"Amelia, your behaviour towards the other children has been unacceptable as of late." Sister Mary frowned, "I have reports of kicking, biting, pinching, hair-pulling-" She sighed, "-and the list goes on."
"They deserved it." I spat, my voice laced with malice towards the other orphans.
"Violence is never the answer" Sister Mary snapped, "You have a darkness that lurks within you child."
"...Maybe I am the darkness." I hissed, enjoying the horror that swept across her aged face, as she began reciting prayers from her holy book, an attempt purify me.
Little did she know that the darkness didn't exist,
-Only normal people and crazy people.
I awoke to fragments of yellow sunlight streaming through a window onto my face.
My fingers clasped around the silk sheets that surrounded me as I sat up, clutching them close to my chest.
Where am I?
'Black thorn' My wolf hissed in disapproval.
'Brilliant. Just brilliant' I snapped.
Three sharp knocks on my door brought me back to reality.
"Amelia?" I came Elaine's soft voice, "Amelia are you awake?"
"Yes," I grumbled, "Come in"
The door slid open to reveal Elaine wearing jeans and an baggy blue t-shirt, much more casual attire than the previous day.
"Good morning." She beamed as she pulled open the partially parted curtains, the steady stream of sunlight widening and intensifying, blinding me in the process.
"Can you not!" I growled as I shielded my eyes from the blinding light.
"Sorry" she hummed.
I lowered my arms and let my eyes adjust to the bright light, "What do you want?"
"Breakfast is ready, so you need to comedown and eat with the rest of pack."
"Ugh" I said in disgust, I always hated social gatherings even as a child.
I had always tried to avoid people in general.
Reluctantly I pried myself from the comfort and warmth of the bed, not bothering to make it, and headed to the bathroom to have a shower and get ready.
The warm water cascaded down on my body, relaxing my tense muscles and soothing my wolf, she was on edge about meeting the rest of the pack downstairs.
But there was nothing we could do about it, I guess we had to meet them sometime of rather, it was either that or go without breakfast,
My stomach rumbled at the thought of the impending food.
'There better be pancakes." My wolf grumbled.
I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me and returning to my room I was shocked to see a male figure standing over by my bed.
I cleared my throat and tapped my foot impatiently against the cool marble floor, making the figure turn around to face me, he had dark green eyes and strong, attractive features.
"Oh, sorry" He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck guiltily, "Elaine sent me to drop off some clothes," he stated, holding up a bundle of women's clothes.
His olive green eyes roamed over my towel clad body, and I swear I saw them darken ever so slightly.
His tight white T-shirt, clung to his bulging muscles, that rippled as he handed me the clothes.
"I'm Emmet by the way," he said, casually running a hand through his sandy blond hair.
"Amelia." I smirked back.
"Anyways, I'll leave you alone to change, see you at breakfast?"
After I changed into the clothes Emmet had brought I headed out of my room and down the grande
staircase to where I hoped the kitchen was located.
I was guided towards the kitchen by the distant rumble of chatter emanating from the room that echoed down the hallways.
I entered to see at least ten people sat around a large marble island in the middle of the kitchen, there were several empty places, however I chose the one in between Emmet and Elaine.
I glanced around to notice all eyes on me, making my wolf growl, daring them to look away.
"Take a picture, it will last longer." I spat in the direction on one female in particular who was staring at me with such hatred and malice.
She narrowed her eyes at me and flicked her vivid red hair over her shoulder,
"Who are you?" She said in a bitchy tone, her failed attempt at pleasantries not fooling anyone.
My wolf was having none of this females attitude, she already wanted her head for merely glancing in our direction.
My wolf was strange like that, but I guess that's why I was crazy.
"Someone who's going to beat your ass if you don't quit staring." I said with a smile, returning her glare, causing Emmet to chuckle.
The red head growled and was just about to retort when a lady who looked to be in her mid forties interrupted us.
"Now, now ladies settle down, we don't want any fights before Alpha comes home."
She smiled at me with warm brown eyes, I didn't know what it was, but something about her felt comforting, in a motherly sort of way, she set my wolf at ease.
"You must be Amelia, Elaine has told me so much about you!" She beamed and placed a plate piled high with pancakes and syrup in front of me.
"Yeah... and you are?-"
"-She was the previous Luna so show some respect!" The red head snapped, as she dug into her pancakes, my wolf bristled and a low growl left my lips at her blatant disrespect.
'How dare she!' Hissed my wolf, 'How fucking dare she!'
"Esmerelda, stop trying to cause fights!" Emmet snarled.
So the bitch has a name? Esmeralda.
"Well Esmeralda, if it's a fight you want, just name a time and a place." I smirked at her, leaning back in my chair.
Esmeralda huffed loudly before standing up and strutting out of the room, leaving her half finished food behind her.
Emmet clapped his hands together sarcastically, "Well that went well!"
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