," Hugo spoke somberly and stepped into the light with a small grin on his face.
Penelope jumped a bit in her seat and took off her glasses turning toward the eerie voice.
"Oh, hello, Dr. Strange. You gave me quite the scare. I thought they had captured you."
"Nonsense I can't be caught while in the middle of our scientific breakthrough, Penelope. Have you moved Dr. Langstrom to site B as requested?
"Yes, Sir. Everything is in place and on schedule. You foresaw all this and yet everybody laughed."
Penelope moves with Hugo to an observation window where they are currently housing Patient X.
"Yes, I did. And they aren't laughing anymore now are they?" Hugo spoke with a sly grin as he wrapped an arm around Penelope's shoulder which she didn't mind and smiled at her friend.
Hugo's business plans were working out very well in his favor as he used the many tricks on the human mind to get what he wanted always. Not only did he use these Jedi Mind tricks as Punchline would say to get an advantage in the business world. But he would also use his powers for his personal and pleasurable needs which he abused quite a lot.
"So what do we do with Patient X now, sir?" Penelope asked her voice soft like she was in some sort of trance.
"The only thing we can do, Penny. We leave him here to rot. Yes, he did us a great service by lending us his body for research purposes. But he's outlived his usefulness, unfortunately." Hugo responded in a cold and uncaring tone.
Dr. Young sighed slightly frustrated as she'd grown a sort of attachment to the Spanish Brute after spending so many late nights with him in the secret lab doing research and learning about his past.
"And you shouldn't be worrying about him a common criminal anyway instead worry about yourself and that husband of yours, Penny. You do know the Joker will be coming after you and your research next right."
She then nodded her head in agreement and spoke up. "Yes, I do know that. In fact, I'm planning on leaving this damn forsaken place away from here with my beloved husband once all this is dealt with of course."
Hugo nodded and hummed a soft tune as he leaned closer to her ear and whispered which caused Penelope to feel a shiver down her spine.
"You're a strong woman you know that, Penny."
Hugo's gloved hands then trailed down her juicy thigh and plump behind as Penny was starting to feel uncomfortable by her mentor's advances toward her.
"Dr. Strange, what are you doing?" Penelope asked frightened while her eyes widened in shock from hearing the sounds of his belt buckle being undone and the feeling of his member rubbing against her thigh.
"Relax, Ms. Young. By the time I'm finished with you in the next few minutes, you won't remember what happened. So just be a good little girl for your doctor and enjoy the ride." Hugo spoke evilly as he hiked up the hem of her pencil skirt and pulled down her underwear.
"No, Dr. Strange. Stop that. Please don't do this, Hugo." Penelope exclaimed in horror and struggled in his embrace.
Then Hugo shot a syringe filled with a mysterious chemical into her neck and covered her mouth with his hand muffling her screams.
"Shhh, there, there, Penny. Go to sleep. Everything will be okay now." Hugo whispered and felt Penelope go limp in his arms.
He smirked micheviosly and sprawled the brunette onto her desk as he had his way with the young doctor. Little did he know that someone was in secrecy watching the horrific scene and that was Patient X who even though was unconscious in his sleep could still hear and see what was happening to the poor young doctor. He will soon break out of these chains and get his revenge on everyone who ever screwed him over.
Batman and Batwoman entered through the front doors of the medical building as it was far too quiet and empty-looking in the Medical Foyer.
Harleen turned on her detective vision and saw the front doors were barricaded in blocking them from the Sanatorium room.
"It won't budge. Looks like we'll have to use the grates again."
Bruce nodded and used his Batclaw to detach a rusty metal grate from the vents nearby as they were far from their reach. The pair then slipped into the vents and made their way into the Sanatorium room which housed a few armed Joker goons holding some medical personnel hostage.
"Come on move your ass with the others!"
"Alright. I'm going. Please don't hurt me." Dr. Sarah Cassidy spoke upset and began to cry.
"Aw quit your crying, Bitch."
"Ugh, I can't stand a crybaby. Maybe we should just shoot her already."
"And disobey the boss's orders? Are you retarded or something?"
Batman and Batwoman cleared the area of any danger using their gadgets and silent takedowns. Once done the pair then glided back down off the gargoyles and to the lower levels of the Sanatorium Room where the Medical Personnel was waiting for them.
"It's okay. You're safe now." Batman said.
"Thank you, Batman and Batwoman. I don't know what happened, one minute we were doing our evening rounds, and the next
minute armed goons attacked us and took us as hostages." Sarah explained tearfully.
