For some reason-which was actually pretty clear and wasn't odd at all-Roman's body wasn't allowing him to go to sleep. He knew it was because his girlfriend wasn't in the bed with him, and it kind of pissed him off that he was genuinely this dependent on her.
Sometimes he wondered if the reason she would go to her own house for a few days at a time was that she'd grown tired of him and wanted some personal space. He wished he could say the same for himself, but he knew he would never ever get tired of her.
He didn't want to call her and ask could he come over or if she could come back home with him because he didn't want to seem like a pest, and she'd also only been gone for a day. That was 23 hours too long if you asked him.
It was crazy how he really did crave her presence during every waking moment. He hated when she went home and honestly wanted to ask if she'd just move all the way in with him, but then he thought again and realized maybe he was moving too quickly.
Their six month anniversary was in a few weeks, and he knew it could be considered a red flag if they moved in together this soon. He didn't care though. The only thing that was stopping him was his fear of her saying no; he wanted to save future him the embarrassment.
"Fuck it." He reached over on his nightstand to take his phone off of the charger, the time of 5:32 in the afternoon being illuminated on his lock screen-a picture of Angel, Kaiya, Faye and Raelle on Christmas Day as the background.
He watched the dialing display of FaceTime while waiting for her to answer, hoping that she wasn't too busy for him. He knew that she didn't have work today, but she'd told him earlier about her spending the day at her great-grandmother's house with her family.
Roman, on the other hand, had been home from work for a couple of hours now after pulling a double just to keep himself from bothering her today. Any other time he would've just gave in and called when he first begun to miss her, but since she'd be back over tomorrow for the trip they were taking, he opted to wait it out. Obviously that didn't work out.
It was starting to become clear to him just how much he dreaded being home alone. Kaiya was currently at her best friend's house, Raelle was at her's as well, and even Faye had plans today, currently at Friday night service.
"Hey baby. Look at my outfit!" Angel placed her phone up on the nearest stand as soon as the call connected, stepping back to show him what she was wearing.
She had on a fitted white shirt with baggy pink overalls, and croc boots that was the same color as her overalls-and were also covered in mud at the bottoms.
"You look good mama. What you doin'?"
"I'm gardening with my nana and my mom at my GG house. She's having a cookout later on tonight so we keeping ourselves busy for now. And I just needed a reason to put this outfit on 'cause the pastel color is so cute." She sounded so excited as she spoke, and it put a smile on his face.
"It is. You so pretty." He complimented her, trying to hide the disappointment in his tone because it was obvious that she would probably be busy the rest of the day.
"Thank you. What you doing? You miss me yet?" She asked, her head tilting to the side as she questioned him.
"Real bad. I wasn't gon' say nothin' though 'cause you got some shit goin' on." He chuckled, and she smiled at the reference to the Caresha Please episode they watched together the other day; a phrase she hadn't been able to stop saying, and now had him saying it as well.
"Awe, baby, you can come over here with me if you want? I'll go back home with you tonight. You sound so sad. Punk." She snickered near the end, laughing at the way that he playfully rolled his eyes at her.
"I ain't sad." He lied, and she knew he was, causing her to tilt her head the other way.
"Ok, maybe a lil' bit." He paused, both of them laughing at what was so blatantly obvious.
"I ain't wanna bother you though, so I tried not to call you but I be missing you." He shook his head at himself. He was such a simp.
"I miss you more baby. I'm gonna send you my location so you can come over here with me, okay?" She picked her phone up from where she'd previously placed it, and he nodded his head.
"You want me to stay on the phone until you get here?" She asked after sending him her location, even though he had it on both Find My iPhone and Life 360.
"Nah, I need to get dressed and you need to finish potting plants. I'ma call you when I'm pulling up."
"Jokes on you, I'm just here to look pretty. I'm not actually doing anything." She childishly stuck her tongue out to mock him, then smiled at the sight of him laughing.
They talked for a few minutes longer on the phone before hanging up, and Roman got out of his bed with a smile on his face; happy that he was about to go see her. He really did hate when they were apart, even if one of them was just at work.
Anywho, he ended up taking another shower even though he'd taken one earlier. When he got out, he got dress in a plain black shirt and a pair of Purple branded jeans, with black Balenciaga track runners for his shoes.
He sprayed a few pumps of Dior Sauvage and Dossier's Aromatic Pineapple on himself, then placed them back on his cologne display. Angel was the one who'd taught him about mixing a bold scent with a light one for a longer lasting and more prominent scent, and it had basically changed his life.
After putting some extra cash in his wallet, he grabbed his fully charged cell phone and decided he didn't need to bring his charger with him. He shouldn't be gone for long, and his iPhone 14 Pro Max had a 19-hour battery life anyway.
