Angel picked up a cute overall set that came with a cropped shirt from the rack of children's clothes in Burlington, then internally cursed herself out as she put it down. She was supposed to be buying house decor but kept getting distracted with clothes she wanted to buy for Kaiya.
"Mommy can I get this, please? It's only one-oh-nine dollars." Kaiya tugged on her bell bottom jeans, causing her to look down at the toy in her hand.
"Yes but nothing else because your daddy said not to buy you anymore toys. Ok?" Angel took the pottery wheel set for children out of her hands, placing it in the cart while she nodded her head with a smile on her face.
"Y'all spoil my niece so bad. She don't even know what no mean." Shayla chuckled from the side of her, letting Kaiya grab her hand while Angel continued pushing the cart down the aisle.
"It's Roman's fault. He tries to sometimes but he get real soft for her. He would buy her a horse if she asked." Angel shook her head, then playfully rolled her eyes at the look on Kaiya's face who pretended as if she'd just had an idea.
"I just know y'all finna run them pockets dry when my babies come." She referred to the twins that Angel carried, making her nod in agreement because it was true.
Angel couldn't even remember the last time she'd used her own debit card for a transaction. Roman shut that down as soon as they started dating, and when they moved in together he took her to the bank to make her an authorized user on both his debit and credit cards.
She had thousands of dollars just sitting in her checking account that she'd made on her own, but Roman frequently deposited more in whenever he had leftover cash that he had no plans to use-which was practically all of the time.
Although she no longer lived at home, even Shayla and their mom Serenity still sent her money for her to use if she ever needed it. Everybody took care of her like she was still a kid but she didn't mind. If it meant more money for her, then so be it.
Since all of her money really just sat untouched in her account, Roman suggested she invest some of it into organizations of her choice so that it could multiply without her having to do any real work. She was looking into it but hadn't made any moves yet.
Anywho, the girls spent another hour at Burlington before it was time to go pick Raelle up from one of her friends house-one that Angel actually liked. Then they went to the nail shop to waste even more time, before finally making it back home.
Every time Angel walked into their new house, she fell in love all over again. They'd only been living there for about a week now, but she already loved it so much. It was so spacious, she couldn't wait until her babies were born so that they could fill up some of the extra space.
"You so damn hardheaded Angel." Roman told her with a frown after watching Kaiya open up her pottery toy in the living room.
"It was only a hundred dollars and I paid cash for it so it wasn't real money anyway." She shrugged her shoulder, beginning to pull the groceries out of the plastic bags they were in with the help of her sister.
"And you just let her." He shook his head at Shayla too, who laughed with a shrug of her shoulders.
"To be fair, technically it's not even a toy. It's arts and crafts foreal." Shayla opened up the box of caprisuns to grab one for herself, throwing the straw in the trash.
Angel attempted to walk past Roman to throw away a box that previously contained prepackaged Oreos, but he grabbed her wrist to stop her, pulling her body closer to his.
"You ain't kiss me or hug me or nothin'." He leaned his head down to be at her height, and she smiled, reaching up to peck his lips.
"Andddd that's my cue right there." Shayla headed for the living room as soon as she noticed they were getting carried away, earning a laugh from Angel.
"You need to learn surface level kisses. You don't always have to put your tongue in my mouth." She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"Nah. I like yo' mouth too much for that." He told her, making her roll her eyes as he left a kiss on her forehead.
"How much money you spend while y'all was out?" He asked her, grabbing his phone from the front pocket of his sweats.
"I don't know, like, three hundred at Burlington and probably a little more at Target. I forgot how much we spent at Walmart. But Shayla paid for all our nails so can you Zelle her some too?" She laid her head against his chest, knowing that he was about to replace the money that she'd spent even though it was on his card.
"Gross. Y'all need a room." Raelle walked into the kitchen only for her to see the way that Roman gripped Angel's ass, and he chuckled, moving his hand to her waist.
"You're about to pop, girl." Angel referred to Raelle's eight and a half month belly that was on display since she only wore a sports bra and spandex shorts.
