"Daddy!" Kaiya shrieked in excitement, running towards him as fast as she could with her backpack and lunch pail in tote. Her laughter was loud as he picked her up from the ground and spun her in a circle, and then he kissed all over face which made her giggle some more.
"Wassup baby? How was school?" He walked with her to his truck; he'd driven the Cadillac Escalade V today since he had planned to go pick up groceries once the girls were out of school.
"It was good and Ms.Walsh made birthday cake cookie cups 'cause it was Logan's birthday." She referred to one of the moms from the parent-teacher association group:
"Yeah? Ain't that the lil' boy you like?" He put her in her carseat in the back, shaking his head at the sight of her blushing. She pretended like she didn't know what he was talking about, waving him off.
Some people would probably call him dramatic for still putting his seven year old in a car seat when Kaiya should've been in a booster seat by now, but Roman didn't care. His daughter was always comfortable, had a cup holder and a tray to eat, and a connected USB port for her iPad. They wouldn't be getting rid of this carseat for another year or two.
Plus, a regular booster seat provided little to no safety if they were to get into a wreck, God forbid. The carseat that Kaiya had now was made out a material that was supposed to be uncrushable, and it was anti-escape as well in case something ever did happen.
Roman let the backseat window down so that Kaiya could continue telling him about her day at school, and he leaned against the side of his truck, waiting for Raelle to come to the car.
She was always late after school because for some reason she had to tell every single one of her friends goodbye before she left. She had a bunch of them, too. Roman didn't mind waiting for her though. It wasn't like he had anything better to do.
"Bye y'all!" Her voice made Roman pick his head up, and he smiled, seeing her running to the car the same way that Kaiya did. Some things never changed, and he loved that.
"Roman!" She laughed as she was picked up off of her feet too, being held effortlessly in the air by her big brother.
"You getting big girl. I won't be able to pick yo' fat ass up soon." He chuckled, placing her in the passenger seat of the truck after opening up the door.
"Heyyyy Ray Ray fine ass brother!" Roman heard a few different girl voices from across the parking lot where his sister had just left from, causing Raelle to bust out laughing.
Her friends were something else.
"Lord hammercy'." He shook his head, and both Raelle and Kaiya laughed as he walked around the truck to get in on his side.
"Those lil' girls need they ass whooped. Matter fact, all of 'em do 'cause why one of Ky friends gon' tell me I'm so handsome like she ain't really just eight years old?!" He was truly concerned about what had happened when he first pulled up to get Kaiya, and it only made Raelle laugh harder.
He had always been hesitant about accepting compliments from women in general despite knowing he was overly attractive, but the young girls at Kaiya and Raelle's school really creeped him out, but in a humorous way. They were in way over their heads.
"Oh, Roman, look. I need you to sign this and pay for my cheer stuff please." Raelle reached to grab a permission slip out of her backpack, passing it over to him.
"I pay for this shit every year. You'd think they'd just let you get in for free now. You been on the same team since you was a freshman." He shook his head, talking about the cheer team that Raelle was now captain of. She had been co-captain last year, and the senior captain of course graduated so now the spot was hers.
Usually, the total balance he ended up paying for the entire season was around $2,500, and he normally just paid it all in advance so that he wouldn't have to worry about accidentally missing a payment. It was about time for his sister to get a job though, because geez.
The balance included her multiple cheer uniforms along with the pompoms, two cheer bags, three pairs of shoes, hair bows, end of the year photos, plus a percentage of gas for their away games. The team also went on at least two out-of-state trips each season that was included in the balance as well.
Kaiya, Roman, and Faye never missed one of Raelle's cheer games. She ran long distance during the track and field season too, and they didn't miss those competitions either. Roman loved that she was getting that full high-school experience and would be there to support her every step of the way.
"Yeah, we going to Orlando this year. It's in March, right before track start. You coming with me or you gon' have work?" She asked him, sliding her crocs off so that she could put her feet in the seat.
"We gon' come. You know I'll quit before I miss yo' shit." He held his fist out to her, and she gave him a fist bump with a smile on her face. She loved her big brother.
"Daddy that's where Disney World is! Oh-em-gee! Can we go when we go to her game, pleaseeee?" Kaiya asked from the backseat, her attention being taken away from the iPad.
"Maybe. We'll see what yo' grades lookin' like around then." He looked at her in the rearview mirror, and she smiled, knowing that was basically a yes.
"Raelle make sure you tell Ashley to let me know if some of the girls can't pay the whole balance so I can write a check to the school." He told her, glancing down at his phone.
