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"This is Captain Gordon. The situation at Blackgate has been resolved. We're now sending the prisoners over to Arkham Island. Any inmates who are injured have been taken to Wayne Memorial Hospital. Give me an update on Gotham City Hall."
"This is Sergeant Yin. The situation at Gotham City Hall has been resolved as well. The Joker has been apprehended. Batman and Batwoman are en route to Arkham Island." Ellen Yin informs over the police scanner.
The Asian woman is sitting in the passenger seat of the police cruiser as Detective Renee Montoya is seated beside her driving. The Hispanic woman follows the vehicles of Batman and Batwoman as they tag along to make sure everything goes smoothly by orders from Bullock and Mrs. Gordon. Renee was feeling quite anxious as she always got the creeps when she entered Arkham Asylum. Ellen puts a comforting hand on her thigh and rubs her thigh trying to ease her girlfriend's nerves.
Renee smiles a bit and continues driving.
"This is Commissioner Gordon. All units close off intersections on the route to Arkham Island. Let's give Batman and Batwoman a safe passage."
The GCPD police cruisers scurry to close off the intersections like the U.S. President himself is coming through. Neon lights and billboards illuminate parts of Gotham City as the Batmobile and Batcycle passed engines roaring through the dark and gritty streets.
"Where are those damn choppers?! I need the airspace to be secured now. This is the Joker we're talking about people!" Commissioner Gordon commanded.
The Batmobile and Batcycle reach a gloomy forest and their headlights pick out a green reflective sign that has an arrow and says in bold capital letters: ARKHAM. Under it is an orange sign that reads: WARNING HITCHHIKERS MAY BE ESCAPING PATIENTS.
The powerful engines of the vehicles roar thunderous as they speed past the warning signs and ahead of them is a rusty metal truss bridge lowering. The long metal truss bridge has lowered connecting to Arkham Island. Three police choppers come from the mainland and shine spotlights on the Batmobile and Batcycle as the vehicles cross the long truss bridge.
"I have Batman and Batwoman in sight. They're crossing the bridge to Arkham Island as I speak. The route is clear all the way."
Large black metallic gates open at the end of the truss bridge. The Batmobile and Batcycle go past it, finding a barren island, a passage between a long stretch of grid fences and barbed wire. The other end of the island is a large gothic complex of the infamous Arkham Asylum that is surrounded by a tall brick wall and guard towers.
An army of heavily armored Arkham guards gets ready to receive the Joker. At the gated front door of the Intensive Treatment are Commissioner Gordon, Warden Sharp, Dr. Penelope Young-Cash, and Chief of Security Frank Boles. They're all lined up and patiently awaiting the arrival of Batman, Batwoman, and the Joker.
They're also in heavy rain like usual while wearing raincoats and holding umbrellas. The three GCPD choppers fly overhead to Arkham Island and illuminate the gothic compound. The main metallic gates to Arkham Asylum open and the Batmobile and Batcycle rush inside to the courtyard.
Now in the office of one brilliant madman Professor Hugo Strange. Newspaper cutout pictures of Batman and Batwoman are plastered all around the walls. He watches on his TV monitor which has a direct view of the Arkham courtyard.
"Right on schedule splendid," Hugo said with a Cheshire-like grin.
"Wait a minute... Ah, it looks like they didn't come alone. Excellent." Hugo commented while stroking his beard and seeing a police cruiser trailing behind the vigilantes.
The Batmobile and Batcycle drive at top speeds toward Commissioner Gordon and the group of Arkham security guards with no signs of stopping. Warden Sharp gulps and fixes his tie showing slight worry. Then suddenly the Batmobile and Batcycle drift making a sharp turn and park as the vehicles spew smoke from the tires burning.
Batman and Batwoman get out of their respective vehicles and walk over toward Commissioner Gordon. Detective Montoya and Sergeant Yin do the same as they're wearing raincoats and holding umbrellas while the rain keeps pouring hard onto them.
"Are you two alright? I heard it was quite a scuffle detaining the Joker in City Hall." Jim asked.
"We're a little banged up not gonna lie to you, Jim. But we'll be okay. Thanks for asking anyway." Batwoman answered with a warm smile.
Jim smiled back and tipped his fedora hat at Batwoman as he shook hands with Batman.
