Dream popped up out of her sleep as her mouth heavily watered, and thankfully there was a trash can sat beside the bed, which she began to throw up into.
She gagged at the feeling of vomit rushing out of her throat, groaning right after. The liquids soon stopped, and she groaned again, both worn out and disgusted with herself. She hated throwing up.
"That's what yo' ass get." Ariana laughed, coming inside of the room, and Dream raised her middle finger up at her, making her laugh again.
"What the hell was that?" She mumbled, letting Ariana use a hot towel to wipe her mouth out, then she was carefully sat up in the bed.
"Don Julio, girl. I'ma give you that every time you go out, from this day forward." Ari told her, and she smacked her lips, laughing along with her.
"Don Julio? Where did I get that from?" She covered her mouth as she yawned, and then groaned once again, finally taking notice of her throbbing headache.
"We went to Von's birthday party at the club last night, you got drunk off , like, eight shots I think. Then, you tongued him down in the corner, and told him, and I quote, 'I love you soooo much, bye bye papa'." Ariana mocked her, and her jaw dropped, her eyes widening in surprise.
"I didn't!" She shrieked, and then internally cursed herself out as her headache grew stronger. That alone let her know Ariana was telling the truth.
"Oh but you did bitch. You had sooo much fun best friend." She chuckled, helping her walk to the bathroom.
"That is so embarrassing. Ugh. Oh my god, I'm gonna kill myself." She grabbed ahold of the counter in the guest bathroom, smiling as Ariana laughed at her.
"Girl, whatever. Yo' man said to make sure you call him. I made breakfast, it's in the stove if you're hungry. There's Tylenol in the cabinet. I'm finna go back to sleep." Ariana leaned over to kiss her cheek, and Dream thanked her, before she left out of the bathroom.
Dream took her time completing her morning routine, afraid that she'd pass out if she moved too fast. Her head was pounding like never before. This was her first hangover, and it was going terrible.
After brushing her teeth, she took a cold shower, and that soothed it some. Instead of getting dressed, she dried her body off, and then climbed back under the covers in the bed. She wasn't ready to get up yet.
Next, Dream grabbed her phone from off of the charger, and saw that she had a text message from Dayvon. Her heart rate slowly sped up out of nervousness, wondering what to text him back.
It took him a few minutes to respond, and before a real conversation could even start, he asked her to FaceTime him.
She clicked his contact, then hit the FaceTime icon, and turned her camera off, mainly because she really did look crazy. Her bonnet was lopsided and her lashes were falling out, plus, she was naked.
"Ma I'ma slap the shit out you." He told her as soon as the call connected, and she laughed.
"Has anyone ever told you that you talk exactly how you text?" She chuckled, watching the camera shuffle, being positioned on a bathroom counter.
"Turn yo' camera on, Dream." He ran a small towel under the water faucet at the sink, and Dream could see that he was only wearing a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers.
"Why do you want to see my face so bad?"
"Cause it's pretty. Now turn it on." He rinsed his face off, and Dream couldn't even deny the butterflies that filled her stomach.
She pulled her bonnet down correctly on her head, and then tugged the covers over her body, before finally turning her camera on.
"You white as hell." He told her, and she smacked her lips, turning her camera right back off, which caused him to laugh.
"I'm playing ma. Let me see you." He chuckled, picking his phone up from the counter after patting his face dry.
"Why do you keep calling me ma?" She turned her camera back on, turning over to lay on her stomach.
"Why you call me papa?" He returned a question of the same relevance, and she laughed, rolling her eyes at him.
"That wasn't me last night. I'm so sorry to say it, but I don't know who that girl was. She could walk pass me on the street, I wouldn't know a thing," She shrugged, earning another laugh from him.
"Nah, don't be tryna lie now. Yo' ass get wild as hell. I ain't know you had all that in you." He told her, and she face palmed herself, embarrassed.
"I don't even remember anything. My best friend told me that I told you I loved you-I'm so embarrassed. That was my first time being drunk." She shook her head, and he chuckled, climbing back underneath his covers.
"Damn, so you don't love me foreal? I thought we went together." He smirked, looking at her through the camera.
"No-I mean, not yet? I don't know. Dayvon, shut up." She waved him off once she began to stutter, and he laughed.
"I'm fuckin' wit' you ma. When you going home from Ari house? Or you live with her?"
"I have my own place. And, I don't know. Probably after I wake up from this nap I'm about to take." She shrugged, not seeing the relevance of her living arrangements.
"Come over here and nap with me." He stated, and she frowned, confusion filling her expression.
"Why would I do that?"
"Are you foreal this s-because I wanna see you, Dream. Obviously." He caught himself from saying something rude, giving her a blank stare.
"We're you about to call me stupid?" Her frown remained.
"No. I was gon' ask if you was slow."
"Wow. No. I'm not coming over there because you're rude. I'm about to hang up now, so, bye." She clicked the screen so that the top bar would reappear, about to end the call.
"I ain't mean it like that ma, I'm sorry. Why you be acting so clueless though? Be asking me rhetorical questions and shit." He stopped her from hanging up, and she shrugged.
