Next Day | Yulan ⬇️
Yulani groaned in her sleep, hearing a knock on her room door. Jai had took her back home once school got out so that she wouldn't get in trouble.
"Yulani, you missed third and fourth period. Why?" Yasir stood over her bed, and she rubbed her eye.
"After lunch I took a nap in my car but I slept through my alarm. I still did my work though, I'm sorry." She sleepily mumbled, and he nodded his head.
"Start taking yo ass to bed at night." He mushed her head, and she laughed, turning over.
"Baba can you wake me up at 1 if you're here?" She mumbled, and he leaned over to kiss her cheek.
"Yeah baby." He pulled the cover over her, and then walked to close her curtains.
"Thank you." She yawned, closing her eyes and dozing back off.
Yasir pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ear, fixing the pillow she was laying on, then kissing her forehead.
He walked out of her room, closing the door behind him. He made his way to Yulani's room, knocking on the door.
"Come in." Yulan called, and he walked inside, before frowning his face up.
"Ain't yo sister just cleaned yo fuckin' room?" He frowned at Yulan, who smacked his lips.
"This ain't even my room foreal." Yulan waved him off, and Yasir rolled his eyes.
"Dirty ass young nigga. Wassup, what you on?" He asked, seeing him putting his shoes on.
"Finna go to the court wit' Sean nem'." Yulan told him, tying his shoestrings.
"Don't yo flight leave today? Your bag packed?" Yasir rose an eyebrow.
"My sister did it for me. You all in my business stupid." Yulan bucked at him, and he laughed, flicking his forehead.
"If you see mama out there, let me know." Yasir told him, and Yulan met his eyes.
"I thought you didn't care bout' what she was doing." He folded his arms, tilting his head to the side.
"Lani miss her. Ion like seeing my baby upset, even though she be tryna hide that shit." He shrugged, and Yulan nodded, agreeing.
"Ight, I will. Love you." Yulan dapped him up, his backpack over his shoulders.
"Love you too Mugga. Be safe and keep ya eyes open." Yasir kissed his forehead, and he nodded, walking out.
He pulled his keys from his pocket, walking to his car and getting inside.
Throwing his backpack in the passenger seat, he crunk his car up, pulling off.
His phone rung, and he glanced down at it, before groaning in annoyance.
He contemplated answering, before sliding over on the icon, putting it on speaker.
"Yulan where the fuck you been at?" She asked, and he rolled his eyes.
"Janae don't call me on no bullshit man." He said, and she scoffed.
"Oh so now it's bullshit? My homegirl sister babydaddy's cousin Tracy said she saw you with another girl at your last game." She said into the phone, and he rolled his eyes again at the ignorance.
"Your homegirl sister whatever is lyin-oh, the water girl? Man get off my phone with that bullshit Janae. Bye." He hung up, tossing his phone in his passenger seat.
Janae was his 'fling' of the last two months. He would never address her as his girl because she was never and would never be that.
She was the co captain of the cheer team, his twin being the captain. So of course he was often seen with her, you know the head basketball player and head cheerleader role they had to play.
She was cool at first, but then she got really clingy and wild. She accused him of random things, although they weren't together so even if he had done said accusations, he wouldn't be wrong.
He blocked her number after she called four more times, pulling up to the basketball court.
He got out of his car, locking the doors and walking over to the benches where Sean and their friends were.
"Wassup twin." Sean dapped him up, putting his back as he dapped the other guys up.
"Wassgood? What y'all niggas on?" He smirked, before laughing as he caught the ball his friend Jay threw at him.
He dribbled the ball between his legs, walking towards the court.
"2 on 2, let's go Sean." He passed the ball to him as their other friend Adonis held his arms out in front of him on offense.
Sean dribbled the ball down the court, trying to get around Jay who held up a good defense, making Sean laugh.
"Sean I'm open nigga fuck them!" Yulan laughed, juking Adonis as Sean passed the ball to him.
Yulan shot the ball from where he was, scoring a three pointer, and Adonis smacked his lips.
"Fucking show off." Adonis laughed, waving him off as Yulan smiled, shrugging.
The four of them played for about an hour in the warm morning sun, then finally resting to take a break.
"Easy. Y'all niggas suck, y'all know who the goat is." Yulan shrugged, panting as he drunk from his Gatorade.