"It was easier than usual this time around. Almost too easy," Batman said.
Jim nodded and noticed his friend brooding.
"You okay? You sound disappointed."
"Well, he surrendered without a fight, Jim.
I don't like it one bit."
"Hopefully it's the last we'll ever have with him," Jim spoke.
The middle-aged man then glanced around and was surprised to see Sergeant Ellen Yin and Detective Renee Montoya tagging along.
"Did my wife send you two by any chance?" Jim asked with an amused smile.
The pair of law enforcers nodded in agreement and smiled politely.
"We're under orders by her to make sure the Joker gets to his cell, sir," Renee answered.
"You can't be too careful when it comes to the Joker, Jim," Batman added.
"Very true. Now let's just hope he doesn't escape this time around," Batwoman commented.
Warden Sharp stepped forward with a smile and offered his hand to the pair of crime-fighting heroes.
"It's an honor to finally meet the great Batman and Batwoman. I'mโ"
"โWarden Quincy Sharp. Yes, we've heard of you." Batwoman replied.
Batman and Batwoman were unimpressed by the Warden of Arkham Asylum and paid little to no attention to him which earned a few small grins from those around them.
Quincy scowled and pulled his hand back feeling a little disrespected. "Very well. Now where is that degenerate anyway?" Quincy asked.
"He's secured in the passenger seat of the Batmobile," Batman answered.
"You should hurry and lock him up. The sooner he's in a padded cell the safer it is for Gotham." Batwoman said.
"Well of course. Boles! Go get the clown!" Warden Sharp ordered.
"On it, Boss!" Frank answered.
Frank along with his team consisting of fellow Arkham guards that wore riot gear had walked over toward the well-armored tank-like Batmobile.
Batman brought out a small device from his utility belt. He then pulled it up close to his mouth and spoke into it.
The hydraulic doors to the sleek black armored vehicle opened and in the passenger seat sat a tall slim man who wore a fashionable purple-green suit, sported messy green hair, pale white skin, and red ruby lipstick.
"Yo, Frankie. Did you miss me?" Joker greeted.
Luckily for them, the clown was indeed secured with handcuffs tightly onto his wrists. But just for extra security and safety, the Arkham Guards had then begun to put the deranged clown into a straight jacket.
"Don't forget the pretty face boys," Joker spoke up.
"Shut it, clown. A lot of people here desperately want to talk to you." Frank said.
Lastly, the Arkham guards put a half mask on the Joker's face to keep him further restrained.
[Like Hannibal Lecter]
Frank and the Arkham guards then escort the Joker without further resistance toward Warden Sharp.
"Hey, Sharpie! Moving up in the world I see. How's the wife and kids?" Joker exclaimed.
"That's Warden Sharp to you. Keep that psycho maniac away from me and take him inside at once."
The Arkham guards do what they are told and move the filthy degenerate into the Asylum without further notice.
"Ah, It's good to be back home," Joker commented almost reminiscing.
The Joker giggles to himself admiring his surroundings as he is then followed by Quincy, Penelope, and Frank. While Batman, Batwoman, Gordon, Renee, and Ellen stay behind to further talk amongst themselves.
"Man, what a long night," Gordon said his voice slightly strained. "Firstly the Joker invades City Hall and holds the mayor and his pregnant wife as hostages then all of a sudden Blackgate penitentiary catches fire. I'm getting too old for this crap." Jim said jokingly.
"You said it, Jefe. It's been a hell of a night," Renee said with a smile and patted her boss's back lightly.
"But you two make such a good team, Jim. You both handle the work and burden of running the police department. I'm sure without you two Gotham would fall." Ellen complimented.
"Ahem.." Batwoman coughed and playfully glared at them.
"Oh my apologies, Batwoman. Of course, you and Batman do a whole lot to bring crime down. Gorham is lucky to have you two as well." Ellen added and blushed embarrassed.
"Why thank you, Sergeant," Batwoman said with a warm smile.
"Btw your wife Captain Sarah has said that the situation is under control and they're now transferring in the prisoners from the other prison over here as we speak, sir," Ellen informed her boss.
Jim nodded and smiled proudly. "That's my woman. I just hope there is enough space from the clown and them too."
"Yeah, I hope so too, Jim," Ellen said.
