Later that night.
Yulani laid awake in her bed, staring at the wall. It was currently 2:37am, and she was wide awake, her mind running a million miles per second.
She had two things on her mind. Jai, and her brother Yasir. She'd made it home a few hours ago without nobody realizing she'd been gone, thankfully. She really enjoyed the two hours she'd spent with Jai.
He had really good company, it was new. She still didn't know if she would fully pursue him because she knew Yasir would never approve of it.
No matter how many times she argued with him, if he didn't approve of something, she wouldn't do it. He was like her father, whether she wanted to admit it or not, and she would never do or say anything to make him feel disrespected.
She sighed, standing up from her bed, her socks hitting the ground as she drunk from her Gatorade. She sat it back down, quietly walking out of her room.
She walked towards the front of the house, seeing her mother passed out on the couch, and she rolled her eyes.
She turned on her heels, walking downstairs to the basement, softly knocking on it.
"Come in." She heard Yasir call, and she inhaled, before opening the door. She closed it behind her, seeing her brother laying in his bed on his phone.
He looked up, before his face softened seeing her crying. He held his cover up, and she sniffed, climbing in his large bed with him, laying in his embrace.
He rubbed her back as she softly cried, her arms wrapped around him.
"No matter how upset you get with me, don't tell me you hate me Yulani. I do everything I can to make sure that you good mama. I know sometimes it might feel like I'm picking on you or something, but it's never like that. I j-I don't want you to grow up so fast Kairi." He told her, and she sniffed, wiping her face.
"I know I'm hard on you, but I just want what's best for you. You my baby and I don't want nothing happening to you. I'm just tryna raise you to be better than me. That's why I want you to wait on doing adult shit, like a car, job, tats."
I want you to be young for as long as you can, because once you get grown foreal, ain't no playing no more. I just want you to enjoy being a kid." He rubbed her back as she silently cried.
"I don't hate you. I'm sorry Santana." She mumbled, wiping her face again.
"I just think it's so unfair how Yulan gets to do everything I want to do. You treat me different just because I'm the only girl and I hate that Yasir, foreal. I'm not a kid anymore whether you like that or not, and you have to let me-find me."
"I keep all my grades up, I never get in trouble or any of that. It's not fair that Yulan does all of that and you barely ever get on to him." She rambled, looking down at her hands.
"I just want you to let me out. I'll be 18 in four months. It's time to let me go, just a little bit Ya." She mumbled, and he sighed, holding her closer to him.
He rubbed her back, staring at the wall as he let what she said sink in. He wasn't ready to let her go, he didn't know if he ever would be.
"I'm sorry Yulani." He rasped, and she let out a low sigh, knowing it'd be harder for him to accept this than she thought it would.
She closed her heavy eyes, dozing off in her brother's embrace.
Yasir looked down at her after a few minutes, pushing her hair behind her ear, and turning to lay on his back.
He loved both of his siblings with everything in him, but Yulani had been the closest to him since he could remember.
Yulan had always been his own person, he never really listened to rules or authority from anyone except Yasir. He had a good head on his shoulders, he just got himself in with the wrong crowd at times.
But Yulani had always followed exactly what Yasir told her. She looked up to her big brother, even though he hadn't made the greatest decisions before.
Yulani kept the house clean, she usually did the grocery shopping and clothes shopping for her brothers, she cooked, and she always helped Yulan with his homework and whatever else she could do-she did it.
Yasir was the only father figure she'd ever known, and she'd never ever disrespected or disobeyed any of his rules. He definitely knew that he needed to let up on her, because she was a great kid, and he needed to give her more credit for the things she did.
Even knowing all of that, he still wasn't sure if he'd be able to let her go. The streets were crucial, and ready to snatch any innocent soul up, and he didn't want that to be her.
He'd protect and shelter her with everything in him, for as long as he could. He knew it was time for her to grow up, but he wasn't ready.
7 hours later. | 9:00am
Yasir's alarm went off, and he groaned, throwing his arm over his eyes.
He reached over, feeling around for his phone, before grabbing it and hitting the power button.
He opened his eyes, before sitting up, Yulani no longer next to him. He grabbed his phone, squinting his eyes at the brightness.
He smiled, texting her back, before locking his phone. He stood up from his bed, stretching, feeling his muscles snap in place as he groaned.
He walked in his bathroom, pulling his sweats down to pee. He cleaned himself off, washing his hands and then brushing his teeth.
He got dressed in a pair of black jeans, a white tee shirt and black Balenciaga sneakers. He sprayed cologne on himself, before looking in the mirror at his hair.
He needed his cornrows redone asap. The only person he let in his head was Yulani, so he'd have to ask her to do them when she got out of school.
He grabbed his phone, stuffing some money in his Jean pocket, and grabbed his backpack. He jogged up the stairs, locking his room door.
He looked at the couch, seeing their mom, Skye, smoking a cigarette as she watched Law and Order on the TV.
