[imhaa to your muse]
"Just go!"
"That was the POINT!"
"You'll be ripped apart~"
"Go to the Fun Room!"
"Time for electroshock therapy!"
"It's going to hurt. A lot."
"Follow me and you'll never know pain."
"Kill them all."
"Quit squirming!"
"Hold out your hand."
"Let's be friends."
"You're mine now and I won't let anyone take you from me."
"Prove your loyalty."
"This is gonna hurt~"
"I'm not gonna kill ya... I'm gonna play a game with you!"
"Do ya like games?"
"This is exactly what I wanted."
"I've been looking for you for so long!"
"This is going to take a while."
"Either you do it, or I will!!"
"They all fall down."
"I got lotsa fun knowledge in this head of mine!"
"You think that the world is so simple, good, evil, always fighting, you'll never understand, the good never understands! Where ever they go, whatever they do, evil is right there, looking over good's shoulder, always ready to kill whatever good they create."
"I'll stick you like a pig!"
"My claws are made of solidified acid!~"
"This is gonna sting."
"You shouldn't have done that."
"You'll meet with a terrible fate."
"Welcome to my asylum!"
"We're gonna have so much fun!"
"You will know pain."
"Bring me sacrifices!"
"You've been slacking."
"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."
"How's it feel?"
"You're so damn weak!"
"You want it back? WORK FOR IT!"
"I won't hurt you if you just keep your mouth shut."
"They'll never see you again."
"I have a task for you."
"I have finally hunted you down."
"I'll enjoy this."
"I'm gonna take my time with you."
"Perhaps killing you wouldn't be the best course of action."
"What's wrong? Ancient monster got your tongue?"
"I didn't mean to hurtcha... I meant... TO KILL YOU!!!"
"You're gonna run and scream. They alwaaaysss screeaaam..."
"This is the part where you run."
"You don't scare me."
"I am the abomination!"
"It was me the whole time."
"I don't even need my powers for this~"
"I'll bathe in your blood and gore."
"Wakey, wakey, or get breaky, breaky'd!!"
"I've been watching you sleep."
"Shhhh... If you scream... I'll cut one of your arteries..."
"You'll slowly bleed out."
"You're new!"
"Oh, I like you already!!~"
"Eat up! Who knows when you'll get food again!"
"It's beautiful."
"Nothing better than a good chase!"
"Gets the heart racing, doesn't it?!"
"Ever see a spider the size of Buckingham Palace?"
"You're gonna be here... foreeeverrr..."
"You make me laugh!"
"Dance for me... I SAID DANCE!!"
"I'm going to take one of your limbs."
"Aren't you just a beauty?"
"Fight for my amusement!"
"Hold still and it will all be over soon."
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