The further she got into her pregnancy, the more clothes started to bother her. She seemed to always be hot now, which wasn't unexpected since she'd put on almost forty pounds in the last eight months.
"Don't remind me." She dramatically sighed, holding her hip after grabbing an iced tea out of the refrigerator.
"You finished yo' school work for the day?" Roman asked her, seeing that she was carrying her pink iPad in her hand.
Instead of enrolling in a new school, Raelle asked Roman if she could finish up her diploma at her old school, but online. She didn't want to go around new people just for them to talk about her being pregnant while still in high school. At least the people at her previous school didn't judge her or even ask about her pregnancy.
She didn't have much of any credits left to get, especially with it being less than a month of school left. So, Roman didn't mind letting her continue her education through distance learning. The only downfall about this was that she couldn't walk across the stage with the people she'd gone to school with her whole life, but she was getting over it.
Her baby would be born around the time of graduation anyway, so she probably wouldn't have even made it.
Raelle didn't know what she would do after she gave birth. She felt like she'd be too deep into mommy mode to go to college in August, and honestly she was sick of school anyway. Roman told her she didn't have to decide now, and that there were plenty of people who went to college at older ages, and that made her feel a little better.
He'd also told her that she didn't have to worry about getting a job during the first year of her being a mom. The only reason he wanted her to get one after that was because she needed some experience in the working field for when she finally branched out to do life on her own.
But even then, Roman would always be there to support her-financially, emotionally and physically.
"I told you yesterday that I was all done. I just have to go to the zooms for attendance, and yes, I went today. Get you some business." She held under her belly, waddling out of the kitchen to go bother Shayla and Kaiya.
"Yup. Get you some business." Angel let him go to finish putting up the groceries, but didn't get too far before his hand made rough contact with her ass.
"Watch that mouth 'for I put something in it." He smirked at the way she held her own ass, trying to soothe the stinging sensation his large hand had left.
"You are a donkey's butt and I am not fond of you." She frowned in his direction, causing him to laugh at her choice of words.
Angel rolled her eyes because he obviously didn't take her seriously, and continued on with her task of stocking the kitchen. When she was done, she decided to clean up the little mess she'd made during the process.
Their kitchen-and the house in general-was rarely ever dirty; even in the last house. Angel and Faye were always cleaning up, but neither of the household members were just flat out dirty, so that played a part in it too.
Anywho, by the time Angel had finished up everything and engaged in an hour long 'lace-up' conversation with her older sister, it was time for Shayla to head back home to New York.
"I love you more. Call me when y'all get home, okay?" Angel kissed her cheek, waving at Shayla's boyfriend Tracy, who was waiting for her in the car.
"Okay. Bye bye babies." Shayla leaned over to kiss her belly, putting a smile on Angel's face.
After watching their car back out of the driveway, Angel closed and locked the door, now low-key sad. She loved her sister so much, Shayla was truly her best friend. She hated that she couldn't just pop up at her house anymore and they now had to plan weekends to get together.
Shayla had stayed over at the new house with them for the last two days, but she had to go back to the city today since she had a hosting coming up. Angel hated being away from her.
"What's wrong?" Roman's eyebrows immediately furrowed at her expression once she walked out of the foyer and into the living rooms where he sat on the couch.
"I miss her already. We moved so far." She laid her head on his chest after making herself comfortable in his lap, feeling his hand place down on the small of her back.
"No. Don't feel bad. I'm just dramatic." She put her finger to his lips as soon as he was about to say something, knowing that he was going to try to apologize about something he had no control over.
"I'm sorry fat ma." He chuckled, laying his face in the crook of her neck.
"Roman I just said don't say that." Her eyebrows formed a small, playful frown.
"I know but I hate not being able to fix shit for you. And I know you been sad foreal 'bout leaving yo' mama 'nem. I ain't mean to take you away from yo' people." His eyes were apologetic as he looked at her again, making her heart melt.
"You didn't take me anywhere. I came with you, for us. I'm not sad, I promise. I'm just adapting. I love being with you so don't apologize for that, okay?" She held his face in her hand, pressing her lips against his for a small kiss.