"Ma you good?" He asked, his natural mug resting on his face.
Although he had a deep hatred for his mom, she was still family, and he would take care of her regardless, no matter the terms they were on.
"Nigga is you good?" She retorted, and he rolled his eyes, walking to the kitchen.
"Need to get yo own shit and get yo grown ass out my damn house." She said from the couch as he warmed his plate up.
Paying her no mind, he watched the plate in the microwave revolve in a circle as the food Yulani made him warmed up.
"All you do is sit on yo damn ass, running drugs in and out my shit." Skye fussed, now in the kitchen with him.
"You just like yo dumbass daddy. And you gone end up just like his ass too." She told him, and his jaw clenched as the microwave beeped.
"All y'all. Yo fast ass sister, and yo dumb ass brother." Skye clicked her teeth, and he continued to ignore her, grabbing the plate from the microwave.
Yulani had made him a turkey and cheese omelette, with a side of sweet white rice and smoked turkey sausage.
"Get a damn house Yasir Santana. Get yo lazy ass out my shit, you hear me?" She walked back to the couch as he headed for the door.
He chuckled, walking out of the front door and closing it behind him. He used his key to lock it, before walking towards his car.
Yasir drove a platinum colored 2021 Nissan Maxima, decked out with black rims and dark black tint.
He hated luxury looking cars, he liked the sleek and clean look of Nissans, so as soon as he could, he got himself the newest one.
He was thinking about getting a new car, and gifting his to Yulani for Christmas. He knew she deserved it, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
He ate his food as he drove, finishing the plate within a few minutes. He chuckled as he looked at his surroundings, before tossing the plastic plate out the window.
He grabbed the water bottle he brought, taking the cap off and sipping from it as he parked in front of one of his acquaintance, Baylo's house.
He got out of his car, locking the door, making his way to the front.
He knocked, and a few seconds later, Baylo swung the door open, looking up at him, and a smile graced her face.
"Wassup girl?" He leaned over, wrapping his arms around her, his hand gripping a handful of her ass.
"Hey Santana." She smiled, hugging around his neck. She gestured him inside, closing the door behind him.
Baylo was a 22 year old, brown skinned girl that he'd been messing around with for about three months.
He'd met her once when he took Yulani to her hair appointment, she was Yulani's stylist.
He took her out on a date a few days after that, and that same day they had sex. He didn't want a relationship with her, in fact-he didn't want anything from her besides sex.
She was a sweet girl, but he wasn't really looking for nobody to settle down with yet. He had different priorities, and as of now, a girlfriend wasn't one of them.
"I missed you." She held around his neck as he picked her up, carrying her to her room.
"I missed you too girl." He laid her down, pulling his shirt off.
"Have you ate today? I should've called to make sure before I came." He said as he took his shoes off.
"Yeah, I ordered Waffle House. You all in my business." She smirked, and he chuckled, climbing between her legs.
Already knowing what he wanted, she grabbed his face, bringing his lips to hers in a kiss.
His tongue slid in her mouth, gripping her neck as she moaned, making his dick harden.
"Mhm, take this off." He pulled the large shirt she wore from over her head, before pulling his sweats down some.
He slid a condom down his shaft, and she bit her lip in anticipation as he rubbed his dick down her slit, trying to help lubricate her lower half.
He pushed inside of her, and she moaned, immediately clenching around him.
"Let me in." He leaned to kiss her neck, and she hissed, relaxing her body.
20 minutes later.
"You not staying?" Baylo asked, watching as Yasir tied his shoes.
"Nah Lolo, you know that girl." He chuckled, grabbing his shirt from the floor, and she lowly sighed.
He turned, seeing a small frown on her face as he pulled his shirt over her body.
"I gotta go get Lani from school. I'll call you later aight?" He leaned down to kiss her cheek, and she wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug.
"Okay." She said quickly, kissing his lips after seeing the money he sat on her dresser.
That was another reason he couldn't see himself officially being with her-she was a gold digger
She had a good head on her shoulders, but she never asked about him, and it seemed like whenever they weren't having sex, she had an attitude-until he gave her money.
He chuckled, walking out of her room, and then out of her house. He decided to go home and take a nap until Yulani's practice was over, not feeling like being on the block today.
A few hours later.
Yasir sat in his car, parked in front of Yulani's school, waiting on her to come out.
The parking lot was near empty since school had gotten out at 2:10, and it was currently 5:07. He kept his eyes on the block, before switching back to the front building.
He scrunched his face up seeing a large man, who stood at about 6'5-the same height as him, wearing all black, and he was gripping Yulani's ass as she held around his neck, kissing him.
His frown deepened as the boy's hand slid lower on her, resting between her legs, and Yulani's hand on the waistband of his sweats.
Yasir emerged from his car, taking quick strides to where the two of them were, snatching them apart.
He immediately swung on Jai, catching him off guard, before Jai swung back, both of them throwing hard hits.
