Angel placed the edge of the cheese pizza that was covered in ranch in her mouth, taking a bite out of it. Obviously she and Roman hadn't been able to finish their food last night due to some extra curricular activities, but they made up for it this morning.
She hadn't had pizza in so long-for no particular reason. Boy, had she been missing out. She thought it would taste stale after being left out last night, but Roman put a cup of water in the microwave with it to restore the moisture, and it tasted just like it was fresh again. It was so good.
"Move Ermias." She pushed his hand from between her legs, and he chuckled, pulling her body closer to his from behind.
Her attention was on the large flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall and currently playing the first Despicable Me movie, but it was clear that Roman wasn't focused on the same thing that she was.
Since they'd woken up, all he'd been doing was kissing her. Kissing her back, her arm, her side all the way down to her hips, her face, her breasts-everything. The man literally couldn't keep his mouth off of her after last night. Even while they were asleep, he'd still kiss on her every time he happened to wake up.
"I love your kisses, I promise, but if you leave grease stains on my back I'm going to be soooo freaking pissed." She mocked White Chicks while referring to the pizza grease that was on his mouth, and he laughed at her perfect impersonation.
"Just tell me you hate me and I'll stop." He took a bite out of the slice of pizza that she was holding, and she playfully rolled her eyes while doing the same.
They shared the rest of that slice, and then Angel put the crust back into the empty box on the nightstand. Somehow, the two of them had managed to finish all eight slices and it was only a little past noon. Guess they'd really worked up an appetite last night.
After wiping her hands off with a napkin, she turned over to face Roman's direction, letting him slide his arms around her waist while her left one went over the side of his neck. He pulled her leg to be over his waist, making sure there wasn't any room left between them.
"You sleepy again?" His thumb rubbed circles on her hip, and she nodded, feeling her eyes grow heavier on her face.
"You have such a pretty face mama." He kissed her forehead, causing her to chuckle, knowing he probably wasn't about to let her doze off.
"I let you touch me one time and you haven't been able to keep your hands-or lips-to yourself yet." She had a sly smirk on her face as she stared at him, and he didn't do anything but peck her lips.
"Shouldn't have let me then." He slickly remarked, then laughed once she held her middle finger up against his nose.
Angel chuckled again, laying the side of her face against his chest while his arms remained wrapped securely around her body. She loved how comfortable she felt in his embrace.
There weren't many people to exist that Angel actually took a liking to because it had always been hard for her to form emotional bonds, but Roman was most definitely an exception. With him, she felt everything.
She'd get sad whenever one of them was at work and couldn't talk, she'd be so overwhelmed with happiness every time that she saw him, she'd get upset when he forgot the sauce she needed from Chic-Fil-A, and she was at peace whenever she was wrapped up in his arms.
Nobody had ever made her feel the way he did. And it was like he did it with such little effort, too; as if making her happy was just second-nature for him. It was crazy how they'd gotten so deep with each other so quickly. Neither of them regretted anything either.
Roman always told her how she'd restored a feeling inside of him that he'd forgot existed, and that made her so happy. She was glad her feelings weren't one sided. She had a fixation on him that couldn't be explained, and she hoped this feeling would go away any time soon.
"Wanna go stop by your house to grab some clothes?" He rubbed over her hard nipple with his thumb, tilting her head back so that she looked at him.
"I can't stay another night because your girls are coming home soon. Stop trying to be slick." She kept her eyes closed as she spoke with humor laced in her tone.
"You ain't gotta leave. They all wanna meet you anyway."
"Really? Have you been telling them good things about me?" Her eyes opened at his words, a curious look on her face.
"Mhm. I got better shit to say now but it ain't appropriate." He grinned, and she scoffed before pushing his head back, making him laugh.
"Stop talking about it now Roman. Geez. I've never heard so much about my own nani." She turned over to lay on her back with a smile as her expression, pulling the cover up higher on her body.
"I can talk about that shit for days. Fat ma get wet as fuck for me a-,"
"Romannnnn," She dragged out in a fake annoyed voice, and he fell into another fit of laughter that she eventually joined in on.
"Aight. Aight, I'm done. I won't say nothin' else 'bout ya pussy. I promise." He held his hands up in surrender, and she rolled her eyes, knowing that wasn't true.
It was all he'd been talking about.