"Are you hurt?" Batwoman asked.
"Just a few scratches and bruises. But we'll be okay."
"Was anyone with them when they began to attack?" Batman asked.
"Yes, I don't know who he is exactly but I was definitely someone in a wheelchair-bound and gagged. Poor guy, he looked in bad shape." Sarah answered and blew her nose into a tissue.
"And where did they take him?" Batwoman asked.
"Down the elevator shaft. It leads to the lower levels of the Medical Facility." Sarah responded and gestured to the elevator doors.
"Hmm, they obviously didn't want to be followed as the elevator appears to be powered down. You're going to be okay here." Batman said.
"Yes, we'll be fine, Batman. But what about the others?"
"Please you have to save them. I think they are in danger too as we heard gunfire coming from over there. They could be dead for all we know." An Arkham doctor spoke up frightened.
"Calm down doctor. We'll save them too." Batwoman reassured.
Then Sarah gasped in horror and covered her mouth. "Oh, no. I completely forgot."
"What's wrong Doctor Cassidy?" Batman asked.
"My best friend Dr. Penelope Young is in the X-ray room. She went to lure the goons away from us and keep us safe. But I haven't heard from her in a while. I hope she's okay."
Then a walkie-talkie buzzed alerting Sarah and she responded.
"Sarah? Come in, Sarah. It's me Cash."
"Yes, Cash. I'm here. What's going on?"
Cash coughed violently and then spoke in a raspy voice. "The Joker released his toxic gas into the room. We were able to get away and barricade ourselves into the office in the meantime. But now we're trapped here with no way out."
"Oh, no, Cash. Listen have you heard from Penelope yet?"
"Negative. She hasn't responded to my calls. Please tell me that my wife is okay."
"I don't know, Cash. I haven't heard from her either."
"Damnit! I'll make the Joker pay for this!"
Batman then brings the walkie-talkie up close to his mouth and speaks. "Officer Cash. It is I the Batman."
"Batman? You're here too?"
"Not just him, Aaron. I'm also here too." Batwoman spoke up in a cute voice.
Cash sighed in relief. "Thank God that you two are still here. It's crazy out here in these streets."
"Yeah, no kidding, Cash," Batwoman said and chuckled lightly.
"Are there any more hostages that Batwoman and I need to worry about?" Batman asked.
"Yes, there is a Dr. Kilmer in the Patient Observation room and also a Dr. Chan who went to the Surgery room," Aaron answered.
Batman nodded in confirmation. "Okay. All of you stay here where it is safe while we go and rescue the other doctors. Cash hold on tight I'll be there to save you soon. In the meantime, Batwoman and I will be rescuing your wife first in X-Ray."
"Thank you, Batman and Batwoman. I owe you two big time. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I ever did lose her."
"Don't mention it, Cash. It's what we do." Batwoman said with a small smile.
In the dimly lit and ominous morgue stood a tall and well-built man cladded in a dirty old outfit with a noose around his neck. The creepy man in question was the infamous Scarecrow who was currently pacing around the room impatiently.
"Boles, don't do this. You can't trust the Joker. He'll stab you in the back and laugh about it." Gordon exclaimed and struggled against his restraints.
"Quick your yapping, Gordon. Besides you have more urgent things to fear than the Clown Prince Of Crime," Frank responded.
"Indeed, Officer Boles," Scarecrow whispered.
"Dr. Crane. Your patient has arrived." Frank Boles states wheeling into the room a beaten and bruised Commissioner Gordon.
"Finally. What took you so long, Frankie? I've been waiting for half an hour now geez." Johnathan spoke slightly irritated and walked out of the darkness.
"Sorry, Doctor Crane. Jim over here was quite a handful trying to subdue. Hope he doesn't cause you any trouble." Frank responded and sipped his flask of the sweet nectar.
"Oh, God. Scarecrow? What happened to you?" Jim spoke startled by his appearance.
Johnathan glanced toward the middle-aged man and grinned. "I doubt he will. What is it, Jim? Afraid are we? No worries I'll be taking good care of you from now on."
"Bite me, Crane," Jim spoke with anger and spat in Scarecrow's masked face.
Frank punched Jim in the face for that remark and the veteran cop groaned in pain as blood dripped down from his chin. Scarecrow chuckled evilly and wiped the glob of spit from his mask.
"Oh, Gordon. You put on a facade that makes me think that you don't have any fear whatsoever. But we all know the truth. Deep down you are a very scared individual." Scarecrow spoke with glee in his voice.
