Dream had her arm thrown over her eyes while laying on her bed, the covers pulled over her naked body since it was freezing in the bedroom. Even with the heater on, it seemed like the house still matched the freezing cold temperatures of outside.
She was so tired, surprisingly. It was nearing noon and she'd only been up since nine this morning. She didn't know why she needed a nap this soon, given she'd been up only three hours. Pregnancy was taking over her body and she hated that.
On top of the unnecessary drowsiness, she also had her first round of morning sickness earlier. That really took a toll on the beginning of her day, but it got better soon after seeing all of the Christmas gifts in front of the large lit up tree in the living room.
The only reason they still hadn't opened gifts yet was because Kentrell and Von were still arranging for packages to arrive in an hour or so. They didn't want her to open her other gifts until she had all of them, and she didn't mind waiting. She had decided to utilize this extra time for a nap, though.
Honestly, she didn't know why she thought she would be able to get much sleep because within a few moments of her being in the bedroom, the sounds of Kentrell and Dayvon coming upstairs made her shake her head.
They literally couldn't go longer than a few minutes without being in her presence, and she just didn't understand why. The obsession was real, but she loved it-sometimes.
"You sleep yet ma?" She heard Von's voice first, and she laid still, hoping that if she pretended to be sleep, they'd go away.
"She only been up hea' fa' ten minutes. She ain't sleep that fast." Kentrell's voice came next, and after a few seconds, both sides of the bed dipped.
"Damn," He spoke again after pulling the cover up, getting a view of her naked body, low-key caught off guard because she rarely ever slept completely naked since she hated the feeling of her silk sheets on her bare skin. Her baby had her sensory system all over the place though.
"Weirdos." She mumbled aloud, and a smile fell over her face as she listened to both of them laugh while they made themselves comfortable near her.
"You still holding out on me? I miss you." Von laid his face in her neck, now resting between her legs. It had been a long two months. He was far beyond the point of feening for her touch.
Dream had definitely held up on her word of putting him on probation for sex-and she basically rubbed it in his face by having sex with Kentrell in front of him, only allowing Dayvon to get a taste of her essence. She wouldn't even let him finger her because that would remind him of penetrating her with his dick.
Sex really wasn't an important need to him, and he'd went longer without it before, but Dream's natural sex appeal was so strong. And it didn't make it any better that he was literally obsessed with her. She had him going crazy without it.
"Yup. Nice try though." She chuckled, putting her hand between her legs to stop him from touching her.
"You fucked up." Kentrell chuckled as well, and she smiled in response, shrugging her shoulders.
"Are you sad papa?" Her smile remained as she pulled Von's face from her neck, seeing the genuine pout that rested on his plump lips.
"Yeah. I miss you." He mumbled, softly pecking her lips. Dream chuckled again, wrapping both of her arms around his neck to hug him.
All it took was a short 'come on' from her, and Dayvon was slowly pushing his hard dick inside of her, immediately letting out a deep groan at the feeling of her tight warmth.
"Shit." She breathed out, propping her legs up to make it easier on herself as he stretched her out. She obviously didn't have sex often, but had done it more times than she could remember, so she didn't understand how she still had to get used to him and Kentrell.
"You gotta breathe mama. Relax." Kentrell kissed her face, reaching his hand down to gently rub against her clit, earning a moan from her.
Dayvon's hand clamped over her mouth once she screamed, which was a result of him thrusting the entire length of his dick inside of her without any warning. The feeling of throbbing inside of her was sending him into overdrive already.
"Fuuuck," He groaned out, his eyes about to roll to the back of his head, but refocused when Kentrell aggressively grabbed him up by his neck.
"You being too rough wit' ha'. Slow down or I'ma handle you next." Kentrell forced him to meet his gaze, and Von moaned under his breath, doing as told.
His head tilted back, and Kentrell took the opportunity to kiss him, pulling Von's plump bottom lip into his mouth, gently sucking on it while simultaneously sliding his tongue into his mouth.
This caused Von's strokes to become sloppy, and he moaned into Kentrell's mouth after hearing Dream's small, muffled cries. He removed his hand from over her mouth, breaking his kiss with Kentrell.
"I'm sorry fat ma. You okay?" He softly grunted, his head now leaned down in front of hers as he slowed his strokes down, yet still dug deeply inside of her.
"Yes. Can you cum for me, please?" She spoke back in her naturally quiet tone, and he groaned again, grabbing her neck to keep himself stabilized.
"You ain't hear her?" Kentrell gripped his face, and Dayvon tried to form a sentence, but could barely see straight as Dream tightened her warmth around his dick. It was crazy how Kentrell could cause an orgasm for them both, just from talking. He enjoyed just watching the aftermath of what he could do.
"I'm c-fuuuckkk, oh fuck," Von moaned, his stomach getting that familiar dropping sensation, and soon enough, his nut shot out and painted Dream's walls in a white cream.
"Nana, open up for me please." Kentrell softened his voice while stroking his erected dick in front of her, nutting in her mouth as soon as she obliged. She moaned at his taste, swallowing all of it once she was sure that he'd finished.