"There's always room, especially for the likes of him, Babe," Renee said.
Batman was deep in thought pondering the events leading up to the Joker's capture. Batwoman noticed her partner's rather odd behavior and put a comforting hand on his muscular chest.
"Something wrong, Bats?" Batwoman asked.
"Yes, I feel like something isn't right here. It's not like him to go down that easily." Batman answered.
"You think my crazy abusive ex is up to something?" Batwoman whispered.
Batman nodded and spoke. "I believe so. We'd better stay a little while longer. Just to make sure you know."
Batwoman smiled got on her tippy toes and kissed her partner's cheek. "Alright, we'll stay if it'll put an ease to your paranoid mind. But once we get back home you owe me big time, Mister. Extra kisses and cuddles, okay?"
"Yes, Ma'am," Batman said with a hint of a smile.
"Aw. They're so cute together. Reminds me of you and me, Baby." Ellen gushed watching the vigilantes interact with each other from afar.
"Let me guess I'm the Batman of this relationship while your Batwoman?" Renee asked hand on her hip.
"Ding ding ding. We have a winner," Ellen said with a goofy smile.
Renee rolled her eyes playfully and kissed her. The group then makes it further down the hallway of the Asylum and is met face-to-face by a certain doctor. Hugo Strange. He is accompanied by two other Arkham guards as they push forward a trolley bed. The rest gather around the Joker as he is put on the trolley bed and strapped in under heavy force by the Arkham guards.
"Oh, really. I don't mind walking. Not so tight boys you'll crease the suit." Joker said with glee in his voice.
"Batman. Batwoman. May I introduce to you our new head of intensive treatment, Professor..." Warden Sharp began.
"...The name is Hugo. Hugo Strange. I'm here to study and rehabilitate the more violent inmates of the Asylum like for example the Joker himself." Hugo said cutting off Warden Sharp mid-sentence.
The Joker bellowed out a wild laughter. "Oh, I'd like to see you try, Baldie. Many have tried and many have failed. Just ask the former Doctor Quinzel. Look where she's at now. Poor kiddo never got the joke."
Batwoman clenched her right fist at the mention of her name. How dare he?! Batman sensed his partner's boiling rage and to calm her down he began stroking her lower back as that's where a tattoo that she had gotten of their relationship was positioned. Batwoman's rage immediately dissolved instantly and she looked toward her Dark Knight smiling.
"Thank you, Brucie." Batwoman mouthed.
Batman nodded and held her close to him.
"Doctor, do you honestly believe that you can rehabilitate a mad dog like the Joker?" Renee asked curiously.
"Well of course. Isn't that why Batman and his partner in crime Batwoman keep bringing him back, so he can get the help he needs." Hugo answered.
"Don't underestimate the Joker, Dr. Strange. Many years ago your predecessor Dr. Harleen Quinzel made that mistake and it cost her almost everything. He's no ordinary run-of-the-mill patient you have here you know." Batwoman said.
"Yeah, you tell him, Sista. Testify." Joker cheered on.
"Ah, yes, Dr. Quinzel now known as Mrs. Wayne in the tabloids. If only she was still here residing in Arkham I would have loved to pick her brain and see what made her go down that wretched road." Dr. Strange spoke up.
Batwoman didn't know why but she started to feel chills running down her spine and for once it wasn't coming from her ex-Joker but from the newly appointed Doctor Strange. Yes, indeed he is very... strange.
"She's a changed woman pronounced sane remember? So there's no need to bring her up into this Doctor." Jim spoke up to her defense.
"Very true. Suppose I'll have to settle for the hand-me-downs in Punchline aka Alexis Kaye." Hugo said in a disappointed tone.
"Hey! Watch that smart mouth of yours, Baldie. Punchy is nothing like Harley. Keep it up and I'll be carving a nice big old smile across your face. Speaking of my precious Punchy where the hell is she at anyway?" Joker said.
"He sure does like the sound of his voice, huh, Babe?" Ellen asked.
"Tell me about it. I thought that mask was supposed to keep him quiet." Renee said.
"If you don't mind Warden, Batwoman and I are gonna be escorting the Joker to his cell," Batman said.
"And hearing more about Dr. Strange's treatment plan," Batwoman added.