Jim scowled angrily trying not to show fear and be intimidated by Scarecrow's advances. Then the king of fear quickly pricks Gordon in the side of his neck with his right metal gauntlet hand that has syringes on the fingertips, injecting yellowish orange fear toxin. Gordon exclaimed from the painful sting of the syringes.
"Don't struggle, Jim. It will only make things worse for you. Instead, relax and let the fear find you. Let it consume you. Fall into the dark abyss of fear." Scarecrow monologued.
Frank cut the restraints that were holding up Jim in his wheelchair and chuckled in delight as he watched Gordon fall to his knees and whimper in utter fear.
The pair of Bat-themed crime fighters assessed the situation in the room as they used their detective vision to plan out an attack and saw that Dr. Young was held hostage at gunpoint by a couple of the Joker's goons.
"Why are you doing this? I've done everything you've asked of me." Penelope questioned as she was backed into a corner and raised her hands in the air defensively.
"Just shut the hell up and listen real good lady. The Joker wanted you specifically for what well I don't really know neither care. But he ordered us to keep an eye on you and we'll be doing just that. So just stay where you are and don't move a fucking muscle."
"Okay, I understand. But just please let me talk to him. I'm sure we can work something out." Penelope said.
Batman and Batwoman then pressed a button on their explosive gel devices and caved the weak walls onto the Joker goons below as they had stopped the terrorizing of the poor doctor.
Penelope dusted herself off of the rubble and sighed relieved to see the Cape Crusaders come to her rescue.
"Oh, thank the Gods. It's you guys. What the heck is going on around here? Is it true that the Joker had escaped custody? And where is my husband?" Penelope rambled frightened and Batwoman put a calming hand on her upper back and flashed a warm smile.
"Breathe, Dr. Young. Let yourself relax into an ocean of tranquility. Good. Good. Everything is going to be okay I promise." Harleen spoke in a calming voice.
Penelope nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat feeling much better as Batman spoke up answering her many questions.
"Yes, it's true, Dr. Young. The Joker did escape custody unfortunately and is now running Arkham Island with the help of his henchmen and partner Punchline."
"That's horrible, Batman. How the hell did this even happen?"
"We know for a fact that Joker was able to get help from the inside to accomplish his takeover. What is his motive for all this? That is something that we don't truly know and have to further investigate."
Harleen perked up and began to further question Penelope. "Dr. Young, why is the Joker after you anyway? Did you ever wrong him in any way or perhaps fell for him?"
"Oh, God no. I would never mess with him like that. I'm not that crazy."
"Then why the sudden interest in you?" Batwoman asked arms crossed.
Penelope sighed and looked at them guilty like being caught with the hand in the cookie jar. "He's after me mostly because of my research. The formula to be more exact."
"Formula? What formula?" Batwoman said further prying out of Dr. Young.
"Look please don't judge me. I was only trying to help a good cause. You see I've been working on a top-secret lab project with Warden Sharp right here in Arkham Island for about a year and a half. It was supposed to be used to further help rehabilitate the patients in Arkham both physically and mentally. But in the last few months, things had started to change for the worse as further complications arose and the Joker somehow got involved. I then had enough of the inhumane practices and quit the project then and there as I cleaned my hands of the whole mess entirely."
"Hmm, and I'm guessing they continued the experiments on without you," Batwoman stated.
Penelope nodded her head sadly. "They had promised me that they did indeed shut everything down and weren't gonna continue the experiments. I didn't believe them for one second and soon started to do some more digging of my very own and guess what they lied right to my face. And get this they were using their very own formula and not the one which I had perfected many moons ago. The formula that they are now using is not a hundred percent pure as it has been modified and changed so much from the original formula into something that was not meant for human testing."
"And when did the experiments start back up, Dr. Young?" Batman asked.
"About a month or two I think."
"Which gives Joker enough time to know about the secret project and want in."
"Oh, so that's why you went alone to talk to Warden Sharp in his office earlier," Batwoman said.
"Yes, as I pleaded for him to stop the madness one last time. But he paid me no attention and look how that turned out."
"That would explain the mutated monster that we fought earlier in the courtyard, Batwoman. The Joker or someone else behind the scenes could have potentially made those hideous beasts with the new inadequate formula and released them into the wild." Batman hypothesized out loud.
Batwoman placed a hand on her forehead and felt light-headed by the information that had just been dumped onto their lap and leaned onto Batman who held her in his embrace.
"Geez, this is a lot for me to take in right now. Ugh, give me a second. Okay, I'm good now. Alright, quick question though. Does your hunk of a husband also know about any of this?"