"I told you I don't talk to men. I don't get asked to 'come over'. I didn't know what you meant, that's why I asked. I won't ask you anymore questions though."
"Nah, you good. Did I just make you mad?" He asked, seeing the look on her face.
"No. I don't want you to call me slow though, okay? I'm naturally oblivious, so you just have to make stuff clearer for me, please." She told him, and he nodded, licking over his lips.
"I'm sorry. I ain't mean to make you feel no type of way." He apologized, feeling bad after hearing the tone she now carried.
"That's okay. Can we talk a little later? I'm sleepy." She said, and even though she really was sleepy, she just didn't want to talk to him right now.
"Don't do me like that ma. I ain't mean it. I was playing."
"You hurt my feelings. I don't wanna talk anymore." Her camera turned off, and he hoped that he hadn't made her cry. He didn't think that little comment would be taken so seriously.
"Dream I d-," She didn't even give him a chance to explain himself before the call had ended. They hadn't even been on the phone for fifteen minutes and it was already over.
She knew that she was overreacting over his joking statement, but she already beat herself up over how naturally unaware she was. It was what she hated most about herself. So when that was pointed out, it hurt her feelings, even if the person didn't have bad intentions.
Her phone rung again with a call from Dayvon, and she let it go to voicemail, doing the same thing two more times. Then, a text message came through.
Once again, his contact flashed across her screen for FaceTime, and she clicked the green icon, answering the call.
"Stop poutin' and talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong." He sat his phone on his dresser, and she watched him look through his top drawer.
"You wouldn't understand even if I told you. It's stupid." She shrugged, covering her chest with the thick blankets.
"If it make you feel a way then it ain't stupid." He told her, pulling on a pair of gray sweatpants.
"You coming to get me?"
"Yeah. Send yo' lo ma." He grabbed a white tee shirt out of his drawer, and she chuckled. She loved how determined he was when it came to her. It was cute; no one had ever done that for her before.
"What will we do at your house?" She curiously asked, using her nail to scratch her scalp through her bonnet.
"Take a nap. I ain't gone fuck you, girl. Don't trip." He chuckled, and she did as well, rolling her eyes.
"Okay. I have to go ask Ari if you can come get me first, and then I have to get dressed if she says yes." She told him, sitting up in the bed.
Then, Dream got up to do what she said, and after getting permission from Ari, she began to put some lounge clothes on. She hadn't packed any real outfits in her bag because she had planned to just chill with her friends this weekend.
She dressed in a dark colored skims sets; a pair of rib boxers and the matching tank top, and for her shoes, she just put on a pair of Yeezy foam runners.
While she got dressed, Von remained on the phone the whole time, the two of them talking about randomized topics as he made his way to Ariana's house.
"Here I come," She mumbled, grabbing her bag and her purse, then grabbed her phone off of the bed. She ended the phone call, and headed towards the front door.
Once she opened it, she saw Von standing there with a bouquet of red roses in his hand-roses that she'd literally picked out while on FaceTime with him since he didn't know what kind she liked most.
"Thank you." She chuckled, taking the roses from him, and then she smiled as he wrapped her up in a full hug.
"Stoppp," She laughed, holding his face as he repeatedly kissed hers, jokingly saying 'sorry' over and over again.
"You forgive me now?" He held her waist as he pretended to bite her jaw, and she felt like if she smiled any bigger, her mouth would rip.
"Yes." She hugged him back, and was soon lifted off of her feet. Von closed the door for her, and then effortlessly carried her to his Lamborghini Urus truck.
He sat her down in the passenger seat, and took her bags from her to place them in the backseat. While he did that, Dream took the time to admire the interior of his car. Everything was so nice and digital.
She drove a white 2017 Kia Cadenza, and she thought her car was fancy, but this? This was amazing. It was super clean too, not a dust particle in sight.
"Don't get quiet now." Von told her, glancing over at her as he pulled out of Ariana's large driveway.
"Boy, hush. I'm just looking at your car. It's nice in here." She waved him off, turning on the passenger side seat warmer.
"You smell good." He disregarded what she said as he pulled up to a red light, and she didn't even look over at him because she knew he was staring. She didn't feel like being nervous and shy right now.
He leaned over the armrest, and her face grew warm as he kissed her cheek, then sat back down in his seat. A smirk grew on his face, watching as she tried to hide the fact that she was blushing.
"Stop it. You're not funny." She mushed his head away from her, and he laughed, easing up off of the break pedal.
"Nigga got you blushing from nothin' folks 'nem."
"Folks and them? Who is folks and them? Is that a nickname?" She frowned over at him, and then her frown deepened once he laughed at her pronunciation.
"I don't like you. Take me back to my best friend house." She folded her arms across her chest, rolling her eyes as his laughs slowly died down.
"You funny as hell. Ion know no folks and them either. I said folks 'nem. You know, like, slang?" He chuckled, wiping away the tear that fell from laughing so hard.
"I've never heard that before." She shrugged, pulling her feet up in the seat, gazing at her surroundings.
"You ain't heard of a lot of shit. Where you from ma?"