"First of all, Sean ass cheated. This nigga be traveling like a mufucka'." Jay frowned, and Sean smacked his lips.
"Bitch no I don't. Ball don't be on the ground more than two seconds, get my dick out ya mouth." He waved Jay off, who rolled his eyes.
"Fruity ass niggas." Adonis chuckled, sipping from his water.
"What y'all think about that corna' sto' up by 92nd?" Sean asked, and Yulan rolled his eyes, knowing where the conversation was heading.
"Shid I'm down. Niggas barely get customers up there anyway, it a' be easy." Jay shrugged, and Adonis looked over at Yulan who had slight irritation on his face.
Yulan was starting to hate how every time they hung out, Sean wanted to go and get into some trouble. Yulan was trying to stir away from that, but somehow he always ended up tagging along.
"Nah, I think Ima sit this one out. Gotta go babysit my lil sista'. Say Mugga, can I catch a ride home?" Adonis asked, wanting to keep him out of trouble.
"Yeah, I a' catch up wit' y'all on the bus." Yulan walked off, hearing the two of them smack their lips at him.
"Ain't tryna get into that today?" Adonis chuckled, walking on the side of him towards his car.
"I never am." He sipped the rest of his gatorade, before throwing it in the trash, unlocking his car doors.
He got inside, waiting on Adonis to do the same, before pulling off.
"Start speaking up Za. Youn gotta get into no shit youn wanna be in." Adonis told him, scrolling on his phone.
"Shit ain't that easy. Ion wanna be the only lame." He mumbled, his eyes on the road.
"Staying out of trouble don't make you lame. You the only one who going somewhere foreal. You gone let them niggas take yo draft away Yulan. Better keep yo fuckin' head on straight." Adonis said, and Yulan rubbed his temples, nodding in agreement.
"You really gotta babysit?" Yulan asked, switching the subject.
"Nah. Keeping you out of trouble." He chuckled, posting the picture he'd took yesterday on his Instagram.
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don10x : Handsome hustler. 🖤
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"Ion need yo help stupid." Yulan chuckled, parking in front of Adonis' complex.
"Sure you don't. You coming inside?" Adonis asked, and Yulan looked over at him, shaking his head no.
"You ain't fucking wit' me today?" He tilted his head, and Yulan leaned over, softly kissing his lips.
Adonis gripped his neck, his tongue sliding in Yulan's mouth as the kiss deepened.
Yulan pulled away, chuckling as Adonis sucked his bottom lip.
"I gotta go get my sister for the trip. Ain't got time to be caught up with you right now." Yulan mumbled, and Adonis nodded in understanding.
"I love you." Adonis kissed his jaw, and he chuckled.
"Chill out baby ima see you in a few, yeah? For the trip. Ima ride wit' you." Yulan told him, and Adonis nodded, pulling his seatbelt off.
"I love you too Adonis." Yulan said, seeing the small mug on his face, watching it disappear.
"You better. Hurry up and go get her, I'm tryna be wit' you." Adonis stepped out of the car, and Yulan chuckled, nodding.
He watched Adonis walk in his breezeway, and after a few seconds, he pulled off, heading back home.
Don and Yulan had been messing around for about 9 months now. Adonis coming on to him first, of course.
Adonis wasn't really openly bi, but if you knew, then you knew. And the people around him knew. Yulan, however, was strictly into girls with the exception of Adonis.
He didn't know what it was that attracted him towards Don, but he didn't try to fight it either. He didn't care about labels or judgement, if he like Adonis, then he liked Adonis.
That didn't mean he told anyone though. Nobody knew about the two of them, besides them two.
Yulan didn't want Yasir to know about them. That was the only reason they weren't public.
He didn't care if anyone else found out about him being with Don, but he just was afraid on how Yasir would react, so he kept it to himself.
Yulan pulled in their driveway, getting out of the car and locking his doors. He pulled out his phone, seeing it was 12:48, and the bus was leaving at 2:15.
He walked in the house, before raising an eyebrow seeing his mother passed out of the couch, bruises over her face.
He closed the door behind him, walking to Yulani's room and walking inside.
"Get up Lani we gotta go." He tapped her awake, and she inhaled, stirring in her sleep.
"You know what happened to mama?" He asked as she sat up.
"Hm? She's here?" She mumbled, and he nodded.