"Yes, well of course he does. I tell my Aaron everything that's going on in my life as there are no secrets between us."
Batwoman nodded with a smile and complimented. "Aw, that's so cute."
"That makes him an accomplice and paints a huge target on his back Dr. Young. He is currently trapped in an office with other doctors and nurses fighting for their lives as they're trying to survive in a room filled with Joker toxic," Batman stated.
Penelope gasped in horror upon hearing that dreadful news and her eyes then began to fill up with tears.
"Oh, no, Cash. I feel so awful about this. He wanted so desperately to know so that he could better protect me and I would argue with him sometimes saying how can you protect me when you're always diving headfirst into danger. He didn't know what he was getting himself into and is now paying the price for it."
"Ah, men. Am I right, sista?" Batwoman commented.
"You have no idea, Batwoman. He's so stubborn sometimes and he also thinks he's in the right most of the time even when he is a hundred percent wrong."
"Oh, I think I can relate to that more than you know," Batwoman said and giggled while elbowing Batman in the stomach.
Dr. Young chuckled lightly along with Batwoman as Batman shook his head and hid the small smile plastered across his face.
"But tell me the truth guys. Is my Aaron going to be okay?" Penelope asked.
Batman and Batwoman nodded their head yes in unison. "Affirmative as you'll be reunited with him soon enough, Dr. Young. The Joker won't break apart another couple again. Not on my watch." Batman reassured.
Penelope smiled truly believing him and spoke up. "Please call me Penny, Batman. And you two Batwoman as I usually only let my husband call me by that cute nickname since he's the one who came up with it first. But I said what the heck I might as well give them that same right too for all that they have done for the city of Gotham."
"Very well then, Penny. You have our word that no matter what we'll bring back your husband to your side safely and soundly. " Batwoman promised.
Batman and Batwoman walk through the creepy corridors of the Medical Facility in search of Officer Cash and the rest of the missing doctors. They then received an incoming call from Oracle and answered.
"How's the search for my father coming along?" Oracle asked.
"It's going fine as we've found some more evidence of where they could have taken him and I feel that we are so close," Batman answered.
"That's good to hear, Bruce."
"We also have some interesting developments regarding the Joker's motives for wanting to take control of Arkham Asylum," Batwoman said.
"What did you two find out?"
"It seems like The Joker is after Dr. Young and her research as she has been working on a top-secret project for a while now under the mentorship of Warden Sharp. But she has recently stopped working on the research entirely after learning of unsafe practices."
"Well, that's quite noble of her," Barbara commented.
"Soon rumors started to spread around the Asylum about the top-secret lab experiments that were going on the island as the Joker got wind of it and immediately wanted in so that he could then use her research for nefarious purposes," Batwoman said.
"Oh, boy. That doesn't sound good at all."
"Yeah, no kidding," Batwoman said.
"Oracle, do a background check on Dr. Penelope Young. I want to know what she did before coming to Arkham." Batman spoke up.
"On it. Well, let's see here. Aha, found her. Dr. Penelope Young-Cash. Born in the United Kingdom. Manchester, England to be exact. She graduated from the University of Cambridge with top honors and earned her doctorate in psychology. She eventually moved to the United States soon after and married former Marine Aaron Cash and not long after had two beautiful children which they raised together here in Gotham."
"Yes, I know all of that, Barbara. Look even further. What is her job history like? Who did she work for? What did she specialize in?"
"Hmm, let's see here. Well, she was part of the Human Genome Project as part of Cadmus Labs and has been affiliated with LexCorp in various high-paying positions. Finally, the last known affiliation before coming to Arkham was working for A.R.G.U.S. Lyla Michaels who was at the time and still is the director personally hired Penelope after knowing her for some time during their years in college and being impressed with her work. She specializes in gene therapy, mutagens, biochemistry, and psychology." Barbara informed reading off the top-notch bio of Dr. Young on her holographic desk screen.
Harleen whistled very impressed and spoke. "LexCorp, Cadmus, and ARGUS? I can see now why the Joker would be very interested in her."
"Dr. Young went underground for a bit probably to focus on her family some more and eventually did pop back up as she currently works in Arkham Asylum as a psychiatrist and the Head Of Research," Barbara said finishing the long bio read of the brilliant Dr. Young.
"Excellent work as always, Oracle," Batman spoke.
"Why thank you, Bruce. So what will you two be doing now? Barbara asked.