This would be his second time doing that, and he wished he would've started earlier. There was always a girl or two on the team that couldn't do everything that the other girl's could because their parents couldn't afford the full registration balances, and he remembered being a kid like that back when he played basketball in high school.
He knew firsthand how bad of a feeling that was, and since he had plenty of extra funds, he didn't mind taking some weight off of those parent's shoulders.
"Okay. Where we 'bouta go? The store?" She asked, seeing him miss their usual turn and instead head towards the Walmart Supercenter.
"Yeah. Nana made an online order so you ain't gotta worry 'bout walking around, lazy ass." He glanced over at her, and she laughed, shrugging her shoulders.
He pulled up to Walmart less than ten minutes later, and parked in the designated parking area for pick-up orders. Then he pressed a button on the Walmart app that let the clerks know that he was parked outside.
"Guys I have to pee." Kaiya kicked the back of her seat lightly, and both of them looked back to see her holding her middle area while doing a small dance.
"I have to take her don't I?" Raelle looked over at her brother, and he nodded his head, making her huff.
"Let me get some money so I can buy us some Subway." She held her hand out, and Roman rolled his eyes. He reached down in his pocket to pull his wallet out, giving her a twenty dollar bill and a ten too.
Soon enough he was left in the car alone, and his phone buzzed with an iMessage notification a few seconds later. The contact that the message came from put a smile on his face-a koolaid one, as his Nana liked to call them.
Angel had edited her own contact name on their last date because she said he had it too boring with just her name and a simple blue heart. Now, there was a bunch of random emojis added to her name, and he smiled every time he saw it.
He clicked on her contact name after hearting her message, and pressed the button for FaceTime instead of a regular phone call. He missed her face.
The last couple of weeks had been so good with her, he couldn't believe how much progress they'd made in such a short amount of time. Granted he got attached very quickly since she was the first women he'd taken an interest to in such a long time, but she didn't seem to mind at all.
Over the course of almost three weeks, Roman had taken her on a date at least every two days or so. They had been really simple dates like going out to eat, to the mall, breakfast in the mornings, and he still visited her at the cafe at night when he got off of work.
She had planned three of their dates on her own too. One was to go feed the ducks at the lake, another was the aquarium, and the last was a hibachi restaurant. They had been having so much fun together, the most fun Roman had experienced in a while.
"Hey Roman. Why you look so happy?" She chuckled, matching his smile once their call connected.
"'Cause I missed you. You ain't call me when you got home last night like you said you would." He leaned back in his seat, taking in the appearance of her fresh face.
"I know, I'm sorry. I fell asleep when I got out of the shower."
"You good mama. You look pretty. What you doing right now?" He asked, seeing that she seemed to be getting ready for something.
"Thank you. I just have to go to the bank with my Nana real quick so I put something simple on. I don't think I like how these jeans fit though." She turned to the back to show him the gap from how the jeans fit against her waist.
Angel's figure was never really shown off because she wore loose fitted clothing more often than she did tight, so every time Roman happened to really take a look over her body, he would get surprised all over again.
He had seen pictures of her, her older sister, and their mom, and the genes definitely ran in the family. Angel's shape was so subtle from the front, and then she turned around and her ass was the only thing that could be seen.
"I like 'em. You gon' wear those when I come get you ina lil' bit?" He asked, thoughtlessly running his tongue over his bottom lip.
"I don't know. Where are we going?"
"How 'bout the movies? We ain't been there yet." He suggested, glad that he hadn't blanked on date ideas so far.
"Okay. Yeah, if you like the jeans I'll wear them. I just have to button them differently so that they fit better." She unhooked them from the actual hole, and instead pulled it through the first belt loop to make the waistband tighter.
Roman looked away from the phone after hearing a tap on his back window, and he popped the trunk so that the Walmart employee could put the groceries back there for him.
"Baby I'm 'bouta drive home so I'ma talk to you later, aight? Just text me when you back home so I can come pick you up." He told her, seeing Kaiya and Raelle now walking out of the store.
"Okay. Bye Roman." She waved at him in the camera with a smile on her face, causing him to smile too. She was always either smiling or frowning. There was no in between. He loved it.
"Bye pretty." He waved back at her, and she ended the call just as the backseat door opened.
"Nigga been smiling mad hard for these last few days. Keep on, yo' jaw gon' break." Raelle climbed in the front after buckling Kaiya in the back.
"Shut yo' lame ass up." He rolled his eyes at her at the same time that his trunk shut, and he backed out of the parking lot shortly after.