"You are so nasty, I still can't believe you did that. I pee and bleed from down there. Did you know that?" She squinted at him, and he nodded with a shrug of his shoulders.
"That ain't stopping nothing." He shrugged again, and Angel put a fake frown of disgust on her face, making him laugh once more.
"Is that normal? My sister never told me about anybody putting their mouth down there. I don't think that's sanitary." She tucked the cover under her shoulder to stop the air from coming in, looking over at him.
"Yeah, it's normal. Why you acting like you ain't like it?" He tilted his head, sure that she remembered the way she came back to back for him.
"I did like it-I loved it. But that doesn't make it less gross. If I was a man, I'd be scared to do that 'cause what if it tastes or smells funny?"
"You don't taste or smell funny. I knew that before I even ate you out. Niggas can tell if that pussy ah' stank or not. Trust."
"Oh my." She put her hand over her chest at his vulgarity, and he laughed, rolling his eyes at her.
"Yo' vocabulary so cute. You so animated." He chuckled while leaning his head forward to kiss her cheek, putting a smile on her face.
Angel has surprisingly heard that before. She often used onomatopoeias and gave physical reactions to certain stuff that she'd see or hear, as if she was a cartoon character or something. It honestly probably originated from all of the cartoons she watched growing up.
She loved that Roman didn't seem to mind it because she knew that her personality could be considered childish or annoying. A lot of things she'd been ridiculed for in the past were things that Roman liked about her and she had no idea why.
Whenever she was around him, she didn't have to mask who she really was or watch her words in an attempt to not be seen as irritating. She could be herself with him and that was probably why she enjoyed being in his presence so much.
"What was that for?" His eyes found hers after she'd left a soft kiss on his lips, still holding his face in her hands.
"Nothing. You just make me happy and I realize it at random moments." She chuckled, moving her hands so that she could lay on his chest.
"What you gon' do if I tell you that I love you?" Roman's hand rubbed down the middle line of her back, and he expected her to look at him crazy or something, but she didn't give any reaction at all.
On average, men take 88 days-or about three months-to fall in love, whereas women take an average of 134 days to feel and/or say the same. That data was obtained from a survey conducted in 2013, but was the most used expert estimate for the question of how long does it take to admit you love someone.
Really, there's no definitive amount of time it takes to fall in love that will apply to everyone. Some people said it took months, and others swore they experienced it at first sight. Like most things, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
Angel had always been the type of person that thought of everything statistically, but her time with Roman had nothing to do with numbers or data surveys. She didn't have any scientific evidence that could explain why her heart felt like bursting into happy flames every time she saw him, it just happened.
The only people Angel had ever said 'I love you' to were the people who lived in her house while growing up. Her mom, Serenity; her big sister, Shayla; her nana Rose, and her granddaddy James. She'd never even told it to her father who spent most of her childhood in and out of jail-but was now a free man who she barely conversed with.
Did she love Roman?
"You ain't gon' say nothin'?" He chuckled, tilting her head back so that she could look up at him again.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking." She apologized, taking a brief moment to get her thoughts together.
"How can you tell if you love somebody? Like, what made you realize with me?" She curiously asked with her eyebrows slightly furrowed; the expression that seemed to grace her face the most.
"I don't know. At first I tried to trick myself out of it 'cause I feel like it happened too fast, but it was harder to do that than it was to just admit it to myself."
"It just feels like the rest of the world stops when I'm wit' you, and I know how cliche that sound 'cause it sound cheesy as hell to me, but it's true." He paused for a moment, before continuing.
"When I was with Samaiya, I'm not sure if I ever reached the point where I felt like I was in love with her. We was bad for each other, and the only reason we ended up staying together was because she got pregnant with Kaiya, so we was basically stuck by then."
"Now I feel bad 'cause I ain't been with you for nothing but a month and I already feel like I can spend a lifetime with you. Every time I wake up, you be the first thing I think about and that's why I be texting you at four in the morning and shit," He paused again, watching a humorous smile replace her previous curious frown.
"And when I see you smiling like this it make me wanna do whatever it was that made you do it all over again, just so I can keep seeing your smile."
Angel reached up to pull his face down to be closer to hers, before softly pressing her lips up against his. Her hand traveled to rest on the left side of his jaw, cupping it in her palm as their kiss gradually deepened.