"Earlier in the night the Joker's men were in the Medical Facility causing chaos and had held a few of the Arkham Personell hostage. We were able to save a few of the Arkham staff including Dr. Young. But we still have a ways to go as another doctor and Officer Cash are still in great danger as they are trapped in a room filled with Joker toxic." Batwoman said.
"Once we finish up here we'll then go down the elevator shaft to the lower levels of the Medical Facility and continue the search for your father, Barbara," Batman said.
"Understood, Bruce. Keep me posted." Oracle said and signed off.
Harleen and Bruce have made it to the Patient Observation room and see a couple of the armed Joker's goons admiring their twisted work through the observation window.
"Boss, it's done. The room is full of toxic Joker gas and the do-gooders are trapped with no way out." A Joker goon said informing him through the green walkie-talkie.
"Good job boys. I could just kiss you. Now listen closely don't let anyone out of there and keep a lookout for the Batman and his partner. They will be coming after you two." Joker speaks and giggles.
"Heh don't worry, boss. We'll take care of them."
"Yeah, Boss. They won't get the slip on us like the others."
Officer Cash throws a chair in anger at the observation window but it does little to no effect.
"Haha. Look at you, Captain Hook. All riled up with no way out like a caged animal. You're pathetic."
"Yeah, Cash. Admit it we've bested you."
"I won't admit shit." Aaron spat out with venom in his voice and hit the observation widow with his fist frustrated as the Joker Goons laughed mockingly.
"Whatever, Cash. We've got you where we want you. So just quit your crying and sit your ass back down in that chair. Be a good little soldier okay?"
"Oh, look. I think the Doc is going to throw up now. Ha, these chumps won't even make it through the night."
"Hey, I'm getting bored here. Maybe we should go pay Dr. Young a little visit."
"Oh, that sounds like fun. I mean have you seen the huge ass and rack on that broad? Fuck what I would do to be in that room with her right now."
"Hey, keep my wife's fucking name out of your goddamn mouths. I swear when I get out of here I'll make your lives a living hell."
"In your dreams, Captain Hook."
Aaron spotted Batman and Batwoman walking toward the punks from behind and smirked.
"Hey, what the fuck are you smiling on about?"
Silhouettes of the Cape Crusaders began to form in the LED lights as they instantly struck fear into the hearts of the Joker Henchman.
"Oh, shit! They're here!" A Joker goon exclaimed as he was then disarmed and his skull was smashed into the observation window.
The other Joker Goon was put into a chokehold and went to sleep unconscious and the last Joker Goon tried to flee the scene as a well-aimed Batarang to the head made him slump over onto the floor umcoucious.
"Nice work you two." Cash complimented.
"Thanks, Cash. So what happened here?" Batwoman asked.
"I heard an alarming buzzing in Medical followed by gunfire and shouting. I then saw Dr. Kilmer lying on the floor unconscious with some of Joker's goons in the room surrounding the poor doc. So I fought them off the best I could and when I went to go help the Doc off of the floor the room was then beginning to fill up with Joker's toxic laughing gas. So I took him to the office and barricaded ourselves in for safety. I could sit in here all night long and not break a sweat but the Doc over here ain't looking too good."
"Oh, how brave of you, Cash. Always trying to be the hero. Let's give him a great big hand. He could desperately use one." Joke spoke over the Arkham intercoms and laughed hysterically.
"Yeah, keep talking clown. When I get out of here you'll get a good old marine ass-kicking from me you hear." Cash retorted.
"Oh, lighten up, Soldier. I'm just messing with you." Joker talked back.
Batman and Batwoman then grapple up to the rafters as they side into the grates quickly and effortlessly moving to turn on the air purification system.
"Oh, look what a surprise. Batman and Batwoman have just so happened to arrive on time to save your black ass. Next time, Cash, I'll just shoot you in the head and be done with it. Scouts honor."
"You pasty white pain in the ass..." Cash muttered under his breath.
"Thanks, Bats. You really saved our bacon back there." Cash thanked him while rubbing his head as they were far in the corner away from listening ears.
"All in a day's work, Cash. No need to thank us." Batman spoke.
Batwoman then perked up and smiled at her friend of many years.
"What about me, Cash? You aren't gonna give me some sort of credit here?" Harleen speaks in a teasing voice.
Cash rolled his eyes and smiled at Batwoman. "Oh, no. It's you."
"Yes, it's moi. Your favorite person. So you gonna answer my question, Soldier?"
"Well it was implied but thanks for the save too, Batwoman."
"You're welcome, Cashy. So how are you doing?" Harleen asked and hugged her former colleague and current friend.