Roman sprayed a few pumps of cologne of his wrists and then lightly dabbed some on his neck before putting the top back on the glass bottle. It was Angel's favorite scent on him so he had begun to wear it more often, and he hoped he wasn't overdoing it with the same consistent smell.
He was dressed in camouflage designed cargo pants and a gray Gallery Department tee shirt, and he decided to go with a pair of regular white air forces since he couldn't figure out which shoes in his closet would match his outfit best.
"Daddy when you gon' come back? Why can't I go with you?" Kaiya came into his room with a frown, just as he was about to walk out.
"'Cause you got school tomorrow and it's almost yo' bedtime baby." He picked her up, listening to her huff in annoyance while holding on to his shoulders.
"You can stay up a lil' longer wit' GG, aight?" He kissed her cheek as he carried her downstairs, and that made her face light up. She hated when it was bedtime.
"Okay. Will you be back soon?" She held his face in her small hands, holding a natural resting expression that was identical to Roman's.
"Ion know. I'm grown though. Stop clocking me." He chuckled, and she playfully rolled her eyes as she was placed on the living room couch.
"Stay out as longgggg as you please. Maybe come back with my new granddaughter, yeah?" Faye spoke from the kitchen, and he smacked his lips, earning a laugh from her.
Roman was able to leave around ten minutes later, and he texted Angel to tell her he was on the way to pick her up. The closer he got to her house, the more nervous he became, as if they hadn't previously been on a bunch of dates together.
He loved the way she made him feel. There wasn't one specific emotion that he felt with her either, he just 'felt' in general. He hadn't connected with a woman like this in a long time, and every day he prayed he didn't fuck up somehow. He had faith in himself though.
The two of them were moving at their own pace too, and he knew that was playing a part in how well it was going. Neither of them were rushing the other to make a move on anything, and Angel was probably more thankful for that than he was. He was so sweet to her and was always making sure that she was comfortable with whatever they were doing.
Everything was going good so far. Roman couldn't wait to see how it would play out for them in the future.
"You ain't gon' give me no hug or nothin' Mulan?" He called her by her middle name once she tried to get in the car through the door he was holding open for her.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug, and his slid around her waist, pulling her closer.
"You okay?" His hand rested on the small of her back, and she nodded, letting the hug linger.
"Sometimes I just forget that I have to touch you within two minutes of seeing you or you'll literally fall out and die." She said, laughing at the fake annoyed expression that graced his face.
It took them half an hour to get the movie theater due to traffic, but they didn't mind the extra time spent in the car together because it gave them more time to talk about their days with each other.
When they finally made it to the admission booth, they got tickets to see the newest Avatar movie and then headed to the concession stand to get some snacks to last them for the four hour movie.
"I can get whatever I want?" Angel asked Roman, who stood behind her with his arms locked around her waist.
"Always. You ain't gotta ask that."
"Thank you kind sir." She put her hands over his, following his gaze across the neon white board to see what they wanted to get while he chuckled at her words.
They ended up getting two jumbo pretzel hot dogs with cheese, a large size of buttery popcorn, two snicker bars and a box of sour patch kids. Angel also got a large Dr Pepper while Roman opted for a Sprite.
After getting their food, the two of them walked to room seven where the lights were already dimmed but the previews were still playing. The actual movie probably wouldn't start for another few minutes.
"Can I put my legs on you please?" She lifted up the center console blocking them from touching before he even answered, smiling once he pulled her legs across his lap.
"You be acting like youn' like being touched but you really clingy as hell." He told her with a sly grin, putting some popcorn in his mouth.
"I am not clingy it's just uncomfortable dangling my feet over this seat, so, be quiet. And stop eating the popcorn, the movie haven't even started yet." She flicked his bottom lip, and he laughed, swatting her hand away.
"This shit mad long. You gon' be mad if I fall asleep?" He looked over at her, giving her a fair warning now because it was bound to happen.
"No. I'll tell you all about it when it's over if you do." She wiped the residue of some butter from the side of his mouth, and then she reached up to kiss his cheek.
The smile that plastered on his face could've really ripped his cheeks, and he was surprised that it didn't. That was her first time making a fully affectionate move on her own. Usually he was the one who just gently kissed her cheek, and she smiled every time he did it but never returned them.
He liked small steps of progress like that. It showed him that she was growing more and more comfortable with him with each day that passed.
Chapter six and still no kiss or sex scene??????? We doing so good! LIKE FR WHO LET ME COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🐽🐽🐽🐷
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