"By all means be my guest. I'll be in my office in the meantime. Jim, do you want to tag along? I have years old scotch to help us celebrate." Quincy said.
Jim was about to protest when then Renee and Ellen butted in.
"He would love to, Warden," Ellen spoke up.
"Wonderful. You won't regret this, Gordon," Quincy said.
"What are you two doing?" Jim asked.
"It's okay, Jefe. We'll have it under control from here on. We'll make sure the Joker gets to his cell." Renee reassured.
Jim sighed tiredly and nodded. "Fine. I guess I could use a break. But keep me in the loop alright?"
"Will do, sir. Now go and enjoy yourself. You earned it, Jim." Renee said and pushed Jim lightly into the direction of Quincy's office.
Also tagging along is Penelope Young as she going to stay at Warden Sharp's office because she needs to discuss some important matters with her boss. Frank and his team of Arkham guards then push the Joker who's on the trolley through the dim corridors of the Asylum as Batman, Batwoman, Hugo, Renee, and Ellen follow them closely.
"I'm glad you're coming along, Batman. Same for you Batwoman." Hugo said.
"Well, you've piqued our interest, Strange," Batwoman said.
Hugo nodded and spoke. "I'm a big believer in extreme experimental treatments."
"Electroshock therapy?" Batwoman and Batman said in unison.
"Oh, no. That would be too barbaric. As our world has changed our tools have become more advanced."
"Advanced? In what way?" Ellen asked listening in on the conversation.
"Well, it's a new revolutionary therapy that deconstructs and reassembles the psyche of a patient forcing a change in him or her by forcing them to face their greatest weakness," Hugo explained.
"A little harsh isn't it, Doctor? Ellen questioned.
"To some maybe. But if you desperately want these patients to be healed completely then that is what I believe must be done." Hugo responded.
"Ah, look at all this new security. How's a guy supposed to break out of here." Joker comments.
The group then enters through a full-body security scanner and it comes to a stop as a beam of light scans each individual. Once the beam of light stops at Batman and Batwoman the system's alarm beeps which alerts the Arkham staff and personnel.
"You know I prefer the good old cavity search. It's much more personal." Joker said.
Renee groaned annoyed. "I don't think I can take much of his chatter, Babe."
"Just tune him out and power on through,"ย Ellen said.
"And who taught you to do that?"
"Duh. The two vigilantes standing right next to us that's who." Ellen said with an amused smile.
"Multiple prohibited items detected." An Arkham guard informed.
"I want the Joker searched again!" Officer Aaron ordered.
"Uh, It's not the patient it's..."
"Ooh, the good old utility belt huh, Bats? What did you two sneak in here anyway? Oh, come on tell me is it Batarangs, Batclaws, Batsnacks?" Joker said.
"Keep weapons aimed at him and do not let him out of your sights." Officer Cash ordered.
"Aye, Cash. Tell your wife to pencil me in for tomorrow at 4. She and I have a lot to discuss." Joker said.
"You keep my wife's name out of your mouth, Bozo or else!" Cash threatened aiming this shotgun at Joker.
Joker laughed hysterically. "There will be time enough for you later, Cash. Speaking of time tic tok tic tok is that a crocodile I hear."
"So back to your treatment Doctor. How are you going to cause this miraculous recovery anyway?" Batwoman asked.
"Well, it is somewhat theoretical, in what these more criminally insane patients are fond of. We set the stage and let the patients play it out." Hugo answered.
The group goes past a row of holding cells as the inmates who are part of Joker's crew have been transferred over from Blackgate to the Asylum. They then see their boss and begin to cheer for the Clown Prince of Crime.
"Joker! Joker! Joker!"
"Joker, you rock! Long live, Joker!"
The Joker grins wickedly behind his restrained half-mask. Everything was falling into place for the Clown Prince of Crime and pretty soon he would have full control of the Asylum itself.
Joker fakes a surprised gasp. "A welcoming party for me? You shouldn't have. Though I hope there is cake involved. Hope it's red velvet it's my absolute favorite."
Alert intensive treatment! Category 9 patient in transit. The pacification system is active. Shoot-to-kill permissions granted.
"You heard the lady, we have another psycho on the way!" An Arkham guard spoke up.
"We should wait here until they pass," Hugo suggested.