Cash reciprocated the hug and chuckled. "I'm doing alright. Just trying to keep on hanging in there you know. I ain't the same young man I was back then you feel me."
"Oh, pish posh, Cash. You're 41 years old as you're only one year older than Brucie over here. It's not like you're in your 70s walking with a cane and in need of assistance all the time."
Bruce smiled just a bit and nodded. "It's true. You look good for your age and you're still keeping yourself in good tip-top shape. But I get what you're saying, Old Friend. I have those same thoughts all the time. It gets harder for guys like us to keep going to keep fighting."
"Yeah, man. It really sucks. But you're the Batman for god sake. I'm just a normal officer of the law."
Harleen slapped his chest playfully and spoke up. "And former Marine, Buddy. Quick question though. How did those punks even get close to you in the first place?"
Aaron rubbed the back of his neck and blushed embarrassed. "They played dirty, Harls. I had them in the trenches and then more of those punks came in and blindsided me from behind with a blunt object. I didn't see it coming."
Batwoman pats his back and sympathizes with him. "You'll get them next time, Aaron."
Cash nodded and asked them. "How's my wife? Is she okay?"
"Yes, Penny is doing well. Maybe a little shaken up but no fatal injuries. She was being held at gunpoint by a couple of those punks till we showed up and came to the rescue." Batwoman answered.
Aaron sighed in relief when he was told that and smiled brightly. "Thank the Lord above that she's alright."
"But we do have some questions that we need to run by you okay, Cash?" Batman said delicately.
"Yeah, sure. Hit me."
"Your wife told us about her experiments. What do you know about them?"
"Geez, Batman. You're really putting me on the spot here."
"Please, Cash. We just want to know the situation from your perspective so that we can then figure out how to stop the Joker."
Cash sighed and spoke sincerely. "A few months back rumors started to spread around the Asylum of my wife and her experiments on the patients. They said that they were inhuman and that she would abuse the patients that she would research on. Of course, I didn't believe the gossip one bit surrounding my wife as I trusted my Penny and knew she was doing no wrong. But it eventually got so out of control that I then had to ask her in private what the hell was going on."
"It must have been hard on you and your family, Cash," Batwoman said.
"Yeah, you have no idea. I hate it when people start to bad-mouth my wife and kids."
"So what happened next?" Batman asked.
"Well, once I asked her what was the deal Penelope would then tell me everything from her top-secret experiments and the studies that she had conducted. She even told me about the Joker being involved in all of this mess."
Batman nodded in confirmation. "Indeed as the Joker caused this supposed breakout to take control of the Asylum so that he could get full access to Dr. Young's research specifically her formula."
"Man, it sounds like hell out there," Aaron said hearing the loud commotion from outside as it was raining cats and dogs.
"That's Gotham for you, Cash," Batwoman said.
"By the way what happened to Commissioner Gordon? Did he make it out of Arkham Island in time?" Aaron asked curiously.
Batwoman sighed sadly. "No, He didn't."
"Damit! What happened?" Aaron asked.
"The Joker got to him first as an Arkham officer under his payroll blindsided Jim from behind and abducted him under Joker's orders."
"Who's the son of a bitch that is responsible for this?"
"Officer Frank Boles," Batman stated.
"I knew that man was two-faced the moment I first saw him as I could never stand that guy. Have you found any leads at least?"
"Yes, we did, Cash. Jim's trail leads us here to the Medical Facility and I believe we're getting closer and closer to saving the commissioner." Batman answered.
Aaron nodded and spoke up. "That's a relief to hear man. If only I could have gotten one minute alone with that animal then none of this would be happening right now."
"Killing isn't the solution, Cash. There's always another choice of doing things the right way. You know that better than anyone." Batman responded.
"So do you, Bruce. I remember when you used to deliver that type of justice to the criminals back in the day as that's how the mob was taken down. I have to ask though, what happened?"
"Things change, Cash."
"That's it? That's all I get?"
"But you know we can always make an expectation, can we? I mean it's the fucking Joker for crying out loud. I don't know man maybe it's just the soldier in me you know. I've seen many Jokers out on that battlefield and if we've been playing by my rules instead well let's just say I wouldn't hesitate to end him once and for all." Aaron said.
"Well, then it's a good thing you aren't the one making the calls," Batman said.
"Yeah, guess so, Bats. I mean it takes a certain special person to see the good in everyone including him."
"Hey, if Batman didn't see the good in me all those years ago then I wouldn't be standing here with you now would I?" Batwoman said.
Aaron nodded in agreement. "True dat. Okay, maybe killing isn't always the right way to do things. I see that now."