She then wrapped her arms around his neck after being turned to lay on her back, breaking their kiss a few moments later to take a much needed breath. It was starting to bother her how wet her core could become just from being kissed by him. To make matters worse, she wasn't even wearing panties right now.
"I love you too. Thank you Roman." She ran her fingers over his braids, her eyes lowering once he gently kissed her bottom lip a few times.
"I love you more. You want yo' pussy ate again?" He met her gaze, and she nodded her head, resulting in him laughing.
Tangled in his blankets with Angel laying on top of him, Roman tried to ignore the sounds of knocking on his bedroom door so that he could remain cuddled up with his girlfriend. Then, he realized someone was knocking and his eyes opened once he heard his daughter calling his name.
"Daddy open up this door what are you doinggg?! I have to tell you something!" Kaiya dragged out her words while continuing to knock, obviously irritated by him.
"Shit." He grabbed Angel's waist, carefully placing her on the side of him so that he could get up. That caused her to wake up as well, and he saw a pout set as her expression.
"GG come tell daddy to open up this door!" Kaiya yelled downstairs to Faye, and Angel's eyes widened at the realization that they were back home.
"Roman! Why'd you let me go to sleep?" She whispered-yelled to him while pulling the covers up over her naked body.
"Girl I ain't hold yo' eyes shut and force you to go to sleep. What is you whispering for?" He chuckled at the way that she was mildly panicking, watching her frown at him.
"You are a donkey's butt and you think you're slick but you're not. I'll jump out of your window so they won't see me." She went with donkey's butt instead of asshole, making Roman laugh.
"See! GG he's faking! Daddy open the door, for real!" Kaiya began to whine from the other side since he was ignoring her, and his laughs faded out as he stood up from the bed.
He walked over to his bedroom door, opening it up just as his daughter was about to start crying from her self-inflicted dramatic emotional pain.
"Quit crying like you a punk or somethin'. Youn even want nothin' girl." He picked her up after stepping out his room and then closed the door behind him.
"Yes I do and why you wasn't answering me? I thought you was dead." She frowned at him, wrapping one of her arms around his neck.
"I almost was but you ruined it." He attacked her face with kisses, and her frown disappeared, being replaced with loud giggles from how ticklish she was.
"Can you go downstairs wit' GG real quick and I'll be down there when I get out the shower? You can tell me all about the sleepover when I come down." He told her, trying to slickly convince her to agree.
"Ok. Promise?" She held her pinky finger out, and after wrapping his with hers, Kaiya ran down the steps to go bother her great-grandmother Faye.
Roman went back into his bedroom and made sure to lock the door behind him in case Kaiya changed her mind about staying downstairs, and he saw Angel still sitting naked in his bed, assumably awaiting for his return.
"You gotta meet 'em now 'cause the floor a long way down from my window." He leaned over to pick her up, feeling her arms go around his neck.
"I don't want to. I can barely walk right and that's so embarrassing. Your granny is going to think I'm fast or something." She heavily sighed, being carried to the bathroom.
"Nah, her ass been telling me to get you pregnant since the first day I talked to you." He told her, laughing once her jaw dropped in surprise.
"Oh no. You haven't been thinking about that, have you-getting me pregnant?? Oh my goodness what am I going to do with you," She face-palmed herself while he continued to laugh.
He put her down on her feet once they made it to his bathroom, and he opened the glass shower door to turn the water on. He twisted the knob until it was a little further to the left for more hot water, and then he closed the door so that no water got on the floor.
Angel had taken a shower when they'd first woken up earlier, but now she needed to take one another because Roman had put her to sleep a couple of hours ago by giving her head for the second time. She definitely wouldn't be going to meet anyone with cum on her thighs.
"You gon' let me take a shower with you this time? 'Cause it's only one bathroom in here and, you know," He put a fake yikes expression on his face, and she rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Knock yourself out, I guess." She got in the shower first, closing the door behind her.
Roman pulled his spider-man pajama pants off, following up with the Ethika boxers he wore. After putting both inside his dirty clothes bin, he opened up the glass door, stepping in behind Angel.
His arms immediately slid around her waist just as she figured, and she put her own over his, leaning her head back against his chest while the water ran down their bodies.
"Thank you for always making sure I'm comfortable Roman." Her head tilted from the way he was kissing her cheek as she remained facing the front.
