"you dare summon me, lilith?" the dark lord questions his handmaiden as she stands before him in her borrowed body. very pretty airila thought to herself.
airila morningstar stood to the side of the cabin that the woman was using for her mission of watching over sabrina spellman . airila didn't care for the girl and wished she'd just disappear and stop making her life so difficult. she was meant to rule over hell, but now that that sabrina was coming of age it meant she would be able to take over instead.
"you charged me with caring for sabrina, but most recently, three of your kings came to attack her" lilith explained as she dared not make contact with the dark lord.
sometimes airila felt bad for the woman, she had also been promised the throne once upon a time, but even airila knew she had more of a chance of getting the throne before the old witch did.
"who did?" he asked in a sinister voice, one that he had used when caring for airila many times. she has learnt over time it was his way of showing he cared.
"not to worry, they've been sent back to the pit. but they rather cryptically asserted that-" the woman paused taking a gulp "the half- breed must not ascend" she finished.
half- breed, such a nasty word airila told herself. she may not have liked sabrina but it didn't mean she'd ever belittle the girl in calling her such a filthy name. she didn't like sabrina but not cause of her blood-status but because she was getting in the way of destiny. her throne.
the dark lord began to tap his disgustingly long nails against the seat he resided in causing airila to roll her eyes, the girl despised when her father acted like a beast. like he was lesser than anyone else.
"how can i protect sabrina, when i don't know what your plans for her are?" lilith asked keeping her eyes to the mans hooves, not daring to meet his eyes.
"the gates to hell will be thrown open, sabrina will be my herald. my prophet to earth." the dark lord explained causing lilith's voice to quieten down and her eyes to widen.
"she will?" the old witch asked in a shocked and disappointed tone, obviously she hadn't known of the mans plans for the future of hell.
"he's been planning this for 16 years believe it or not, took him some time to tell me aswell." airila spoke after being silent the whole time, the young girl wasn't the fondest of her father at the moment.
"shut up, child!" the dark lord yelled not turning to face his daughter, the girls anger bubbled inside of her as the candles around them began to grow and the room began to grow hotter, she'd never handled her emotions well.
"are you jealous, lilith? you'll still be first amongst women" he said needing the woman's help, the only way he knew to do that was by deceiving her.
"but, dark lord, the girl is... not worthy" lilith sighed out after thinking of the right words. airila knew she wasn't just insulting sabrina but also the dark lord himself, her being his blood and flesh.
airila knew the woman had now passed a line as her fathers claws stuck themselves into the wood of the chair he sat in, small marks now being left to show he was present. an eye roll escaped the teenage girl as she stared at the man who raised her.
"were you worthy, when i found you?" he questioned in an authoritative tone.
"w-what i mean is... that there are limits to how far the half- breed will go for you- she'll balk, for instance, at doing evil" lilith explained holding her hands close to her figure.
"stop calling her a half- breed for hells sake" airila grumbled as she decided to seat herself on the desk beside her father, trying to control her anger.
"evil? that word means nothing to our kind" he exclaimed confused, evil was all they knew. they were from hell for heavens sake.
"ah, but it does to her" lilith quickly contoured in a flat tone not daring to upset the man once again "remember, she's half- mortal"
"i know what she is, lilith. more than you" he challenged the woman. airila let out a small laugh as she heard her fathers words. if only she knew.
"her essential nature, it tends towards the light" the woman's words finally made the dark lords head turn towards his daughter that was actually present. his daughter who had stuck by his side since she had learnt that free-will was a thing.
his claw opened from the arm of the chair blowing out all of the candles in the room and creating a breeze. " just like airila " he grumbled as his daughter didn't look him in the eye but inspected her nails.
she was listening however and knew what he meant, her name being a large indicator. maybe that's why her mother had named her that, maybe she had other plans in mind for her daughter. it was a shame however that she never got to see those plans out, murdered just days after the girls birth and body thrown into the pits of hell to burn with all the other sinners. but her mother wasn't a sinner, she just fell in love with the wrong guy and was left to pay the price.
"we will strike a wager. to discover the true nature of sabrina's soul. good, as the mortal's say. or evil?" he said standing from his chair making the woman in front of him step back.
"and if im right, i will be your prophet, as well as your queen" the woman stated making airila stand ready to protest against the woman's offer.
"no if anyone will be queen before the spellman girl, it'll be me" she argued as the fire place and candles around them were let aflame again.
"and when i am proven right, you'll resume your service to me and never question my will again. and as for you" he said turning towards his daughter "if she fails it'll be between you or sabrina who becomes queen. you will stay and get close to the girl, make sure she changes her mind" he instructed her before disappearing from the room.
"where in the devils name am i meant to be staying then?" airila yelled out knowing her father could slightly hear her booming voices which would pass through realms when wanted.
"the academy of unseen arts" a voice whispered throughout the walls of the cabin that the two woman stood in.
"guess it's every witch for themselves. goodbye lilith" airila spoke to the woman with a straight face before teleporting away to the academy.
amazing how she had changed from all those years ago. now not even offering lilith a smile goodbye, the woman who raised her alongside lucifer. lilith had been there for the girl her whole life but a rift was created between the two when airila turnt fourteen, she realised then that it was either her or lilith who would be able to rule hell. and airila wasn't raised to be a loser, so every inch of love she held for lilith disappeared as quick as a candle being blown out.
"airila. ethereal, extremely delicate and light that seems to be out of this world" lilith whispered to herself as she remembered something she read about the girl the first day she met her. the five year old she met then someone entirely different to the sixteen year old she has seen seconds ago.
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