"Yasir stop! Oh my fucking god Jai move." Yulani tried pulling them apart, watching Jai's lip bleed, and Yasir's nose leak.
Yulani was able to snatch them apart, holding tight around Yasir's torso.
"Jai just go, please. Please." She looked at him with soft eyes, and he licked over his teeth, glancing at Yasir once more, before walking off.
"Yulani get yo ass to the fucking car! Now!" Yasir rose his voice at her, and she tried not to cry, making her way towards the car.
Yasir threw his fist hard into the front door of the school, watching the glass shatter as rage seeped through his body.
"Fuck. Fuck man." He shook his hand, trying to calm himself down.
He couldn't get in the car with Yulani as angry as he currently was, he would probably snap her neck.
Who is that? Where did he come from? She has a boyfriend? A hundred different questions ran through his brain.
He clenched his jaw, walking over to his car, getting inside and pulling off.
He could hear her trying to silence her cries as he drove towards the house, his leg shaking.
After a silent 10 minute ride, he pulled in the driveway. He got out the car, walking around to her side and opening the door.
"Get the fuck out." He rasped, and she sniffed, holding her duffel bag close to her, getting out of the car.
She followed him inside the house, walking towards her room, frustratedly wiping her tears from her face.
She sat her bag down, about to close her room door, before Yasir roughly pushed it open, making her step back.
"Give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn't beat the fuck out of you Kairi." He gritted, and she'd never heard so much calm anger laced in his voice.
"A-Kairi, are you having sex with that nigga?" He lowered his stern tone, and she was trying not to literally burst into tears.
"Fucking answer me!" He yelled at her, and she flinched, wiping her face.
"No." She mumbled, her voice shaky.
"Oh you wanna talk quiet now? You just had his fucking tongue down your throat, you wasn't crying and shit then, were you?!" He was now standing in front of her, his large figure towering over hers.
"Baba I-." She started, and he cut her off.
"No! You don't get to fucking talk Yulani. Who the fuck d-little girl I will fucking kill you. Do you understand me?" He grabbed her up by her neck, and her breath hitched.
"Answer me Yulani!" His voice sounded out through her room, his grip tightening on her.
"Yasir what the f-." Yulan walked in her room, attempting to pull him off of Yulani.
"Get the fuck out before I beat yo ass next. Go!" He angrily spoke to Yulan, who shuddered in slight fear from the anger in his voice.
"Santana get your hands off her man, come on, she our little sister bruh." Yulan frowned at him, before he was grabbed up by his shirt and pushed out of the room.
Yasir slammed the door, locking it behind him, his hand still around Yulani's throat.
"You lying to me? Did you fuck that nigga Yulani?!" He gritted, and she tried regulating her breathing.
"I didn't Yasir." She cried, and he let her neck go, watching as tears streamed down her face.
He stepped back, snatching his belt from his waist and walking towards her, and she immediately frowned.
"Yasir w-." She started, before crying out as his belt swung hard at her skin.
"You not fucking grown Yulani. Do you fucking understand me?!" His belt swung hard with each word, as she cried loudly, trying to get out of his grip.
"Yasir! Yasir open the fucking door!" Yulan yelled from outside of her door, Yasir ignoring him as well as Yulani's cries, continuing to swing his belt at her body.
"Listen to me, you don't get to do what the fuck you want Yulani. You are not fucking grown! I pay all the fucking bills, you listen to the rules I tell you! You are not grown!" He gritted at her, holding her arm tightly as she cried, her chest heaving up and down.
"You're seventeen! You are not fucking grown Yulani Kairi. Do you fucking understand me?!" He tightened his grip on her.
"Yes." She cried, her normally fair colored face, now a dark shade of red.
"No more fucking cheer, you only leave this house to go to the fucking mailbox and back. Not to the fucking store, not to your friends house, not to any of the fucking games, nothing. And shut the fuck up with that fucking crying!" He yelled at her, and her cries silenced, slightly choking on the lump in her throat.
He roughly let her go, walking towards the door and swinging it open, pushing past Yulan.
"Yulani." Yulan's voice cracked as he immediately rushed to his sister's side.
"He hit me Yulan. Oh my god he-oh my god." She sobbed, and he held her tight, silent tears falling from his eyes.
He rubbed her back as she cried loudly in his grip. Yulan had never seen his brother so angry before.
Yasir had never put his hands-or any other item-on either of them. He barely rose his voice at them, so this came as a complete shock.
Yulan carefully picked her up, and she held around his neck as he carried her to the bathroom.
Yulani continued crying, uncontrollable tears falling from her eyes as he started some hot bath water for her.
He looked under the sink for the epsom salt he usually used after games when his body was sore, sprinkling some into the bath water.
Careful of her bruised skin, he undressed her, picking her up and placing her in the tub as she cried, dark bruises visible on her body.
He could see red and light purple welts forming on her light skin, and he sighed, wiping his face.
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