"She got her ass beat by somebody. Ima go ask Baba. Get up though." He said, and she nodded as he walked out of her room.
He walked downstairs, knocking on Yasir's door, before walking inside once granted permission.
"What happened to mama? Where you find her at?" He asked as Yasir counter money at his dresser, per usual.
"Her ass was in Irisville. Getting pimped out at Motel 6 man, Dorian brought her home." Yasir shook his head, and Yulan fought back a laugh.
"That shit ain't funny dickhead." Yasir chuckled, and Yulan released his laugh.
"She is so silly for that." He sarcastically spoke, and Yasir laughed, nodding.
"Get yo lame ass on. Y'all finna go?" Yasir asked, wrapping a rubber band around different stacks of cash.
"Yeah, I'm waiting on Y-." Yulan was cut off as Yulani walked inside.
"Come on, we're gonna be late." She frowned, and Yulan chuckled.
"Waiting on her baldheaded ass." He finished, and Yasir laughed as she smacked her lips.
"Y'all be safe. Yulani call me." He held out money to both of them, and her face lit up as she grabbed it.
"Preciate you Santana. Lani I'm in the car." Yulan jogged up the stairs to go get his bag.
"Thank you baba." She hugged around Yasir's neck in a tight hug, making him laugh.
"You welcome baby. Be safe ight? I love you." He kissed her forehead, and she smiled.
"I love you too Yasir. I'll call you soon. Bye!" She waved, running up the stairs, and he chuckled.
Yulani looked down at the stack of money, counting through it. He'd given her $3,000 yesterday, and this stack counted out to $2,500.
She loved Yasir. He came through for her every time no matter what, without her asking.
"Twin you ready?" Yulan rolled his mini suitcase out, and she nodded, pointing to her large duffel bag on the ground.
He grabbed it, and she followed him out the door, locking it behind them.
He loaded their bags in his car, and then they got in. He made the 10 minute drive to their school, where the bus was waiting for them.
"You riding with Syd?" He asked, stepping out of the car with her.
"No. With Jai." She mumbled, and he nodded, spitting Jai's black hellcat parked a few spots away from them.
Yulani had told Yulan about her and Jai the night she'd gotten a 'whooping' by Yasir. He was happy that she was happy, he didn't care who she was with or where they were from.
"Ima ride wit' Don. I ain't finna be on that funky ass bus." He shook his head, carrying her duffel bag, and she laughed as Jai emerged from his car.
"Wassup twin." Jai dapped him up, and Yulan patted his back, before passing him Yulani's bag.
"Wassup Jai. Take care of my baby nigga." Yulan said, and Jai chuckled, nodding.
"See you in a few hours. Love you." She mumbled, hugging Yulan, who kissed her forehead.
"I love you too. Y'all be easy." He jogged away, and Yulani wrapped her arms around Jai's neck.
"Hi handsome." She smiled big as he hugged around her waist, leaning over to kiss her lips.
"Wassup baby. You look good girl." He gripped her ass in his hand, and she laughed, making him smile.
"Boy I got on sweats and a tee shirt." She smiled, and he shrugged, kissing the side of her face.
He put her bag in his backseat with his, before opening the door for her. She got inside, and he walked around the car, doing the same.
The two buses with the cheerleaders and the basketball boys pulled off, with a few student cars following behind, including Jai's.
He wasn't apart of the tournament, he just wanted to take the trip and spend time with Yulani.
"I missed you baby." He glanced over at her as he drove, and she smiled.
"I just saw you yesterday." She said, and he waved her off, making her laugh.
"I missed you too. I wanna fuck." She mumbled, and he chuckled.
"You lose your virginity and start wylin'." He shook his head at her, and she laughed.
"You made me feel so good it was crazy. We can do it again when we get to the hotel?" She innocently smiled, and he looked over at her, smirking.
"Yeah lil slut ass girl." He licked over his lips, and she laughed again, sitting up in her seat.
She slid her sweats off, letting her seat back and folding her feet in the seat.
"Lemme see." He tapped her leg, and she chuckled, spreading them.
"I like these." He rubbed the band of her laced brown panties, his thumb running down her slit.
"Thank you baby." She leaned over, kissing his jaw and he smiled.
"I love you." He told her, reaching in his backseat to grab the blanket he kept for her, putting it over her body.
"I love you too Jai."
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