The nearby cargo elevator makes screeches and smoke rises as if it were transporting something heavy. The elevator door then opens up and it reveals a rather tall muscular man with a reptilian-like appearance, wearing a stun collar, and heavy steel chains around his arms and legs. He is the one and only Killer Croc. Arkham Guards hold in their hands steel poles with hooks on the end and go to the creature and attach them to Croc's collar as they slowly pull him out of the elevator.
Renee and Ellen instantly took out their guns and aimed them at Killer Croc knowing how much of a threat the large mutated creature was as a spotlight was shined at Killer Croc to get a better view of the patient.
"Be careful with him! Keep your guns trained on him at all times!" Ellen ordered.
"What the hell is it doing?" Renee asked.
Killer Croc sniffs the air and smirks. He then moves toward where Batman and Batwoman are located and forcefully growls like a wild beast.
"I've got your scents. I will hunt you two down..."
"Power up that collar and get that animal under control now!" Ellen shouted orders.
"Aaah! A toy collar won't stop me from killing you two. Batman. Batwoman. I'll rip you apart and eat your bones..." Killer Croc threatened as he is then being taken away to another room and beaten into submission by the stun batons.
Batman, Batwoman, Hugo, Renee, Ellen, Frank, Arkham guards, and a secured Joker enter the cargo elevator. The cargo elevator moves down to the lower levels and Joker is getting restless tonight.
"It's a great night for a party, huh, Batwoman?" Joker asked.
Batwoman scoffed and said. "Not where you are going, Joker."
Joker chuckled and spoke with glee in his voice. "The night is still young. I've still got a trick or two up my sleeves."
"That's what I'm afraid of," Batwoman whispered to herself.
"I mean don't you think it's a little bit funny how a fire in Blackgate caused hundreds of my crew to be moved here," Joker said.
"Tell us something, Joker. You've never let me or her catch you this easily. So what are you honestly after?" Batman questioned.
"Oh, nothing much. Just hundreds of Gothamites dying in pain and fear. All their meaningless lives being brought to a horrifying conclusion. All thanks to you and the box of matches. Was that the answers you wanted?" Joker answered nonchalantly.
"He's only trying to rattle you, Batman. Don't listen to him." Ellen said.
"Oh, Ms. Yin If I wanted to rattle someone, I would've asked about your ex-partner, Detective Ethan Bennett instead. So how's Ethan doing nowadays? Still having problems keeping his form?" Joker taunted and laughed wickedly.
"You son of a bitch! Never talk about him, you hear! You're the reason he was fired from his job! Ethan got turned into a monster because of you!" Yin yelled out and inches closer wanting to strangle the clown.
Renee held back her upset girlfriend and tried her best to calm her down.
"Don't, Yin. He's not worth it." Renee said and comforted her upset girlfriend holding Ellen in her arms.
"Relax, Sargeant Yin. He'll regret everything he's ever done, I promise you that." Hugo said.
The cargo elevator then makes it to the basement floor and out exits the Batman, Batwoman, Renee, Ellen, Frank, Hugo, some Arkham guards, and the secured Joker from the elevator. They find another set of Arkham guards at the entrance of Intensive Treatment.
Intensive treatment at the lower floors is now in level red alpha.
"So, Bozo the clown is back in town, huh? You son of a bitch! You killed three members of my crew when you busted out of here." An Arkham guard spoke up angrily.
"Only three, hehe, I have to aim higher next time. How about a hundred?" Joker said.
"Don't let him aggravate you. It's only a defense mechanism." Hugo said.
In a nearby security room resides the Joker's right-hand girl Punchline and she watches on an array of TV monitors everything that is going down in the Intensive treatment. She had just killed a lazy security who wasn't paying attention and he got a knife to the throat for his troubles.
"Don't worry, Joker. We'll be reunited soon. Everything is going according to plan." Punchline said and put a bloody handprint onto the monitor where Joker's face was shown.
Back in the Intensive treatment, the orderly and Arkham security guards were there to greet and receive the Joker. The main security guard raises a hand toward Batman and Batwoman telling them to stay put.
"Hold it right there. I'm sorry, Batman. Batwoman. But it's Arkham staff only."
"Dude it's the freaking Batman and Batwoman. I assure you if anyone is more than qualified it's..." Renee began but was cut off mid-sentence.