Then the Caped Crusaders accompanied by Officer Cash and Dr. Kilmer walked through the corridors and back to the Sanatorium Room with the others to regroup as all the Medical Personnel had been rescued and attended to.
"Batwoman, Come in," Renee asked taking into her Batphone.
Batwoman puts two fingers up to her cowl and speaks. "Yes, what is it, Renee?"
"What's the situation in the Medical Facility?"
"All clear, Montoya. These punks over here thought that they could take us on but failed dramatically. The Medical Facility is safe."
"Alight that's good to hear. I'll be heading over there with the others soon."
"How's Yin?"
"Why don't you ask her yourself..."
"Hi, Batwoman. How's it going?"
"Hey, Ying-Yang. I should be the one asking you that instead. How are you holding up?"
"I'm feeling much better thanks for asking. The Joker caught me off guard with that stupid trinket of his. I wasn't prepared for it at all."
"Yeah, that's why you can't underestimate him, Yin. He uses weapons that look like kids' toys but they aren't fun to play with trust me."
Ellen giggled softly a little in pain and spoke up. "And I had to learn that the hard way geez."
Penelope spots her husband in the crowd and rushes toward him she jumps into his arms and hugs him tightly. Aaron chuckled and held her in his arms for a few seconds as he took in her wonderful scent.
"I've missed you, Ron," Penelope confessed to him in a soft voice.
"I've missed you too, Penny. I'm so glad you're okay." Aaron whispered lovingly and caressed her silky brunette hair.
The couple smiled at each other and leaned in close while they gave each other a passionate kiss. Batwoman smiled happily at the couple as she was happy that they were reunited once again and their love never failed for one another even in the darkest of circumstances.
"You two don't look so well. You should let us take a further look at your wounds." Sarah spoke up noticing the poor state in which our heroes were in currently.
"We'll be fine Doctor Cassidy. Thank you though." Harleen responded with a warm smile.
Sarah nodded in response. "Okay, if you're sure."
"Batman. Batwoman. We've got another problem. Tell them, Baby." Aaron called out to them.
"I need to get back to the Arkham Mansion. All my precious research notes are there and we can't risk the Joker from getting his grimy hands on them." Penelope explained while holding her husband's hand for comfort.
Batman shakes his head and answers. "I'm sorry Doctor, but it's not safe out there. Arkham Island is now a war zone and you must stay inside where you'll be protected."
"It's for your own good, Penelope. You won't stand a chance if you go out there alone." Batwoman added.
"But it's my life's work. Please I need to desperately get my hands on that research before it falls into the wrong hands. You two don't know what that formula can really do as you've just seen a glimpse of it." Penelope spoke pleading with the Cape Crusaders.
"If it makes you two feel better about this then I'll accompany my wife and make sure she gets there safe and sound. If you ask me, it's about time for a little payback." Cash added.
Batman groaned in protest. "Hmm, I don't like
it butโ"
Then a loud ping from the cargo elevator began to sound and alerted them.
"Who called the elevator?" Batman asked.
"It wasn't us. I think it's coming from the lower floor," Sarah said.
"Alright, Cash, you win. Go escort your wife to Arkham Mansion and get the notes then find somewhere safe to hold up. Everyone else go to the Observation Room and barricade yourselves in." Batman ordered and got out his grappling gun.
Sarah quickly hugged her best friend Penelope and smiled. "Be careful, Penny. Don't do anything too foolish now."
Penelope smiled and hugged her bestie back too while smiling. "You too, Sally. Be strong while I'm gone."
Batwoman grappled up to the gargoyles hanging up above and watched the medical personnel scramble off to safety. Batman then gestures over to the elevator entrance as a couple of armed Joker Henchmen ambush their way out and into the Sanatorium Room. The Dark Knights effortlessly and quietly took down the armed assailants using silent takedowns and then went inside the cargo elevator where they were greeted on the TV by the Joker's wide-eyed grin.
"Let me guess that was too easy, huh, Bats? Well, think about it I've got you two trapped in a little metal box and hanging precariously over a deadly drop. Let's say I just blow the emergency breaks and drop you two like a sack of puppies. Say goodnight, Bat-Freaks. Boom! HAHAHA! I'm only joking well kinda. You see I've still got a few more surprises in store for you two. So prepare to face your fears. All of them! HAHAHA!"