Soon enough, he was in his Cadillac truck, heading towards the address that Angel sent him. Her great-grandmother surprisingly didn't stay too far from him, and he was parked on the side street of her neighborhood in less than fifteen minutes.
The house kind of reminded him of those houses on the Tyler Perry movies-big enough to hold the whole family if it ever came down to it. It even had the signature wraparound porch with a front swing that was currently being occupied by three younger kids sharing an iPad.
"Roman! It's so nice to see you honey." Angel's mom, Serenity, greeted him almost as soon as he stepped out of his truck.
"Why it seem like you done got shorter since the last time I saw you?" He leaned over to give her a hug, laughing once she playfully slapped his back.
"Everybody short to you, fucking giant." She shook her head as they pulled away, and he laughed again. It was true. He was 6'5 and the Balenciaga's that he currently wore added an inch or two to his already staggering height.
"The food isn't ready yet, but most of everybody is here. Angel's upstairs with her sister, the second door on the left." She pointed back to the house, and he thanked her, before heading that way.
He spoke to a few of her family members that he'd met at their last party, and even stopped to talk with both of her grandmothers for a few minutes. He didn't end up making it upstairs to her until about ten minutes later.
When he made it to the room that Serenity previously directed him to, he raised his hand to knock on the door, and was granted permission inside seconds after. He didn't see anyone at first, but then Angel came out of the closet on the left of him.
Instead of the overalls she had on earlier, she was now dressed in a baby blue colored rib knit dress that stopped at her mid thigh, black Chanel sandals and a matching Chanel purse.
Obviously anything that she wore would show off her body, but this dress was really doing its job and the proof was in the front of Roman's jeans.
"What you got this on for mama?" His hands went to her ass as soon as she approached him, cupping a handful of it in his palms.
"Because my overalls got dirty, and I got soooo hot too. It's January but it's almost ninety degrees outside, and you're wearing jeans. Do I smell like outside?" She lifted her arm to smell herself, then raised it so he could do the same.
He grabbed her face instead to see if he was tripping, and put his nose to her mouth. "You drunk?"
"What? No. Ok, maybe a littleee tipsy but I am not drunk. Does my breath stink? No it doesn't because I'd taste it if it did." She frowned at him without even giving him a chance to answer.
"You don't even drink. Why you drinking liquor?"
"I'm not. My auntie makes these really cute shots with like, um, fruity drinks. So it tastes a lot like juice and I had one too many on accident 'cause I didn't know it was alcohol. I'm not drunk though, I promise." She held his face to give him a kiss, and he chuckled at her mini rant.
"We have to go downstairs now, come on." She turned around with their hands clasped together, leading him out of the door he'd just walked through a few moments ago.
He watched the way her ass moved with little effort as she walked, causing her dress to rise a bit with every step that she took. Her skin had a natural glow to it from the light in the house, but he knew she'd rubbed herself down in her cocoa butter because he'd smelled it earlier.
Removing his eyes from her ass, he took a glance at his surroundings, which was nothing but elder adults and moms making plates. The younger adults were outside in the backyard; playing dice and keeping an eye on the children who swam in the pool.
That's where Angel took him, assuming that her older sister was out there.
"You look pretty sista. I told you it would fit." Shayla told her as soon as they saw each other, gesturing to the open chair next to each other.
Though they had the same body shape, Shayla had much more weight on her than Angel did, so Angel didn't think Shayla's dress would be able to fit her. She was built just like their mom; a bigger ass, bigger boobs, thicker thighs. Angel wasn't technically slim, but compared to her mom and sister she was.
"Ashley, can I get one of those please." Angel called her cousin over, who was carrying a tray of the shots that her mom made.
"You want one?" She then turned to look at Roman, and he shook his head no with a chuckle. He watched her take two from the tray before sitting down in his lap, the two of them sharing the chair next to Shayla and her boyfriend who were doing the same.
"Taste it. It doesn't taste like real liquor because then I wouldn't drink it." She turned her body around a bit, and Roman let her place it to his lips so that he could take a sip.
She was right. Whatever liquor that was in the mix was definitely subtle, and it would be easy to actually mistake it for juice. He would've grabbed a shot too, but he needed to be sober to drive them home, and also to keep an eye on Angel because she had exceeded her limit already.
During the hour that they sat and talked with some of her cousins and her sister, Angel drunk six more of the shots-apparently pacing herself, in her words. She obviously couldn't tell the effect it was taking on her since she was past drunk by now.
"Are you ready to go home yet?" She rubbed the back of his neck that she held, her eyes low as she stared at him; most likely tired.