"Listen, we appreciate the assistance, but they'll just unsettle the more violent inmates if they proceed further. Which can lead to a riot and we don't want that now do we?"
"No. We sure don't." Renee said.
"Well, what about us? We can't go in either? Because we have orders from the captain of the GCPD to make sure the Joker gets to his cell securely." Ellen said.
"You two are fine to follow. Just no weapons. So you'll have to hand them over to us."
"What? Are you freakin kidding me right now?" Renee said.
"Ugh. Fine. Here. But if I wind up injured or dead. My girlfriend will hunt down your asses." Renee said and was about to hand over her gun to them but Ellen had stopped her.
"I should go in alone," Ellen said.
"What? Are you crazy?" Renee said.
"I can handle it. Besides, we'll just be escorting Joker to his cell. I mean what could go wrong?" Ellen said and reassured her girlfriend with a quick kiss.
"I'll be back in a minute. Promise." Ellen said.
"You better, Babe," Rennes said.
The orderly and Frank then take the Joker out of the trolley bed and put him in another straight jacket, while Arkham guards point and aim their guns at him. They then escort the half-masked Joker past Batman, Batwoman, Renee, and Hugo. Ellen accompanies the orderly and Frank in escorting the crazy demented clown back to his padded cell.
"Don't be strangers. Batman. Batwoman. You two are always welcome here. Got to say it's good to be back." Joker said.
"I'm afraid those are the house rules. You have to stay here. Sorry, Batman." Hugo said.
"At least Ellen will keep an eye on him in the meantime," Batwoman said.
"We have to interrogate him as soon as possible. Joker's partner Punchline is still out there and half of Joker's crew." Batman said.
"You'll have to wait I'm afraid. But I'll try to arrange something as soon as possible." Hugo said.
"Tonight. Whatever the Joker has planned, it's going to happen very soon." Batman said.
Hugo nodded. "Well of course."
Hugo Strange then follows Frank, the orderly, and the Joker along with Ellen to the restricted cell area. Automated cell doors open and close after them. The Joker seems to be tightly secured by the straight jacket then suddenly acts like he tripped over and falls to his knees.
"Hey, quit fooling around, Bozo! Get up!" Frank ordered.
Frank then leans forward to pull the Joker back up to his feet. But the Joker's hands suddenly loosen free from the straight jacket sleeves and Joker then headbutts Frank away and kicks the orderly onto the cold dirty floor. Hugo Strange quietly takes distance from the Joker as chaos erupts while Batman and Batwoman look from behind the cell bars in panic.
"The Joker is loose! Alert the warden now!" Batman yelled.
Renee gasped in horror. "Ellen!"
The Joker then goes over and kicks Frank in the crotch and floors him while also choking out another Arkham security guard killing him.
"The chokes on you," Joker said and giggled at his messed-up joke.
He then goes towards the stoic Hugo Strange and sticks his tongue out in a tease while also wiggling his butt and mocking their efforts.
"Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty I am free at last." Joker said.
Batwoman goes to alert the Warden and Gordon while Batman rattles the locked barred door.
"Jim, we have a situation," Batwoman spoke into her earpiece.
"Open the door now!" Batman ordered.
Hugo tried to use his keycard on the automated cell door to access it, but it didn't work.
"What is the meaning of this?! I can't get it open!" Hugo said.
The Joker dances with glee and points to a secured door while also looking at a nearby security camera.
"Honey, I'm home."
Punchline's black boots are resting on the security table, next to the monitor where the Joker is waving at her.
"Come right in, Baby."
Then Punchline's purple fingerless gloved hand comes in and swipes a security card onto a reader and pushes an enter bottom on a keyboard giving her Joker access.
But Ellen while holding a makeshift weapon in her hands defensively interrupts them and stares down the Joker.
"You're not going anywhere! On your knees, Joker! This ends now!" Ellen said.
The Joker laughed hysterically. "Oh, Ms. Yin. My little Asian pear. Your dear old Ethan didn't have a chance against me. What makes you think that you are any different than him, huh?"
"Look I'll let this weak attempt of you trying to play hero slide... for now. So please step aside and let me through or else." Joker warned.