Then orange-red mist began to blow into the grates of the cargo elevator as the duo began to cough violently. Batman and Batwoman quickly put on their gas masks knowing that it was Scarecrow's latest Fear Toxin at work here. The elevator door slid open and out walked the duo and carefully moved through the Morgue corridors as they surveyed some of the aftermath from the horrific chaos caused by Scarecrow.
Batman and Batwoman turned on their detective mode and surveyed a flickering autopsy room. Its window and walls were graffitied in blood while bodies belonging to the Arkham staff were slumped over dead. Then from the very same autopsy room ran toward Batman and Batwoman an Arkham Orderly who was covered in blood while screaming in freight hysterically. Batman instantly has his guard up and puts the frantic individual in a headlock as the Dark Knight questions him.
"No! No! Stay away! Please someone
help me!"
"Get a grip on yourself! Who did this to you? Was it Scarecrow?"
But the Arkham Orderly didn't respond and instead went limp in Batman's arms. He lowered the man onto the floor and checked his pulse.
"He's dead," Batman stated.
Batwoman nodded and put a finger up to her earpiece as she sighed devastated by the loss.
"Oracle, bad news. We've come down to the lower levels of the Medical Facility and came across a frightened Orderly who presumably killed his companions in self-defense. He's unfortunately dead now." Batwoman explained.
"Oh, no. That's horrible. What's the cause of death?" Barbara asked.
"Fear," Batman stated into his earpiece.
"Fear? Fear killed him? Oh, crap. Do you mean him?"
"Yes, Scarecrow and his Fear Toxin. He's loose down here with us and is on a killing spree." Batman answered.
Then the duo hears ominous loud and creepy noises coming from another location as they turn around to see Scarecrow's shadow lurking around the corner.
"Oooh, Batman..." Scarecrow taunted.
"Crane..." Batman said sternly.
"Come out to play, Little Bat. Try and catch me. Come on now bring me to justice..." Scarecrow taunted some more.
Scarecrow's creepy and enlarged shadow then flees away from them. Batman was about to go chase after it when suddenly Batwoman stopped him in his tracks and grabbed him by the arm tightly.
"Bruce. Stop. Think this through. This is obviously a trap from Scarecrow. Don't let him play you like this. Don't fall into the abyss." Batwoman spoke up trying to reason with her man and warn him of the threat.
Batman shakes his head in denial and looks at her his eyes glossed over and glowing red.
"No, Jim needs me! I can't let him down! I won't lose him you hear me!"
He then yanked his hand away from her grasp forcefully and ran after Scarecrow giving chase.
"No, Bruce!" Harleen called out to him.
Batman runs past another Arkham Orderly who's on the autopsy table, with 50 stab wounds and scissors jutting out of his chest. He passes another dead Arkham guard who's on the floor in the corner hunched over and has scraped out his eyes with his bare hands. Batman's senses have heightened to their max as he grows angrier and sees Scarecrow's creepy ominous figure escape through a back door. Batman runs past more dead bodies and continues chasing after Scarecrow as he bashes the back door open with a hard shoulder tackle and then stops to find a long fluorescent light flickering hallway which at the end of the creepy hallway is a T-intersection.
Scarecrow laughs manically and pulls from the leg a terrified Sarah Essen-Gordon around the corner.
"Aaah! Batman! Please save me! Save me!" Sarah screamed.
"Sarah? No, it can't be. How did Joker manage to get you on Arkham Island?" Batman questioned and clutched his head disoriented.
Batman then hears Jim's voice loud and clear calling out for him as the Dark Knight tries to run after the Gordons, but the hallway then starts to rapidly spin around him like a vortex tunnel out of a fun house. Batman's balance is affected and begins to fall all over the place and finally onto his knees as Scarecrow laughs mockingly.
"Poor, Little Bat. Are you having some trouble learning to walk? Come now I thought you were better than this. So pathetic." Scarecrow taunted with venom in his voice.
Batman grits his teeth and crawls on all fours as he keeps on fighting. He followed the trail of blood that was spilled onto the ceramic tile floor and turning the corner saw Jim and Sarah Gordon side by side slumped against the wall. The older couple were holding each other's hands and were covered in blood very much dead. Batman checks their pulses hoping that just maybe they are somehow still alive but to no avail. So with tears in his eyes, Batman lowered his head in defeat and then let out a painful mournful cry.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"I... I'm so sorry. I'll take care of Barbara. I promise." Batman whispered and closed their eyelids putting them to rest.
Batman then put a finger up to his earpiece and contacted Oracle as he spoke somberly.
"B-Barbara, I have horrible news to share with you. I-I'm very sorry. I was too late. Y-Your parents are d-dead..."
To Be Continued...
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