blair looked up at john b taking a sip of his beer, while also standing on a roof. the girl shook her head at him. john b then began to balance on one foot.
"that's what a three-story fall to the deck?" pope questioned, standing next to blair as he looked up at his friend. "i give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." he added, turning the drill in his hand on and off while he spoke.
"do what you want, but don't die." blair shook her head again.
john b put his finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. "should i do it?"
"oh my, god." blair whispered to herself.
"yeah you should jump." pope answered. "i'll shoot you on the way down." he held up the drill at john b.
blair looked over at jj and shook her head with a smile, he gave her a warm smile back, shrugging his shoulders.
"you'll shoot me?" john b asked, making gun fingers back down at his friends. "i'll get you too blair."
"excuse me, i have been telling you to get down." blair laughed.
"pew." he shot at the girl.
then kiara came out of the house. "they're gonna have japanese toilets with towel warmers." she ranted.
"of course they are. why wouldn't they?" jj shrugged.
"this used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, i guess." kiara went on.
"blair and i can't have cold towels." jj said to the girl below him.
"can you please not kill yourself?" kiara asked john b.
"don't spill that beer. i'm not giving you another one." jj shouted out.
blair stood and watched john b just waiting for that beer to drop onto the deck.
"woah!" john b shouted, his beer falling out of his hand. "oh, shit."
"we did tell you." blair teased as his beer spilled out on the deck.
"of course, you did, like right when i told you not to drop it." jj spoke.
"smooth." kiara muttered to blair making both the girls laugh.
"hey, uh, security's here!" pope told the group. "let's wrap it up."
"boys are early today." john b said.
"humpty dumpty, let's roll." jj exclaimed.
blair stood with kiara waiting for the two boys to get down from the roof and scaffolding.
"gary is that you?" jj shouted to the security guard. "good to see you, man."
"yeah you're just asking for it." kiara said to jj as he came over to them.
the pogues began to run through the house to get to the van, the teens began to laugh as they went down the stairs, jj being jj he almost fell over.
"hey, stop!" gary shouted.
blair and jj almost ran into the man, but both quickly swerved him.
"get 'em! they're comin' your way!" he shouted.
one of the security guards tried grabbing jj and blair but they got away easily. "not much of a hugger, man!" jj shouted.
"go, pope!" blair laughed.
"go, go, go, go!" jj added.
they three jumped the fence blair needing a little boost from jj considering she wasn't as strong. blair got over the fence to see pope fall face-first into the grass.
"come on, you." she laughed, quickly helping pope up.
"get up, pope, fatso's coming." jj laughed.
gary tried jumping the fence too, obviously failing. "come here, you little pricks!" he yelled.
"bus is leaving!" john b beeped the horn to the twinkie.
"come on, guys! whoo!" kiara cheered.
blair, jj, and pope all quickly jumped into the van.
"hey, hey!" gary shouted trying to catch up with the van. "hey! hey!" he repeated.
"check out gary, gunnin' for a raise." pope laughed.
"come on, gary!" jj shouted. "wait. slow down." he added.
"hey! you little pricks!"
jj stuck himself out of the van, taunting the man.
"guys, stop! you're gonna give him a heart attack." kiara joked.
jj looked over at blair, a look of 'come join the fun' she smiled moving over to jj and joining in with taunting the man.
jj had a can of beer in his hand. "you're so close!"
"you can do it, gary." blair laughed.
"there you go!" jj threw the can of beer at the man. "they don't pay you enough, bro."
"jj, blair, stop. stop." kiara said, pulling the two teens back into the van.
"oh, come on. that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished." jj replied, still laughing.
the outer banks, paradise on earth. it's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. two tribes, one island.
all right. so first we have figure eight, the rich side of the island. home of the kooks. so, guess where we don't live. and then we have the south side or the cut. home of the working class who make a living busting tables, washing yachts, and running charters. the natural habitat of drumroll please... the pogues.
that's us. pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish, the lowest member of the food chain. okay, so, the downside of pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. but the upside of pogue life? we're ignored and neglected. which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.
first, we have jj. he's my best friend, but i know him as the boy who saved my life, but between us? he doesn't have to know that. that boy is something else, he's an ass sometimes but he has a pure heart. he's about as local as they come. latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. best surfer i know, but he doesn't have to know that either. mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat.
then, we have kiara, or kie as we call her. surprisingly, she welcomed me with open arms and basically became my sister. when she's not saving turtles or listening to marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us. i'm still not really sure why though. so, she's a rich kid, actually. foot in both worlds. her family owns the wreck this outer banks institution. total cash cow with the tourists. i'm still not sure how her parents really feel about the boys, but they love me so that's fine, her mom sorta turned into a mother figure for me which definitely opened up some trauma.
next, is pope, he's the brains of our whole group. he's a finalist for the lucas t. vanderhorst merit scholarship and the smartest person i know. he's a little bit of a weirdo, but everyone has their quirks i suppose. his father's this legendary character, heyward. anything you wanted on the island, heyward could get it for you. now, i'm not sure what heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. he was a pogue, just like the rest of us.
then we have john b. he currently lives on his own, the château, as his dad used to call it. sadly, his dad disappeared at sea nine months ago, looking for some sort of shipwreck. his mom also split when he was three, so we have the bond of our mothers leaving us. he always lets me crash at the chateau which is kind of him, he's a lot like an annoying older brother but i love him for it.
and finally, we have me, blair marley. i moved to the obx when i was fourteen after my mom left us with basically nothing. we had to move from brooklyn, new york so it was quite the change, a drastic one actually. my dad managed to keep his job as a deputy since he was already one in new york. so now it's just me, my dad and older brother james. we manage to make do just like the rest of the people on the cut, it took a while for me to call it home but the pogues made it a lot easier.
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