"Stop calling me Roman. I'm yo' baby." He pretended to bit her jaw, and she laughed, finally turning around in his grip.
"It feels weird calling someone that 'cause I've never really used it before. But I'll call you baby if you want to be called baby." She pulled his face down, pecking his lips a few times which made him smile.
They spent around twenty minutes in the shower together and took another ten to put some clothes on; Roman wearing sweats and a white muscle shirt while Angel wore one of his tee shirts and a pair of spandex Nike shorts that she'd brought over.
Unfortunately, she only packed lounge clothes in her bag because she wasn't expecting to meet his family during the time she'd be staying, but Roman convinced her that she was overthinking as literally no one would care about what she had on.
She made him walk in front of her on the way downstairs and she held on to the back of his shirt, growing more and more nervous with each step she took. It was obvious that she had never met anyone's family before.
"Now why you was up there ignoring my baby, Ermias?" Faye turned around with a pan of subway sandwiches that she'd just taken out of the oven, sitting it down on the kitchen island.
"I was wit' my girl and Kaiya was being a brat." He chuckled, pulling Angel to stand in front of him, and Faye's eyes widened further than their normal size.
"No fucking way." Raelle said from the couch, just now noticing the girl who accompanied her older brother.
"Oh baby, she's beautiful! I knew it!" Faye wrapped Angel up in a hug, causing her awkward stance to disappear as she hugged her back.
"You look so pretty girl! I'm Nana Faye. I'm so happy to finally meet you, chile, all he do is talk about you. I was wondering when you would show your face." Faye's hand held her cheeks for a second before she gave her another hug.
"I'm so nervous, I can't even talk right now. I'm sorry." Angel's voice was way quieter than normal, making Roman smile. She was so cute.
"Baby, I ain't nobody. If anything I should be the nervous one; my grandkids might run you off with they crazy asses. Look, that's Raelle and that's Kaiya." Faye was still hugging her as she pointed towards the living room, both of them watching as Raelle approached her.
"I ain't the crazy one. Kaiya is. It's nice to finally meet you though. You fine as fuck girl." Raelle gave her a hug next, and Angel smiled at how nice they were, as well as at Raelle's compliment.
"Thank you so much. Y'all are so sweet. Roman talks about y'all all of the time." She pushed her hair over her shoulders to get it out of her face while being let go from their hugs.
"You should hear how this boy get over you. He more delusional than me." Raelle shook her head as she went back to the couch to grab her phone, and Angel smiled, looking over at Roman.
"You knew that already. Don't even know why you lookin' at me." He shrugged before wrapping his free arm around her, and she playfully rolled her eyes.
Kaiya was being held in his other arm, and she hadn't said anything to Angel, nor had she looked away from her. The mug that rested on her face was scarily identical to Roman's resting one.
"I don't think she likes me." She spoke quietly to Roman, unable to be heard by Faye and Raelle due to the sound coming from the TV.
"What you frowning for fat girl? Quit being mean." Roman kissed the side of her face, and she wrapped both of her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.
"Who is she?" Kaiya asked him in a whisper, though Angel could still hear her.
"My girlfriend. She look pretty?" He asked, and Kaiya nodded her head, looking over at Angel again.
"You live here now?" Kaiya's eyebrows curiously furrowed, while Angel's rose.
"Oh, no. No, I have my own house. I just spent a night yesterday." She told her with a small smile, glad that she didn't appear to be upset anymore.
"I like your hair." Kaiya then complimented her, causing her smile to grow bigger.
"Angel, do you have time to stay for lunch? I'd love to talk more with you." Faye pulled off the oven mitts she wore, walking towards where she was standing.
Roman smiled as Faye took Kaiya from him, and then pulled Angel along to go stand near the stove with her. Her body was no longer tense and her smile was natural instead of forced, letting Roman know that she was now comfortable.
He knew they'd like her, and it relieved him for that to be confirmed. At first he was hesitant about bringing her around because he didn't want her to meet them and then end up leaving him in the near future, but he had a feeling that Angel would be staying around for a while.
Well, at least he hoped she would. He wasn't about to stress over it though. Angel was teaching him to live in the moment instead of worrying about things that probably would never even happen, so right now, he was more focused on enjoying the moment of all of his girls currently talking together in the living room.
He loved them.
Y'all met y'all man family yet?
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