Sargent Ellen didn't back down and was blocking the door to his freedom. "I wasn't scared of you back then and I'm not going to now. So bring it on!"
"Tsk tsk tsk. Very well then. But I did warn you."
The Joker then takes out a humorous-looking gun from his purple trousers and aims it directly at Ellen. Which confused her as to how he was able to sneak that into the facility.
"Nooo!" Renee yelled out.
Glass shatters onto the ground as Batman and Batwoman break through the tinted glass with help from Renee as she also fires a bullet from her gun to cause further damage to the glass.
"Whoops. That's my time to leave." Joker said and scrambled past Ellen who sadly got shot in the shoulder by Joker.
Batman runs after the Joker at the end of the long hallway while Batwoman tends to a bleeding, Ellen. Joker stops in his tracks and turns around, spreading his long-sleeved arms taunting.
"Welcome to the madhouse, Batman! I set a trap and you've sprung it gloriously! Now let's get this party started!" Joker announced.
All automated cell doors along the hallway make a positive buzz and lights turn from red to green.
Batwoman carefully hands Ellen over to Renee into her arms who is standing next to Hugo Strange.
"All of you go and find a safe place," Batwoman ordered.
Batwoman then stands side by side with her partner Batman as they stare down multiple enemies twenty to be exact. They pour into the hallway, wearing orange jumpsuits and carrying sharp dangerous weapons. The prisoners then attack Batman and Batwoman, and the Joker runs away laughing manically. The pair without hesitation go and start to punch and kick the living hell of every inmate that's in their way. Breaking bones and spirits till no one is left. Eventually, the fight was finally over but Joker was long gone and had disappeared down into an old shaftly elevator.
Batman and Batwoman walk forward, inadvertently stepping on some of the inmates' hands, crushing every bone in it, making the inmates scream from the pain. But Batman and Batwoman didn't care as they deserved it. Hugo and a couple of the Arkham guards then burst onto the scene to help the crime-fighting duo but it was too late already.
"Wow, they took them all out." An Arkham guard said baffled.
Batwoman makes her way over to the lesbian couple and kneels in front of them.
"How is she?" Batwoman asked.
Hot tears streamed down Renee's face as she held Ellen's injured body in her arms. "Not good. She's bleeding badly."
Batwoman then breaks off a piece of her cape and uses the cloth material to wrap it tightly around Ellen's shoulder to stop the bleeding.
"That should help her get stable for now. Is the medical facility still operational?"
"Yes, as it's all the way right back where we came from," Renee answered.
Batwoman nodded and spoke in a gentle voice. "Get yourself and your girlfriend over to the infirmary as quickly as possible, okay? The Joker is loose and I'm afraid it's gonna get real ugly soon."
Rennes nodded and sniffed. "Will do. Thank you, Batwoman."
The Joker then appears on a nearby TV monitor laughing maniacally. "Oh, that's funny. Batwoman, Do you think those two can honestly survive out there all on their own? I mean come on seriously it's like getting into a shark tank covered in chum and blood. They won't even last one second."
Batwoman glared back at the clown. "We'll see about that, Joker."
Batwoman also hands the detective a communications device which is a Batphone. "Lay low and stay safe out there you two."
"The Joker went into the elevator. What's down there?" Batman asked.
"A maximum security prison for the more violent patients," Hugo answered.
"Bru- I mean Batman. The systems jammed. We're technically stuck in here. The Joker has full control of the security gates and elevator shafts."
Hugo had a hint of a smile on his face because of the slip-up from Batwoman.
"We'll find a way out of here. We always do." Batman said.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Bats. I'm in control of the Asylum. You're not going anywhere I don't want you to... understand?"
"If you think I'll let you run freeโ"
"Blah blah blah always with the hero speech. Ooo, I'm getting bored just watching you two. Why don't you two come and find me then?"
A ding is then heard and the door to the elevator slides right open.
"You do know that it's a trap, right, Batman?" Hugo said.
"Of course it is," Batman answered.
"We wouldn't expect anything less coming from the clown," Batwoman added.
Batwoman then holds her partner's hand and the couple walks inside the elevator together.
Hugo glanced at the pair holding hands and grinned like a Cheshire cat. He whispered to himself. "I will enjoy dissecting your brain, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne."
To Be Continued...
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