"Here. Well, here but like, in the country part. It's like half an hour from here." She told him, not clearly stating the name of her town. He probably wouldn't know it anyway.
"Where at?"
"Montezuma." She responded, then looked over to read his expression, seeing the look of confusion on his face.
"It's an Amish town. It's in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of cows and farm animals and stuff. A lot of people don't know about it." She told him, looking out of the window as her surroundings became unfamiliar.
"You like it out there?"
"No. I don't wanna move away from my papa though, so I settled for my house there." She revealed, opening up a package of fruit snacks she'd taken from Ari's house.
"Why not just make the drive there whenever you wanna see him?"
"I don't know. I think moving away would give me a sense of independence, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. I'm not ready to be out in the world all by myself yet." She gave him one of her fruit snacks, and chuckled as he made her feed it to him.
"You a daddy's girl or somethin'? Y'all close?"
"No and no. He's just all I have, so." She hit the red button to unbuckle her seatbelt after he'd pulled in a garage she figured was his, another luxurious car parked inside as well.
"Anyways, get out my life. This is so big and pretty." She referred to his spacious garage after she got out, looking around at the small gym set, and the casual lounge area on the far side.
"Why you open that door?" He picked her up, and she laughed as he placed her back in his truck, closing the door afterwards. Then, he opened it back up, and helped her out.
"You are so dramatic. What was the point of that?"
"I don't want you touching no doors ma." He kissed her face, and she smiled, rolling her eyes while he grabbed her bag from the backseat.
She held his hand, letting him lead her towards the side door entrance to his house. Her excitement was through the roof. This was her first time at someone besides her friends house-and on top of that, it was a man, who she'd kissed last night! This felt like a fever dream.
His house was very minimalistic, but it was gorgeous. Everything was color coordinated in earthy colors, and the floors were made of nice walnut colored plywood.
Dream would've thought that since he was a celebrity, he'd have a super huge house, kind of like Ariana's, but he didn't. It was pretty compact, but still spacious. She understood though, because what was the point of a lot of space if only one person occupied it.
"You gon' stay the night with me?" He put her bag in his walk in closet, while she familiarized herself with his bedroom.
"No. I have to go get my baby from my dad's house." She sat down in a brown plush beanbag, making herself comfortable on it.
"Baby?" He frowned, his attention shifting completely to her, making her laugh.
"Yeah." She answered, wanting to see what his reaction would be to her having a child-which was actually just her dog, Midnight.
"You got a baby? Like, you got a babydaddy? You be fuckin'?" Slowly but surely, he now stood in front of her, and she tried not to laugh.
"Is that a problem?" She asked, staring up at him, tilting her head towards the right side.
"Didn't you say you was Amish? Y'all ain't 'posed to have kids 'til y'all married." He rose an eyebrow at her, and she released her laugh, mostly because she was surprised he was familiar with the religion.
"He's my dog. His name is Midnight." She chuckled, leaning back on the beanbag.
"I was finna beat yo' ass shordy. Ion play wit' babymamas. Them the type of hoes you gotta stay away from." He dramatically fell on top of her, and she laughed again, being grabbed in a bear hug. He was so touchy, but she surprisingly didn't mind it.
"If I was a babymama you would stay away from me?" She smiled, amused as she stared at him.
"Nah. Gon' kill yo' babydaddy though." He told her, rolling over to lay besides her on the beanbag. He rarely ever actually sat in it.
"No you wouldn't." She smacked her lips, laying her head on his shoulder after he'd grabbed a box from his dresser.
"You don't know me, huh?" He smirked, and she rolled her eyes, her smile never leaving her face.
"That stinks." Dream covered her nose once he opened the box, seeing plastic bags containing weed inside.
"You ever smoked before?"
"Because of yo' people?" He asked, referring to the Amish. He knew that the religion was one of the strictest to exist, but he didn't know any real details.
"Um, not really. We're allowed to smoke because weed is natural, like there's a few boys in town who grow it and sell it sometimes. Ari and Jayda don't smoke a lot though, so it's never really been in front of me like this." She told him, and nodded to show he understood.
"You wanna try it out?" He used a grinder to break the weed down, twisting it in a circular motion.
"No, thank you." She politely declined, and he chuckled at how proper she was.
"You don't have to put it up." She said, seeing him putting the contents back inside of the brown, rectangular box.
"I ain't gon' smoke it 'round you. Come here." He grabbed her waist, and she held on to his arms as she was placed in his lap.
Dream wrapped her arms around his neck, and hid her face in the crook of his neck because she knew that she was blushing. She couldn't believe that somebody was this interested in her, it made her heart happy.
Even though they hadn't been talking for nothing but two days, she hoped that he wasn't the type of man to play women. She knew all about how most industry men were, and she felt like she was too pure to be done that way.
A part of her was afraid though, even to just be friends with him. She already liked him and it hadn't even been a week yet, so she knew she'd be falling fast. It was low-key embarrassing, and she hoped that she wouldn't let her feelings get the best of her and result in her guard being let down too quickly.
But, maybe she was overthinking it. Maybe this would be the start of something good.
All of these chapters have been 3k words. I'm slaying hard af!
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