A week later.
Yulani's leg shook as she tried to remain awake, sitting in the chair next to Yasir's hospital bed.
Yulan was on the side of her, his head laying on her shoulder, asleep.
She hadn't been able to get much sleep. The last week had been the worst week of her life, she was was so overwhelmed.
She found out that the night Yasir was fatally shot, Jai was arrested shortly after for the attempted murder charge, being caught with the gun-trying to flee the scene.
She'd never felt so heartbroken and betrayed in her life. She could hardly believe it when Yulan had told her.
She'd been with Jai for going on half a year, and to think that this whole time he'd been using her to get closer to her brother, just like Yasir had warned.
So many questions had repeatedly flooded her mind for the last week. Was any of it real? Did he love her? Was this her fault? Could she have prevented this?
All left with blank answers. In a way, she knew it was her fault. If only she'd listen to the first warning Yasir had gave her, he wouldn't be in a hospital bed fighting for his life.
Yasir was shot six times, and it was a miracle that he even had a slight chance at living. He'd slipped into a coma during surgery, too much blood lost.
The doctors told the twins that he had a very slim chance of staying alive, and if he did make it, it wouldn't be the same as before.
He was in very critical condition, but the doctors had done all they could. It was up to his body on if he'd make it or not.
With each day passing, the chances were becoming slimmer and slimmer. His condition was either worsening or remaining the same.
Yulani couldn't believe that this was real. It felt like a nightmare that she wanted so badly to wake up from.
No matter how many times her and Yasir got into it, he was her best friend. There was no one in her life like him, he was everything to her.
Her father figure, her older brother, the first man she ever loved. She loved her brother with everything in her.
Even though he was hard on her, she knew it was tough love. Yulani was his whole world, and it was vice versa.
She felt so bad that she'd finally thought she'd found love, just for him to betray her and damn near kill her brother.
She hadn't left Yasir's side since he'd been admitted, unable to fathom the thought of going home and Yasir not being there. The chance that he'd never be home again had her sick to her stomach.
Yulan, on the other hand, didn't even know how he felt nor how to handle his emotions.
Dorian had told him about Jai being the one who attempted to kill Yasir. When he received the news, he didn't know how to handle it.
His sister's boyfriend who he knew she was in love with, had attempted-and came very close-to kill their older brother.
He was trying to be there for Yulani, but it was like she wasn't even there. Her body was next to him, but Yulani wasn't.
She hadn't spoken a word the past couple of days. All she did was cry. She'd ate a few times after Yulan had to force her, and took showers. That was it.
She didn't sleep, she didn't do schoolwork because she didn't care. The only thing on both of their minds at the moment was Yasir.
He laid in the hospital bed, connected to many machines, tubes running in and out of his body as his heart machine beeped steadily.
To add on top of what they were going through, their mother had been locked up as well for trafficking over a pound of cocaine.
They knew she was probably holding for her pimp, and to be honest they didn't care. She hadn't been sentenced yet, but she was facing ten years at minimum.
They didn't care. At all.
Yulani looked down as her phone rung, and she rolled her eyes, seeing the number that read 'Wayne County Jail', the jail Jai was placed in as he waited for trial.
She sniffed, slowly sliding the answer icon, placing it to her ear. He'd called her at least twice a day since it happened, and she had yet to answer.
"You have a collect call from 'Jai Smith' at 'Wayne County Jail'. To accept this call, please press one." The answer machine spoke, and she pressed one, getting out of her seat.
"Yulani, I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." His voice rasped through the phone, and she covered her mouth as she tried not to cry out, sitting on the bathroom floor, her back against the door.
"How could you Jai? Are you fucking serious?" She cried, and his heart broke as he ran his hand down his face.
"Baby you don't und-." He started, and she cut him off.
"No! There isn't shit to understand! You tried to kill my fucking brother Amir. There isn't shit that could excuse what the fuck you did to me. I have never-Jai I would never hurt you like this. I would never." Her voice cracked, and he blinked back tears, his jaw clenching.
The line went silent on both ends, both of them consumed in their own thoughts. Yulani sniffed, before speaking again.
"Don't call me no more. You chose your side, you can die there." She wiped her face, ending the call.
It was time for her to take accountability of what she'd done. She was the one who brought Jai around, it was partially her fault in why her brother was almost shot to death.
She was done with Jai. There was no way or reason she'd bring him around again or get back with him. This was something that he couldn't back from, ever.
She sniffed as she stood up off the ground, opening the bathroom door.
Yulan stood on the other side, and she looked up to meet his eyes.
"You okay?" He asked softly, and she pouted, before breaking down.
"I know. I got you baby." He wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed on his chest.
"I hate him so much. Why would he do this to me?" She cried, and he sighed, rubbing her back. He hated seeing her upset.
"Yasir could d-die. And it's all my damn fault because I brought this dumbass nigga around. Baba told me not to! He told me not to, a-and I did it anyway." She sniffed, her cries short as she tried to focus on her breathing.
"It's not your fault Yulani don't say that." He picked her up as she cried, holding around his neck.
"Yasir knows what comes with being in the streets. He tell us all the time, you live by the gun, you could die by the gun. What happened is nobody but Jai's fault. It's not yours, and it's not Yasir's. Jai was behind the gun, not you. This not on you baby, you understand me?" He rubbed her back, and she sniffed, nodding her head.
"It's not your fault." He mumbled, rocking her in his arms as he slowly paced the room.
"I love you Mugga." She sniffed, and he kissed her cheek.
"I love you too Kairi. Go to sleep please." He said, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing his ear as she closed her heavy eyes.
Yulan continued rocking her in his arms, walking back and forth. Within a few minutes, he could hear her quiet snores, no longer rubbing his ear.
Now that it was just the two of them, it was his responsibility to take care of his sister. He wouldn't let Yasir down.
"I got you Kairi."
Y'all be asking for updates the same day I drop 15 chapters for y'all. I hate y'all, suck my ass 🙄
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