A few moments later, Dream softly whined to herself, creaming around Von's dick for the second time, her legs trembling while locked around his waist.
"Hold 'em up." Von gripped her thigh, and even though she didn't have the strength to do so, she forced herself to point her toes towards the ceiling, elevating her legs in the air.
Then, him and Kentrell switched positions, and her mouth fell open in shock as he wasted no time to slide inside of her, ready to have his turn.
He leaned his head down to spit in her mouth, keeping his strokes at a steady, but gentle pace, digging deep with each forwards thrust of his hips.
"I love you pretty girl." He sucked his spit up from her tongue, and she moaned in his mouth, basically melting under his touch.
Dream used the back of her hand to wipe her damp cheeks, trying to stop her heavy flow of tears as she stood in front of her brand new 2020 Land Rover Range Rover-white in color, with black detailing and heavily tinted windows.
It seemed as if great minds indeed thought alike, because two other brand new automobiles were in Dream's driveway as well. Instead of being cars though, Dream had gifted her two boyfriends each a 2022 Kawasaki Brute Force 300 all-terrain vehicle.
Described in basic terms, the ATVs were commonly referred to as 'four-wheelers', and the gifts had caught both Kentrell and Dayvon by surprise. They'd been searching for some for months, but everywhere they checked, companies were sold out.
Not only was Dream able to find two of the four wheelers, but both of them were customized with personalized details. While Kentrell's was green and black with neatly painted snakes; Dayvon's was silver and black with stencils of his signature 'O Block' chain.
Both ATVs had dark rims, and were decked out with heavily illuminated LED lights and full speaker systems. Dream had actually installed the lights on her own. She knew they'd ride them at night, and she wanted them to be able to see and drive safely.
"What the fuck is you crying fa'?" Kentrell laughed, picking Dream up from her feet, and her arms immediately wrapped around his neck.
"Because y'all bought my dream car. And it's a mommy car." She pouted, still trying to dry her face.
"I ain't buy that ugly ass car. He did." Von pointed to Kentrell, and she frowned over at him, making him laugh. He was telling the truth though. For some reason, white cars were one of his biggest pet peeves.
"Thank you baby. I love it. Where are my keys?" She asked after kissing him, and he laughed while putting her down on her feet.
He pulled a set of keys with a fob from his pocket, holding it out to her. Dream wasted no time to go look at the interior of her new car, and Midnight was hot on her trail.
Before she could get in though, she saw a stack of papers sitting in the driver's seat. She picked the stack up, reading over the fine print, expecting it to be the car's instruction manual or something.
Unknowingly to her, that was actually the paperwork that proved her mortgage had been paid off in full, which meant that she now had complete ownership over her house, and the acre of land that came with it.
At the bottom of the last page was a receipt from the check that had been signed over to her landlord, and Dayvon's name was signed in his nest handwriting-making her even more emotional than she already was.
"I love you so much." Her voice cracked as she wrapped Von up in a hug, and he chuckled, sliding his arms around her waist.
"Don't put me on pussy probation ever again or I'ma repo this shit." He kissed the side of her face, and she laughed, rolling her eyes at him.
"I'm so happy. I love y'all so much." She finally got her cries to clear up while hugging them both, letting Kentrell kiss her forehead.
Being happy was beyond an understatement. She couldn't find a word to truly describe the effect their love had on her. She was literally head over heels in love, and it was so effortless-as if she was made specifically to love them.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
Her face was attacked with kisses from them both, and her smile was so big that she just knew her cheeks would rip. It would be well worth it, though.
This was her best Christmas yet. On top of all of her new designer clothes, purses, and shoes, her brand new car, her paid off house, and the bomb sex she had this morning; her favorite part of the day was knowing that by this time next year, they'd be celebrating with a new addition to their family.
She couldn't wait.
Her smile spread further across her face after Dayvon pulled her shirt up-as if he had literally read her mind. Both men rested their large palms on each side of her stomach, and just knowing that an actual baby was in there had Dream ready to cry.
To be doing parenthood in the future with them only enabled her emotions even more. She knew that they would be the best fathers to every child that she would eventually birth, and she was so thankful and blessed to have been chosen as the mom to carry them.
"It's twins in thea'. Yo' shit growing way too fast." Kentrell told her, mesmerized by her protruding belly. She had hit her tenth week mark today, and a small bump was finally becoming visible.
"I hope so. C'mon, we have to go get dressed." She chuckled, pulling her shirt back down.
Even though they were supposed to be getting ready, for the next two and a half hours, they spent the early afternoon opening up even more gifts and even tried some of their new items on-and tested their new gadgets out.
Finally, they did end up rushing to get dressed since they had other gift to drop off to their friends, and family too. When they were ready, Kentrell and Von loaded Kentrell's truck up with gift bags and boxes, while Dream warmed up in the backseat.
She posted a photo she'd taken of Kentrell and Von in her backyard on Instagram, and purposely turned her comments off because she hated reading them.