"I love you. I'll do whatever to keep you happy." He rubbed the small of her back, keeping his lips against hers.
"I know baby. You can't fix everything though, and I want you to understand that. Sometimes you stress yourself out by trying to make sure life is perfect for everyone else, but you need to give yourself a break because everything can't always go in everyone's favor all of the time."
"That shit hard. I feel like it should really be y'all way or no way at all. And I don't mind making sure that it's always like that." He told her, and a soft smile spread across her face because she knew there was no getting through to him about this.
"Quit looking at me like that or I'ma take you upstairs and fuck the sh-,"
"Mommy can I see the babies pleaseee," Kaiya walked into the living room in the middle of Roman's vulgar statement, and Angel laughed once he coughed to pretend like he'd never said anything.
"You always want to see them Ky." She chuckled, turning her body around in Roman's lap so that her back was against his chest.
"Because they my favorite. I love them so muchhh," Kaiya pressed her face up against Angel's belly, blowing raspberries against it which caused her to laugh again.
She'd finally started to grow a bump, which was expected to grow larger in the coming weeks. Her stomach would develop quicker than the average pregnant woman since she was carrying twins, and she was ready for it. She loved being pregnant.
Another reason she loved it was because of how much Roman's obsession with her had grown. How obsessed he was before her pregnancy had nothing on him now. He waited on her hand and foot, catered to her every ask and need even if she could do or get it on her own.
He rubbed her feet almost every night and helped her out of the bed in the mornings as if she wasn't capable of doing it herself, but it didn't bother her at all. She loved him and the way that he loved her so much.
"Mama!" Raelle called from upstairs, and Roman's arms unwrapped from Angel's waist so that she could get up.
Every time Raelle called her, she got up to go see what she wanted even if it was something as simple as passing her the remote. The baby had her body so sore all of the time, so Angel didn't mind doing little things like that for her.
And when it was Angel's turn, Raelle could bet her ass she'd be doing the same.
"What, girl?" She chuckled, standing in the doorway of her bedroom.
"I just had a contraction a few minutes ago and now this one-and it's been like seven minutes. And my nani hurt so bad ma I think I'm in labor. Oh my god, I'm about to die. It's too early." The panic was evident in her voice, and Angel's smile immediately disappeared.
"Calm down Ray. It might just be Braxton hicks again, remember? How bad does it hurt from one to ten?"
"Twelve." Raelle had a pout on her face, clinging to her dresser and Angel's arm.
"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Angel asked, assuming they'd most likely say the same thing about the Braxton Hicks, but it wouldn't hurt anything to go anyway.
Before she could respond, Raelle felt a sensation that reminded her of peeing, and both of them looked down at the ground once an obvious clear liquid leaked down her leg-meaning that she was officially in labor.
The real panic set in and Raelle could feel her baby begin to change positions inside of her, only making her realize that this was actually happening, and she was actually about to give birth to her son that she'd been carrying for the last eight and a half months.
She began to audibly cry, too overwhelmed from both the pain coming from down below and the fear of what was to come in the next few hours. Even with all the preparing she'd been doing with Angel, she still didn't think she was ready.
"What's going on?" A look of concern immediately placed upon Roman's face as he watched them get off of the elevator, raising up from the couch.
"She's in labor. I'll walk with her to the car, she needs to walk out the contractions. Here," Angel passed his the heavy diaper bag that was on her shoulder, and he leaned over to pick Kaiya up, wasting no time to go warm up his truck.
The drive to the hospital seemed so much longer than the previous two times they'd been when Raelle's contractions scared her into thinking she was going into labor early. This time it was actually real, and she spent the whole ride trying not to vomit.
"Baby you have to give her a minute, ok? She'll talk to you in a minute." Angel assured Kaiya, who kept asking Raelle questions when she could hardly even breathe correctly.
"Mommy is she gon' be okay? When the baby comes?" Kaiya directed her question towards her instead, curiosity in her eyes.