"I'm not finna fuck you crazy girl." There was a smirk on his face since he knew that was what she wanted, and she groaned in annoyance while laying her head down on his shoulder.
"You never-give me what I want. I mean you always do but not rig-right now." She paused in the middle of her statement, hiccuping.
"You too drunk mama."
"Remember when you came to see me d-drunk that one time? And I gave you food a-oh, aw baby we've been together for so long. I love you so much." She held his face in her hands, obsessed with the smile that was on it.
"I love you more. You aight?" He tilted his head to the side, and she nodded, beginning to fan her face as she became hot. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck again, laying her head down on her right one to be near his ear.
"My pussy wet. Why don't y-you want me?" Her tone had unintentionally softened, and she could feel the shaft of his dick rise underneath her.
"It's time to go. You wildin'." He stood up from the seat with her in his arms, causing her to drunkenly smile. He would give in sooner or later.
Roman carried her through the house after telling Shayla that they were leaving, and they were stopped by her mom in the foyer.
"'Cause lord knows she gon' be mad if she don't get no food." Serenity gave him two styrofoam container plates, and kissed her daughter's cheeks that were puffed up from how she still smiled.
Then she hugged Roman, before sending them on their way.
When they reached his truck, he opened up the passenger door after clicking the locks, and carefully placed Angel inside. She fought with him about not wanting to wear her seatbelt, but eventually let him put it around her.
"I feel like I'm suffocating. I don't want to wear this Roman." She mumbled, tugging on her seatbelt again once he began driving.
"Take yo' ass to sleep." He glanced over at her as he turned out of the neighborhood, and she huffed as a sign of defeat.
"First you said you don't wanna have sex with me, and now, I'm being forced to die. This is so un-boyfriend of you. And t-t-to think I've been really contemplating letting you get me pregnant." She hiccuped, stumbling over her words.
"You was, huh? You want a baby?" He indulged in her drunk thoughts, leaning back in his seat.
"If you do, yes. I just wanna give you whatever you want 'cause you make me so happy." She was able to pull her seatbelt off, finally, and followed up with blowing out a breath of relief.
"Fine. I don't even care if you hate me." She mumbled seconds later, sitting back in her seat with her arms folded across her chest.
"Brat." He glanced over at her, only for her to ignore him. She now had a small pout on her face as she stared out the window, and Roman could see her becoming more drowsy as the seconds passed.
They made it back to his house just a couple of minutes later, and surprisingly Angel was still awake. She almost fell when she tried getting out of the car on her own, so she made Roman carry her due to the fact that she was seeing two of everything.
Even with her blurred vision, being drunk actually wasn't as bad as she'd thought-well, besides her hormones acting up while her boyfriend declined her sexual advances. She'd have to do this again sometime.
"Baby?" She rubbed the back of his neck as he carried her upstairs, laying her head down on his shoulder.
"You love me?"
"Yeah mama. I love you." He leaned over to lay her down in the bed, chuckling once she didn't release the hold she had on his neck.
"I love you more. More than anything else." She repeatedly pecked his lips, wrapping her legs back around him while he smiled.
"I know. Let me take yo' clothes off so you can go to sleep. We can take a bath in the morning, okay? 'Cause you gon' have a hangover and you ah' need it anyway." He grabbed her arms to pull them from around his neck, and she nodded her head in response.
Angel lifted her arms up so that he could pull her rib knit dress off, and he followed up with removing the matching underwear set that she wore. She would've been upset if she woke up tomorrow in the same clothes that she'd spent hours in outside.
Reaching over in the nightstand's first drawer, he grabbed Angel's satin bonnet out of it so that she wouldn't mess up her hair through the night. He gave her small kisses as he tied her hair up, obsessed with how pretty her face was.
"Baby," She called again, the same as she'd done earlier.
"I'm still here fat ma." Roman now stood in the bathroom, putting her clothes in the hamper before removing his own.
"Oh, I know. I just wanted to tell y-you that I'm sorry." Her voice was quieter now, still as soft as ever.
"For what?" He turned off the lights and turned the air down, causing the room to almost immediately become colder.
"Because I kept asking for sex even when you said no and I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything." She told him through a small yawn, tucking herself further underneath the covers.
"I ain't mad at you baby. You drunk and horny. I would've fixed it for you but I want you to be able to remember what it feel like every time I give you this dick." He pulled her body closer to his, wrapping his arms around her once she was as close as she could get.
"Mhm, you're not making this any better." She crossed her already closed legs, a smile spreading across her face at the sound of him laughing.
I work 9-5 tmr. I feel like my job be forgetting I'm just 17 bitch like chill out
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