Liked by jaydacheaves and 1,101,928 others
thedreamsaja : I could never thank either of you enough for all that y'all do for me. The gifts aren't worth anything compared to the love I get to witness every single day. My heart has never been so full. I love you both for a lifetime. Merry Christmas from my family to yours. Be blessed, and stay grateful! 🎀
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nba_youngboy : U been that BM🤰🏼💚🐊
📌 Pinned 142,678 likes Reply
kingvonfrmdao : This Yo World Shordy 🖤🤞🏾
📌 Pinned 133,956 likes Reply
KAI : Lmaooooooooooo STFU!!! Don't even say nothing to me bro cause idc 😂
The first thing they went to go do was drop off a round of gifts to Kentrell's friends-excluding Ben, obviously-then, Dayvon's friends were next, and lastly, they stopped at both Jayda and Ariana's house to exchange gifts.
In it's entirety, the process took maybe four or five hours. Now, it was nearing the early evening time, and Dream had convinced Kentrell and Von to help her feed the homeless people in Downtown Atlanta.
She felt like everyone should be happy during the Christmas season, even if it was just for a few minutes. It was so sad to know that these people didn't have families to celebrate the holidays with, and the least she could do was provide them a hot meal since she had the means to do it.
At McDonald's, they ordered hundreds of Big Macs, Crispy Chicken Sandwiches, fries, and Chicken Nuggets. They also stopped at Walmart and bought a bunch of bottled waters and gatorades. To top it off, she also paid for one hundred gift cards, each with five hundred dollars loaded onto them.
On the gift cards alone, they spent close to $50,500. It didn't put a dent in either of their pockets though, and that's why Dream suggested they do it. She found it unfair that some people struggled so badly, yet she had plenty of money to blow for no reason at all.
All across social media, influencers and rappers wasted money on unnecessary things, just to brag about it. Stuff like that kind of irritated her because there was people who could actually do something meaningful with as little as a couple of dollars. Regardless of how they ended up homeless, they still deserved help.
As she passed out food and free money, Dream also gave out plenty of hugs and words of support and encouragement-and even cried a few times. She was so grateful that she was able to put a smile on someone else's face with something so small.
"Your hair is so pretty. Merry Christmas mama." Dream gave a Native American elderly woman a hug, who's hair went near her knees in a long, thick braid.
"You are so very beautiful, and blessed. Thank you. Thank you so much." The woman held on to her tightly before letting her go, and Dream smiled, waving goodbye to her as she moved on to the next person.
"She gon' be the best mama ever. I can't wait for that shit." Dayvon leaned against the truck, keeping his eyes on Dream. Him and Kentrell had paid a large group of security guards to help her get things passed out, and were now taking a smoke break.
"I told her the same shit. Her heart big as hell. That shit rare to come across." Kentrell relit his blunt after the wind had blew out his flame for the umpteenth time.
"Mhm. You ready?" Von looked over at him, scanning his eyes over the features of his face.
"Nah. I ain't scared though. I know I can do whatever if y'all there to help me. We ah' be fine." He shrugged his shoulders, a smile falling over his lips once Von kissed his cheek.
"I'm proud of you Kentrell. You done came a long way. Crazy ass." Von chuckled near the end, and shook his head at the smirk that Kentrell wore.
"Ion think I would've been able to do it if you ain't wanna share yo' girlfriend wit' me." He stated, then laughed after watching Von roll his eyes.
"Yo' delusional ass ain't give me no choice. I still love you though." Von held his hand out, and Kentrell dapped him up, bringing him in for a hug.
"I love you. Thank you." He tilted his head back, and Von pressed his lips against his, gradually sliding his tongue in his mouth. They didn't get too carried away since they were obviously in public, breaking their kiss moments later.
"Why y'all kissing without me?" Dream still had a smile on her face as she approached them, and it grew bigger after both of them left a soft kiss on her lips.
"Yo' boyfriend being a simp." Kentrell chuckled, causing Von to roll his eyes while simultaneously smiling, putting his blunt out.
"Fruity. I like it." She pulled her gloves off, listening to both of them laugh at her response. Her hand went over her mouth as she yawned, then she used the back of it to rub her eye.
"You ready to go home pretty?" Kentrell put his blunt out as well, fanning the smoke away so that it wouldn't be near her.
"Yeah. It's bed time." She chuckled, opening the backseat door so that Midnight could climb inside, seemingly ready for bed too.
"You don't wanna stop at yo' daddy house no more?" Von held her hand, helping her step up into the truck, and she shook her head no.
"I called his landline, and he just doesn't wanna see me. I'm not gonna force it." She mumbled, and both of them could sense that she didn't feel like talking about it.
"Don't let that ruin yo' mood. You had a good day mama. All these people finna sleep good 'cause of you, too. Don't be sad." Kentrell turned her head to look at him, and she nodded, her expression softening.
He was right. Dream wouldn't dwell on her and her father's relationship for long. Her peace was more important than trying to mend a bond that had never really existed in the first place.
I love Christmas. I never do anything for it but I just love the aesthetic. Lmao. Time skip next chapter though.
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