"Yes. What percent is your iPad on?" Angel asked, knowing that it would divert her attention elsewhere.
When she picked up her iPad, she got distracted by a notification from a game, making Angel quietly sigh in relief. A migraine was quickly forming and she didn't have the energy to answer a million questions at this very moment.
"You'll be okay baby. We're almost there. Do you want some water?" Angel softly kissed the side of Raelle's face after dabbing her forehead with a cold towel, hoping it was cooling her off.
"I'm so scared mama, I don't wanna die." Her voice cracked, and her statement caused Roman to look in the rearview mirror at her with his naturally stern eyes.
He was afraid too.
When his mother gave birth to Raelle, he remembered the brief coma she went in from medical sedation because of her high-risk labor. And when Samaiya gave birth to Kaiya, she died.
He didn't have any good experiences with the women in his life giving birth-though it had only happened twice-and he was afraid that something would happen to Raelle too. He didn't know what he'd do if that did occur, God forbid.
Since they'd gotten in the car, he hadn't spoken a single word. All he'd been doing was praying. He would give and pay whatever to make sure Raelle was completely safe during and after her birthing process, and he hoped Allah was listening to him.
"You aren't going to die. You're going to be just fine, I promise. You'll be okay." Angel wrapped her arms around her in a hug, letting her cry on her shoulder.
They arrived to the hospital moments later, and seeing the urgency in their situation, nurses rushed Raelle into a room for her to give birth in. Angel, Roman, and Kaiya had to wait in the hall for a few minutes while the nurses prepped Raelle for labor.
"Yes. Yes, she's fine. Okay. I love you too. Bye-bye." Angel pulled her phone from her ear, ending the call with Faye, who was now on her way to the hospital.
"Baby, are you okay?" Angel's eyebrows were furrowed with worry as she stared up at Roman, who lost his gaze with the wall to look down at her.
"I ain't expect this shit to happen so fast." He told her in a low, raspy voice.
"I know. But she needs you to be here for her, and to have faith, you know? She's not going to die. You need to believe that so she will too. The procedures for birth has changed so much in the last seven years. She's safe, okay?" She held his face in her hands, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Roman said it a lot, but he really didn't know what he would do without her. She was his sanity and she kept the world calm for all of them when storms came. He didn't know what trained her for situations like this, but she was always prepared and he loved that.
He bent over to wrap his arms around her small waist in a hug, pulling her body as close as it could get to his. When she hugged him back, he felt all of his worries vanish. He believed Raelle would be okay.
"You guys can come in now. She'll be pushing in just a few minutes." A nurse spoke to them once they pulled away from each other, holding the door to Raelle's room open.
While Roman went inside, Angel grabbed Kaiya's hand to get her attention, causing her to look up from her iPad. She got off of the chair that she sat on, following Angel inside of the hospital room.
"I love you more." Raelle's voice was now soft as she spoke to her big brother, and much more calmer than before.
"Hey Ray Ray. You okay now?" Kaiya stood at the side of her bed, holding on to the railing.
"Yes. I got a shot in my back to help me feel better." She referred to an epidural, which Kaiya had no clue about.
"Okay that's good then, 'cause I was starting to get scared. The baby almost here?" She followed up with another question.
"Girl, comin' too fast foreal." Raelle shook her head with a little chuckle. She was already dilated far enough to begin pushing, she was just waiting on her body to take the natural route with the pushing.
"I texted Josiah. He said he's on his way. He'll be here in a few hours." Angel told her, putting her phone in her back pocket.
"Thank you mama. For everything. I was being dramatic earlier but I'm okay now." She chuckled, stirring the large cup of ice that was in her lap.
"When are you not being dramatic?" Angel rose an eyebrow to question her, making her and Roman laugh because that was true.
And every time she was being dramatic, both of her parents were always there to calm her down. She loved Roman and Angel with her whole heart; the only mom and dad she'd ever had. Nobody could replace them, and DNA couldn't make them any closer.
No birth scene. Y'all done seen a bitch push a baby out a pussy before. No need to read it lol. Another time jump coming let's wrap this up!!!!
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